THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS ISIMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION ATTENTION THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If Ifyou you are are in inany any doubt doubt as asto tothe the course course of ofaction action you you should should take, take, you you should should consult consult your your stockbroker, stockbroker, bank bank manager, manager, solicito solicitor, r, Ifaccountant youaccountant are in or any orotherTHIS otherdoubt professional CIRCULARprofessional as to the courseadviser adviser IS IMPORTANTof immediately. actionimmediately. you should AND take,REQUIRES you should YOUR consult IMMEDIATE your stockbroker, ATTENTION bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other professional adviser immediately. IfBursa youBursa Malaysiaare Malaysia in any Securities doubtSecurities as Berhad to Berhad the takescourse takes no of noresponsibility action responsibility you should for for the thetake, contents contents you ofshould ofthis this Circular, consult Circular, yourmakes makes stockbroker, no norepresentation representation bank asmanager, asto toits itsaccuracy solicitoaccuracy orr, or Bursaaccountantcompletenesscompleteness Malaysia or and other Securitiesand expressly expressly professional Berhad disclaims disclaims takesadviser any noany liability immediately.responsibility liability whatsoever whatsoever for the fo rfo canyontentsr any loss loss ofhowsoever howsoeverthis Circular, arising arising makes from from noor orduerepresentation due to toyour your reliance relianceas to itsupon uponaccuracy the the whole whole or completenessor orany any part part of andofthe the contentsexpressly contents of disclaims ofthis this Circ Circ ular.anyular. liability You You should shouldwhatsoever rely rely on on foyourr your any own lossown evaluation howsoeverevaluation to arisingtoassess assess thefrom the merits ormerits due and toand risks your risks ofreliance ofthe the Prop Propuponosedosed the Mandate wholeMandate orBursaas anyasset set outpartMalaysia out in of inthis the this SecuritiesCircular. contents Circular. of Berhad this Circ takesular. no You responsibility should rely foron yourthe c ontentsown evaluation of this Circular, to assess makesthe merits no representationand risks of the as Prop to itsosed accuracy Mandate or ascompleteness set out in this and Circular. expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or due to your reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this Circular. You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and risks of the Proposed Mandate as set out in this Circular. UEMUEM EDGENTA EDGENTA BERHAD BERHAD UEM(Company(Company EDGENTA No. No. 196301000166 196301000166 BERHAD (5067-M)) (5067-M)) (Company (Incorporated (Incorporated No. 196301000166 in inMalaysia) Malaysia) (5067-M)) UEM (IncorporatedEDGENTA in Malaysia) BERHAD (Company No. 196301000166 (5067-M)) (Incorporated in Malaysia) CIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS IN IN RELATION RELATION TO TO THE THE CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS IN RELATION TO THE CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS IN RELATION TO THE (A)(A) PROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWAL RENEWAL OF OF EXISTING EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE MANDATE FOR FOR RECURRENT RECURRENT (A) PROPOSEDRELATEDRELATED PARTY RENEWAL PARTY TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONS OF EXISTING OF OFSHAREHOLDERS’ A AREVENUE REVENUE OR OR TRADING MANDATE TRADING NATURE; NATURE;FOR RECURRENT AND AND RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE; AND (A) PROPOSED RENEWAL OF EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR RECURRENT (B)(B) PROPOSEDPROPOSED NEW NEW SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE MANDATE FOR FOR ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL RECURRENT RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE; AND (B) PROPOSEDRELATEDRELATED PARTY PARTYNEW TRANSACTIONSSHAREHOLDERS’ TRANSACTIONS OF OF AMANDATE AREVENUE REVENUE FOROR OR TRADING TRADINGADDITIONAL NATURE NATURE RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE (B) PROPOSED NEW SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATE FOR ADDITIONAL RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE TheThe Notice Notice of ofthe the Fifty-Seventh Fifty-Seventh Annual Annual General General Meeting Meeting (“ 57(“57th AGMth AGM”) ”)together together with with the the Proxy Proxy Form Form are are available available for for download download from from TheUEMUEM Notice Edgenta Edgenta of theBerhad’s Berhad’s Fifty-Seventh(“UEM(“UEM EdgentaAnnual Edgenta General” or” orthe the Meeting“Company“Company (“57”) th”)website AGM website ”)at: togetherat: with the Proxy Form are available for download from UEMhttps://www.uemedgenta.com/investhttps://www.uemedgenta.com/invest Edgenta Berhad’s (“UEM Edgentaor-relations/reports-publicationsor-relations/reports-publications” or the “Company”) website. .at: The Notice of the Fifty-Seventh Annual General Meeting (“57th AGM”) together with the Proxy Form are available for download from https://www.uemedgenta.com/investor-relations/reports-publications. th th UEMAsAs part partEdgenta of ofthe the Company’sBerhad’s Company’s(“ UEMinitiatives initiatives Edgenta to tocurb” curb or the the the spread“ Companyspread of ofCOVID-19, ”)COVID-19, website theat: the 57 57 AGM AGM would would be beheld held entirely entirely via via Remote Remote Participation Participation and and th th Ashttps://www.uemedgenta.com/investVoting Votingpart of(RPV) (RPV)the Company’s facilities. facilities. The initiatives The venue venue or-relations/reports-publicationsofto ofcurbthe the 57 the 57 AGMspread AGM isof isstrictly COVID-19, strictly for for .the thethe purpose 57purposeth AGM of ofcomplyi would complyi beng ngheldwith with entirelyArticle Article via68 68 ofRemote ofthe the Constitution ParticipationConstitution of and ofthe the VotingCompanyCompany (RPV) which which facilities. requires requires The the the Chairpersonvenue Chairperson of the of 57 oftheth theAGM meeting meeting is strictlyto tobe bepresent forpresent the at purposetheat the main main of venue complyivenue of oftheng the meeting.with meeting. Article No No shareholders/proxy(ies)68shareholders/proxy(ies) of the Constitution of from the from CompanyAsthethe partpublic public of which willthe will Company’sbe requires bephysically physically the initiatives presentChairperson present atto theat curb theof Broadcast the theBroadcast meetingspread venue. venue.of to COVID-19,be present at the the 57 mainth AGM venue would of the be meeting. held entirely No shareholders/proxy(ies) via Remote Participation from and theVoting public (RPV) will befacilities. physically The present venue atof the the Broadcast 57th AGM venue. is strictly for the purpose of complying with Article 68 of the Constitution of the CompanyDateDate and and timewhich time of requiresofthe the 57 th57 AGMtheth AGM Chairperson of :the: meetingFriday,Friday, 26 to 26 Junebe June present 2020 2020 atat 3.00atthe 3.00 main p.m. p.m. venue of the meeting. No shareholders/proxy(ies) from the public will be physicallyth present at the Broadcast venue. DateBroadcastBroadcast and time Venue Venue of the of ofAGM57 AGM AGM :: : Friday,TheThe Grounds, 26Grounds, June 2020Level Level at 3.0012, 12, p.m.Menara Menara UEM, UEM, Tower Tower 1, 1,Avenue Avenue 7, 7,The The Horizon, Horizon, BangsarBangsar South South City, City, No. No. 8, 8,Jalan Jalan Kerinchi, Kerinchi, 59200 59200 Kuala Kuala Lumpur Lumpur BroadcastDate and time Venue of ofthe AGM 57th AGM :: TheFriday, Grounds, 26 June 2020Level at 3.0012, p.m.Menara UEM, Tower 1, Avenue 7, The Horizon, LastLast date date and and time time for for lodgement lodgement of ofthe the : : BangsarWednesday,Wednesday, South 24 City, 24 June June No. 2020 2020 8, atJalan 3.00at 3.00 Kerinchi, p.m. p.m. 59200 Kuala Lumpur BroadcastProxyProxy Form Form Venue of AGM : The Grounds, Level 12, Menara UEM, Tower 1, Avenue 7, The Horizon, Last date and time for lodgement of the : Wednesday,Bangsar South 24 City,June No.2020 8, at Jalan 3.00 Kerinchi,p.m. 59200 Kuala Lumpur ProxyTheThe Proxy Form Proxy Form Form must must be becompleted completed and and depos depositedited with with Tricor Tricor Investor Investor & &Issuing Issuing House House Services Services Sdn Sdn Bhd Bhd at atUnit Unit 32-01, 32-01, Level Level 32, 32, LastTowerTower date A, A,andVertical Vertical time Business for Business lodgement Suite, Suite, Avenueof Avenue the 3,: 3,Bangsar BangsarWednesday, South, South, 24No. No.June 8, 8,Jalan 2020 Jalan Kerinchi, at Kerinchi, 3.00 p.m. 59200 59200 Kuala Kuala Lumpur Lumpur or or the the Customer Customer Service Service Centre Centre TheProxy Proxy Form Form must be completed and deposited with Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd at Unit 32-01, Level 32, Towerat atUnit Unit A, G-3, Vertical G-3, Ground Ground Business Floor, Floor, Suite, Vertical Vertical Avenue Podium, Podium, 3, Bangsar Avenue Avenue South, 3, 3,Bangsar No. Bangsar 8, Jalan South, South, Kerinchi, No. No. 8, 59200 8,Jalan Jalan KualaKerinchi, Kerinchi, Lumpur 59200 59200 or Kualathe Kuala Customer Lumpur Lumpur Service not not less Cless entrethan than th th atTheforty-eight Unitforty-eight Proxy G-3, (48)Form Ground(48) hours must hours Floor, beforebe before completed Verticalthe the time time andPodium,set set fordepos for the Avenue itedthe 57 57with AGM 3,AGM TricorBangsar or orany Investor any South,adjournment adjournment & No. Issuing 8, thereof. Jalanthereof. House Kerinchi,Altern AlternServicesatively, atively,59200 Sdn
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