University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-10-1920 Deming Graphic, 08-10-1920 N. S. Rose Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/deming_headlight_news Recommended Citation Rose, N. S.. "Deming Graphic, 08-10-1920." (1920). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/deming_headlight_news/1342 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V. 4 V' THE BEMIHG GRAPESEC VOL. XVI NO. 4S THE DEMLNG GRAPHIC. TI'ESDAY, AIW8T 10, 120 Debt PagM riVB CENTS THE OOPf CALL FOR REPt BLICAN MRS. CORHETT8 SENTIMENTS FACTORIES STATE CONVENTION SKIT. 7 ARE WORTHY OK 1IKR GIFT CAB l GOV. COX FILES ANSWER MASCOT OIL CO. A delegate convention of the Itcpiih-llcan- s Frank Kimball was In from Ills of tin Htate of New Mexico, Is farm last Haturday. OPEN LASTOF MONTH hereby called to meet at Albuquerque, K. Hollgnac was transiting huiuexx New Mexico, on the 7lh day of Heptem-- 1 Governor Cox formally accepted hla 1st rat ion railroad control and the In the city bixt Haturday. TO DRILL NEAR HERE 1st, A. I), lir.t), at twelve o'clock noon noniliiatioii for the .presidency on tlie wolildy Mexican policy, Mrs. John Corls-t- t made a gift to the or the aald day, for the purpose of .democratic ticket at hla boine in tb speech, partiiailarlly those parts Iteming library of fit), transmitting candidate for Presidential ton, Ohio, laxt Haturday. I.Ike hut relating to taxation, Increase of Mill-bl- e the ceheck with the following laudlble Manajrer Osborne Say be experts a Members of congress and tlie poiient, Senator Harding, he exprexaea utnd, farm orxanlxation, banking and public spirited sentiments: Kuii !eal dosed Last Saturday Whereby of Approximately 12,000 different district attorney and stute gratitude thut he la to lie lilx party's and oilier economic problems, pie-sent- a Iteming. Aug. 5, iVM. ' the Los Angeles Organization Is in the Two Plants. officials; aud for such other mutters standard bearer; but with all Dear Mrs. Hoffman : Jesse me U tiiw that constructive and conservative told Drill With Ninety Day that may come before the aald Conven- agreeinnet censes, (iorermir Col has view. Tlx- - partisan condemnation of how badly the library needed money, tion. taken up the cudgel for the treaty of cougress can be passed over as merely and thut It might have to he closed. ACREAGE SMALL NEAR DEM1NU The following nominations to be Versailles with Its league of ua lions, a ouitcrxxluu to convention and hublt. I feel so badly alxiut It, ax I think it made : siilmtuntlally without reservation! and Governor Cox thinks it is remurkuhle Ix one of the most beneficial Institu- LOCATED WEST OK THE CITY 3 Cundldtea for Presidential electors. he undertakes to ahow thut the reptile that Senator Harding did not dwell on tions we have. We have all enjoyed It 1 Candidate for Keprexeutatlve to the lican psrty In pledged by Its candidate the military victory over Germany; so much, I certainly hois something World-Famou- Bulk of the s Mimbrea Hlxty-Hevent- y CongreHa of the Culled to the destruction of the league coven- hut It might he aald with equuly force may turn up to come to its rescue. Aiigelus Well Will rioUry Rig; Valley Prodiirt Will be Canned In States, for term of two years. ant, I Ot the lie devotes more than a third of that It is remarkable that the demo- enclose u check, hoping It may help Florida WeH In Oil Sam! HiMkdule plant Tula Season. 1 Candidate and for Justice of the Supreme his ieeu to the matter. Considering cratic nominee dUd not see fit to men- some. I would like to make it more, Una When Casing Collapses lourr. or ine mute or Mew Mexico, the Importance of domestic problems, tion so Important institution as the but am unuble to at this time. I prob- for the term of eight years. tula might In considered a weakness. arniy and uav.v which must guard the ably 'nil spare more later on. TIm tomato cunning season will open 1 Candidate fur Governor, for the term Governor Cox, like his opponent, very peace that has n won. He did men- With love, I remain, The Mascot t Doming and Hondale the hitter part of two years. neatly sidestepped the wet and dry tion disarmament In connection with Your trul v. Oil Company of Los An- " geles, of IIiIn uioiitli. Tlie canning factories 1 Candidate for Lieutenant Governor Issue, though his "wet supporters are a defense of the league of nations, am) KATE F. COKHETT. Culif., is the latest to enter the the term of two years. to In i'xal field. A deal was closed lust ... are being prepured liy Manager R 1. for rexirted feel encouraged that their It cull Implied thut the governor 1 Candidate for Secretary of State, for candidate is In favor light Suturdiiy between A. W. Poliurd, trus- nlMrie for a run of alxiut 12,00u cases or wines and does not sufficiently realise tlie need ORATORICAL TREAT of the farooua Mlmhres Valley pro. the term of two years. beer. of preparation for war lu time of tee for lessees, aud Oscar Roberta act- ing for duet. The greater part of the. output 1 Candidate for Htate Auditor, for the Ijiw enforcement, woman suffrage, peace. His "scare" paragraph about the oil coiupuuy whereby acre- S. Cuiiiuiiugs'sxcli at age was granted to re- will lie from the H(MiiJule factory, an term of two years. campaign funds, cost of living, profit- the terrible gas and genus 'n' every- Homer the the company in 1 IieiiMx-riiti- convent Inn in Hun Francis- turn for the drilling there In very little acreage lu tomatoes Candidate for Htate Treasurer, for eering, radicalism, federal taxation, thing shows a very childish conception of a well to be near Iteming this aeaxou. the tertuof two years. Americanization of aliens, agriculture, of war, war machines and uietliisls. co Is now Iwing recognized ua the most started within the next nluety days. 1 complete to all Interrogations The acreage is located The returui from tomatoea hare been Candidate for Attorney General, for and reclamation of arid In mis, Mexican The youngest soldier of the world wur answer west of tlie city very satisfactory, a touch the the teruiof two years, ' ixillcy, know that defensive measures always regarding the soundness of DcnHsrat-1- c alxiut five miles. The amount of land but of lulxir and capital, transporta- acquired by wilt discouraged Diuny 1 Candidate for Superintendent of tion, shipping more than keep puce with offensive policies and particularly the achieve- the oil company was not has farmer and child labor, are made public. and the splendid factory equipment la Public Instruction, for the temr of principal points covered. measures and losses on a percentage ments of president Wilson's adminis- The materials for the two years. less In days tration that has been delivered before exploration work will be Immediately not being used as it wait hoped It would There can be no don Id hut that Pres- hauls are tslay than the .be. Mr. Osborne waa hoping that the 1 Candidate for Commissioner of Pub- of ' llnuimble. Otherwise the allies any audience anywhere since Jnmex M. assembled and the work will start well ident Wilson and his personal follow- com- within lic liiids, for the term of two years. Polish-Sovie- t Cox's nomination. It Is a politlcul the required period. tomato ludiiHtry could be well estab- ing are delighted with tlie stand taken wonld certainly settle 1 Candidate for Corporation Commis- deadly gus pendium which every Hcinoorat should This makes the third well to test tlie lished, and that machinery could be by Governor Cox lu defense of Ver- trouble with that new sioner for the term of two years. the memorize ax it furnishes the sinews nil possibilities of tills vicinity. Al- procured to can other productH, xuch sailles treaty and the league of nations. aud the murderous germs which the The comities, shall In en- Is-e- for unanswerable arguments. District ready the Florida well has tupped aa string beaux, aweet potatoea and different So democratic nominee says have oil. titled In the Htute Convention to one fur that mutter are republicans Attorney Vaiiglit called the attention hut I too shallow to ohtuiu a large other produce from the vine that grow every opinion discovered. One wonders If be can real- delegate for every twenty votes, or a of almost shade of from of the Iiemix-ratl- nominee's meeling to flow. Tills well is not far from the no well in till section. The hois la mild rescrvHtlonixt to "bitter ender" ly believe these, wild press stories thut fraction of over tun, bused on the vote u this particular Ciimmlngs speech and lurge pool, it is thought. Just now the allll expressed that the value of the opponents of the covenant in any form. were 'old Jokes in France more than canning Industry will aome duy be cast for the Republican cuudidute for year ago. udviscd ull to HK.MI It and I'SK it. drilling is suspended awaiting equip- Governor at the election held in The democrats who believe with their The Columbus Courier will In the near ment to recover tools lost In the well.
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