Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes John Stanley 22bs, -1899- For the past 11 years James Miller Armstrong, Callahan, '24med, is a prac- ' 196a, has been a partner in the oil firm of Yeager ticing physician in Wilburton. Dr . Callahan is a 50th Class Reunion and Armstrong, Midland, Texas. Previously he had member of Phi Beta Pi, medical fraternity, and June 5, 1949 been a geologist with the Prairie Oil and Gas Phi Delta Theta Social Fraternity. Company. -1904- Alta Bellrnon Blakely, '196a, has been teaching -1923- 45th Class Reunion home economics in the Broken Arrow High School June 5, 1949 for the past eight years. Col. C. Guy Brown, '23ba, is executive officer of Morris L. Wardell, '19ba, David Ross Boyd the IX Air Service Area Command with head- 1909- professor of history at the University, has been as- quarters at Tinker Field, Oklahoma City . 40th Class Reunion sociated with the history department for the past Tully Nettleton, '23journ, is the author of a June 5,1949 14 years. Dr. Wardell, started his teaching career series of ten articles entitled "Church, State, and Elva McFerron Gittinger, '09bm, ' 12ba, is spe- in 1912 at Geary High School . In 1914 he was School" which appeared last April in the Christian cializing in the teaching of reading in the Kendall an instructor at the Panhandle Agriculture Insti- Science Monitor. The articles are being reprinted in school of Tulsa. She received her Master's Degree tution, Goodwell ; 1915, he was principal of Guy- booklet form by the Beacon Press, Boston, Massa- from Columbia University in 1943 . nion High School ; 1919, principal Pawhuska High chusetts, the publishing agency of the American School, and in 1922 he was a teacher at Central Unitarian Association. _1910- High School in Tulsa. Dr . Wardell received his Lynn Riggs, '23, is author of a new play Ferdi- Master's Laura J. Mauk, l0ba (Kingfisher), is now teach- degree from Harvard University in 1922 g;is Primitive, which began production August 3 ing in the Japan Biblical Seminary in Tokyo. She and his Doctor's Degree in 1930 frorn the Univer- at Ridgefield, Connecticut. Formerly of Claremore, sity of Chicago. He was one of six selected by the was interned in Tokyo for four years during the Riggs wrote Green Grow the Lilacs, play upon Carnegie Corporation in 1939-40, to war while she was teaching in a Bible school in study prob- which Oklahoma! was based. The new play is laid lems in higher education in the U. S. Tokyo. She is a missionary of the Evangelical and abroad . in Oklahoma in 1910, deriving its name from the Ile was listed in Who's Who in United Brethren Church . America, Directory Verdigris River. of American Scholars, Leaders in Education, and Daniel Freeman Stough, '23ba, '246s, '27med, is -1912- Who's Who in American Education . Dr . Wardell practicing medicine in Geary, Dr . Stough is a mem- is active in historical societies and associations in ber of Fraternity . Carl Brown, '10-'12, is making his home in Ar- and Acacia the nation, Oklahoma the southwest. lington, Virginia, since his retirement four years Cassie Martin Shoemaker, '23ba, '27h .ec, is mak- ago from the American Legion . ing her home in Oklahoma City where her hus- ~1920 band, Harold Adam Shoemaker, is a professor of -1914- Eloise Reid Thompson, '20ba, has a collection pharmacologv at the University School of Medi- of approximately 1,500 cine . 35th Class Reunion pictures of wild flowers which she has painted. The collection has been June 5, 1949 on exhibition many times during the Paul R. Mills, '14Ph.C ., is president and general past few ~1924- years. manager of the Cameo, Inc., in Houston, Texas. Dr . Jesse Goldfedcr, '206a, '226s, 25th Class Reunion He has been a partner in the firm for the past two '24med, is an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist in June 5, 1949 years. Mills claims the distinction of having gradu- Tyler, Texas. ated from the Wetumka High School in 1913 and Marguerite Giezentanncr, '24ba, has been em- received a pharmacy degree from the University ~1921'-- ployed as a librarian with the Quarrie Corporation one year later in 1914 . Ted M. Beaird, '21ba, executive secretary-man- in Chicago, since 1944 . She is a member of Phi and Fred J. Hansen, '141-aw, and Mrs. Hansen, the ager of the University of Oklahoma Association, Mu, Mortar Board, was winner of the Letzeiser former Charmian Elizabeth Simpson, '146a, '20ma, has been appointed by Governor Roy J. Turner as Award. are making their home in Oklahoma City where chairman of the Committee on Driver Licensing For the past 20 years, William Ferguson Sockler, Hansen is employed as the first assistant attorney for the Highway Safety Conference to be held '24ph.g, has been a retail general of Oklahoma . Ile is a member of Sigma December 13 and 14 in Oklahoma City . The Com- druggist and partner in the Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Mrs. Hansen is a mittee has as its primary duty the exploration of RexallDrug store atGarber . member of Delta Delta . Delta Sorority Three of present operations and contributions that driver Previously he had been em- the Hansen children are attending the University . licensing is making to traffic safety . It will develop ployed as a pharmacist They are Richard F., Daniel George, and Rosa- ways and means of improving examinations, con- with the Walton Drug mond Ruth Liggett. Another son, David John, trolling the negligent driver with a bad record, and store in Kingfisher, the is at home. encouraging the reporting and use of traffic con- Courtney DrugCompany in -1916- victions to the drivers license division . Lamont, and the Vinson Since 1920, Walter S. Carper, '166a, has been Chester L. Armstrong, '21Law, was elected presi- Drug Company in Clare- in the real estate, loan and insurance business . At (lent of the Kay County Bar Association at a meet- more . At the University, present he is living in Cleburne, Texas. ing September 10 in Ponca City . Sockler was a member of Rev. John K. Montgomery, 216a, is now resid- Kappa Psi and the Apothe- ~1917 ing at Natick, Massachusetts, where he is pastor cary Club . Mr . and Mrs. William Ross Gahring, '17Ph.G, '23ba, '24ma, of the Fisk Memorial Methodist Church . He serves W. 1". SOC%LER Sockler have two sons who has been employed as owner and geologist with the New England Conference as chairman of the are attending the University, Charles William and the Ross Oil Company of Shawnee for the past committee on accepted supply pastors and as a David Lee. Another son, James Allan, is a junior 15 years. Prior to that time, he worked as dis- member of the Board of Ministerial Training. in high school and plans to enter O.U . after his trict geologist for Marland Oil Company and Continental graduation . Oil Company. He is an alumni of -1922- Sigma Chi Fraternity . Ruth Stanford, '24ed, '36m .ed, has been princi- L. E. "Jap" Haskell, '22geol, has been appointed pal of the elementary school in Pryor for the past _19191- assistant general agent for Tulsa and eastern Okla- I1 years . 30th Class Reunion homa for the Aetna Life Insurance Company. Helen Columbia Beauchamp, '24ba, is the chief June 5, 1949 Byron R. Gayman, 226s, 24med, has been prac- social worker at the Veterans Administration Hos- Dr . Allison Roy Hancock, '19med, is now in ticing medicine and surgery in Muskogee since pital in Brecksville, Ohio . She has held the position charge of a hospital in Gladewater, Texas. 1931 . for the past three years. Margaret Maude Forbes, '196m, Norman, is Robert M. Bass, 22, former varsity football play- Forrest LeRoy Stratton, '24bs, '26med, has been teaching in the fourth grade on the Crow Indian er at the University, is in the contracting busi- practicing medicine for the past 22 years. At pres- Reservation in Montana. ness in Kilgore, Texas. ent he is making his home in Kilgore, Texas. NOVEMBER, 1948 23 Claude Carson Smith, '24ma, has been a profes- Charles A . Recd, '266a, '29tns, '48Ph.I), special Alpha Phi Sorority, Beta Sigma Chi, and is librarian sor of history and political science at the University instructor in the department of physics for two of the Oklahoma County Law Library. Ballard is a and of Nevada, Reno, since 1929 . years, recently accepted an associate professorship member of Phi Beta Kappa Order of the Coif . Herman Birchard Stinson, '24bus, has been di- in physics at Clemson State College, an agricultural They are at home in Purcell. vision auditor for the Southwestern Bell Telephone engineering school in Clemson, South Carolina . Dr . James 11 . Hodges, '29rn.cd, '31Ph .D, is listed Company in St . Louis, Missouri, for the past six Ile was a member of Sigma Xi, honorary society in the 1948 edition of IF ho's 11'ho in American years. Mrs. Stinson is the former Eva Burke, '24 . for graduate students ; Sigma Pi Sigma, physics Education . Ile is principal of Kendall School in For the past four years, Harold Monroe Thorne, honor society, and Pi Mu Epsilon. Tulsa. '24eng, has been working W. L. "Bill" Kygar, '266us, former assistant as engineer in charge of oil manager of production and drilling, has been made -1930- Oil Company shale research and develop- assistant manager of the Continental Dr . Ralph W. Hubbard, '306s, '42tned, Okla- ment at the petroleum and motor transportation division at Ponca City . homa City, and Mrs. Hubbard are the parents of oil shale experiment station a daughter, whom they have named Hannah Melis- of the United States Bureau -1927- sa . The infant was born September 23 in St .
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