A WORLD CITIES FORUM WORKSHOP REPORT Shanghai Urbanisation and EXPO 2010 Forum Urban Land $ Institute Shanghai Urbanisation and EXPO 2010 Forum A World Cities Forum Workshop Report 11–14 September 2006 ABOUT ULI–THE URBAN LAND INSTITUTE ©2006 by ULI–the Urban Land Institute The mission of the Urban Land Institute is to provide tional programmes and forums to encourage an open ex- 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W. leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating change of ideas and sharing of experience. ULI initiates re- Suite 500 West and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. ULI is search that anticipates emerging land use trends and issues Washington, D.C. 20007-5201 committed to: and proposes creative solutions based on that research; pro- vides advisory services; and publishes a wide variety of mate- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. • bringing together leaders from across the fields of real es- rials to disseminate information on land use and development. tate and land use policy to exchange best practices and Reproduction or use of the whole or any part of the con- serve community needs; Established in 1936, the Institute today has more than tents without written permission of the copyright holder 34,000 members and associates from 90 countries, repre- is prohibited. • fostering collaboration within and beyond ULI’s member- senting the entire spectrum of the land use and develop- ship through mentoring, dialogue, and problem solving; Cover photo © Jeremy Woodhouse/PHOTODISC. ment disciplines. Professionals represented include develop- • exploring issues of urbanisation, conservation, regenera- ers, builders, property owners, investors, architects, public tion, land use, capital formation, and sustainable develop- officials, planners, real estate brokers, appraisers, attorneys, ment; engineers, financiers, academics, students, and librarians. ULI relies heavily on the experience of its members. It is • advancing land use policies and design practices that re- through member involvement and information resources spect the uniqueness of both built and natural environ- that ULI has been able to set standards of excellence in ments; development practice. The Institute has long been recog- • sharing knowledge through education, applied research, nised as one of the world’s most respected and widely quoted publishing, and electronic media; and sources of objective information on urban planning, growth, and development. • sustaining a diverse global network of local practice and advisory efforts that address current and future challenges. The Institute maintains a membership representing a broad spectrum of interests and sponsors a wide variety of educa- 2 A World Cities Forum Workshop Report ABOUT THE WORLD CITIES FORUM SHANGHAI ABOUT THE FORUM WORKSHOP ULI PROJECT STAFF From 17 to 19 April 2007, ULI–the Urban Land Institute ULI convened a forum workshop from 11 to 14 September Rachelle L. Levitt will convene approximately 150 senior leaders of the prop- 2006 to assist the city of Shanghai as it takes its place as a Executive Vice President, Information Group erty development and finance industry to explore the risks world-class city. The Institute was invited to assemble an in- Publisher of, and rewards for, doing business in China. This exclusive ternational team of professionals with relevant experience in Mary Beth Corrigan gathering of top executives from global real estate compa- urban development around the world to share ideas and best Senior Vice President, Meetings and Programmes nies is designed to help global investors learn about develop- practices in land use planning and real estate development. Emogene Mitchell ment and investment opportunities in Shanghai, one of the The team was specifically asked to address current planning Senior Vice President, Meetings and Events world’s fastest-growing markets. Shanghai and China pro- reforms, including the new 1-9-6-6 policy, and to look at the vide the backdrop for the 2007 World Cities Forum, and future potential for the World EXPO 2010 site. Anne Frej serve as the perfect learning laboratory for understanding Research Director, Office/Industrial This is a report on the findings of the participants in the emerging markets around the world. It will be designed as Nancy H. Stewart forum workshop. a highly interactive discussion on the factors that work to Director, Book Programme make today’s global cities competitive and attractive invest- Manuscript Editor ment opportunities over the long term. David James Rose Assistant Editor Betsy VanBuskirk Art Director Martha Loomis Desktop Publishing Specialist Kim Rusch Graphics Devon Horne Research Intern Craig Chapman Director, Publishing Operations Shanghai Urbanisation and EXPO 2010 Forum 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ULI Forum Workshop participants and staff would like to bers of the SOM office in Shanghai also assisted in numer- acknowledge all those who contributed to the Shanghai Ur- ous ways. The EDAW Shanghai office provided valuable as- banisation and EXPO 2010 Forum that took place in Shang- sistance in the final presentation. hai from 12 to 14 September 2006. Many public officials took time from their busy schedules to Special thanks go to Vincent Lo, chairman and CEO of Shui make presentations or meet with the group. Their perspec- On Land, for his insights into the Shanghai development and tives on the day-to-day practical issues associated with planning environment. Much appreciation goes to the Shui Shanghai’s development were invaluable. On staff, including Nathan Zhou, David Wong, Clement C.C. Lau, Duncan Wrigley, and Eddie Heng, for their sub- stantive input and logistical support. Silas Chiow and mem- Deputy Director General Huang Jianzhi of the Bureau of Shanghai World EXPO Coordination meets with Shanghai Forum Workshop Chairman Gary Hack and ULI Chairman Marilyn Taylor. 4 A World Cities Forum Workshop Report ULI FORUM WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS AND PROJECT STAFF CHAIR Thomas Murphy URBAN LAND INSTITUTE Former Mayor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Gary Hack Rachelle L. Levitt ULI Senior Resident Fellow for Urban Development Dean and Paley Professor Executive Vice President Washington, D.C., U.S.A. University of Pennsylvania School of Design Information Group Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Kenneth Rhee Mary Beth Corrigan Vice President PANEL MEMBERS Senior Vice President Morgan Stanley/Morgan Stanley Properties Meetings and Programmes Ryan Botjer Shanghai, China Senior Director Maureen McAvey Marilyn Taylor Tishman Speyer Executive Vice President ULI Chairman Shanghai, China Initiatives Group Partner Stephen Chan Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP Anne Frej National Director New York, New York, U.S.A. Research Director Head of Acquisitions, Greater China Office/Industrial Chi Chung Wong LaSalle Investment Management Managing Principal Hong Kong, China EDAW Shanghai Helen Hatch Shanghai, China Principal Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Associates, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Jan de Kreij Chief Executive Officer Corio, NV Utrecht, the Netherlands Shanghai Urbanisation and EXPO 2010 Forum 5 6 PHOTODISC A W orld Cities ForumW orkshop Repor t Contents Foreword: The Assignment 9 Background 11 Summary of Findings 15 Recommendations 17 Conclusion and Next Steps 23 Shanghai Urbanisation and EXPO 2010 Forum 7 8 PHOTODISC A W orld Cities ForumW orkshop Repor t Foreword: The Assignment A dynamic city, Shanghai has a distinctive identity and the Urban Planning Exhibition Centre and heard from Chair- political will to continue to improve its position in a com- man Yin Guoyuan of the Shanghai Land Association. In ad- petitive world marketplace. The city’s current planning dition, the group was briefed on the city’s planning activities endeavours are ambitious—no other city in history has at- by Deputy Director General Wu Jiang of the Bureau of Urban tempted to tackle its urban issues with such a comprehensive Planning; Deputy Director General Huang Jianzhi of the programme of public improvements and new town develop- Bureau of Shanghai World EXPO Coordination; Director ment at its periphery. Min Shilin of the Pudong Construction Committee; Vice Director Wang Zhenliang of the Songjiang City Planning To assist the city of Shanghai as it takes its place as a world- Administrative Bureau; Deputy Director Rui Xiaolin of the class city, the Urban Land Institute was invited to assemble Shanghai Construction and Administration Commission; an international team of professionals with relevant experi- and Deputy Vice Chairperson Ni Rong of the Shanghai ence in urban development around the world to share ideas Construction and Transportation Committee. The team and best practices in land use planning and real estate devel- also received an international investor perspective from rep- C S I opment. The team was specifically asked to address current D O resentatives of Grosvenor property investors and Hines. T O H planning reforms, including the new 1-9-6-6 policy, and to P look at the future potential for the World EXPO 2010 site. Members of the ULI group visited the new towns of Jiading and Lingang and met with government officials responsible As background to the workshop, ULI participants were pro- The Bund, Shanghai’s famous waterfront boulevard, today for their development. A boat tour of the Huangpu River, vided briefing books that contained information on local features a mix of uses ranging from art galleries, shops, with a focus on the EXPO 2010 site, was also conducted. land use and planning, as well as central government policies
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