PiERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN VOL. XXXIX— 1 TACOMA, WASH. .*lA -ycyr'. • .• REGULAR MEETING PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY JANUARY 9 2 BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society Pierce County Medical Society 1968 O FFICERS President _ James D. Lambing President-Elect................. Wayne W. Zimmerman Vice-President ....................... ....................... Paul E. Bondo Secretary-Treasurer__________ Arnold J. Herrmann Executive Secretary ______ Judy Gordon TRUSTEES Samuel E. Adams Arnold J. Herrmann Paul E. Bondo Herman S. Judd Lawwrence Brigham James D. Lambing Edwin J. Faixboum Charles P. Larson Philip Grenley Arthur P. Wickstrom Theodore R. Haley Wayne W. Zimmerman DELEGATES Robert W. Florence Clinton A. Piper Kenneth D. Graham Charles C. Reberger James D. Lambing Frederick J. Schwind Wayne W. Zimmerman ALTERNATE DELEGATES Lester S. Baskin John S. May Charles J. Galbraith Frank J. Rigos Robert C. Johnson John M. Shaw George A. Tanbara COM M ITTEES Ethics Don G. Willard, Chairman B. D. Harrington Merrill J. Wicks G rievance Glenn G. McBride, Chairman Frank J. Rigos Frederick J. Schwind Credentials C. B. Ritchie, Chairman Alfred L. Schultz William L. Spaulding Public Relations James D, Lambing, Chairman Slevens Dimant Charles J. Galbraith Kenneth E. Gross Paul E. Bondo John F. Comfort Television James D. Lambing, Chairman James G. Billingsley Robert M. Ferguson Library Gerhart A. Drucker, Chairman Dudley W. Houtz s. R. Lantiere Cover Photo: A high-climber tops a tree Robert M. Freeman Miles Parrott J o h n A. S h ep p ard on a Weyerhaeuser Company tree farm Public Health Orvis A. Harrelson, Chairman in western Washington. He is prepar­ ?„ryo Betteridge George S. Kittredge M. R. Hosie George H. Hess ing a spar tree for high-lead logging. Louis M. Rosenbladt Photo courtesy Weyerhaeuser Company. House and Attendance ^ Kenneth D. Graham, Jr., Chairman 5“ =>' Jolley Haskel L. Maier Robert Klein Ernest L. Randolph Civil Disaster Mental Health -Du-1- u Charles M. McGill, Chairman i J?ugo Van Dooren, Chairman RnhiP^ / B^ kup Robert D- McGreal T r ? £ l m' ®lankfei?? ip H arold B. Johnston Robert W. Florence Sherman S. Pinto Treacy H. Duerfeldt Myron Bass J’ §aluy T w- Howard Pratt James E. Hazelrigg Marcus R. Stuen Louis P. Hoycr, Jr. Buel L. Sever Charles E. Kemp Dumont Staatz Poison Control Richard B. Link Le0 F. Sulkosky p „ _ S e?rse A- Tanbara, Chairman Bernard N. Ootkrn Arthur P. Wickstrom Everett P. Nelson John S. May Program Diabetes tj • i , ^ Robert A. Kallsen, Chairman R o h „ , p ^Ha£°,’,d D ’ Lueken» Chairman RobertP.Crab.il Chris C. Reynolds RodgerRorfAr S.cF,r?nrr°man Dillc RalphEdwin HJ- . FairbournHuff William L. Rohner Entertainment Medicine and Religion ™ William L. Rohner, Chairman Charles E. Kemp, Chairman Robert M. Ferguson Robert C. Johnson M edicare G. Marshall Whitacre Wayne W. Zimmerman, Chairman Geriatrics Sports Medicine G.a W.w BischoffR c i ^Jr*es Vaught,Albert Chairman Ehr]fch Samnpl p Arf0y E' Cramer> Chairman Legislative ... S.an.ey DurES S ^V S g S ii, Divid vr r P f ^ Zimmerman, Chairman George A. Race Rural Health E M ’ HeTrmanr, Homer Humiston G d r £ E'' Carlisle D i e t i S " 0* Herman S. Judd Roy A v'irakh ' William P Hauser Mattson. Jr. Schools David T. Hcllyer^ Graham M. Watkins Charles Bogue0”" M' ^ ‘JS S fl h j. Edmund Deming & fflgSS£n Editor ____ Bulletin Staff George A. Tanbara Business Manager Stanley W. Tuell Auxiliary News Editor"’..................... — .-——....Judy Gordon ■..........— M rs. Kobert Johnson If you’re self-employed, Charles M. Fogg can help you shelter as much as s2,500'm a year from income taxes. Call him at FU 3-2811. [ { M Puget Sound National Bank V Vs.3jj Your full service hank 4 BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society Prescription Optical Company “Fashion In Eyewear” 205 Medical Arts Building Tacoma, Washington MArket 7-4151 Branches in . .. Lakewood - Everett - Bremerton - Fort Lewis THE ORDER OF T H E C 0 L D E E 1 HULE (FUNERAL HOME m s \ m PHONE MA 7-7745 PROVIDING FINE FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1905 717-719 TACOMA AVENUE TACOMA-2-WASHINGTON BULLETIN of the Fierce County M edical Society 5 PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETING Tuesday, January 9 Medical Arts Building Auditorium PROGRAM - ■ - 8:15 P.M. 'NARCOTICS ADDICTION AND DRUG ABUSE IN PIERCE COUNTY" Dr. James Zylstra M r. R. J. Roberton 0 0 0 9 0 6 Social Hour: 6:00 Dinner: 6:45 Honan's Restaurant 6 BULLETIN of the F i e r c e C o u n t y M e d ic a l S o c ie t y January Calendar of Meetings MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 Pierce County 6:30 p.m. Pediatric Society C.P.C. of Mary Surgery Grand 6:30 p.m. C.P.C. of Bridge— 8 a.m. Rounds— T.G.H. TGH-MVGH 8-9 a.m. Medical Motion (MVGH Classnn.) Pictures-8:15 a.m. 8 a.m. Tacoma Gen. Hosp 8 9 10 11 12 P i e r c e C o u n t y M e d i c a l S o c i e t y OB-GYN Conf. Medical Motion C.P.C. of 8:15 p .m . T.G.H. Pictures-8;15 a.m. C.P.C. of St. TGH-MVGH 8-9 a.m. Tacoma Gen. Hosp Joseph’s— 9 a.m. (MVGH Classnn. C.P.C. of Mary 8 a.m. Bridge— 8 a.m. 15 16 17 18 19 Tacoma Surgical Club— 6:30 p.m. Medicine Grand Medical Motion C.P.C. of Rounds—T.G.H. Pictures-8:15 a.m. TGH-MVGH ; C.P.C. of Mary 8-9 a.m. Tacoma Gen. Hosp (MVGH Classnn.)! Bridge— 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 22 23 24 25 26 Pierce County Tacoma Acad, of Internal Medicine Academy of Path. Cancer Medical Motion C.P.C. of St. General Practice 6 p.m. C.P.C. of Conf.—T.G.H. Pictures-8:15 a.m. Joseph’s— 9 a.m. TGH-MVGH 8-9 a.m. Tacoma Gen. Hosp C.P.C. of Mary (MVGH Classnn.) Bridge—8 a.m. 8 a.m. 29 30 31 Grand Bounds-M t. View General H ospital-Every Saturday 9 to 10 a.m. Since 1888 . three quarters of a century of dignity and service at “ Glasses as your eye sensible prices. physician prescribes them” • Convenient location • Two beautiful chapels Contact Lenses — A rtificial Eyes • Plenty of parking Columbian Optical Co. m o r ley -m ellinger Ground Floor, Medical Arts BIdg. funeral home Medical Center 6th & Tecoma Lakewood BR 2-3268 The Tacoma Mall trust (trust) n. That which is committed or entrusted to one, as a duty, task, or charge. A Living Trust Fund can often assure grand­ parents a means of providing care for their declining years and dedicate the maximum funds remaining on their death for the educational needs of the grandchildren. Opportunities for financial security are part of the services outlined in a new booklet available from the Trust Department at member federal deposit insurance corporation your NBW Banking Center. TRUST SERVICE . .. another Personal Service of your National Bank of Washington Banking CD Center. _________BULLETIN o f the Pierce County M edical Society _______________ Lambing Takes Over As Society Prexy; Zimmerman for 1969 James “Del” Lambing Wayne W. Zimmerman The 1967 President of the Pierce New members elected to the Board of County Medical Society handed the Trustees for 2-year terms are: Dr. Paul reins to the 1968 President, and the Bondo, vice-president, Drs. Samuel E. name of the 1969 President was an­ Adams, Lawrence Brigham, E. J. Fair­ nounced—all at the December 12 meet­ ing of the Society. Dr. Charles P. Larson bourn and Arthur P. Wickstrom. received a certificate expressing the Newly elected delegates to the State appreciation of the Society for his year of service. Dr. Del Lambing, Tacoma House of Delegates are: Drs. Robert W. internist, will be President for the com­ Florence, Kenneth Graham, Clinton ing year. Dr. Wayne Zimmerman, artic­ Piper and Charles Reberger. ulate student of government, politics and orthopedics, is the new President­ Serving as new alternates for the elect. He will serve on the Board of coming year will be: Drs. John May, Trustees for the coming year before Charles Galbraith, Frank Rigos, John taking office as President. Shaw and George Tanbara. B U L L E T I N of the Pierce County M edical Society 9 r>X ■ F a rre lls PRESCRIPTIONS, INC. FAST, ECONOMICAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE PLUS FREE DELIVERY BR 2-8000 FU 3-5595 Market Street Medical Arts Building St. Helen's Street Lobby Lobby A PRESTIGE LOCATION . The Medical Arts Building—Tacoma’s only Class “A” medical building— provides everything from the fully equipped hospital and laboratories to a medical supply house. People know they can depend on finding the best in medical care here because only those with highest ethical standards are accepted as tenants. Your inquiry is invited . Medical Arts Building Building Office: 110 M edkal Arts BIdg. MArket 7-6441 METROPOLITAN BUILDING CORP., MORS. 10___________________________BULLETIN of the Fierce County M edical Society last year’s prescription ... this year’s self-medication BULLETIN of the F ie r c e C o u n t y M e d ic a l So c ie t y 11 Enjoy Dinner in the pleasant atmosphere of a Restaurant typical of San Francisco COMPLETE DINNERS FROM $2.95 Specialties .
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