![Congressional Record—House H 8579](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
September 6, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 8579 My Administration also supports tleman from Indiana [Mr. BURTON] is lusion down there that it boggles the changes to the Federal Advisory Com- recognized for 5 minutes. mind. For Judge Henry Woods to par- mittee Act to facilitate communica- Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- ticipate and render the decision he did tions between Federal, State, local, er, about 4 or 5 weeks ago I took a spe- last week regarding Jim Guy Tucker is and tribal governments. These changes cial order talking about a judge in Ar- just beyond comprehension. are needed to support this Administra- kansas, in Little Rock, a Federal judge As a matter of fact, I would like to tion's efforts to expand the role of who has close political ties to the cur- just read one thing that was said in the these stakeholders in governmental rent Governor, Jim Guy Tucker, and newspaper article which I think was policy deliberations. We believe these President Clinton, and particularly the put in the paper today. ``It's typical actions will help promote better com- First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton. hometown anger at the Feds coming munications and consensus building in Judge Henry Woods has been a long- in,'' says James Madison University a less adversarial environment. time political adviser to the President political science professor Robert Rob- I am also directing the Adminis- and to Mrs. Clinton. He has appointed erts. ``But if it hadn't been for Federal trator of General Services to undertake her to a number of boards. He recently prosecutors, the level of scandal at the a review of possible actions to more was given a case involving the current local and State level would be 10 times thoroughly involve the Nation's citi- Governor, Jim Guy Tucker, which was greater than it is today,'' Roberts pre- zens in the development of Federal de- brought to his attention and put before dicted. This is the part I want to put in cisions affecting their lives. This re- his court by Mr. Starr, who is inves- the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. In particu- view should focus on the value of citi- tigating the Whitewater matter and lar, ``Roberts predicted Starr would zen involvement as an essential ele- other related matters. win on appeal,'' that is the decision by ment of our efforts to reinvent Govern- At that time, when I had my special Judge Henry Woods he is going to ap- ment, as a strategic resource that must order. I suggested that in order to peal, that ``Roberts predicted Starr be maximized, and as an integral part eliminate any appearance of impropri- would win on appeal because of the of our democratic heritage. This effort ety, Judge Henry Woods should recuse long tradition of granting independent may result in a legislative proposal to himself and not be the judge to hear counsels widespread discretion. This is promote citizen participation at all this case, because no matter what he nothing for President Clinton to cheer levels of government consistent with did, if he rendered a decision in favor of about,'' says Roberts. ``He is best the great challenges confronting us. Mr. Tucker, Governor Tucker, it would served by letting the investigation run We continue to stand ready to work have the appearance of impropriety. its course quickly, and this just delays with the Congress to assure the appro- One of the other judges down there in things.'' priate use of advisory committees and a related case dealing with Webb Hub- I submit to my colleagues here in the to achieve the purposes for which this bell, who was indicated and convicted, House that the reason for this delay is law was enacted. you remember Webb Hubbell, he was because of the close personal relation- WILLIAM J. CLINTON. the Assistant Attorney General ap- ship Judge Henry Woods has with First THE WHITE HOUSE, September 6, 1995. pointed by President Clinton, did Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and f recuse himself. He did it because he other people in the Jim Guy Tucker ad- felt like the appearance of impropriety ministration. It is unfortunate this REPORT ON ACTIVITIES OF THE was something that should not even be happened. It should not have happened. U.S. GOVERNMENT IN UNITED considered by a Federal judge. He should have recused himself. NATIONS, 1994ÐMESSAGE FROM I urged during my special order that The material referred to follows: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Judge Henry Woods recuse himself, as [From the USA TODAY] STATES the other Federal judge did in a related INDEPENDENT COUNSEL CHALLENGED case, but Judge Henry Woods did not The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- (By Tony Mauro) do that. This week it was announced fore the House the following message A Little Rock federal judge's decision that he dismissed one of the indictable from the President of the United Tuesday to dismiss fraud indictment against offenses against Governor Jim Guy States; which was read and, together Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker marks the Tucker, and it certainly does give the with the accompanying papers, without first time the broad powers of an independ- appearance of impropriety because of ent counsel have been trimmed. objection, referred to the Committee this connection with Jim Guy Tucker U.S. District Judge Henry Woods said on International Relations: and the people who are currently resid- Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth To the Congress of the United States: ing in the White House, as well as Starr overstepped his authority in June by I am pleased to transmit herewith a indicting Tucker of fraud charges related to other Democrat leaders throughout Ar- a federal loan to finance a cable TV venture. report of the activities of the United kansas. Starr contends the judge has no authority States Government in the United Na- Tonight I would like to submit for to rule on the scope of the investigation, tions and its affiliated agencies during the RECORD, Mr. Speaker, all of the in- which was launched to look into irregular- the calendar year 1994. The report is re- formation I have regarding Judge ities relating to the Whitewater real estate quired by the United Nations Partici- Henry Woods, my previous special venture in which President Clinton and Hil- pation Act (Public Law 264, 79th Con- order, an article that was written by a lary Rodham Clinton were partners. gress; 22 U.S.C. 278b). person from little Rock who served in ``I cannot accept the proposition that . no court has the power to determine where WILLIAM J. CLINTON. the Arkansas State Senate with Judge there is jurisdiction to proceed in the mat- THE WHITE HOUSE, September 6, 1995. Henry Woods when he was in the Sen- ter,'' wrote Woods, a 1979 Carter appointee. f ate, and I would like for all of these ar- Starr promptly announced he would seek ticles to be included in the CONGRES- an expedited review by a federal appeals b 1830 SIONAL RECORD so at some future date, court in St. Louis. Tucker still faces an 11-count indictment SPECIAL ORDERS if Judge Henry Woods renders decisions that are of concern to Members of the stemming from dealings with Madison Guar- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. anty Savings & Loan, which was owned by House, there will be a record in the the Clintons' Whitewater partners, James CHAMBLISS). Under the Speaker's an- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. nounced policy of May 12, 1995, and and Susan McDougal. They also have been Mr. Speaker, I would also like to say indicted. under a previous order of the House, to all who are on the Committee on The ruling comes amid debate over the the following Members will be recog- Government Reform and Oversight power of independent counsels, a hybrid nized for 5 minutes each. that we ought to have a complete and breed of prosecutors created by a post-Water- f thorough hearing on the Whitewater gate federal law in 1978. case and all the related cases, includ- Independent counsels are appointed by a three-judge panel at the request of the attor- JUDGE HENRY WOODS AND THE ing the one currently pending before WHITEWATER CASE ney general when a high-level official is sus- the courts involving Jim Guy Tucker, pected of violating federal law. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a the Governor of Arkansas, I think Originally viewed as properly insulated previous order of the House, the gen- there is so much that appears to be col- from political influence, critics now say H 8580 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 6, 1995 independent counsels are too insulatedÐpo- Starr said his office will seek an expedited Woods's letter to Foster was turned over to litically unaccountable and prone to lengthy appeal of Woods's ruling before the 8th U.S. congressional investigators by the White fishing expeditions that go far beyond the Circuit Court of Appeals and then the Su- House. original allegations. preme Court, if necessary. ``The logic of the law is to sweep in more Appearing before Woods in Little Rock WHO IS HENRY WOODS? and more potential cases, things the Justice yesterday morning, Starr argued that his Last year, the President was reminiscing Department would not have punished,'' says evidence against Tucker was sufficiently re- with Connie Bruck of The New Yorker about former Justice Department official Terry lated to the main areas of his investigation his 1990 gubernatorial race. At one point, he Eastland, who wrote a book on independent to justify his bringing an indictment. said, he was undecided about running and an counsels.
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