MAPP2Health Virginia Planning District 10 • Thomas Jefferson Health District The City of Charlottesville and Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson Counties December 2016 Print Version May 2017 MAPP2Health Table of Contents I. Executive Summary 3 II. MAPP2Health Overview 6 III. Community Health Improvement Plan 13 Promote Healthy Eating and Active Living 16 Address Mental Health and Substance Use 20 Improve Health Disparities and Access to Care 24 Foster a Healthy and Connected Community 28 IV. Local Public Health System Assessment 35 V. Community Health Assessment (CHA) 39 Section 1: Data on Demographics, Socio- economics, and Health Resource Availability 43 Section 2: Data on Community Resources, Community Safety, Environmental Quality, and Health Behaviors 63 Section 3: Data on Maternal and Child Health, Leading Causes of Death, Cancer, Unintentional Injury, Infectious Diseases, Mental Health, and Additional Data 110 VI. Forces of Change Assessment 176 VII. Community Themes and Strengths Assessment 180 VII. Appendix 1: CHA Councils, Leadership Council, and Core Group Members 195 Appendix 2: CHA Data Sources 197 II. MAPP2Health | 1 Executive Summary | 1 II. MAPP2Health | 2 MAPP2Health • I Executive Summary MAPP2Health Overview isa, and Nelson—and included Many factors influence a commu- representatives from local gov- nity’s health including individual ernments, schools, community health behaviors and genes/biolo- agencies, colleges, nonprofits, gy, social, economic, and environ- and healthcare organizations. mental conditions, and healthcare The MAPP2Health Leadership —both access to care and service de- Council (the Leadership Council) livery by private, nonprofit, and included a variety of public and governmental agencies. Assessing our own commu- private agencies serving the entire PD10, represen- nity’s health is critical for understanding our commu- tatives from each locality CHA Council, community nity’s strengths and opportunities for improvement members, and the four coalitions working to address so that a healthy, connected, vibrant, and overall well priority areas identified in the 2012 MAPP2Health community results. Report. Overall, 105 community partners and 10 com- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention munity coalitions participated in the MAPP process (CDC) and the National Association of City and from September 2015–December 2016 to review and County Health Officials (NACCHO) developed the discuss collected quantitative and qualitative data, Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships recommend other data that should be collected, and (MAPP) strategic framework to engage community develop a Community Health Improvement Plan for stakeholders, key organizations, and citizens to come inclusion in the 2016 MAPP2Health Report (Figure 1). together to review health indicators and determine Key Findings community health priorities for focus and improve- ment. Agencies serving communities within Virgin- The current MAPP2Health Report was developed ia’s Planning District 10 (PD10), also referred to as as a call to action for PD10 organizations and resi- the Thomas Jefferson Health District (TJHD), have dents to work collaboratively to leverage existing utilized the MAPP framework since 2008 to review resources, access new resources, and strategically health outcomes and align resources. In September implement interventions that will improve commu- 2015, a third round of the MAPP process launched to nity health outcomes across the selected community assess progress on the priority areas identified within health priorities. Collectively, the 105 community the 2012 MAPP2Health Report and to identify wheth- partners and 10 community coalitions that came er new priority areas were needed. together to assess the community’s health through Community Health Assessment (CHA) Councils the MAPP process completed four assessments—the convened within each PD10 locality—Albemarle/ Local Public Health System Assessment (LPHSA), Charlottesville (combined), Fluvanna, Greene, Lou- the Forces of Change Assessment (FOCA), the Com- II. MAPP2Health | 2 Executive Summary | 3 Sentara Martha University of Virginia Jefferson Hospital MAPP Core Group Health System • Logistics and operations • Assessment planning University of Virginia Department of • Staffing Thomas Jefferson Public Health Health District Sciences Locality CHA Councils • Review, discuss, and determine need for additional quantitative and qualitative data (locality-specific) • Prioritize health issues • Select locality-specific strategies for implementation Albemarle/Charlottesville Fluvanna Greene Louisa Nelson Local governments Local healthcare providers Community agencies Nonprofits Schools Colleges TJHD Leadership Council • Review quantitative and qualitative data (district-wide) • Develop community health priorities, goals, and objectives District-wide agencies serving PD10 Representatives from each CHA Council Coalitions addressing the four 2012 MAPP2Health priorities Figure 1 | MAPP2Health Structure, TJHD, 2015–2016. Source: Thomas Jefferson Health District, 2016. munity Health Assessment (CHA), and the Com- Goal: Increase access to healthy foods and rec- munity Themes and Strengths Assessment (CTSA). reation through education, advocacy, and evi- To complete the CHA, councils reviewed approxi- dence-based programming. mately 140 indicators comparing local data to state • Address Mental Health and and national standards and benchmarks. Council Substance Use members at all levels of the MAPP process provided Goal: input and feedback on the development of the CTSA Improve capacity to provide culturally and which ultimately reached 2,885 residents. linguistically appropriate mental health and sub- After extensive review of these qualitative and stance abuse prevention and treatment services. quantitative data and with recommendations from the • Improve Health Disparities and CHA Councils, the Leadership Council identified four Access to Care district-wide community health priorities and goals: Goal: Increase health equity and narrow the gap for • Promote Healthy Eating and health conditions through outreach and education to Active Living health care providers and community members. II. MAPP2Health | 4 • Foster a Healthy and eating and active living, addressing mental health Connected Community and substance use, improving health disparities and Goal: Increase well-being across the lifespan by access to care, and fostering a healthy and connected supporting education, prevention, advocacy, and community continue to affect the quality of health evidence-based programming. and the quality of life in our community. It is in these areas that the community is called to turn its focus to While the selected community health priority areas collaboratively brainstorm new approaches and strat- and goals are district-wide, strategies for community egies to make measureable gains in improving health. implementation were selected by each locality CHA Progress cannot be made without the support of Council, with recognition that each CHA Council the entire community. Council members at all levels was best positioned to select effective strategies for its of the process encourage community members to specific locality. Strategy development at the locality get involved in any way they can—from volunteer- level was critical to remain true to the community’s ing to serve on a community coalition to making a strengths and opportunities for improvement and small change toward healthier eating and more active leveraged locality-specific knowledge about existing living. Between 2017 and 2019, partner agencies and resources, services, organizations, and collaborations community coalitions will continue to work toward in addition to any other forces that could positively or these community goals and objectives with support negatively impact success. from community partners and the agencies engaged in the MAPP process. The Leadership and CHA Next Steps Councils will meet to review data, evaluate progress, As the population in TJHD grows, new challeng- and discuss any potential changes needed in strategic es arise in achieving and maintaining health and approaches. well-being. In many cases, organizations and part- nerships within PD10 have already made substantial This report and other downloadable content are avail- improvements in community health through new able online at www.tjhd.org. programs, campaigns, laws, and community coalition work. Despite the many successes, promoting healthy II. MAPP2Health | 4 Executive Summary | 5 MAPP2Health • II Overview Introduction Community Overview Many factors influence a commu- Virginia’s Planning District nity’s health including individual 10 (PD10), also known as the health behaviors and genes/biol- Thomas Jefferson Health District ogy, access to care, healthcare ser- (TJHD), is comprised of the City vice delivery, and the social deter- of Charlottesville and Albemarle, minants of health—“the conditions Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa, and in which people are born, grow, Nelson Counties (Figure 1). It in- work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and sys- cludes 247,084 individuals2 living in urban, suburban, tems shaping the conditions of daily life.”1 Assessing and rural environments. The urban ring of Charlottes- our own community’s health is critical for under- ville and Albemarle is the economic and cultural hub standing our community’s strengths and opportuni- of TJHD, and many residents from the surrounding ties
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