AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA VEDANTA DARSHANAM Dec 6 Vedanta Darshanam Salutations to all. We have come to the next month of December. When we analyze as to how fast time is passing by, we are reminded of Sankara’s words “kaalah kreedati, gacchati aayuh, tadapi na munchati aashaavaayuh” – time plays, age passes by and still there is no end to the desires of the mind. Though we are progressing in many ways in the world (in ways which we cannot even imagine or think about), still something is lacking in our mind. There is no contentment or satisfaction or peace. We always want more and more – there is no dearth to desires or expectations. Compared to how the world was with respect to external pleasures or possessions in the past century, we are now very far advanced or ahead. But amidst all these advancements in all walks of life, there is still no progress at all with respect to the mental state of people. The mind remains, as ever, discontent. It is only discontentment that is common from all the centuries of the past and today. As much as we try to get rid of discontentment from my mind through changing the external world, we will not be successful at all; because discontentment is due to our mental notions and not due to the external world. As AMMA says, we have learnt all sciences under the Sun but we haven’t learned to control the mind. Controlling the mind is easier said than done. When Krishna talks about samatva yoga in the sixth chapter, Arjuna replies by saying that controlling the mind is as tough as controlling air. But the Lord replies back saying that it is possible through practice and dispassion. There are different ways to control the mind but those will only lead to temporary results of the world. In order to get eternal fruit or eternal bliss through control of mind, we should seek nothing but Vedanta. Vedanta is that science which deals with not just the mind but everything under the Sun. Vedanta teaches us about that by knowing which everything becomes known. Vedanta therefore takes us from our state of sorrow to the state of eternal bliss; state of ignorance to state of knowledge; state of discontentment to contentment. http://vedantatattva.org/vedantagroup/VedantaDarshanam Page 1 of 81 AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA VEDANTA DARSHANAM Dec 6 If Vedanta can directly lead to eternal bliss then why aren’t people seeking it? People are not seeking Vedanta due to many reasons. One is that they think that the world can still lead to happiness. This is a wrong notion as the temporary world is only sorrowful and cannot lead to anything other than sorrow. Second is that they think Vedanta is only meant for those who have renounced the world and are doing tapas in some forest (just sanyaasis). This is yet another wrong notion. Vedanta is that which is to be implemented by everybody every day and every moment of their life. It is meant to be implemented so that living in the world will become peaceful and blissful. Third is that they think Vedanta is only to be learned after one has grown old and cannot do anything in the world. This is yet another wrong notion. Vedanta used to be studied when young – it is when young that samskaaras haven’t fully formed and therefore it is easy to learn and implement Vedanta. But this tradition of learning Vedanta at a young age has vanished and therefore those who have nothing else to do in the world try to learn Vedanta. But are they successful? Definitely no. As Sankara says, when one grows old one only has time to think (brood over the past and worry about the future). Having cultivated so many vasanas in the years till old age, such people will not even be able to spend little time in Vedanta; let alone learn and implement it. Due to all these wrong notions and since majority of people are running behind worldly pleasures, people are unable to seek Vedanta. Not seeking Vedanta, they only always experience sorrow in the external world. If we think that sorrow will end with this birth and next birth will bring us happiness, we are again wrong. All births will give sorrow and sorrow alone. We see that even the richest people are sad for one or the other reason. Therefore having a smooth life or birth doesn’t ensure happiness. Happiness or eternal bliss is only possible through learning and implementation of Vedanta. But there are many who though want to learn Vedanta aren’t able to learn it because they think it is very tough and only for those with peak intellect. We find lot of peak intellect people – do they learn Vedanta? Not at all as their intellect is used for name, fame etc. in the world. And there are those who aren’t intellectually strong but they are able to learn Vedanta due to the grace of Guru and their own efforts towards surrender and learning. The Lord says in Gita that Vedanta is very very simple to implement. He doesn’t talk about learning – if implementation is very simple then learning will be simpler. Therefore it is a wrong notion that Vedanta is tough to learn and implement. http://vedantatattva.org/vedantagroup/VedantaDarshanam Page 2 of 81 AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA VEDANTA DARSHANAM Dec 6 The direct way to implement Vedanta is through remembering that this entire world of names and forms is just an illusion in the non-dual reality of Brahman as cause-substratum – this is like the dreamer being the cause-substratum of the names and forms of the dream world. It is this Brahman that pulsates inside as I-exist, I-exist at all times. If we are able to remember this much, then Vedanta has been learnt and implementation is through remembrance at all times and not getting affected by the world or actions of the world. Since many think that Vedanta is tough to learn and implement, therefore the purpose of this magazine is to bring out the nuances of Vedanta in the simplest way possible so that everybody will be able to not just understand it but implement it in their own lives. Thereby through implementation of Vedanta, they will be able to quickly attain the ultimate goal of life of moksha. May we all strive to learn and implement Vedanta so that all sorrows end and we are able to ever rejoice in bliss in contemplation of our very nature of all-pervasive cause-substratum of Brahman that pulsates inside as I-exist, I-exist at all times. AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Dec 6, 2014 http://vedantatattva.org/vedantagroup/VedantaDarshanam Page 3 of 81 AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA VEDANTA DARSHANAM Dec 6 Anukramaanika Vedanta Darshanam ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Upanishad Vivaranam ................................................................................................................................... 5 Gitaamritham .............................................................................................................................................. 17 Prakarana Prakaashah................................................................................................................................. 29 Madhuraamritham ...................................................................................................................................... 39 Praadeshikam - I .......................................................................................................................................... 48 Praadeshikam - II ......................................................................................................................................... 58 Ishwara Samkshepa .................................................................................................................................... 60 Acharyakritismrithi ...................................................................................................................................... 72 Vedanta Kathaa ........................................................................................................................................... 77 Anukramaanika Nirdesham ........................................................................................................................ 81 http://vedantatattva.org/vedantagroup/VedantaDarshanam Page 4 of 81 AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA VEDANTA DARSHANAM Dec 6 Upanishad Vivaranam Recap After talking about ignorant people and how they are lead to their own destruction, the Upanishad then spoke about wise people. Wise people are those follow various penances in order to progress in the goal of moksha. As a result of these penances, they are able to worship Hiranyagarbha (from whom the entire world has come). This Upasana takes them to the brahma loka. Moksha can be attained in two ways – one is sadhyo mukti or liberation now itself and other is krama mukti or gradual liberation. A person who implements the pre-requisites for knowledge, gains knowledge and implements it here will attain moksha here itself. This is sadhyo mukti and it is much easier to attain than krama mukti. Krama mukti is wherein a person does lot of good deeds as well as tapas. As a result of these, he goes higher the worlds finally to brahma loka. Brahma loka is the world of Brahma. There Brahma teaches the scriptures to everybody. As a result of learning the scriptures, such people attain moksha there (as knowledge directly leads to moksha). But the disadvantage of this is that their limited existence will still continue until the end of brahma loka (which is very long compared to that of worldly beings). Contrary to this, those who attain moksha here itself, they will get rid of embodiment by the end of this
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