Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church We are a pilot parish with Dynamic Catholic (2018-2023) March 7, 2021 3rd Sunday of Lent DAILY MASSES: Monday—Friday: 7am & 9am, Saturday 9am Public Holidays: 9am only WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday: Vigil 5pm Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12 noon Holy Days: As Announced in Bulletin/Website Sacrament Info: See inside Church open weekdays until 4pm All are welcome! Rectory Office: 34-24 203 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 PH: (718) 229-5929, Fax (718) 229-3354 Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm Website: www.olbs-queens.org Deanery: www.queensdeanery5.org Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church Bayside PARISH E-NEWS LETTER! We are served by: Rev. Robert J. Whelan, Pastor Deacon Ernesto Avallone Ext. 124 [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Ernest Makata, p/t Associate; p/t Chaplain NYQPH Deacon William J. Molloy Ext. 118 [email protected] [email protected] Rev. Bryan J. Carney, Resident Mrs. Kathleen Giuliano, Youth Ministry Ext. 120 (Chaplain - Flushing Hospital) [email protected] Sister Nora Gatto, DC, Pastoral Associate Mr. Michael Martinka, Director of Music Ext. 121 [email protected] Ext. 117 [email protected] Mrs. Joan Kane, OLBS Catholic Academy Principal Mrs. Marsha Quilang, Secretary/Bookkeeper 34-45 202 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 Ext. 110 [email protected] (718) 229-4434 Office www.olbsacademy.org [email protected] Mrs. Jeannine Iocco, Coordinator of Religious Education Receptionist, Daily Volunteers (718) 225-6179 [email protected] During Office Hours, Ext. 111 Mrs. Jean Marie Kessel, Secretary Priests: A priest is a man who has been ordained for sacramental ministry and these fall into two categories: A) Diocesan (or Secular) Priests can either be attached to a diocese and who serve under a bishop. Their min- istry is usually oriented toward pastoral service. B) Re- ligious Priests are members of religious communities (like the Franciscans, Jesuits, Salvatorians, or Carmel- ites) and their lives are guided by the special mission WHY DO WE DO THAT? and charism of their community. While both kinds of CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED priest practice sacramental ministry, their spirituality and how they live out their priesthood can be very dif- Question: ferent. What’s the difference between priests and Brothers: Brothers are non-ordained members of re- brothers, friars, etc.? ligious communities (such as those mentioned above) Answer: who live lives committed to prayer and service. Reli- The distinctions titles and categories used for priests gious priests and brothers serve together in their com- and the male members of religious communities can munities and their ministries include much more than be confusing, especially since the categories can some- the care of parishes. times be intertwined as a man can be both a priest and a monk, or a brother and a friar. So, to help to piece Monks, Friars, and Canons: These are broad the puzzle together, it’s important to begin by noting categories that include religious priests and brothers, some basic distinctions: and each of these is connected to specific ways of life and spiritualities. The distinction between priests (who are ordained for sacramental ministry) and brothers (who are non- ©LPi ordained members of religious communities and who are committed to lives of prayer and service). REFLECT & RESPOND First Reading: In God’s revelation to Moses of His “10 Com- mandments,” seven of the ten Command- ments regulate how we are to relate to each other. Which of these seven Commandments challenges you most? Second Reading: Paul speaks of Jesus as both the “power of God and the wisdom of God.” How could you prove Paul’s assertion to a non-believer? Gospel: John connects Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple in Jerusalem to Jesus’ bodily resurrection from the dead with a quote from Psalm 69: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” Dur- ing this season of Lent, how passionate is your faith? ©LPi March 7, 2021-p2 Sacraments and Prayer March 2021 Mass Intentions (Gift of) Eucharistic Adoration: S–6th 9am Pete & Mary Dolan (Betty McLoughlin) Fridays: Begins after 9am Mass and ends at 10:30am. 5pm For Members of Our Purgatorial Society S–7th 8am For the People of our Parish Baptism: During pregnancy, approach any priest or 10am Jack Franzetti (Peggy Devine) deacon after Mass for a special blessing of the child in the 12pm Msgr. William Flood (Tina Tirella) womb. Soon after birth, call the secretary to arrange an interview with a staff member and details on STARTING M-8th 7am Angelo, Maria & James Fiore (Tina Tirella) POINT, our present enrichment program. 9am Michael Inserra (Peggy Devine) : Confessions will be Confession / Reconciliation T-9th 7am Mike Schmid (Pat Zaccone) heard on Saturdays from 4pm to 4:45pm, or by appoint- 9am Dec’d mem of Nugent Family (Kay Stein) ment with one of the priests. Marriage: Soon after engagement, approach any priest \W–10th 7am Jane & James O’Connor (Mary Mullaney) 9am Dec’d mem of Stein & Deady Fam (Kay Stein) or deacon after Mass for the special blessing of an engaged couple. Call the secretary at least six months prior to the Th–11th 7am Nora Patricia Warde (Michael Tuite) desired wedding date to begin BETTER TOGETHER, our 9am Phil & Ann Brady (Joan Brady) couple’s enrichment program. F– 12th 7am Dec’d mem of the Mahoney & Calabrese Fam (Fam) Anointing of the Sick: Please call the rectory to ar- 9am Thanksgiving to St. Joseph (Lucia Patti) range for a priest to celebrate this sacrament due to serious illness, a planned medical procedure, or advanced age. S–13th 9am Mallia & Scalice Fam (Gloria & Pete Mallia) Communion of the Sick: The clergy and Extraordi- 5pm Peggy Wall (M/M Kevin Cadigan) nary Ministers of Holy Communion attend to the home- Frank Weber (M/M William Molloy) bound sick. Please call Agnes at 718 631-4793 or the sec- James & Patrick Sullivan (Mary Sullivan) retary to arrange temporary or long-term coverage. Peter Paul Mallia (Cronan Family) John O’Donoghue (William Protash) Rosary: Monday thru Friday after 9am Mass Liturgy of the Hours: Monday to Friday before 9am S–14th 8am John Baginski (Eileen Baginski) 10am For the People of our Parish 12pm Michael Inserra (John & Peggy Buckley) Please Pray for our Deceased, that they may be raised to eternal life Cecilia Park, Salvatore Puleri, Debra Neville and 518,000 Americans from COVID-19 and - Joan Brady, Rodolfo Gayoso, Eileen Kelly, Clara La Vera, Janet Lizzul, Sister Margaret O’Dwyer, ALL who have died. DC, Genevieve Statelman, Deirdre O Sullivan - Peggy Buckley, Robert Donohue, Gerry Gilrane, PRAY FOR THE SICK Carol Handorf, David Montanez, Nicoletta Nagle If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be - Alyssa D’Orazi, Richard Faller, Mary Hoxeng, happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the Kay Musto, Cynthia Remy Tatty, Mary Vitobello sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as re- quested. Please call the rectory at 718-229-5929 if SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION FOR someone is in the hospital, nursing home or at home ADULTS - RCIA - For information contact and wishes a visit from a priest or parish minister. Deacon William Molloy - deaconbill@olbs- queens.org March 7, 2021-p3 Armed Forces Prayer List If you would like prayers requested in the bulletin for a loved one in the Armed Forces, please call the rectory ROSARY SOCIETY NEWS at ext: 110. The Super Raffle will be starting in the near future. Mark Buckley, Jason & Allison Carter, Conor Crosby, Watch you mail for more details. Sheldon Diaz, Eric Hauser, Lieut. Heather O’Donnell, Michael McHugh, Catherine McManus, Jennifer & Mi- chael Minnick, Adam Mohler, Capt. Andrew Pesature, REFLECTIONS Lieut. Daniel Pesature, Robert Rendall, William Ren- dall, Shawn Smith, Major Vidhi Persaud, Bryson Ciam- Reflections is looking for a summer favorite family rec- pa, USMC, Luke Mixon, Rct. Sergio Geico, USMC, ipe to publish in our Summer Edition. We are also look- Paul Chapman, Lieut. Gavin White, Captain Richard ing for pictures of grandparents with their grandchil- Dolan, Captain Joseph (J.C) Alessandro, Nicole Shim- inger, Lance Cpl. Andrew Mitchell, Lt Cdr Owen-Miguel dren for a special feature in our next issue. Digital pic- Kavanagh Please visit: tures best but hard copies can be returned if return ad- Please say a prayer for the men and women serving dress included. Send your entry to our nation here at home and abroad [email protected] or leave in Reflections box in Rectory by March 15. (CTC) Catholic Teen Community Welcome Weekend/Men’s Retreat 2021 Interested in meeting new friends? Start off the new “Jesus said… whoever drinks of the water I will give him will never thirst” John Chapter 4:13-14 school year by joining our youth group! We will be meeting virtually for the time being. High school stu- Even bottled water cannot make this claim. We hunger and thirst often, even when we have had our fill of dents please contact Kathleen about our virtual youth earthly fare. Are you a man thirsting for more in life group! 917-816-6391 or [email protected] without relief? Consider joining our Welcome Week- end /Men’s Retreat in the fall of 2021 as we look to pro- vide spiritual and earthly refreshment, along with an- swers to your questions. We will continue to provide updates and inspirational thoughts as we get closer to the new date (still to be decided). Please contact me, Stephen, at [email protected], or Deacon Bill, at dea- Communal Rosary Recitation [email protected] if you have any questions or (All are welcome) concerns.
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