Friday, September 28, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY www.peopledaily.co.ke // www.epaper.peopledaily.co.ke 12 .HQ\D·V Business Hub )5(( 1HZVSDSHU Row boils over unga price cap News Beat PG 4 Obado sent State directive: Large- back to remand scale millers, retailers say they were not consulted on order to sell maize flour at for 11 more days 1)050$)"3-&4.""5)"* Sh75 per 2Kg packet >pg14 NO.06659 Friday, September 28, 2018 Mother’s cry: I want justice for my child Heart wrenching: Emotions run high at tear-drenched service for slain Monica Kimani as TV journalist Jacque Maribe tells police that her fiance Joseph Irungu, who is linked to the murder, possesses an Miriam Kimani, mother of slain Monica Nyawira (Inset), is overwhelmed by grief during the illegal gun >>pg 2 service for her daughter in Thika, yesterday. 1)050."5)&8/%6/(6"/%$0635&4: NEWS BEAT Friday, September 28, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY News World Business Sports AG’s letter India court Demand Kipchoge to judge strikes out for pilots in handed draws ire law on the region his worthy POINTERS of court adultery on the rise reward P8Justice Onkwani P13Decision means P16 Air transport P28 Sponsor presents says the the offence will industry will need world marathon communication no longer be 790,000 aviators in record holder amounts criminal but a the next 20 years with Sh5.9m car interference civil matter 03VSORW D6KP MXQNHWWR )DPLO\PRXUQV0RQLFDDV -DSDQ E\$QWKRQ\0ZDQJL #3HRSOH'DLO\.H SROLFHJULOO79MRXUQDOLVW Even before the dust settles on the World Cup scandal where 20 Jacque Maribe tells sleuths legislators spend millions of tax her fiance, who is main sus- payers money to travel to Rus- sia, another group wants to travel pect in murder of 29-year-old to Japan to watch the volleyball Women’s World Championships woman had an illegal gun which kicks off tomorrow. The legislators hope to spend the 21 days in Tokyo ostensibly to E\0DWKHZ1GXQJ¶XDQG cheer the national team, which .LQ\XUX0XQXKH will be playing. It is not clear what #3HRSOH'DLO\.H has elicited the legislators’ inter- Tears flowed freely, emotions est in the tournament considering choked during a service held in that the Kenyan team has been Ruiru, Thika for the slain Mon- participating for the past 12 years. ica Kimani as her mum Miriam Sources said the lawmakers are Kimani demanded justice for her, pressurising Speaker Justin Mu- differing with her cleric dad Paul turi to approve the trip. Ngarama who declared he had But the Speaker is said to be forgiven her killers. hesitant to approve the trip owing And 28 kilometres away, televi- 501 Aunt of slain Monica to the financial implications and I want sion journalist Jacque Maribe told Nyawira (centre) breaks down backlash from the public, similar police that her fiancé John Irungu, after viewing her body at Happy to the one triggered by the Russia justice for who is being held over the killing, Valley grounds, Thika. #&-08 trip in July. my hard- was in possession of an illegal fire- TV journalist Jacque Maribe arm whose bullet was discovered at the Kilimani Police Station &DVKFUXQFK working under her bed by detectives. where she was grilled about If approved, the tax payer will Maribe, who was grilled for one KHUÀDQFH-RVHSK,UXQJXZKR likely part with more than Sh100 daugh- hour at the Directorate of Crimi- is linked to Monicaʼs murder. million for air tickets, accommo- ter— nal Investigations (DCI) Kilimani 1)0504."5)&8/%6/(6BOE dation and allowances. in relation to the murder, told de- #&3/"3%."-0/;" Efforts to obtain the names of Monica’s tectives she did not know Monica, the MPs who intend to travel to adding that she had on several When police went to pick Irungu Tokyo were unsuccessful. Na- mother occasions warned Irungu not to from their Royal Park estate house tional Assembly Clerk Michael come to her house with the illegal in Langata, the two were in the Sialai was said to be attending a firearm. house. Police later searched the meeting. Maribe, who was accompanied demanded justice for her. told detectives she has been in house and recovered live ammu- The revelations come as the Na- by lawyer Katwa Kigen and her While dad Ngarama said he had shock since learning her fiancé nition, which has since been taken tional Treasury struggles to bridge parents, was later referred to the forgiven her killers in accordance was linked to the murder, which for ballistic tests. a huge budget deficit, which has DCI headquarters, Kiambu Road, with biblical teachings, her mum has forced her to leave her house Detectives also believe Irungu prompted the introduction of a where the homicide unit grilled Miriam Kimani said the soul of to stay with her parents. is still illegally in possession of the raft of austerity measures. her. her only daughter “cannot go un- She told police she did not know pistol that Maribe saw but is yet to Parliament is also said to be At the Happy Valley Grounds claimed.” Monica and that she had even read be traced. facing a cash crunch which has in Thika, wailing rent the air as “I cannot lie to you that I have the news on her death and discov- Maribe told the police Irungu stalled many programmes. relatives and friends mourned the forgiven him. I want justice for my ery of the body of the woman on often used her car and would pick 28-year-old woman whose life was hardworking daughter,” she said. the night it happened. her from and drop her at work. The brutally cut short upon her return Ngarama moved mourners to Maribe said the murder suspect silver Toyota Allion car, which has from Juba, South Sudan on Sep- tears with revelations that her had on September 21 dashed into been detained by police investi- WEATHERTODAY tember 19. daughter had promised him a V8 their house claiming he had been gating the incident, was yesterday Kenya Red Cross officers had a car for her 29th birthday, which shot and injured. She subsequently dusted for clues. The officers fur- s.AIROBI 25° hectic time calming down family falls on October 10. drove him to different hospitals. ther said they found bloodstains, and friends who broke down upon “I still cannot believe that you Maribe and Irungu told police shoes, beer cans, artificial hair and s-OMBASA 29° viewing her remains that lay inside are gone Monica as I keep looking they went to Nairobi West Hospi- clothes in the car. However, Irun- a white casket a few meters from at the door hoping that at any mo- tal, Langata Hospital and Kijabe gu’s residence away from Maribe’s s+ISUMU 33° a banner with her seven pictures ment, you will walk right in and say Mission Hospital. residence remains a mystery. and a “justice for Monica Kimani” “hi dad,” he said in his tribute. She told police she and Irungu The team pursuing the mat- s.YERI 23° message. He described her daughter as had met at a City club, before they ter says they are yet to recover his Speakers eulogised her as fo- the kindest person and a go-getter. fell in love and he later proposed identification documents includ- s7AJIR 33° cused, self-driven, generous and At the police station, Maribe to marry her. ing the passport he uses to travel. PEOPLE DAILY \ Friday, September 28, 2018 #WhackyWorld 3 ZLWK.LPDWKLZD0XWHJL #NLPDWKLPXWHJL Woman confuses jail with pub One is a building with bars. The other is a building with a bar. A wasted woman apparently had trouble telling them apart and ended up in a Michigan jail cell. The 39-year-old woman was spotted by an officer backing into the jail parking lot at 2am. She was on a Man held for sex rendezvous to pick up attempt with her boyfriend. Besides ATM stinking like a brewery, Dumb stunts a breath test showed After having one-too-many, she was more than twice some randy guy confused the above the legal the state. money dispensing machine She was subsequently for a willing female and charged with drink- “attempted to have sexual driving. intercourse with it”, police said. only drunks The suspect, Lonnie Hutton, 49, then walked around the bar naked while he thrust his hips in the air, witnesses said. Naturally, the bartenders were not impressed and kicked him can dare... out. “Once outside Mr Hutton again exposed himself and engaged in sexual intercourse with the wooden picnic table,” To some, getting high can be fun. From cops said after arresting him. slurry laments to sobbing about lost love and awakening the inner poet, a drunk person can be delightful company. But there is a fine line between being drunk and being absolutely sloshed up... Dash into burning Inebriate thought crocodile was horse home to retrieve Michael Newman was tossed out of a local watering hole for being overly intoxicated, according to the BBC. But instead of having the sense to cans of beer either go home or pass out or some combination of the two, he headed to a nearby crocodile park, crawled into the enclosure and attempted to The flames broke out while six ride an 820kg croc named Fatso. Unsurprisingly, the reptile was not happy adults and two children were with this turn of events, and he tore into Newman’s leg. Fortunately, the watching TV. Everyone quickly massive croc eventually let the 36-year-old tourist go, and he was able to made it outside safely.
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