l UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII Ll6R.1~Y! arianas %riety:;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ C\.VS Saipan harbor unveils Item. veto on CIP its $43M project today By Aldwin R. Fajardo Variety News Staff bill irks senators AFTER several years of on-and-off construction, the $43 million Saipan Harbor Improvement Project (SHIP) has finally been com­ fused to be named, said certain pleted and is expected to give the CNMI a competitive edge in cargo Rota and Tinian senators were transshipment within the Asia-Pacific Region. "so dismayed" by the line-item The new seaport facility, an undertaking snagged by controver­ veto that the session scheduled sies, highlights 2,600 linear feet of berthing space, a 22-acre con­ yesterday had to be canceled. tainer yard, a deeper channel and a wider turning basin. It also offers Tenorio retained only two CIP efficient water, sewer and fuel systems. projects, both forSaipan, vetoing The project virtually started in early 1980s when a study con­ the rest, including the crucial air­ ducted by the Commonweal th Ports Authority (CPA) noted that the port improvement projects of Rota existing harbor lacked some of the major qualities that would help and Tinian. attract bigger vessels to call port on Saipan. A new design for the Saipan seaport was developed in 1987 by the He said the Senate version of Army Corps of Engineers which also rejected a CPA request for the CIP bill passed by the Legis­ funding in 1989. But the United States Congress allocated some $10 lature contained changes in the million for the project in 1990. project listing that "compromises CPA officials in 1992 decided to scale down the proposed dredg­ the integrity" of the CIP master ing scope from minus 40 feet to minus 35 feet due to financial Pedro P. Tenorio Paul A. Manglona plan, which was prepared with constraints but reinstated the original depth when the agency even­ the US Interior Department. By Zaldy Dandan "ill-advised"' by the tually secured additional funds. Meanwhile, the leadership of Variety News Staff administration's legal advisers. Initial funding for the project came from US Congress at $ I 0 the House of Representatives, in SEVERAL Rota and Tinian sena­ The senators, who declined to million; $13 million from the Retirement Fund; and the Common­ separate interviews, expressed tors yesterday expressed disap­ be identified, said similar appro­ wealth Development Authority loaned out $13.5 million. Two willingness to cooperate and com­ pointment over Gov. Pedro P. priation bills were enacted into separate bond issues followed in 1995 and 1998. promise with tne Senate and the Tenorio's line-item veto of the law in the past with no legal con­ The project had been hounded by controversies following com- administration to expedite the capital infrastructure project leg­ cerns raised against them. Contmuea on page 42 islation, claiming that he had been Variety sources, who also re- Continued on page 42 Some of illegals nabbed in . US ambassador in Majuro says mail . ! Guam were Saipan w.orkers languished in Guam for four months By Aldwin R. Fajardo migrants; on board a vessel, By Giff Johnson '"Guam mail mystery," the Variety News Staff were apprehend_ed by Guam au~ GOVERNOR Pedro P. Tenorio thorities on two separate inci­ For the Variety Marshall Islands Journal re­ MAJURO - Four thousand yesterday. expressed.· disgust dents. at.Apra Harbor, accord­ ported on a tip from a Guam pounds of pre-Christmas let­ over the illegal migration of sev- . ing to a report from the United resident that two pallets of mail ters and packages destined for era) Chinese nationals to Guam States CoastGuard. for the Marshalls with postmarks the Marshall Is'lands lan­ as dated as last November were allegedly after the expiration of More than 300 suspect¢d ille­ guished in a Guam post office sitting at the Guam Main Facil­ their Saipan work permits. gal Chinese immigrants have ity post office. ·· The CNMI chief executive already been atTested in Guam for nearly four months until the U.S. ambassador to the Upon seeing the news item, 1 disclosed that he will immedi­ since January this year. Some Marsh alls intervened to get the Majuro-basedU.S.Ambassador f ately meet with officials of the of the illegal immigrants mail delivered to Majuro. Joan Plaisted quickly faxed the ;, Department of Labor an<l Im­ claimed using Saipan and Rota 1t is the latest development story to U.S. Postal Service :i migration, Division of Customs as alleged jump off points. iI !lj in a saga of deteriorating mail (USPS) officials in Honolulu, : I and the Commonwealth Ports Nine suspected illegal Chi­ delivery to the Marshall Is- asking them to check into the / i Authority to promptly arrest nese immigrants aboard an I 8- 1 lands. report that pre-Christmas mail !·I similar incidents. foot boat who were apprehended In a story last Friday entitled Joan Plaisted Continued on page 42 I At least 91 illegal Chinese Continued on page 42 b 1.Jm;;;J===========~~="-_____,a:;,...;a:,,d:.....,:c::-;;:;~=~1'C'.F· 4/ ':.-.w.J.l!:i2Lt..i:J;~,.,_rz~~-z:..:-::::.::::~:r;;t::;C....... '<.'r.""", ··" :..:m.1m~~·'::!.t-::::::.:J ~:::;::;:::::::::=:;::;::::;:::;:::::::===============~==========--===============; Reform Party launch tonight By Zaldy Dandan Variety News Slaff FORMER governor Froilan C. Tenorio yesterday said the Com­ monwealth Reform Party will be officially launched tonight at the Garapan Central Park. Tenorio, who has expressed willingness to run ror the fourth ti me as a gubernatorial candidate, said the new party will elect its officers tonight and sign the ar­ ticles of organization. ··we want to get the new party Froilan C. Tenorio moving," he said, adding that the launching will be attended by Reform 'splatform and by-laws I Reform 's potential candidates in I will betaken upinalatermecting, ,I the upcoming elections for the he said. ,1 House of Representatives. Tenorio earlier revealed that I .. We want to explain what the former governor Lorenzo I. DL Students from the new Dandan Elementary School play around the hallway during breaktime yesterday. new party is all about," Tenorio Photo by Louie C. Alonso said. Continued on page 42 Pn<- NEWSPAPER STACKS 2-\1..\Rl.-\l\.-\S \" ..\RIETY KEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY· APRIL 9. 1999 ________F_R_ID_A_Y, APRIL 9,J999 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 US, Japan work on RP paper apologizes Executor wants judge out prisoner exchange to Estrada; editors quit By Ferdie de la Torre time the matter is resolved. an objective of partiality, Landen It is undisputed, he added, that continues to bleed the estate dry of By JOSEPH COLEMAN The idea is that prisoners would Variety News Staff First, Lon den said, Lamorenahas pointed out that disqualification of Lamorena has presided over mat­ resources while it struggles to sur­ the editors and the reporter who TOKYO (AP) - The United be better rehabilitated and reinte­ By OLIVER TEVES LARRY Hillblom's estate execu­ presided over matters in the Guam Lamorena is required pursuant to ters relating to Hillbroom's guard­ vive the many pending actions to wrote thestory,Joel Gaborni,have States is nc:gotiating a p:1ct with !.!rated into society in their own MANILA, Philippines (AP) - tor Bank of Saipan has sought the SuperiorCourt involving the guard­ statute and Code of Judicial Con­ ianship in the Guam court, includ­ penalize or remove them. Editors at The Manila Times, one resigned but will work for 15 more Japan to allow citiuns from one ~ountries. an official at the U.S. disqualification of Guam Judge ianship of qualified heir claimant duct. ing the approval of attorney's com­ "In other words, they (executor's days following a company rule on countrv con\'icred in the other to Embassy said. speaking on con­ of the Philippines' oldest newspa­ Alberto C. Lamorena III from sit­ Junior Larry Hillbroom (Hillblom Second, the executor's counsel pensation agreements and the Dec. counsel) want this court (Supreme pers, resigned over an apology by resignations. Theirnames were re­ sen·e ti1eir sentences at home. the dition of anonymity. ting in the Hillblom proceedings son) which are related to the issues said, the parties have requested the 30, J998 removal of Kaelani Court) to believe that all of these its owners Thursday to President moved Thursday from the staff list l'..S. Embassy said 1lmrsday. There are 37 Americans in before the CNMI Supreme Court. under review in the writ proceed­ Supreme Court to review the pro­ Kinney (Hillbroom's mother) as diverse parties have something to Joseph Estrada for a report that published daily in the paper. U.S. Ambassador Thomas Japanese prisons and nine others Jack W. Landen, counsel for the ings. priety and scope of the CNMI Su­ co-guardian for the boy. hide and fear the scrutiny of the prompted him to file a IOI million Ms. Estella said they were told Foley and Japanese Justice Min­ awaiting either trial or deporta­ executor, sought the removal of The lawyer said under the direc­ perior Court's reference to Special In response to the motion to re­ court and the Special Master," he peso ($2.6 million) libel suit. by the owners that there was "noth­ i,ter Takao Jinnouchi met earlier tion. the Embassy said. Kyodo Lamorena from presiding over the tive of acting Chief Justice Miguel Master Rexford Kosack. cuse, Joe Hill, one oflawyers for said. In response to the apology, ing really wrong with the story" but in the dav to discuss the arrange­ News agency reported there were Hillblom hearings as associate jus­ Demapan, the Supreme Court will "Thus, the Supreme .Court will Hillbroom, said the executor's re­ ··rt is a tactic, as old as the law," Estrada said he would drop his suit.
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