Mustang Daily California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo Volume 55, No. 83 Friday, March 8, 1991 Professors criticize U.S. poiicy, iook to future of Middie East By A. Mortimer Naughton said geography professor Wil­ she believes the infrastructure Staff Writer________________________ liam Preston. for intervention in the region Preston then pointed out was laid years ago and that the The Gulf War and the that after World War II, a poll situation was exploited as a policies of the United States showed 82 percent of pretext to enforce U.S. foreign government were bashed by Americans were in favor of con­ policy. four Cal Poly professors during tinued war rationing so that “It is an insult to human in­ a two-hour teach-in Thursday. more material could be shipped tellect to say we were there to The main theme of the dis­ to Europe for the continent’s defend democracy,” she said. cussion, organized by political reconstruction. Larry Martinez, a political science professor Phil Fetzer, “Are we willing to sacrifice science professor, works during was the future of tlie Middle for the Middle East?” he asked. the summer as an internation­ East. Manzar Foroohar of the his­ al policy analyst with the “We must live up to the tory department said, “The war federal government. SHERRY L QURTLER/Mustang Dally problems of the region; they is over, or so we are told.” “Power is the only concept William Preston are not going to evaporate,” The Iranian professor said See TEACH-IN, page 8 Burger king ASI OKs loan for children’s center ■ The resolution ultimately places ASI with the financial obligations for Í- the project loan and the Cal Poly Foundation as the initial lender.' By Kelli Martin loan resolution. “If you pass this resolution Staff Writer The indenture resolution ul­ tonight, what you are really timately places ASI with the saying is we have l<x)ked at this The future looks bright for financial obligations for the deal, we liked it and we are will­ plans to construct a new, $1.2 project loan, and the Cal Poly ing to go forward with this deal million Children’s Center at Cal Foundation with acting as the in­ assuming that all our under­ Poly. itial lender. standings (of the deal), especially In a unanimous vote Wednes­ Robin Baggett, ASI corporate the financial transactions, come day night, the ASI Board of counsel, said the resolution was up true,” Baggett said. Directors passed an amended more like a letter of intent to ex­ ASI submitted several recom- version of the Children’s Center ecute the plans for the Center. Sce ASI, page 4 v’fkrn-.j City to vote early on water Issues ■ Measures will deal with water rationing and water sources. By Don Vrtis register to be able to vote is Mon. clerk by proponents and op- Staff Writer March 11. ponents for both measures. The city is holding a special Measure R is backed by San Luis Obispo’s water election April 11 to resolve four W.A.T.E.R. (Water Action Tb stems from many resources, and issues rather than wait until Eliminate Riitioning). Its sup­ ,iS- one resource may be city voters. regular elections in November. porters say the initiative re­ £.' , -I Two measures before voters in Two of the issues involve quires the city to phase out all «! next month’s special election water. water rationing restrictions and deal with water — its use, cost The following is a summary of roll back water rates to pre- and availability. The deadline to arguments submitted to the city Scc ELECTION, page 8 KCPR holds ‘Drive-O-Rama’to j* * " •’ 'it cover Poly Royal revenue loss ^ ^ I ir^iir III in M By D. A. Arviso a telethon in the Graphic Arts $10,000 in pledges by 10 p.m. Staff Writer_______ building. And it’s not a pitch to Sunday. DJs are asking for a sell Time-Life books. It’s KCPR’s minimum pledge of $3. “Phone lines are open so call annual Fund-raising Drive-0- “It’s a rather ambitious goal, HANS HESS/Muatang Dally now. That number again is Rama. KCPR disc jockeys will be but we have come close to it 544-4640. We need your money asking listeners to call and before,” KCPR Business Director Ramon Medina refines his barbecuing skills at the MECHA to stay on the air. Operators are pledge money to the station Greg Wiggins said. “We’d like to club table Thursday in the U.U. standing by now...” through Sunday night. go over it ($10,000).” Nd, Jerry Lewis is not hosting The station’s goal is to receive See KCPR, page 5 Reminder: Fashion Sense ... WeQkQnd weather: Cal Poly Panhellenic Mostly sunny. Moneday is the last eJay to ÊL * held a fashion register to vote in the w ^ Highs: 50s-60s show to raise money April 9 San Luis Obispo Lows: 30s-40s for charity. Special Election. i variable winds 15 mph L ___ Page 6 2 ft. seas, 6 ft. n.w. swells O pinion Mustang Daily COMMENTARY LETTER TO THE EDITOR MUNNB l E V MUrAÔL^ )VV/(/V m u m b l e ^ \ ^ ^ faculty at Poly for the most Soldier thanks educating and rewarding time J c ^ y \ / u 1 TH IN 6 >^50M6TVilN6 of my life. Poly for supportLet’s just hope that all of the m u m b l e students called to serve make My name is specialist it back safely. Poly you’re èorv\e:THIN6 \ vu ’ Donald N. Hong. I got out oi gi-eat. Thanks for the support. the army on Aug. 11, 1990. Cal /Ç-, M U M S l E V/ ' ^ ' / /| Poly was the univer.sity where 1 Donald H. Hong V chose to continue my higher U.S. Army à\. h m m m . education after my military IE service. I spent a quarter and a Í I ■ HAOMHMMM ill- third at Poly, and I must admit those were the best four Arch students HM'/ I MU ^ months of my civilian life. need bike racks The reason I only spent a quarter and a third in school Ever since the administra­ A.'.’ was that I was recalled to ac­ tion banned bicycles from the tive duty by a presidential architecture stair court, stu­ order on Jan. 31, 1991. dents have had three choices. We may either conform to the My job in the army is as a administration’s societal combat engineer. A combat en­ presciiption and drive a car to gineer deals with land mines, school like a “real” American, demolitions, obstacles, fortifica­ or lock bikes to handrails and tion and things of that nature. budget for the accompanying The reality of not making it sacrifices and convenience that back stateside was there. Right daily impoundment by Public now I’m temporarily stationed Safety courteously provides, or in Germany — training until pack our bikes into the labs Mar. 5, 1991. On that date, I where they pose a fire hazard and nuisance but are safe from will find out what is going to cops. Obviously, most cyclists happen. I will either be shipped select choice three. out to Southwest Asia to help If the administration reads or restationed in Germany to r this letter what will be the replace outcoming tnxips. result? My bet, considering his­ The main reason of this let­ torical disregard for cyclists, is ter is not to tell you of my job they will respond by ordering but to thank the university stu­ the bike Gestapo into the labs dents and staff for all the sup­ to impound all bikes belonging port and backing for the troops. to arch students. (Think of the I want to thank my girl, my revenue generated by labs of WOW group, the industrial en­ impounded bicycles!) gineering department, the The correct respninse is of Poly should make learning military science department, course to return the bike racks the school of engineering, the to the architecture stair court! Cal Poly SLO Mobile Super more than just a daily habit Mileage team, the VA rep and Heiland Paul Hoff again the students and the Architecture By Steve Harmon Things that make me go physicist. Things that make class meetings, just get- “hmmmm.” make me go “hmmmm.” togethers every so often be­ Half of education is an act, The bottom line is how wc tween student and tutor. On the act of pretending to give a the contrary, here at Cal Poly define learning. That seems to damn about subjects that are students must be walked be the point where I disagree hackneyed and cliched to death through the coursework like M u s t a n g D a il y with the university’s position. by mediocre professors. In my tod d lers, spending time five years of higher education It occurred to me that the daydreaming in their desks Tara Murphy ( ’ hrisline Kohn this is what I’ve learned. university calls “learning” the waiting for the hour to end. Editorm-Chiel Mar^aging Editor I have learned to memorize process in which students are And most of us know when a herded into classrooms, brain­ Larre Sterling .Ja.son Foster facts to spew back at professors professor is just filing up time Opinion Ednor Investigative Editor on tests; learned that most washed and given" a few trivial with rhetoric so that the class professors I have care more facts and then released. To me, won’t get out early.
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