NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 Volume 59, Number 6 THE TEXAS HILATELIST PThe Journal of the Texas Philatelic Association 1936 Centennial Exposition introduced Texas to America Fort Worth celebration shared Centennial spotlight Visit us at the Mid-Cities Stamp Expo! Park Cities Stamps Byron Sandfield 6440 North Central Expressway, Suite 316 Dallas, Texas 75206 e-mail: [email protected] For Appointment: (214) 361-4322 QUALITY POSTAL HISTORY Dark violet oval “WELLS FARGO & CO’S EXPRESS MARFA TEX” on Scott #U164, the 3-cent franking for the correct half-ounce weight, required regardless of express carriage. Marfa, Texas, to San Francisco, California — Price $175.00. Also, well-stocked in U.S., Classics, Revenues and Locals Please visit me at the Mid-Cities Stamp Expo and other shows in Texas and beyond! contents THE TEXAS PHILATELIST FEATURES 3 Time runs short for Winter Auction lot submissions Arthur P. von Reyn 8 1936 Centennial Exposition introduced Texas to America Arthur P. von Reyn 18 Fort Worth celebration shared Centennial spotlight Arthur P. von Reyn 23 Houston show lacks legs, but proves a winner Jonathan Topper 26 Mid-Cities Stamp Expo promotes “pets that serve” Stanley Christmas DEPARTMENTS 2 President’s Message 4 Your Letters 6 Editor’s Notes 21 Texas Connection 28 Calendar of Events 30 Chapters in Action 33 Texas Cancels 34 Crain’s Corner NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 35 Membership Report Volume 59, Number 6 ON THE COVER THE TEXAS PHILATELIST (ISSN 0893-2670) A “Greetings from Texas Cen- is published bimonthly by the Texas Philatelic As- tennial Exposition” postcard sociation, Inc., 3916 Wyldwood Road, Austin, Texas and a Fort Worth Frontier Cen- 78739-3005. tennial admission voucher are POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TEXAS PHILATELIC ASSOCIATION superimposed over an aerial 3916 Wyldwood Rd. rendition of the Dallas exposi- Austin, TX 78739-3005 tion fairgrounds, as extracted Arthur P. von Reyn EDITOR & ADVERTISING from another postcard. MANAGER P.O. Box 561622 Dallas, TX 75356-1622 E-mail: [email protected] Opinions expressed in The Texas Philatelist are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the editor, the officers of the Texas Philatelic Association, Inc., or the membership. THE TEXAS PHILA T ELIS T November-December 2011 1 president’s message Member opinions sought on future of TEXPEX By Robert I. Benner s some of you have heard, there will be no TEXPEX stamp show in 2012. Before I Arecap what has transpired since my last message to you, I do want to say there will be a 116th Annual Convention of the TPA in the spring of 2012 and your opinions will determine whether there is a future for TEXPEX and if so, what that future will be. When I wrote my column for the last issue of this journal, it was my impression that TEXPEX would be held in the spring as usual, though some significant changes were anticipated due to the TPA taking responsibility for this World Series of Philately show that is sanctioned by the American Philatelic Society. After the September-October journal was printed, the TEXPEX committee chaired by Vince King issued a report indicating the committee felt that TEXPEX had not reached its full potential and never would unless the event was moved to the fall. The principal reason given for this judgement was that major exhibitors and national dealers weren’t attracted to the show in the spring due to competition from two other World Series of Philately shows held before and after the traditional spring TEXPEX dates. To make this story brief, before the report was released, the committee prematurely started exploring options for the fall date and as a result created friction with the two TPA chapters that currently hold their own show at that time of year. It is now apparent that when the TPA Board of Directors approved assuming responsibility for TEXPEX and named a committee chairperson, it should have also directed the committee to inform the board of any proposed major changes and obtain approval before initiating negotia- tions concerning same with outside parties. Since the time horizon for holding TEXPEX in 2012 is now too short, a “bye” has been requested from the APS for next year. The future of TEXPEX or any World Series of Philately show in TEXAS will now be de- cided by you, our members. Enclosed with this journal is a survey with a postage-paid return envelope. Please review and respond whether or not you have ever attended this or any other stamp shows. 2012 TPA CONVENTION TO BE HELD APRIL 14 IN SAN ANTONIO The TPA will stage its 116th Annual Convention this coming spring in the city where our organization was founded—San Antonio. The date is April 14 and the venue will likely be the Norris Conference Center, where the Stamp Fair sponsored by the Texas Stamp Dealers Association is to be held concurrently. We are now exploring activities well beyond our usual convention routine, to include special recognition for those members who have been with us for 25 or more years. Details will appear in the next journal. RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2012 It appears 2012 will be a very exciting year for the TPA and I want all of you to be a part of it, so if you haven’t paid your 2012 dues yet, please do so now. Remember that by renewing on or before December 31, you can take advantage of a $3 discount! In Philatelic Friendship, Robert I. Benner 2 THE TEXAS PHILA T ELIS T November-December 2011 Time runs short for Winter Auction lot submissions By Arthur P. von Reyn or more. ime is running short to submit lots for • Unless expertized, items that stamp Tthe TPA/OPS Winter Auction 2011. catalogues indicate are frequently found forged To date, fewer lots have been received than or to which fraudulent cancels are commonly is normally the case. The deadline is Sunday, applied. November 13. A lot submission form was • Small or large accumulations of common sent out with the September-October 2011 first day covers, plate blocks, cheap stamps edition of The Texas Philatelist. The form may and so forth. also be downloaded from the TPA website, Lots should be mailed to Arthur P. von www.texasphilatelic.org ; select “Download Reyn, P.O. Box 561622, Dallas, TX 75356- Latest Auction Lot Sheet” under the “At Your 1622 or dropped by the TPA table at the 2011 Service” column on the home page. Mid-Cities Stamp Expo. Lots should have a minimum catalogue or estimated value of $10 and be of interest to intermediate or advanced collectors: Pugh Cachets, Inc. 27257 Wells Ln. Please refrain from submitting lots that are Conroe, TX 77385-6906 difficult to sell. These include: • Broken, short or incomplete sets. 10% DISCOUNT FOR TPA MEMBERS • Sets with mixed mint and used stamps. Go to www.pughcachets.com, click on the • Damaged space filler items or unused “available inventory” link (on the left), make selections, then insert the discount code stamps with gum removed, unless the cata- “TxPA” and submit. We pay shipping! logue or estimated value is quite high, i.e $200 THE TEXAS PHILA T ELIC ASSOCIA T ION www.texasphilatelic.org “Friendship Through Philately” Robert I. Benner, PRESIDENT Thomas M. Koch, 1st VICE PRESIDENT P.O. Box 561622 1013 Springbrook Dr. Chapter No. Dallas, TX 75356-1622 DeSoto, TX 75115-3943 0632-049588 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] OFFICERS Vince King, 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Arthur P. von Reyn, SECRETARY Lyle C. Boardman, TREASURER 315 S. Locust St. P.O. Box 561622 3916 Wyldwood Rd. Denton, TX 76201-6055 Dallas, TX 75356-1622 Austin, TX 78739-3005 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS James Berryhill (2012) Peter C. Elias (2012) William L. Strauss (2012) Larry Ballantyne (2014) Ray E. Cartier (2014) George I. Woodburn (2014) TEXAS PHILA T ELIC ASSOCIA T ION FOUNDA T ION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robert I. Benner. Chairman Thomas M. Koch Vince King Arthur P. von Reyn Lyle C. Boardman Norman A. Cohen (2012) William L. Strauss (2012) Katherine Foster (2014) Jonathan Topper(2014) THE TEXAS PHILA T ELIS T November-December 2011 3 your letters Do frequent TSDA bourses affect club shows? My feeling is that the Texas Stamp collectors in Texas have already seen them Dealers Association (TSDA) really hurts the at the TSDA shows. I know this is a sticky three collector-organized shows in Texas. issue but, if the same dealers are going to During the year they have one bourse just be in your town a week before or after an about every month. According to their out-of-town show, why go to the out-of- schedule, they have four each in Houston, town show? This may be one reason the San Antonio, and Dallas-Richardson for a attendance is so low at collector-organized total of 12. The dealers that make these shows. shows are usually the ones at the three James Berryhill (#L-120) collector-organized shows and most of the Waco, Texas Article left “bad taste” for one journal reader I enjoyed Jerald Floyd’s article on “extract more money.” Collecting is a hobby, Eisenhower in the last issue of The Texas the collector has free will to choose which Philatelist. I found it very informative and items to add to their collection and skip entertaining, as well as nicely illustrated. those they do not want (or perhaps of However, the last sentence of the piece which they do not approve).
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