I Children DENVERCATHOUC Inspect T ig Dig' Groups of children escorted A REGISTER by Si.sters have inspected and approved the “big dig” on a Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations site at 29th avenue and Grove street, where the new St. Dom- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1964 DENVER, COLORADO VOL LIX No. 14 jinic’s parish convent is to be built. The youngsters, pupils in the parish school, are eagerly awaiting the pouring of the Vocation of the Lawyer concrete foundation and the start of the brickwork on the two-story house for the nuns. THE COMMU-NITV' of Sisters Delineated at 'Red Mass' live in a building formerly oc­ The preservation of the Amer­ The Very Rev. Monsignor Christian tradition. cupied by a dentist, alongside Pupils To Sing ^ ican concept of modern society, George Evans, spiritual director “We live In the tension of the the original house, built in 1890. as it has evolved from the of the guild, was the celebrant. real and the ideal; the ‘real’ They moved next door in 19,15. At Annual Mass Judaic-Christian tradition, is the The Mass was attended by mirrors hiunan nature on the The nuns at present have to Students from all Catholic vocation of the lawyer, the legis­ Mayor and Mrs. Thomas G. level of its own expressions of commute five blocks to school. grade schools in the Denver lator, the judge and the public Currigan and by a personal itself, the ‘ideal’ represents the Their new house will be just archdiocese are to sing the official. representative of Governor John aspirations of man given him in across the street from it. Gregorian chant at the an­ This was the theme of the Love. the teachings of God and Christ. Completion date is set for nual Mass for deceased Re­ sermon delivered by the Rev. In addition, there were many “Comparisons may be odious, some time next fall. The con­ ligious of the archdiocese Sat­ Charles Forsyth, O.S.B., direc­ members of the bench and bar, and false pride might dictate vent will have rooms for a com­ urday morning, Dec. 5, in Im­ tor of the University of Colo­ who represented many religious that we find comfort in the munity of approximately 12, its maculate Conception Cathe­ rado Newman club, at the fifth denominations. abuses of other civilizations. But own chapel, library - common dral. annual Red Mass celebrated in In his sermon. Father For­ truth demands that we spend room, modern kitchen facili­ The Very Rev. Monsignor the Cathedral of the Immacu­ syth stated: some time in a re-examination ties, and other up-to-date amen­ Richard A. Hiester, arch­ late Conception Sunday, Nov. 8. “The concepts of law and of our ideals, and a re-dedica­ ities. diocesan director of music, order, justice and mercy, as we tion to our goals. Si.ster Mary Henrice is super­ Ecumenism or Exercise? will conduct a rehearsal for THE RED MASS, which use tho.se phrases today, reflect ior of the present community the choir in the Cathedral Neither Sister Marie Therese nor Mrs. Lola at NJH, a free-care center for marks the beginning of the the heritage and demand a re­ “IT IS THE GIFT of the of Dominican Sisters of Sinsin- respiratory Friday, Dec. 4, from 2 p.m. Nurok — her partner from Tel-Aviv, Israel — court year in many cities sponse in our community. Judaic-Christian tradition to awa. The congregation came to diseases. Sister Marie Therese, who resides to 3 p.m. which will include throughout the world, is spon­ Whether or not it would be our civilization that we recog­ Denver in the 1890’s. has time to answer that one as they team up in Denver, is a member of the Franciscan special arrangements for one- sored by the Catholic Lawyers justifiable to call this commun­ nize that each man — each citi­ ESTIMATED COST of the in a badminton match in the National Jew­ Sisters of Penance and Christian Charity. tone responses and tonal va­ Guild of Denver. ity a Christian community, our zen — has the right to ‘walk ish hospital in Denver. Both are convalescing riations in the Dies Irae. new convent is $200,000. The I Archbi.shop Urban J. Vehr of concepts of an ordered society with pride.’ pastor of St. Dominic’s, the Denver presided at the Mass. reflect the reality of the Judaic- “It is the basis of our Chris­ Rev. Michael T. McNicholas, tian ethic that a society made up O.P., said in June this year of men of dignity attain its goal that the present building hous­ in the continued relationship be­ ing the nuns was inadequate be­ tween man and his valid goals cause of its age and condition, Clothing Drive Gives and a society with its proper and because of its remoteness objectives. from the school. “It Is the vocation of the The parish Holy Name so­ Hospital Celebrates lawyer, the legislator, the judge, ciety, the Altar and Rosary so­ Challenge to Charity the public official to validate for ciety, and the Parent-Teacher the weak bis right to justice, to association each pledged $1,200 Once again the people of the needed is children’s clothing. vindicate for the minority his to start the fund for the new Archdiocese of Denver, together This is also the first year that right to dignity, and to preserve convent. with Catholics throughout the sheets, blankets and other bed­ for the st’ong the ordered so­ United States, have received a ding is asked. ciety of the Christian ideal. 75 Years of Service "challenge to their charity” in The material is distributed as ‘"This Red Mass today is a Aid to Missions the form of the American Bish Colorado Springs — A Thanks­ quickly as possible. Last year prayer to Almighty God that Results of the annual collec­ were 150 Sisters of Charity, who I Special guests at the cere- IN 1941, BISHOP VEHR dedi­ op’s annual Thanksgiving, cloth­ this vocafion be a reality in the giving Mass celebrated by Arch­ the Catholic Relief Services gave tion for the Society for the Prop­ conduct the medical-surgical-re-1 mony were Sister Mary Janet, cated the $500,000 student nurse ing drive. lives of each of you and the bishop Urban J. Vehr and din­ search-educational institution. j.Mt. St. Joseph, 0., representing out more than 900,000 tons of re­ agation of the Faith, taken up residence, a gift of Mrs. Vemer Clothing, bedding and shoes goal of our whole community.” ner for 150 religious, civic, and RRiPP MP-ssAriTB I ■'Mother Mary Omer; Mother Reed of Denver, in memory of received in the drive will be dis­ lief materials without regard to in the .Archdiocese of Denver professional leaders marked the ' "‘’"' Mary Romooa, former Mother her daughter, Margery Reed tributed to the poor and needy race, creed, color, or national­ Oct. 25, were announced the FOLLOWING THE MASS, diamond jubilee anniversary of f p l ^ r f iriG<^neral of the Sisters of Char- Mayo. Also dedicated at this in 89 foreign countries where ity. past week by the Chancery of­ breakfast was served to over 150 Penrose hospital, Colorado were g ven at the dinner in the jt „^w superior of Good Sa- time was a new service wing Catholic Relief Services main­ fice. Usually a small amount is people at the Brown Palace A list of contributions from Springs, Nov. 10. costing $134,000 ,a gift of the El tains distribution centers S vS"^SlZr'">f.V':S kept in reserve for immediate hotel. Denver Councilman Rob­ each parish will be found on The special afternoon Mass Pomas foundation. distribution after disasters due ert B. Keating addressed the brought more than 400 persons sunta. Mayor Harrv Hotti, and - Mary Hermine, Dayton, THE DATES OF the drive, page 10. .An eye institute also was es­ to floods, earthquakes, or fire. gathering at the breakfast. to the hospital chapel. Included Dr. G. H. Smith, chief of staff. IsupervLsor for the Ohio Nov. 22-29, correspond to . I region; Sister Cyril, administra- tablished in 1941, then the only Thanksgiving week and provide Joseph A. Reich, chairman of | tor of Mother Margaret hall, Mt. one of its kind from Kansas the nation's Catholics an oppor­ the advisory board, presided at st. Joseph, 0.; City to the West coast.. the dinner. The beautiful new 342-lx>d fa­ tunity to give thanks by giving. Sister Maria Gratia, teacher The Rt. Rev. Monsignor El­ Speakers compared the 223 ad- at St. Vincent academy, Albu- cility, dedicated Sept. 15, 1959, was named Penrose hospital at mer Kolka, director of Catholic missinns in 1889, the first year querqup, N. Mex. The last three Charities, in announcing the the suggestion of the original TV Mass Will Be Repeated of the hospital’s operation as are former superiors at Penrose founder, Mrs. Albert Glockner. drive, expressed both hope and hospital. confidence in the generosity of An enthusiastic mail re “The Mass in English”, a i preview of the Mass in ing changes and your TV show Glockner sanatorium, with the Colorado’s Catholics. sponse to the TV showing TV demonstration Mass, was English... was the picture that was worth 13,098 so far in 1964. The diamond jubilee observ­ originally presented on Wednes­ .a worthwhile community a thousand words... ance culminates a long and He said that last year 110,000 Members of the advisory of “The Mass in English” day night, Oct. 7, and featured service for both Catholics and “ ...you have honored our colorful history for Penrose.
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