THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES OF RAS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES: FACTS, TRENDS, FORECAST 6 (18) 2011 The journal is published according to the decision of RAS economic institutions’ administration in the North-West federal district Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North Komi scientific centre of the Ural RAS department (Komi Republic) Institute of Economics of Karelian scientific centre of RAS (Karelia Republic) G.P. Luzin Institute of Economic Problems of Kola scientific centre of RAS (the Murmansk region) Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS (the Vologda region) and according to the decision of St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics administration and other RF regions Institute of Social and Economic Research of Ufa Science Centre of RAS (Bashkortostan Republic) The decision of Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian MES (№6/6, dated 19.02.2010) the journal is included in the list of leading scientific editions, recommended for publication of the main results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences. Editorial council: RAS academician V.L. Makarov (Moscow, Russia) RAS academician V.V. Ivanter (Moscow, Russia) Belarus NAS academician P.A. Vityaz (Minsk, Belarus) Belarus NAS academician P.G. Nikitenko (Minsk, Belarus) RAS corresponding member V.N. Lazhentsev (Syktyvkar, Russia) Professor J. Sapir (Paris, France) Doctor of Economics, professor S.D. Valentey (Moscow, Russia) Doctor of Economics, professor D.A. Gaynanov (Ufa, Russia) Doctor of Economics, professor O.V. Goncharuk (St. Petersburg, Russia) Doctor of Economics, professor V.A. Ilyin (Vologda, Russia) Professor M. Kivinen (Helsinki, Finland) Doctor of Sociology, professor I.V. Kotlyarov (Minsk, Belarus) Doctor of Economics, professor S.V. Kuznetsov (St. Petersburg, Russia) Doctor of Economics, professor F.D. Larichkin (Apatity, Russia) Doctor of Technics, professor A.V. Putilov (Moscow, Russia) Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu.Ya. Chukreev (Syktyvkar, Russia) Doctor of Technics, professor A.I. Shishkin (Petrozavodsk, Russia) Doctor, professor Zhang Shuhua (Beijing, China) Professor Wu Enyuan (Beijing, China) Chief editor – V.A. Ilyin Editorial board: Doctor of Economics, professor L.A. Anosova Doctor of Economics, professor A.G. Vorobyov Doctor of Economics, professor E.S. Gubanova Ph.D. in History K.A. Gulin (deputy chief editor) Ph.D. in Economics K.A. Zadumkin Ph.D. in Economics G.V. Leonidova Ph.D. in Economics M.F. Sychev (deputy chief editor) Ph.D. in Economics S.V. Terebova Doctor of Economics T.V. Uskova, Ph.D. in Economics A.A. Shabunova Opinions presented in the articles can differ from the editorial board’s point of view Authors of the articles are responsible for the material selected and stated. ISSN 1998-0698 © ISEDT RAS, 2011 Internet address: http://esc.vscc.ac.ru CONTENT FROM THE CHIEF EDITOR Ilyin V.A. ......................................................................................................................... 5 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Tatarkin A.I., Lavrikova Yu.G. Programmed project modernization of the federative structure in Russia .................................................................................... 13 Baranov S.V. Stages of control of regional development in Russia .................................. 28 Lipina S.A. Ways and methods of economic integration of the North Caucasian regions ................................................................. 38 BRANCH-WISE AND REGIONAL ECONOMY Lazhentsev V.N. Assessment of the regions’ socio-economic development levels (in the case of the Komi Republic, the Arkhangelsk and Vologda oblasts) ... 45 Kotomin A.B. The ways and problems of power efficient development of housing and communal services economy of the Russian Northern regions on the basis of innovation techniques ........................................................ 55 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Dmitrieva Т.Е., Buryan М.S. Spatial development of social service in the northern region ........................................................................................ 65 Duganov M.D., Kalashnikov K.N. Methodological approaches to the estimation of the regional public health services efficiency .......................................... 79 Taslunov A.N., Barabanov A.S. Analysis of tariff regulation in housing and utilities economy (in case of the city of Vologda) .................................................... 91 Morev M.V., Lyubov E.B. Social and economic damage due to population’s mortality from suicides ............................................................................103 МODELING AND INFORMATICS Ponomarenko T.V., Larichkin F.D. Model of strategic managing the competitiveness of the integrated company ....................................................................... 114 OF EDITORIAL MAIL Skufyina T.P. Suggestions about the problems of the social development, innovations and teaching of economic disciplines ...................................................... 122 YOUNG RESEARCHERS Shamina M.S. Development of a methodology of forming anti-crisis management strategy for a wholesale trade organization ............................................... 129 IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS AND JOURNAL ARTICLES Dementieva I.N. Current work on corruption in Russia .................................................. 137 INDEX OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN 2011 ........................................................... 141 FROM THE CHIEF EDITOR Dear readers! This volume of the journal releases after the elections of the depu- ties to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation State Duma of the sixth convocation, on the 4th of December. Thus, the first stage of the new political cycle in the country has started. What are the basic results of the elections? According to the published data of the Central Selective Commission of Russia, the party “United Russia” got 49.4% or 32.4 million voices (in 2007 it got 64.3% or 44.7 million voices), having lost in comparison with Vladimir A. the elections of 2007 about 12.3 million voters1. Pre-election debate ILYIN and the results of the last voting showed, that the significant part of Doctor of Economics Professor population has serious claims to the extremely liberal financial and Honored Scientist of the RF economic course carried out for the recent 4 years by legislative and Director of ISEDT RAS executive authority. The requirements for the transition from declara- [email protected] tive policy to the real one providing economic, social and political validity in the interests of the most part of the population, instead of the narrow group of the oligarchic capital with representatives of legislative, executive and law bodies serving them, have sharply increased. For the previous political cycle of 2008 – 2011 the scien- tific and expert communities2 have actively discussed the necessity of the duly serious correction of the activity of the federal authority’s bodies both in the financial, economic, social, cultural spheres, and in the political one, - the importance of the real struggle against the state political corruption and of the maintenance of equality of all authorities in the face of law. 1 According to the data of the website of the Central Selective Comission of the Russian Federation http://www.vybory.izbirkom.ru/ 2 See: Ilyin V.A. The problems of the socio-economic development of the Russia’s territories at the post-crisis period // Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. – 2011. – 5 (17). – Pp; 9-23. About the strategy of the Russian economy’s development / S.Yu. Glazyev, V.V. Ivanter, V.L. Makarov and others // Economics in contemporary Russia. – 2011. – № 3 (54). – P. 29; Minakir P.A. Space variety of Russia and the regional policy’s problems // New economic association’s journal. – 2011. – № 10. – Pp. 150-153; Kara-Murza S.G. To elaborate the acceptable doctrine within the frameworks of the current political system is a difficult task // Russia’s strategy 2020. Specific opinion. The “round table” materials. – M., 2011. Economical and social changes: facts, trends, forecast 6 (18) 2011 5 FROM THE CHIEF EDITOR The loss by the party in power (“United • giving tax bodies powers for getting the Russia”) more than 77 deputy mandates information on the activity of the largest tax (reduction from 315 to 238 places) testifies that bearers, etc. the activity of the State Duma of the fifth con- In the experts’ opinion4, all the disadvan- vocation did not reflect the interests and the tages did not allow increasing (almost to two values of the considerable part of the Russian times) the incomes to the federal budget. society. As a result, by the present time in Russia Many accepted laws did not meet the almost 85% of regions and more than 90% of requirements of the majority of the population3. the municipal formations are donated (subsi- The constitutional majority of the deputies dized) for more than 10 years5. At the same of the fifth State Duma appeared to be deaf to time, the number of the dollar billionaires6 such offers of experts from the opposing parlia- in Russia grew from 87 to 101 for the period mentary parties and public organizations as: 2007 – 2011. • establishment of the socially optimum Imbalance in the legislative activity of the level of minimal wages and of the size of pen- State Duma influenced the work of representa- sions; tives and agencies of authority in the subjects
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