THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO 4 .11. 18 Screenplay by Story by Joe Talbot & Rob Richert Joe Talbot & Jimmie Fails 1 EXT. HP SHIPYARDS / HP BUS STOP - SUNRISE An eight-year-old African-American girl with knockers in her hair stands on a desolate sidewalk behind yellow caution tape. She licks a candy and gazes upwards – spellbound. A man in a hazmat suit glides along the pavement, Darth Vader breaths heaving from his space-mask. He loads pieces of trash and plants into hazardous waste bags. In the distance, more men in hazmats crawl along a decaying dock, collecting various items. The little girl breaks her gaze and begins down the street, running her hand along the caution tape. A voice appears. PREACHER (O.S.) Why they got suits on and we don't? Something is going on right in front of our face. But you stuck on your i-phone, j-phone 12, whatever. Blow up in your hand! You cant Google whats goin’ on right now. They lucky I’m a man of god now. Or I’d suicide bomb this mother-. Tracking with her, we land on a black man in his Sunday best. He stands on a box, shouting at nobody in particular. PREACHER Are ya’ll paying attention? Why do they have suits on and we don’t?... Why?!?! Listen to me man! An old lady drives by and honks supportively at the Preacher. He waves without breaking focus. PREACHER They here to clean this water? Man, this water been funky as the devils mouth for fifty years and now they wanna clean it up?!?!… Not for you and me, no sir! They got plans for us. He points his chin in disgust at the men in white suits. PREACHER (O.S.) They got those suits on lookin like a George Jetson rejects because they weak. Weak hearts. Weak lungs. They cant even breathe out here without a mask on. We were made to be put through hell to be purified. (MORE) 2. PREACHER (O.S.) (CONT'D) You understand what I’m saying brothers and sisters. That’s why I urge you. Do not consummate with white women. Protect the black seed and leave us the hell alone. Unless you came to really help us. Across the street at a run-down bus stop, two African- Americans in their early 20s, JIMMIE FAILS and MONTGOMERY ALLEN, look at the scene, idly regarding it. JIMMIE Crazy what jail will do to a nigga. Montgomery studies the man while he writes in his journal. PREACHER They lucky I’m a man of God now or they’d catch this fade! JIMMIE You think he rehearses this every morning? MONTGOMERY Seems a bit more impromptu. JIMMIE Hm? MONTGOMERY I think he’s improv-ing. PREACHER It’s 2019 out here, we been yelling about this water since before they was born! Jimmie looks anxiously for the bus down the empty road. Camera begins to slowly push towards him. JIMMIE Where’s this bus, man? We’re gonna be late. MONTGOMERY We’ll get there. PREACHER So I urge y’all to fight for your land! JIMMIE We’re not gonna get there, bro. 3. PREACHER Fight for your home! Fight! For! Your! Home! JIMMIE Let’s skate. Jimmie slowly looks to Mont. Mont turns to Jimmie. 2 EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREETS - MORNING - TRAVELING HP SHIPYARDS - Montgomery and Jimmie ride together on his skateboard. They kick and maneuver in unison. They skate past decaying docks and industrial buildings. The preacher's sermon continues as the "Main Score" begins. PREACHER (V.O.) This here, THIS is the edge brah. The final frontier of manifest destiny. The last edge of the city, last edge of the country! Man, two steps further and you'd be drinking that filthy salt water. 2.1 ILLINOIS ST BRIDGE - Jimmie and Mont skate over the bridge. PREACHER We built these ships, dredged these canals, in the San Francisco they never knew existed. 2.2 HP CORNER STORE - The young men shoot past a corner store with a man sitting in front of a mural of himself. He waves. Hunters Point residents are out in their Sunday’s best. 2.3 PORTOLA ROSE GARDEN - They pass construction workers pulling apart a decaying roof across from cookie-cutter homes. PREACHER (V.O.) And now they wanna build something new?!? Whole blocks half in the past, half in the future. 2.4 BERNAL HILL - Jimmie and Mont climb a mountainous hill, the sun rising over the shipyards at their back. As they summit the final red boulder, we see a sprawling civilization below. 4. PREACHER (V.O.) But should you venture into their San Francisco, the one they pillage for gold, remember your truth in the city of facades. The young men walk hurriedly through an altogether different world; grand Victorians line the street. Jimmie and Montgomery zip towards the sprawling metropolis. The duo bomb a rollercoaster hill. This is a serious journey. 2.5 EXT. DOWNTOWN - MORNING - Mont turns and stares out at all the commuters. He drinks in the city’s new population. 2.6 TENDERLOIN - The young men pedal in unison past droves of homeless. A shoe flies by their heads. They duck and turn to see a crazed man running alongside them, ripping off layers of clothes as he keeps pace. He shouts incoherently. PREACHER (V.O.) Look at them look at you, look down at you. But we built them. Jimmie and Montgomery skate past towering buildings. 2.7 FILLMORE - The young men skate through an altogether different world; grand Victorians line the street. PREACHER (V.O.) We are these homes. Their eyes... We narrow in on the details of one very special home as we intercut with details of Jimmie skating towards it: Two big attic windows, like eyes stare down on the street. Jimmie staring forward, focused, skates with determination. PREACHER (V.O.) Their pointed brims. A crooked witch hat tower sprouting from the roof. Jimmie’s beanie rises into frame as he pedals. PREACHER We move as they move. An old curtain flaps in the window. Jimmies clutches his coat, flapping alongside him. 5. PREACHER Our sweat, soaked in the wood. Dew drops glisten on hand-carved fish scale walls. Jimmie’s cheeks are dotted with sweat. PREACHER Gilded in our image. Jimmie’s gold chain floats upwards glinting in the light. A tall door with chipped gold leafing catches morning sun. The music climbs with each new detail until! 3 EXT. "THE HOUSE" - MORNING - CONTINUOUS Jimmie and Montgomery stand in silence. They look up at a beautiful but crumbling three-story Victorian. Jimmie crosses the street towards The House like a moth to a flame, Mont just behind. Jimmie and Mont approach the front gate and peer through the bars. MONTGOMERY Are you sure they’re gone? Jimmie pushes open the gate. MONTGOMERY (O.S.) (CONT’D) Jim... Jimmie floats up the steps, beckoned by some higher spirit. JIMMIE (almost to himself) Her car’s gone... A couple with a stroller and dog pass Mont. MONTGOMERY (trying to appear normal) How you doing? The couple don’t seem to care. Mont peeks back up to Jimmie and closes the gate behind him gently. MONTGOMERY (CONT’D) Let’s check the back, hm? Remember that time he was in the kitchen? 6. JIMMIE Sure, yeah- But bra, did I not tell you... Jimmie presses a ring of paint swatches against the railing. JIMMIE (CONT’D) It’s Periwinkle. Not Black. Mont ascends the step jotting this down into his book. MONTGOMERY Mhmm, got it. JIMMIE Ugh. This garden is a nightmare... Jimmie continues up the steps out of frame. 3.1 SIDE ALLEY - Jimmie continues forward, he’s on a mission. MONTGOMERY I’ll bring my Grandpa’s tools next time. JIMMIE Sick... 3.2 BACKYARD - Through an empty back window, we see Jimmie rise up the steps. He peers into The House. A moment of soothing calm and then... JIMMIE Jesus, wallpaper’s peeling too. These people... MONTGOMERY Yeah but Jim, you’re not gonna go inside. Jimmie’s eyes shift. He has other ideas. He walks down the steps. JIMMIE They’re definitely gone though. MONTGOMERY Let’s be quick this time, hm? JIMMIE Yeah I know. It just takes time. 7. MONTGOMERY I know, I’ll be at my spot. 3.3 FRONT OF “THE HOUSE" - Montgomery sits at his look-out perch, flipping past old sketches of Jimmie. Jimmie paints the windowsill. We cut wide to see he’s standing atop a bird bath. He leans onto his tippy toes to peer inside once more. He sees a sad yellow table in the empty room. He leans forward a little more...a little more, a- WHAM! A croissant hits the window beside him. Jimmie turns. JIMMIE Jesus! MARY AND TERRY ZWIGOTT stand there. Mary has a fruit in her hand ready to throw. MARY He’s back again?! GET THE HECK OUTTA HERE MAN! She throws it. Terry grabs her arm mid-throw. TERRY Hun, those are 3 dollars! MARY Stop fffixing my house! Jimmie tries to finish his job vigorously. JIMMIE I’m almost done. Hold on. MARY Go paint the neighbors! Theirs is worse than ours! Jimmie continues to work faster. JIMMIE I’m almost done! MARY Look, we will call the cops, man! I’m serious this time. 8. TERRY We’re NOT gonna call the cops. Just stop coming back. JIMMIE Fine. I’ll finish it next time. God.
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