The Inventory of the Hermann F. Eilts Collection #1734 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Eilts, Hermann Frederick #1734 5/9/07 Preliminary Listing Box 1 I. Manuscripts. A. By HFE. 1. Essays, TS drafts unless otherwise noted. [F. 1] a. AArab-Israeli Peace Prospects - 1994,@ 28 p., 10/28/94. b. AIran - Malevolent or Maligned?@ 18 p., Aug. 1994. c. AIslamic Fundamentalism: A Quest for a New World Order,@ 22 p., 2/25/94. d. AMubarak=s Third Term - Prospects for Stability,@ 2 drafts 51-64 p., May 1994; 9/1/94. e. AThe Muslim Republics of Central Asia,@ 18 p., Sep. 1993. [F. 2] f. ASaudi Arabia Problems and Prospects,@ 26 p., Jan. 1994. g. AToward an Arab-Israeli Peace Problems and Prospects,@ 25 p., 11/18/93. h. AYemeni Unity - Problems and Prospects,@ 2 copies, 22 p., June, 1994; includes TLS re: editing draft, 6/9/94. II. Printed Materials. A. Reports. 1. AHearings Before the Armed Services House of Representatives, Second Session,@ Dec. 1990. 2. ACrisis in the Persian Gulf: Sanctions, Diplomacy and War, Statement of Hermann Eilts,@ 10 p. B. Articles by HFE, AIslamic Fundamentalism: A Quest for a New Order,@ Mediterranean Quarterly, Fall 1990. Eilts, Hermann Frederick (5/9/07) Eilts, Hermann Frederick #1734 9/14/07 Preliminary Listing I. Correspondence. A. Office files, includes TL, TLS. Added to Box 1 1. AChronological August-December 1982.@ [F. 3-4] 2. AChronological January-December 1983.@ [F. 5-8] 3. AChronological January-December 1984.@ [F. 9-13] 4. A1985 Chronological.@ Box 2 5. A1986 Chronological.@ [F. 1-5] 6. A1987 Chronological.@ [F. 6-8] 7. A1988 Correspondence.@ [F. 9-11] 8. A1989 Chronological.@ [F. 12-15] 9. A1990 Chronological.@ [F. 16-19] Box 3 10. A1991 Chronological.@ [F. 1-5] 11. A1992 Chronological.@ [F. 6-11] 12. AChronological 1993.@ [F. 12-14] 13. AA1979-1985 B B1979-1985.@ [F. 15-17] Box 4 14. AC1979-1985 B Z1979-1985.@ [F. 1-21] Box 5 15. ABooks on Order, 1980-1985.@ [F. 1] 16. AUrsinus College, 1980-1985.@ [F. 2-3] B. Personal files, may include printed materials, manuscripts, TLS, TL, ALS, clippings, greeting cards. 1. AA,@ 1986-1993, approx. 50 p. [F. 4] 2. AB,@ 1986-1993, approx. 150 p. [F. 4-5] 3. AC,@ 1987-1993, approx. 70 p. [F. 6] 4. AD,@ 1985-1993, approx. 50 p. 5. AE,@ 1986-1992, approx. 20 p. 6. AF,@ 1987-1992, approx. 200 p. [F. 7] 7. AG,@ 1987-1991, approx. 70 p., includes TL to George H. W. Bush. [F. 8] 8. AH,@ 1988-1993, approx. 150 p. [F. 9] 9. AThe Honorable Hume Horan,@ 1989-1992, 22 p. [F. 10] 10. AMohamed Bin Husain,@ 1985, 1991, 15 p. 11. AJ,@ 1987, 1990-1992, 14 p. 12. AI,@ 1986, 1992, 3 p. 13. AK,@ 1987-1993, approx. 100 p. 14. AL,@ 1986-1992, approx. 70 p. 15. AM,@ 1986-1993, approx. 150 p. [F. 11] 16. AN,@ 1986-1991, approx. 40 p. [F. 12] 17. AO,@ 1985-1993, 18 p. Eilts, Hermann Frederick (9/14/07) 18. AP,@ 1986-1992, approx. 30 p. 19. AQ,@ 1990, 1993, 3 p. [F. 13] 20. AR,@ 1986-1992, approx. 70 p. 21. AS,@ 1987-1993, approx. 200 p. [F. 14] 22. AT,@ 1986-1993, approx. 50 p. [F. 15] 23. AU,@ 1990, 2 p. 24. AV,@ 1981-1993, approx. 30 p. [F. 16] 25. AW,@ 1986-1993, approx. 50 p. 26. AX,@ 1987-1993, approx. 30 p. 27. AZ,@ 1988-1989, 10 p. 28. Untitled, 1986-1992, approx. 20 p. 29. APersonal,@ re: some professional material, approx. 70 p. II. Manuscripts. A. By HFE, TS, may include correspondence. Box 6 1. Re: Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME). [F. 1] a. APost 1990-91 Persian Gulf Crisis Security Dilemmas,@ 1991. b. AA Middle East Peace Conference: Problems and Prospects,@ 1991. c. AU.S. Policy Toward Iraq: Implications and Possible Consequences,@ 1992. d. AKuwaiti Elections of 1992,@ 1992. e. ALectures,@ 1992. f. APresident Clinton=s Middle East Policies - a Prognosis,@ 1993. g. AThe U.S. and Iran,@ 1993. [F. 2] h. AToward an Arab-Israeli Peace - Problems and Prospects,@ 1993. i. AThe Muslim Republics of Central Asia,@ 1993. j. AIran - Malevolent or Maligned?@ 1994. k. ASaudi Arabia - Problems and Prospects.@ l. AJCCME - Islamic Fundamentalism B A Quest for a New World Order,@ 1994.. m. AJCCME - Arab-Israeli Peace Prospects,@ 1994. n. AJCCME - Yemen, Unity, Problems and Prospects,@ 1994. o. AJCCME - Contemporary Iran-Domestic Issues and Foreign Relations,@ 1995. [F. 3] p. AJCCME - Qatar - an Overlooked State: Problems and Prospects,@ 1995. q. AJCCME - Iraq and the U.S. - a Cat and Mouse Game,@ 1995. Eilts, Hermann Frederick (9/14/07) r. AJCCME - The U.S. and Iran: An Enduring Enmity,@ 1996. s. AJCCME - The Arab-Israeli Peace Process - 1996, a Year of Disillusionment,@ 1996. t. AJCCME - The Arab-Israeli Dilemma - an Assessment - January, 1996.@ u. AEgyptian Perceptions of 1967 War, Rabin Center, Tel Aviv, May 26-28, 1997.@ [F. 4] v. AJCCME B U.S. Middle East Policy - Iran and Iraq - 1998.@ w. AJCCME B Saudi Arabia - 1997: A Troubled Polity.@ x. AJCCME - U.S. Policy - Iran and Iraq - 1998.@ y. AJCCME B The Arab-Israeli Peace Process: A Fading Mirage or Still Hopeful? January 25, 1998.@ [F. 5] z. AMattox - Wye Plantation Memo B 1998.@ aa. AJCCME B Saudi Arabia Present and Future, October, 1997.@ bb. ASaudi Arabia B 1998.@ cc. AU.S. Policy in the Middle East,@ 1999. [F. 6] dd. AIslamic Fundamentalism B Waxing or Waning? October, 1999.@ ee. AArab - Israel, 1999.@ [F. 7] ff. AGulf Security July 2000.@ gg. AStrategic Review B Changing Landscape of Middle East - June-July 1999.@ [F. 8] hh. ABarak and Israeli-Palestine Peace Talks - Nov. 2000.@ ii. ATurkey, Jan. 26, 2000.@ jj. AKurds, Jan. 2001.@ [F. 9] kk. ABush Middle East Policy,@ 3/3/01. 2. Re: AWashington.@ a. AWashington B Political Islam in Egypt, Origins, Evolution, and Status,@ 1992. [F. 10-11] b. AWashington B Mubarak Third Term Prospects for Stability,@ 1994. [F. 12] 3. AUniversity of Utah - The U.S.; Iraq and the Gulf Crisis,@ 1992. [F. 13] B. By others, TS, may include memorandums. 1. Quandt Chapters. a. ADomestic Developments in Israel, 1978-1988,@ by Naomi Chazen, 58 p. [F. 14] b. AIsraeli Views of Egypt and the Peace Process, 1978-1987,@ by Shimon Shamir, 32 p. c. AJordan and the West Bank Palestinians: 1978-1988,@ by Emile Sahliyeh, 37 p. d. ALebanon and the P.L.O, 1978-1988.@ [F. 15] Eilts, Hermann Frederick (9/14/07) e. APatterns of Egyptian Foreign Policy Since Camp David,@ by Ali E. Hillal Dessouki, 23 p., Oct. 1987. f. AProspects for the Arab-Israeil Peace Process,@ by Harold H. Saunders, 37 p., 10/15/87. g. AThe Return of Geography: Inter-Arab Politics (1978-1988),@ by Ghassan Salame, 43 p., Oct. 1987. [F. 16] h. AThe United States and Israel, 1977-1988,@ by Samuel W. Lewis, 59 p., 11/3/87. i. AU.S. Policy Toward Egypt, 1978-1988,@ by HFE, 10/28/87, 56 p. 2. ARecent Speeches by Director of Central Intelligence.@ [F. 17] a. AUntitled Remarks,@ by William H. Webster at the National Council of World Affairs Organizations, Washington, D.C.@ 9 p., 10/25/90. b. ATesting the Resources of Intelligence,@ by William H. Webster at the Chicago Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations, 9 p., 12/10/90. 3. AAmerican Foreign Policy and the Campaign Against Islam,@ by Arthur L. Lowne, 9 p., 2/17/95. 4. AArmy and Politics in Mubarak=s Egypt,@ by Robert Satloff; first draft, 53 p., October 28, 1987. [F. 18] 5. AThe Bayad Development Project,@ by Warugh, 6 p., 11/11/78. 6. AThe Egyptian Intelligence Community: From Nasser to Mubarak,@ by William T. Ownby, 38 p., Fall 1992. 7. AExternal Trade Policies of the Republic of Turkey, 1926-1982: A Case Study of the Evolutionary Invariance of the Turkish Regime,@ by Nilufer Caglar, thesis proposal, approved by HFE, 12 p., Mar. 1983. 8. AIn the Wake of the Achille Lauro: Deterioration of the Egyptian-American Axis,@ by Yahya Sadowski, final draft, 63 p., n.d. [F. 19] 9. Untitled re: AAlahali and Haikal,@ may be written/corrected by HFE, TS with holograph notes, 12 p., 4/19/78. C. Transcripts. 1. AAl Azhar Presentation Ceremony Remarks by Dean Mahmud Shukri, Faculty of Language,@ 7 p., 1979. 2. AExcerpts from Interview with President Ronald Reagan as published in New York Times,@ 5 p., 2/3/81, includes 1 ALS to HFE and copy of text from an Egyptian Newspaper, 2/2/81. III. Professional Materials. A. Personal files, may include MS, correspondence, TLS, TL, financial materials, printed materials, photographs and legal materials. Eilts, Hermann Frederick (9/14/07) 1. AThe Superpowers and the Arab Regional Subsystem, 1955-1967,@ thesis by Fawaz A. Gerges, 377 p., 1992. [F. 20-22] 2. ABooks,@ 1985-1991. [F. 23] 3. AMemberships,@ 1980-1992. 4. APhotos,@ 1980-1988, 20 black and white prints. 5. APassport Information,@ 1984-1987. Box 7 6. APersonal,@ sub-files include: [F. 1] a. AHFE Personal 1985,@ 1983-1990. b. ACorporate American Express Card,@ 1988-1991. [F. 2] c. ACV and Biographical,@ 1986-1989. d. A1991 Tax Statements (HFE),@ 1991. e. Untitled, 1985-1992. 7. AAnnual Reports/Forms,@ 1980-1993. [F. 3-5] 8. ABinder, Fred,@ 1991-1993. [F. 6] 9. AJapanese Correspondence,@ 1991-1993. 10. AMacQueen, Angus D.@ 1983-1988. 11. AMount Alvernia High School,@ 1987-1989. 12. AA,@ 1982-1992. 13. AB,@ 1983-1988. 14. AMeyer, Armin,@ 1986-1987. [F. 7] 15. ABook Donations B Ursinus,@ 1985-1993.
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