News analysis Tob Control: first published as 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056525 on 22 February 2021. Downloaded from also called for, starting with a sharp reduc- aligned with Article 2.1 of the WHO Worldwide news tion in sales points. Vending machines FCTC, which states that “in order to should be removed as soon as possible, better protect human health, Parties and comment and tobacco and related products are encouraged to implement measures restricted to ‘estancos’ (regulated tobacco beyond those required by this Convention stores) as the only authorise selling points and its protocols.” SPAIN: CIVIL SOCIETY PRESSES for tobacco and related products, using This is an edited extract of an article GOVERNMENT FOR TOBACCO stronger ID policies to prevent underage originally published on the Tobacco ENDGAME BY 2030 youth purchases. Looking ahead, the Control website. The full article, with More than twenty civil rights associa- Declaration goes even further, calling for links to the Declaration and other refer- tions and public health organisations in a progressive phase out of the commercial ences, can be accessed at https:// blogs. bmj. Spain have backed a Declaration asking sale of tobacco products, by not allowing com/ tc/ 2021/ 01/ 19/ spain- civil- rights- and- tobacco retailers to sell tobacco products the Spanish Government for a Tobacco public- health- organizations- press- govern- to people born after 2007. In other words, Endgame by 2030. The goal is ambitious: ment- for- a- tobacco- endgame- by- 2030/. those who turn 18 on or after 2025 would to decrease smoking prevalence in Spain Laurent Huber be Spain’s first tobacco free generation. to under 5% by 2030. The Declaration Action on Smoking and Health, USA The creation of a fund to redress the outlines a range of measures to protect huberl@ ash. org harms caused by tobacco is the final point Spanish citizens’ right to health, in line Ubaldo Cuadrado García de Arboleya, Raquel in the Declaration. Based on the “polluter with the government’s obligations under Fernández Megina & Leonardo Visconti pays principle”, the tobacco industry the WHO Framework Convention on NoFumadores. org, Spain would be subject to new levies, similar Tobacco Control (FCTC). These include to those enacted by France in 2016. smoke- free public and private spaces, Given the negative impact of tobacco on MALAYSIA: DID THE TOBACCO increased prices and taxation, plain pack- both health and the economy, resources INDUSTRY COLLABORATE WITH MEDIA aging for tobacco products, phasing out should be allocated for smoking cessation TO DEFEAT TAX INCREASE? commercial tobacco sales, and a fund to treatments as well as supporting alterna- The Malaysian 2021 budget was an oppor- redress tobacco harms. tive livelihoods for those who currently tunity to raise tobacco taxes after 5 years The call for better protection from generate income through tobacco. with no increase. Instead, they remained secondhand smoke includes that both The Declaration was formally submitted static for the sixth year, following sustained indoor and outdoor areas of bars and to the Health Ministry on 29 December media coverage which was remarkably copyright. restaurants and all university campuses 2020. If adopted by the government, it favourable for the tobacco industry and become smoke free, as well as promoting will not only reverse a decade of increasing its arguments opposing tax increases. In protection from secondhand smoke in smoking prevalence, but also put Spain at addition to aligning with tobacco industry private homes. The latter is particularly the forefront of global tobacco control. framing, there was a distinct lack of public important for vulnerable people during Currently, tobacco use prevalence is health voices in the extensive media COVID-19 lockdowns. nearly 33%. Smoking prevalence reached coverage, as well as evidence of possible Pricing and taxation are essential issues a low point around 2010, when smoke- editorial interference to delay publication to address in Spain. A cigarette pack costs free laws were introduced for all closed of advocacy in favour of the increase. http://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/ less than 5 euros, making tobacco prod- public spaces, including bars and restau- Taken together, these issues raise questions ucts cheaper than in many European rants. Unfortunately, since its implementa- about potential collaboration between the countries and easily affordable for youth. tion the law has been under attack with tobacco industry and media in Malaysia. As a result, the current age of smoking the hospitality sector starting a campaign initiation in Spain is 13.9 years. Increasing of civil disobedience, and setting up prices will not only decrease smoking enclosed outdoor terraces where smoking initiation and reduce smoking prevalence, is allowed. The current situation, in which but will also be a tool to help Spain during the hospitality sector feigns compliance its COVID-19 economic recovery period. while effectively disobeying the law, In addition to being a World Health clearly benefits the tobacco industry, and Organization- identified “best buy” for must end. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected public health, raising prices and increasing A recent survey conducted by Nofu- taxes would also ensure the tobacco madores. org suggests that anti- smoking prevention policies of Spain’s neighboring laws have wide support in Spain, with countries are not undermined by visi- two thirds of the population asking for tors to Spain purchasing cheap tobacco more restrictions, around 60% in favour products. of plain packaging, and 70% of smokers Another call included in the Declara- wanting to quit. Clearly more needs to tion is for Spain to follow the urging of be done to protect the right to health of many health professionals to implement Spanish citizens, instead of protecting plain packaging of tobacco products. This tobacco industry profits. would bring Spain into line with its neigh- Spain must look to a future free from Coverage in the New Strait Times of BAT bours in nine European countries, and 18 tobacco- induced disease and death. It Malaysia’s sponsored ‘stop the black market’ other countries around the world. must accelerate the implementation of bus campaign. source: https://www. nst. com. Steps to progressively phase out the the WHO FCTC, and take leadership by my/ business/ 2020/ 10/ 629116/ bat- malaysia- commercial sale of tobacco products are implementing novel end game policies hits- street- stop- black- market- bus. Tob Control March 2021 Vol 30 No 2 121 News analysis Tob Control: first published as 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-056525 on 22 February 2021. Downloaded from increase tobacco tax, but included indi- between the tobacco industry and super- All articles written by Marita Hefler and rect measures to tackle illicit tobacco, markets, involving payments to promote John Baker unless otherwise attributed. in line with what had been advocated in the sale of tobacco products. Payments Ideas and items for News Analysis should preceding media coverage. Both Japan varied from €10 000 to about €2 million be sent to: [email protected]. Tobacco International Malaysia and BAT per year. For example, supermarkets au. Malaysia welcomed the budget. agreed to let the tobacco industry decide Although direct and indirect tobacco on cabinet layouts, made exclusive deals advertising is banned in Malaysia, it with a tobacco company, and received In addition to TV interviews and webi- appears that messages from the tobacco bonuses for selling certain volumes of nars, at least 30 articles were published industry and its allies are transmitted by tobacco products. All 51 cases resulted throughout 2020, with several angles mainstream media, with few dissenting in the NVWA issuing fines, varying from about smuggling and the illicit tobacco public health perspectives. The Malaysian €45 000 to €450 000 for repeat offences. market. Themes included: that Malaysia government must require tobacco compa- The Dutch State Secretary of Health, has the worst reputation globally as the nies to report their marketing and promo- Paul Blokhuis, stated ‘It is extremely world’s largest tobacco black market, tional budget and sponsored programmes. worrying that supermarket chains are smuggled cigarettes are driving underage Similarly, the media must be required to receiving illegal payments from the smoking, a BAT Malaysia-sponsored disclose the nature of any collaborations tobacco industry to promote the sale survey showing public agreement that high with the tobacco industry. The public of tobacco and related products’. In his prices feed the black market, smokers are deserves to know if collaboration exists conversations with supermarkets the turning to cheaper smuggled cigarettes, and if so, be told the full details. main topic has been their responsibility in COVID-19 is fuelling the illicit market, This is an edited extract of an article promoting healthy choices for customers. and small businesses are hurt by the illicit first published on the Tobacco Control ‘The future is smoke free’, Mr Blokhuis tobacco market. website at https:// blogs. bmj. com/ tc/ 2021/ added. ‘Bonuses to boost tobacco sales are Green Zebras, a market research 01/ 26/ malaysia- did- the- tobacco- industry- not consistent with this responsibility and company, released infographics, published collaborate- with- media- to- defeat- tax- will have to become a thing of the past as in the New Straits Times, with the message increase. Mary Assunta of the Southeast soon as possible’. that the majority of Malaysians supported Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, provided The NVWA also carried out inspec- the government acting on illicit cigarettes. technical input for both versions. tions at bigger supermarket chains The company did not disclose the client Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed between July and September 2020. for this work. Several foreign voices also International Islamic University Malaysia The report found 3% of supermarkets copyright. weighed in which supported the tobacco Malaysian Association for Adolescent Health (two stores) did not implement the industry’s messages, including Retail haniki@ iium.
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