;/lit' I"." m;st'r; Irtultw;",,,r! j"I"I'II(" Instauration® MAJORITY (?) RENEGADESS OF THE YEAR o Medical researchers have decided that stress destroys the body's immunological defenses. Over the past few years I have suffered from In keeping with Instauration's policy of D I wonder how many Instaurationists realize periodic bouts of depression and the usual com­ anonymity, communicants will only be identified that even such innocuous films as "Star Wars" mon colds and influenza attacks. I wish I could by the first three digits of their zip codes. and "The Empire Strikes Back" are being used get restitution from the minorities who are part­ for subliminal propaganda in favor of the hu­ ly responsible for my health problems. o The Nordic creates cultures and civilizations manitarians. Darth Vader, the bad guy, wears a 481 that lead to his own extinction. Is that smart? IQ black uniform and a helmet that somehow is an is not a good survival characteristic. It is not an exaggeration of the World War II German hel­ Your story on Rivera reminded me of the asset in business or government to have a high met. His soldiers are called Stormtroopers o famous E.B. White poem of the 30s, one verse of IQ. If we assume that the Aryan is a downbred (shades of the 55). The heroine, Princess Leia, which went: Cro-Magnon, then the race/species will have and the hero, Luke Skywalker, both have Biblical names. And guess who is the nicest, kindest, lasted only a thousand generations. Most species "Whose head is that I see on my wal/?" survive for millions or billions of generations. most intelligent and most lovable creature in Said John D. 's grandson Nelson. 100 "The Empire Strikes Back"? -rhe Jedi Master Yoda, whose name doesn't rhyme with Aryan. "Is it anyone's head whom we know, at o It is said that the American government is a 922 all?" government of laws, not of men. Half true! To­ "A Rensselaer, or a Saltonstall? day's American government is not a government o Last Saturday, my spouse and I attended a "Is it Franklin D.? Is it Mordaunt Hall? "Or is it the head of a Russian?" of men. It is a government of sheep. party in Scarsdale. Except for a handful of Jews, 906 practically the entire crowd of 150 were Irish Romans. The Mass was startlingly un-Catholic. "I paint what I think," said Rivera. You would have thought you were in a funda­ o Zip 481 can rest assured that John Tyndall's The "wa"" was the main floor of Rockefeller concept of an Anglo-Saxon world does not ex­ mentalist Protestant church. No wonder the Catholic traditionalists have been screaming in Center's RCA building. The "head" was Lenin's. clude him. It could hardly do so, since Tyndall 159 himself is Irish on his father's side (a great-great­ recent years that their beloved church has be­ nephew of Irish physicist Professor John Tyn­ come Protestantized. Though almost everyone dall). was a Democrat, I never saw such vitriolic ha­ o The "Twins" piece in the Catacombs did jus­ British subscriber tred for Carter! It seems to me that underlying tice to the proposition that the difference be­ the Roman venom is the Northeast Irish Catholic tween the right word (or phrase) and the almost­ battle with the Southern Protestants for control right is akin to the comparison of the lightning of the party. o When a candidate goes to Los Angeles he is and the lightning bug. I refer to "heredity's iron sure to visit Watts and talk with black organiza­ 104 full-nelson," which turn of words approached tions. If he goes to Philadelphia he most defi­ o The notice about West Germany graciously the electrical. It did the Sage of Baltimore proud nitely visits South Philly (Italians, Poles, blacks being granted the right to build any warship, any on his centennial; Mencken could have written and Puerto Ricans). He never has to worry about size, came out wrong. You stated that lithe Bonn it. the German Americans. They will give him their government would not be allowed warships, in­ 223 vote even if he happens to be a Carter and is cluding submarines. [Editor's note: It was a typo responsible for establishing a Commission on -should have been "now".] The reason why o A Majority Hero of the year? A contender the Holocaust. West Germans are again allowed to waste bil­ surely is George Brett, who has replaced as 191 lions on warships is obvious: ex-ally Russia is "baseball's best hitter," Rod Carew, a sullen, outbuilding the navies of the free world. The East Panamanian-born black wed to a Jewess. A hap­ o Re Cholly, I'm afraid he laid on the farce a Germans are not restricted; their ships roam the py combination of sunny young man and aU-out little too heavy in the September issue (as he did Baltic Sea at will, protected and smiled upon by competitor, Brett has raised immeasurably the not in the "review" of Primates and Pre;udice). the Kremlin bosses. Will Bonn accept the invita­ spirits of those, like myself, who had a" but Satire should not be allowed to dull the blade it tion to create another German Navy, after two conceded the national pastime to blacks and conceals. previous "Kriegsmarine" ended in tragedy? browns. 301 222 640 Instauration CONTENTS is published 12 times a year by For Never Was a Story of More Woe ..............................................................5 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Election Wrap*Up ..........................................................................................6 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Hermann Keyserling's America ......................................................................9 It's a long Way to Bremen ............................................................................ 12 Annual Subscription $12 regu lar (sent third class) The legal Assault on the American Home ..................................................... 15 $6 student (sent third class) Frame-Ups in France .................................................................................... 18 Add $5.50 for first class mail Cultural Catacombs ......................................................................................22 $20 Canada and foreign Add $12.50 for overseas air Inklings ........................................................................................................24 Cholly Bilderberger ......................................................................................26 Wilmot Robertson, Editor Notes from the Sceptred Isle ........................................................................39 Make checks payable to Howard Allen Primate Watch .............................................................................................31 © 1981 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Elsewhere .....................................................................................................33 All Rights Reserved Stirrings ........................................................................................................35 PACE 2 INSTAURAnON JANUARY 1981 o There seems to be a lot of overlap in Cultural "The Nogood Nine" (August 1980) delighted o WASPs return to the Old Testament as a dog Catacombs, Inklings, Primate Watch, Elsewhere me no end. Mama Mia, dat's da way to set the returns to its vomit. That is why your readers are and Stirrings. And redundancy (Jews in crime, record straight. so pathetically anxious to "make it up" with the blacks in rape, etc.). I was surprised to see Bev­ 451 Jews. erly Hills referred to, in the Iran item in Else­ British subscriber where, as the "Holy City of Come." Are you D I have lived half my adult life in the Third going to become the National Enquirer of World and I know that cultural differences, re­ D As a school board in California is paying racism? inforced often by biological differences, are of students 25¢ a day to come to class, a "women 399 supreme importance to the future of mankind. only" scholarship has been approved by a Dela­ But I react with bewilderment and a touch of ware court and a black college in Alabama is o I usually don't send you comments on any­ anger to your apparent conviction that Ameri­ suing the government on the grounds that forced thing that appears in Instauration, but in Octo­ can Jews are somehow in the same alien cate­ integration is threatening its existence. Higher ber's "What Can Be Done," I find an exception: gory as Somalis, Bengalis and Zulus. I am really education is getting lower every day. mystified by this. Certainly American Jews have 321 To judge by "Safety Valve" reaction at angered me by doing their best to harness Amer­ the time, the idea excited little interest ican foreign policy to the chariot of Jewish na­ and was consigned by the readership to tionalism abroad. But is that any worse or better D Bauman, the New Right "leader," is typical of back-number oblivion. Robertson's cor­ than the actions of Greek Americans in cutting homosexuals. They often try to submerge their respondents seemed much more absorb­ off arms sales to Turkey or the actions of Irish feelings of being outcasts by manipulating ed by such burning issues as whether or Americans in aiding and abetting the IRA in-mur­ others in political mass movements. The ploy of not Mussolini was a clown. dering British soldiers and Irishmen? I've pleading sympathy as an alcoholic is one I often bumped into quite a few American Jews. Except hear from criminals of all types. Genuine alco­ This refers, of course, to a separation of the for their aforesaid devotion to a foreign cause, I holics are generally too drunk to commit crimes. Majority from the minorities by ceding them have found them to share my basic Western District Attorney portions of the United States. Now if anyone cultural traits -- to be, in essence, just as "good citizens" as any other bunch of hyphenates, and believes that such a proposition is possible under D It is true that the Jews who organize beauty the present American political system he is far better than many. It happens that I've crossed competitions have begun to give prizes to non­ out of touch with reality. It would not be possi­ paths with Henry Kissinger and dislike the man whites.
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