DL 5119 BING CROSBY DRIRING AND DREAMING BING CROSBY Vocal with Instrumental Accomp:tniment SELECTIONS INCLUDE: appealing than when Bing did it w!th the mellow, Americans in general approve of Crosby ••. almost smooth-f'owing backgrounding of electric.guitarist Les in the same way that parents approve of their pride- Side One Paul and his Trio (Cal Goodin, steel guitar; Bob Arm- and-joy. 'fhey smile indulgently at his loud clothes; strong, piano; Clint Nordquist, bass)? they chuckle at his racy, spontaneously imaginative 1. DRIFTING AND DREAMING Or Blue of the Night • .. Was Bing's singing of his vocabulary; they make good-natured jokes about his Van Alstyne-Schmidt-Gillespie famous theme ever more satisfying than to the sooth- horses and his golf. They have a wholehearted liking ing accompaniment of the Paradise Island Trio (Russ for him not only as a personage, but as a person. The 2. IT'S BEEN A LONG LONG TIME Styne-Cahn Magnus, vibraphone; Sam Koki, steel guitar; Erwin popularity of his singing style needs neither analysis Both with Les Paul and His Trio Yeo, organ)? nor comment, so universal and so lasting has been Then, remember how you thrilled to Bing's interpre- its appeal. 3. WHERE THE BLUE OF THE NIGHT tation of The Singing Sands of Alamosa? Chances are, Although most of Crosby's numerous and always MEETS THE GOLD OF THE DAY you first heard him do it with Dick Mcintire and his successful film vehicles had previously been on Turk-Crosby -Ahlert orchestra providing the music. the "light" side, it was not until 194\l that Paramount You'll find all these and a fat handful of other spe- Pictures first gave free rein to his flair for comedy. 4. THE WALTZ YOU SAVED FOR ME cial Crosby-treated songs in this collection. If you're an Pairing him with Bob Hope in "The Road To Singa- Both with Paradise Island Trio incurable Crosby collector, this will be a "must" item pore," Paramount loosed a riotous "Road" series on for you. you're not yet a Crosby collector, this Decca Sam Koki, Steel Guitar If the nation. The pair have been all over both hemi- Russ Magnus, Vibraphone Long Play Record is a grand one with which to start. spheres, from Morocco to Rio, even to Utopia--and the Anyway, collector or no, h~re's a wonderful oppor- Erwin Yeo, Organ King-Flindt-Kahn end is not in sight. tunity to renew cherished musical acquaintances ... But it was in 1944, with the directorial help of Leo Better still, here's a chance to recapture the mood of Side Two McCarey, that Crosby attained full stature as an actor some cf yesteryear's sweeter, dreamier moments- with his Academy-Award-winning role of Father with the help of the singer whose vocal magic was, O'Malley in Paramount's "Going My Way," a role he 1. WHEN YOU'RE A LONG, LONG WAY perhaps. a contributory part of them. repeated in "The Bells of St. Mary's" in 1945. Bing's FROM HOME Meyer-Lewis pop:1larity as a romantic lead-although he's the papa about Bing ••• of four fast-growing-up boys--is evidenced by the box- 2. WHEN I LOST YOU Irving Berlin Who is Bing Crosby? Rather an improbable question office pull of 1946's "Blue Skies" and l947's "Welcome Both with Paradise Island Trio for one American to ask another, isn't it? Everybody Stranger," following which he starred opposite Joan knows the guy. Bing holds a kind of national accept- Fontaine in the Techn ~ color extravaqanza "The 3. l'M DRIFTING BACK TO DREAMLAND ance, affection, and esteem such as has been given to Emperor Waltz," with Rhonda Fleming in "A Connec- Sadler-Charlesworth-Harrison only one other entertainer: ... the late Will Rogers. ticut Yankee," with Ann Blyth in "Top o' the Morning." Crosby, like Rogers, transcends his profession. His Today, Crosby is, as he has been for the past twenty 4. THE SINGING SANDS OF ALAMOSA personality; the Americana he somehow represents; years, the biggest name in the entertainment world. His Both with Dick Mcintire and the democratic attitude he typifies; and his unfailing current transcribed half-hour radio show constitutes a His Harmony Hawaiians Reisfeld-Gannon ability to please-whether singing. acting, or just talk- revoiution in the radio industry, and it rivals the popu- ing-all have made him much more than a name. He larity of his Kraft Music Hall show of several years has grown to be a symbol of a lot of things ... of the ago. His Decca records outsell those of any combina· about f he record ••• success an ordinary, run-of-the-mill fellow can achieve; tion of two or three top-notch recording artists. Here's a dreamboat of a record ••. eight mood-mak- of naturalness, sincerity, and easy-goinq good humor; Yet Crosby remains, personally, forever Crosby. ing melodies to set you drifting and dreaming along a symbol of a kind of composite American. He's still unimpressed with himself. He's still as casual, with Bing, who is everybody's favorite singer of any Crosby himself is the last person to believe all this. informal, and unassuming as ever. Still flaunts >he kind of song. He cannot see himself as a fabulous, almost legendary most colorful clothes and vocabulary this side of · a Charming, nostalgic, lazy-tempo ballads these .•• figure. He is, today, confident, poised, mature-never- rainbow-not to attract attention, but merely becausEt all of them popular with you at one time or another ... theless, he is still constantly amazed and often embar- he insists on being himself, without pretense. He has especially the times that Crosby sang them. Take rassed by other people's high evaluation of his impor- but one measure of an individual. Crosby doesn't care Drifting and Dreaming, for example. Was it ever more tance. Bing has a rare. authentic modesty. who you are, as long as you're "regular." OTHER DECCA LONG PLAY RECORDS BY BING CROSBY AULD LANG SYNE GOING MY WAY (Selections from Paramount Production) and 10-inch Long Play Record ............................ DECCA DL 5028 • Price $2.85 THE BELLS OF ST. MARY'S (Selections from Leo McCarey's Picture) BLUE OF THE NIGHT 10-inch long Play Record ........ ... ......... .. ........ DECCA DL 5052 • Price $2.85 10-inch Long Play Record .... .................... ..... DECCA Dl 5105 • Price $2.85 HOLIDAY INN (~ong Hits from the Paramount Picture) BLUE SKIES (From Paramount Technicolor Production) BING CROSBY-FRED ASTAIRE With Fred Astaire and Trudy Erwin 10-inch long Play Record ..... ......................... DECCA Dl 5092 • Price $2.85 10-inch Long Play Record ......... ..................... DECCA DL 5042 • Price $2.85 ICHABOD (Washington Irving's Humorous "Legend of S!eepy Hollow" from CHRISTMAS GREETINGS the Walt Disney Production) told and sung by Bing Crosby and 10-inch Long Play Record ..... ....... .......... .. ..... DECCA DL 5020 • Price $2.85 RIP VAN WINKLE-Walter Huston COWBOY SONGS-Vol. l 10-inch long Play Record ....... .............. ......... DECCA DL 6001 • Price $3.35 JEROME KERN SONGS 10-inch Long Play Record ....................... .... DECCA DL 5107 • Price $2•85 10-inch long Play Record ....... .. ... .......... ........ DECCA Dl 5001 • Price $2.85 COWBOY SONGS-Vol. 2 MERRY CHRISTMAS 10-inch Long Play Record ... ................ .. ....... DECCA DL 5129 • Price $2.85 10-inch long Play Record .. ......... .. ........ .. .. ..... DECCA DL 5019 • Price $2.85 DON'T FENCE ME IN (Songs of the Wide 0Fen Spacea) THE SMALL ONE-Bing Crosby 10-inch Long Play Record...... .DECCA DL 5063 • Price $2.85 TIU HAPPY PRINCE-Bing C!'osby and Orson Welles. Children's Stories IL BINGO (Latin American Favorites) 10-inch Lo!"g Play Record .......................... DECCA DL 6000 • Price $3.35 10-inch Long Play Record......... .DECCA DL 5011 • Price $2.85 SONG HITS FRCM BROADWAY SHOWS FAVORITE HAWAIIAN SONGS-Vol. l 10-inch long Play Record ...... ....... ........... ...... DECCA DL 5000 • Price $2.85 ST. PATRlt'\C'S DAY-Irish Songs with The Jesters and the King's Men 10-inch Long Play Record .... ... ... ......... ......... DECCA DL 5122 • Price $2.85 lO-inch long Play Record ... ....... .. ... .. ............. DECCA DL 5037 • Price $2.85 STEPHEN FOSTER SONGS ST. VALENTINE'S DAY-~avorite Romantic Songs 10-inch Long Play Record ........................... DECCA DL 5010 • Price $2.85 10-inch Long Play Record ......... ........... ..... ..... DECCA DL 5039 • Price $2.85 GEORGE GERSHWIN SONGS STARDUST-Sentimental Songs 10-inch Long Play Record .......................... .... DECCA Dl 5081 • Price $2.85 10-inch Long Play Record ......... .... .......... ..... .. DECCA Dl 5126 • Price $2.85 Printed in U.S.A. Prices include Federal Excise Tax This DECCA Long Play Microgroove Unbreakable Record can be played only on 33113 RPM instruments. For maximum enjoyment it should always be kept in this protective envelope, away from heat. .
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