Scripture For Witnessing & Reference Guide to Biblical Doctrine A donated work to the body of Christ Carelinks PO Box 152 Menai NSW 2234 AUSTRALIA Table of Contents Preface ……………………………………………………………………… 6 Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 7 Inspiration and Final Authority of Scripture ………………………….. 8 Proper Methods for Interpreting Scripture (Hermeneutics) ………… 8 Attributes of God ………………………………………………………….. 9 Spirit…Infinite…Invisible ………………………………………… 9 Being…Supreme Ruler…Omnipresence ……………………… 10 Eternal…Immortal…Omnipotent…Omniscient ……………….. 11 Immutable…Unsearchable…Love ……………………………... 11 Sinless…Savior…God isnot a man …………………………… 12 Lawgiver and Judge…Creator ………………………………….. 12 Merciful…Immeasurable…BringsEvil…God isone …………. 13 There isone God ………………………………………………… 13 God hasone name but manytitles…Compound titlesof God 14 Jesus Christ / Yahshua the Anointed ………………………………….. 15 The name of Jesus…God did not die…Attributescompared .. 15 God manifesting through Christ…Jesus’ humanity …………… 16 Jesushasa Body(Soul) and Spirit …………………………….. 16 Revealsthe I AM…Our mediator…Had a God, did Hiswill ….. 17 Prophet…Prayed…Born a human...Died a human …………… 18 Raised form the dead a glorified Human ………………………. 18 General Scripturesabout JesusHumanity …………………….. 19 JesusChrist not just a mere man ………………………………. 20 Salvation through Jesus Christ ……………………………………….… 28 Holy Spirit …………………………………………………………………… 29 Trinity Refutation ………………………………………………………….. 30 Un-biblical terms …………………………………………………. 30 Trinity verses ………………………………………………………………. 31 O.T. verses: Gen. 1:26…Gen. 11:7…Gen.16:7-13 ……………….. 31 Gen. 18…Deut. 6:4-5…Ps. 45:6-7 …………………... 32 Ps. 110:1…Isa. 7:14…Isa. 9:6 ……………………….. 33 Jer. 17:5…Jer. 23:6…Mic. 5:2 ……………………...... 34 N.T. Verses: Matt: 1:23…People who worshiped Jesus …………. 34 Matt. 9:2-3 / Mk. 2:7…Matt. 28:18 …………………… 35 Matt. 28:19…Matt. 28:20…Mk. 2:7…Lk. 1:35-36 ….. 36 Lk. 5:20-21…Lk. 8:39…Jn. 1:1-3 ……………………. 37 Jn. 1:2…Jn. 1:3-4…Jn. 1:10 …………………………. 39 Jn. 1:14…Jn. 1:15 Jn. 1:18…Jn. 2:19…Jn. 2:24 ….. 40 Jn. 3:13…Jn. 5:18…Jn. 6:33…Jn. 6:38 ……………. 41 Jn. 6:62…Jn. 6:64 …………………………………….. 42 Jn. 8:24…Jn. 8:58…Jn. 10:18 ………………………. 43 Jn. 10:30 ……………………………………………….. 44 Jn. 10:33…Jn. 14:16-17…Jn. 17:5…Jn. 20:17 ……. 45 Jn. 20:28…Ac. 5:3-4 ………………………………….. 45 Ac. 7:45…Ac. 7:59…Ac. 20:28b…Rom. 9:5 ……….. 46 Rom. 10:9…Rom. 10:13…1 Cor. 8:6 ……………….. 47 1 Cor. 12:4-6…2 Cor. 5:19…2 Cor. 12:19 ………….. 48 2 Cor. 13:14…Eph. 5:5 ……………………………...... 48 Phil. 2:6…Col. 1:15-20 ………………………………... 49 Col. 2:9 ………………………………………………….. 50 2 Table of Contents Continued Trinity Verses continued: N.T. verses: 2 Thess. 1:12…1 Tim. 3:16…1 Tim. 5:21 1 Tim. 6:14-16…2 Tim. 4:1…Titus2:13…2 Pet. 1:1 .. 51 Heb. 1:2…Heb. 1:8…Heb. 1:10 ……………………… 52 Heb. 4:8…Heb. 7:3…Heb. 13:8…1 Jn. 3:16 1 Jn. 5:7-8 ………………………………………………. 53 1 Jn. 5:20…Rev. 1:8…Rev. 1:17…Rev. 2:8 Rev. 21:6…Rev. 22:13 ………………………………… 54 Antichrist ………………………………………………... 54 Water Baptism ……………………………………………………………… 56 God’s Purpose for Earth and Mankind ………………………………… 57 The Kingdom of God ……………………………………………………… 58 Abraham…Spoken of bythe prophets ………………………… 58 JesusPreached it …ApostlesPreached it ……………………. 59 K.O.G. our inheritance…K.O.G. realized… Gospel of the Kingdom ………………………………………….. 60 Millennial overview…Jobsin the Kingdom ……………………. 61 What will future (Paradise) Earth be like ………………………. 62 Resurrection, Our Hope in Christ ………………………………………. 62 Death abolished…The Rapture…Saintsin Tribulation ………. 63 Sonsof Yahweh…Sonsof Yahweh manifested… Saintsreward given at second coming ………………………… 64 Conditional Salvation of Man …………………………………………… 64 Eternal destruction of ungodly…Final judgment ……………… 65 Death ………………………………………………………………………… 66 Unbiblical terms…What isdeath…Death isa sleep… Death isan enemy ………………………………………………. 66 Death brought bysin…Where are the dead… A place of silence …Not with Christ in Heaven…The dead are in the graves…The state of the dead ….................................. 67 TheyPraise not…Saintswill not live till the resurrection… Saved if “in Christ”…Immortalityof the soul… The soul issaid to die …………………………………………… 68 Rebuttal of Reincarnation ……………………………………………….. 68 Hell, Name and History …………………………………………………... 69 O.T. namesand translations…N.T. namesand translations .. 69 Eternal fire…Historyof Hell …………………………………….. 70 Sources of Evil …………………………………………………………….. 70 The definition of the word Evil ………………………………….. 70 Yahweh sends evil spirits…Strong delusions… Deaf, dumb, blind…Starvation …………………………………. 72 Pestilence…Sickness, disease, natural disasters… God makespeople drunkto destroythem…other verses… Yahweh doesnot hear the wicked…Antichrist ……………….. 73 Satan / Devil ………………………………………………………………… 74 Lucifer ……………………………………………………………... 74 Un-biblical terms…Satan in the O.T. (all verses) .…………… 75 Satan in the N.T. (all verses) …………………………………... 76 The Devil in the N.T. (all verses) ………………………………. 77 How manytime did Satan / the devil fall? ………….. 78 3 Table of Contents Continued Demons ……………………………………………………………………… 79 Un-biblical terms …………………………………………………. 79 Demonsin the O.T. ……………………………………………..... 80 Demonsin the N.T. (all versesN.T. 1140) …………………… 80 Demonsin the N.T. (all versesN.T. 1139) …………………… 82 Demon possessed man healed…Translation bias……………. 83 Satan / Devil and Demon verses explained …………………………… 84 The Snake Gen. 3 ………… 84 The Sonsof God Gen. 6:2-4 ……. 84 The Adversary Job 1 & 2 ……... 86 King of Babylon Isa. 14:12-24 … 87 King of Tyre Ezk. 28:1-19 …. 87 The temptation Matt. 4:1-11; Lk. 4:1-13; Mk. 1:12:13 …...... 88 The God of thisworld 2 Cor. 4:4 ….…. 89 The prince of the power of the air Eph. 2:1-3 ……. 89 Chainsof darkness 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6 …….... 90 Michael and the dragon Rev. 12:1-9 ….. 90 Devil and Satan bound Rev. 20:2, 7, 10 ………… 91 The definite article “THE” ………………………………………… 91 Sin Nature / Temptation …………………………………………………... 92 Temptation ………………………………………………………… 92 Man lead into temptation byGod ……………………………….. 93 Judgment ……………………………………………………………………. 93 Yahweh…The flood ………………………………………………. 93 Time of the Patriarchs…Law of Moses…RighteousJudgment Age of the Ecclesia…The Millennium…Bythe man whom God hasordained…Paradise the perfect day ………………………. 94 Angels ……………………………………………………………………….. 95 Angeliceffectson men …………………………………………... 95 Nature of Angels…Prince Angels...The Angel of the Lord …... 96 Men are also called angels…Angels(divine messengers) asthe Sonsof God…Men also called Sonsof God ………….. 97 Communion …………………………………………………………………. 97 Personification Scriptures ……………………………………………….. 98 Prayer (Prayersof the Bible bybook) ……………………………………. 98 Godly Living ………………………………………………………………… 106 Holinessof believers …………………………………………….. 107 I am who I am …………………………………………………….. 108 Freedom from the Law in Christ ………………………………………… 108 Salvation …………………………………………………………………….. 109 Giving ………………………………………………………………………… 112 Types ………………………………………………………………………… 112 Feasts of Yahweh …………………………………………………………. 113 Pagan Feasts so called Christian ………………………………………. 114 Occultism, Spiritism, and Witchcraft ………………………………….. 115 Church Discipline …………………………………………………………. 115 Obedience to Church Government …………………………………….. 116 Obedience to Civil and Family Authority ……………………………… 116 Tale Bearing, Rumors, Slander ………………………………………… 116 Reconciliation with Other Christians …………………………………... 117 Prophecies and their fulfillment concerning Jesus Christ …………. 117 4 Table of Contents Continued Other prophesies concerning Jesus …………………………………… 118 Prophecies Concerning the Nation of Israel ………………………….. 120 Prophecies concerning the end of the age ……………………………. 121 End Time Prophecies ……………………………………………………… 122 The Bible’s Scientific statements are accurate ………………………. 122 References for Frequently Used Scriptures …………………………… 123 Animal Symbolism …………………………………………………………. 124 Significant Biblical Numbers …………………………………………….. 126 Church Ages and their Meaning ………………………………………… 127 Parables Table ……………………………………………………………… 128 Miracles Table ……………………………………………………………… 129 Colors and Their Types in Scripture …………………………………… 130 Book and web site references used in compiling this work ……….. 132 Notes Pages ………………………………………………………………….. 134 The purpose of the Unbiblical terms and categoriescontained in the Trinity , Death , Satan / Devil , and Demons section of thisoutline isbased on: 2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture isgiven byinspiration of God, and isprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. When a person iswilling to base their belief system on wordsand conceptsnot found in the inspired record of Scripture, the doctrine or concept must be questioned in light of the Biblical wordswhich we are to base our faith on. Jn. 17:17 Thyword istruth. When people use wordsto describe doctrinesbased on wordsnot found in the Bible, then their doctrine isuntruth, uninspired, and unbiblical. In essence, theyare adding to Scripture to support doctrinesand traditionsof men. 5 Preface Dear Brethren in Christ, Just a brief historyof how and whythisbooklet came into being. Mywife and I attended a fellowship of close knit believersfor 9 years. We believed, at the time, a little differentlythan what most of what main stream Christianityteaches. Doctrinessuch as the dual nature Christ (i.e. JesuswasfullyGod and fully Man), and Universal reconciliation (i.e. the ultimate salvation for all humanity) to name a few. We were taught that Jesuswasnot God but He wasfullya man. However in song and prayer, we were calling Him God. (Oh Jesus, Oh God, etc…) In the course of time we stumbled acrossvariousbooks regarding the Trinity. We realized that Jesuswasfullyhuman
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