ИІЬесІ by^he Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit associition| ШrainianWeekl V Vol. LVII No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1989 50 cents Conservatives win majority of seats Ukrainians in Paris stage liunger strike in new Supreme Soviet of USSR at CSCE Conference on Human Dimension JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Progressives Elected to serve on the Council of Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine gress of Free Ukrainians (WCFU). were largely denied seats in the newly Nationalities were: Borys L Oliynyk, and WCFU Human Rights Commission Over 20 Paris area residents from the reorganized USSR Supreme Soviet, as poet and secretary of the board of the Ukrainian community joined in a de­ the Congress of People's Deputies Ukrainian Writers' Union; as well as PARIS - As the Conference on the monstration, wearing sandwich boards elected 542 members of the new legisla­ party bigwigs Volodymyr A. Ivashko, Human Dimension, being held as part and displaying placards featuring pic­ ture — the vast majority of them party second party secretary of the Commu­ of the Conference on Security and tures and names of the clergy who and government functionaries. nist Party of Ukraine; and Valentyna S. Cooperation in Europe, continued here, demonstrated their demands in Mos­ five Ukrainian Americans and one The 2,250 people's deputies elected Shevchenko, chairman of the presidium cow. On the signs were pictures of Ukrainian Canadian took part in a sit- from among themselves persons to of the Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet. Bishops Pavlo Vasylyk, Sofron Dmy- in and hunger strike at the International serve on the Supreme Soviet, which is terko and Filemon Kurchaba,and three Also elected to the Supreme Soviet Conference Center on Thursday, June now composed of two houses, the priests, Mykola Simkailo, Ivan Senkiv, (Continued on page 3) 1, to focus attention on the banned Soviet (Council) of the Union and the and Volodymyr Viytyshyn, Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Soviet of Nationalities, each with 271 USSR. In addition, appeals were made for members. the restoration of the Ukrainian Auto- The CHD is the first of three confe­ According to The New York Times, cephalous Orthodox Church and the rences on humanitarian and human one deputy, historian Yuri N. Afana- right of Protestant Churches to prac­ rights issues that will be held in the seyev commented: "We have created a tice their faith in Ukraine. framework of the Helsinki process. Staiinist-Brezhnevite Supreme Soviet" Active participants from the local Conferences will also take place in and said this was the result of "an community included: Jean-Pierre Pa- Copenhagen in 1990 and Moscow in aggressively obedient majority" subser­ sterniak, Philip Naumiak, Zirka Vitu- 1991; thus, the Paris meeting is expected vient to the conservative aparatus of the shynsky-Cyran, Sviatoslav Mazuryk, to set precedents for those subsequent Communist Party. Dr. Wolodymyr Kosyk (head of the meetings. Fifty-two deputies from Ukraine Association of Ukrainian Organiza­ The hunger strike was held in solida­ were elected to the Council of tions in France), Nadia Myhal, Nadia rity with the three Ukrainian Catholic the Union, and 11 were voted into the Popoff, Walter Dratvynsky, Laryssa bishops and three Ukrainian Catholic Council of Nationalities. Vitushynsky, Korylo Mytrowytch (of priests who were simultaneously .con­ the newspaper Ukrainske Slovo), Mr. Among those elected to the Council ducting a hunger strike in Moscow and Mrs. B. Vitushynsky, and others. of the Union were Mykola M. Amosov, pressing for the legalization of the honorary director of the Scholarly Ukrainian Catholic Church. Information packets containing facts Research Institute of Cardio-Vascular The participating hunger strikers about the oppressed Ukrainian Surgery in Kiev, and Dr. Yuriy M. were members of Americans for Human Churches, political prisoners, psychia­ Shcherbak, Kiev writer and physician, Rights in Ukraine (AHRU) from the tric abuses and other issues were distri­ author of a book titled "Chornobyl" United States, Vera Eliashevsky, Maria buted to the 35 CSCE delegations and and chairman of the ecological group Zarycky, Odarka Polanskyj, Natalka the attending press. Handouts prepared Zelenyi Svit (Green World) affiliated Priatka and Nadia Ratycz, and Chris­ by AHRU in both French and English with the Ukrainian Writers' Union. tina Isajiw, director of the Human were distributed to attendees inside the Many party functionaries were elect­ i; Ukrainian Friendship Society Rights Commission of the World Con­ (Continued on page 5) ed, to the Council of the Union, in­ Dmytro Motorny, chairman of the cluding: Volodymyr O. Kravets, Ukrai­ Kirov Collective Farm in the Bilozerka nian minister of foreign affairs; Hry- District, Kherson region of Ukraine, Pope says religious freedom horiy I. Revenko, first secretary of the and two-time recipient of the Hero of Kiev Oblast Party Committee; Hryho- Socialist Labor medal, was among the still lacking in Soviet Union riy P. Kharchenko, first secretary of the Ukrainians elected to the Council of the HELSINKI - Pope John Paul II ing legalization as evidenced by the Zaporizhzhia Oblast Party Committee; Union, one of two houses of the newly lauded the 1^5 Helsinki Accords for hunger-striking faithful in Moscow and Valeriy 1. Tsybukh, Ukrainian reorganized Supreme Soviet of the putting religious freedom among the during the opening session of the Komsomol chief. USSR. foundations of peace in Europe, but Congress of People's Deputies recently. cautioned that true religious freedom The Ukrainian Catholic bishops and was still lacking in parts of Eastern clergy had also gone to Moscow to Memorial Society founded in Lviv Europe and the Soviet Union, Reuters present a letter to Soviet President reported on Tuesday, June 6. Mikhail Gorbachev and demand a LVIV - On Saturday, May 27 a Horyn, Roman Lubkivsky, Viktor Speaking in Helsinki, where the meeting with a representative of the founding conference was held in the Rafalskyi, Mykola Petrenko, Iryna historic Conference on Security and Soviet government. The Ukrainian Kuznetsov Palace of Culture in this Kalynets, Lev Lukianenko and N.V. Cooperation in Europe was held in hierarchs finally did end their protest western Ukrainian city to establish the Serheyev. 1975, the pope decried "the regrettable hunger strike after meeting with the Lviv regional historical-educational During the conference, a statute and case of Eastern Rite Catholics who have head of the Council of the Supreme society. Memorial, reported the press resolution were adopted, and a council lost even the right to exist within the Soviet. Reaching no concrete action, service of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union was selected as the society's leadership. new post-war political and juridical the hierarchs returned to Ukraine to on May 28. Academician Yukhnovskyj, who pre­ structures," formulate what they called a new The conference featured over a dozen sided over the conference, was chosen as He was referring to the estimated 5 strategy in the legalization matter. speakers, including Yevhen Hryniv, a head of Memorial in Lviv. million Ukrainian Catholics who wor­ To date, the Ukrainian faithful in member of the society's initiative group In Kiev, the founding conference of ship in the Byzantine Rite but are in Moscow continue their hunger strike and director of the social studies depart­ the Memorial Society had been held on allegiance with Rome. Their Church and have stated that they will not cease ment of the Academy of Sciences of the March 4. On the following day, several was forcibly merged with the Russian this action until the Congress of Ukrainian SSR, who delivered an thousand people participated in the Orthodox Church during a "pseudo- People's Deputies adjourns. introductory speech. group's first public rally, which focused synod" in 1946. As Pope John Paul II continued his Among those who addressed the on honoring the victims of Stalinist Until recently it had been an under­ trip through the Nordic countries, (he conference were: Laryssa Krushelnyt- repression and filling in the "blank ground Church, but with the advent of was to have returned to Rome on ska, Mykhailo Osadchy, Pavlo Roma- spots" in the history of that period. glasnost, it has partially emerged and is Saturday, June 10), he called attention niuk, Yuriy Danylenko, Bohdan (Continued on page 16) now a strong, steady voice in demand­ (Continued on page 2) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1989 No. 24 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Russian Orthodox priest becomes Plagiarism and politics in Kiev: Ukrainian Catholic, parish follows KESTON, England - On Friday, hierarch of the Russian Orthodox May 5, the Rev. Mykhailo Nyskohuz, Church, who called for the expulsion of a look at electioneering in Ukraine pastor of St. Elias Russian Orthodox the Rev. Nyskohuz from the Russian by Dr. David Marples had made critical remarks about the Church in the village of Stara Sil, Orthodox Church and banned him from and Dr. Roman Solchanyk leadership of the Ukrainian Union of Starosambir raion, Lviv oblast, was serving that Church. The deacon de­ Jouanalists, Mr. Karpenko focused on received by Metropolitan Volodymyr manded the keys to the church from the An intriguing clash between two Mr. Shybyk's hostility to the national Sterniuk, archbishop of Lviv. and parish committee, which adamantly newspaper editors in Kiev over an revival that is being promoted by the accepted into the ranks of the grow­ refused to hand the keys over. apparent case of plagiarism throws Ukrainian intelligentsia: ing Ukrainian Catholic Church clergy On May 13, Deacon Bilyk came back some interesting light on electioneering "I am far from the viewpoint that this in western Ukraine, reported Keston to St. Elias, this time with a group of 18 politics in the Ukrainian capital and, is a response to my criticism of you College on Tuesday, June 6. people, including some Russian Ortho­ more broadly, on the political struggle personally at one of the plenums of the The Rev.
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