Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contenti Copyright by the Cetholie Prese Societyi Inc., 1968 Penniision to Reproduce, Except Commitmenfs for New Buildings Must Be Fulfilled On Articles Otherwise M arked, Given After 12 M Friday following iMue Catholic Education in Area Is at Critical Crossroads VOL.JS LM. No. 31. iS THURSDAY, jS MARCH IE 13, 1958 BDENVER, COLORADO A crucial period for Catholic educacioQ in the Archdiocese o f :ONVERT TO CATHOLICISM Denver is here. Archbishop Shure, We're Counting on You March 17 Urban J. Vehr stressed this week that perhaps never again would Catholics of the Dmvet area have an opporranity to accom­ Paralyzed by Polio, plish so much for the Catholic education of the generations of the future. Commitments have been made, Archbishop Vehr pointed out, Patient Writes Book for the building of an addition By R obert S ievebs This means so much to grets that he had not been t at Holy Family High School A young patient at Vet­ Cliff— a convert since 1951 Catholic earlier, especially and the new Machebeuf High erans’ Administration Hos­ and new recovering hi* when he was in the Army in School T o fulfill these commit­ strength for the first time. World War II. He says "I pital, Denver, struck down More than just making the would have been a better sol­ ments, and provide the vitally >y polio four years ago and best o f his plight. C liff has dier for it instead of trailing needed facilities, he appeals for eft without hope of recov­ Christianized his attitude to­ along." He served in Europe as prompt payment of pledges in •- V ' ery, gives an example of cour­ ward his situation. He only re­ (Turn to Page S — Column 1) the high school campaign. age that it would be difficult It is more vital now than ever to match. before, he declared, that pay­ Albert C. Blair was 29 yean old in 1954.. He held a degree ment of pledges be kept current, English from the Univenity and that those who have lapsed of Kansas and was employed make up the back payments. by the Kansas Power and Light Co. in Lawrence. Almost com- Work Proceeds iletely paralyzed by polio, he On Schedule is seriously hampered, even to­ Work on Machebeuf High day after the best period for recovery has passed. Unaided School is reported proceeding ac­ he cannot breathe sufficiently cording to schedule, despite the when he is merely sitting up; current inclement weather. Con­ about two-thirds of the re­ crete has been poured for the Quired oxygen is all his para­ third floor, and with a month lyzed breathing apparatus can muster. of good weather the structure He ha* (ufficient strength could be under roof. The com­ "Ur I to sit up for about two and pletion date is set for March, one-half hours a day but 1959. must use a chest respirator. This instrument, weighing In September, 1958, the fresh­ nearly at much a* Mr. Blair, man clw of Machebeuf High ha* a section that is placed School will be inaugurated, with about hit chest, with the re­ 150 pupib, in present facilities mainder in a cate behind bit wheel chair. This ingenious o f Blessed Sacrament Parish. apparatus does the work of Each succeeding year a class will breathing for him. be added until the full comple­ What attitude would you ment of a four-year high school take after such an experience? is reached. With what hope could you face the future of a confined life? A t Holy Family High School, Mr. Blair said it was not the it bad been hoped that the gym­ suffering that bothered him nasium-auditorium o f the new but the “imprisonment.” Yes, addition would be ready for use looking at the ceiling 22 hours a day does not offer much in­ in early May, but the snows of spiration. March wiD postpone completion U M n k lo Eori4 Slowly regaining his strength after a crip- Finds Strength nuiUDic rclll piinjr attack of poliomyelitis is Albert C, until later in the month. The full In Catholic Faith Blair, 33, a patient in the Veterans’ Administration Hospital building will be ready for use Denver. (Converted by the example and comradeship of his friends in September, 1958, making pos­ Mr. Blair, “ C liff” as he Is of Mexican descent in Lyons and Lawrence, Kans., before his at­ known to his friends and the sible an enrollment of more than tack, Cliff has turned his literary talents to their behalf. nurses in the ward, has the an­ This past year he completed a 20,000-word novelette, The 600 pupils. Well, thev may be a bit young to be the United Fund and »pon*orcd by archdioeeian Catholic swer. “I'd hate to try to go Poor Witk Money, a fictional story that tells the virtues, the cul­ Already completed through Right Irish Spirit talking, but if they could they’ d be Charilie*. through anything like that tural background, the problems, and the faults of his compodres. without my Catholic religion,” the Archbishop’s High School nting the brogue. Yonngttwa like theae at Infant of Prague A luncheon at the Dobba Uou*« Reatauranl and the Iradi- The contiderable achievement came from this American observer, ttonal St, Patriek’a -Day ball at Hotel Denver-Continental will he avers. This simple answer so handicapped that he can move only his left hand! The bulky cam pai^ are additions at Cathe­ Nursery, Denver, would ai»o be urging yon to attend the St. help the wee one*. The day'* obaervanee will open with a Sol­ is not really elucidating. It does affair alwut his lungs is part of a respirator that enables him to dral and St. Francis de Sales’ Patrick’* Day eienl* that will help many like them at the emn Maaa in Holy Cho*t Church, Denver, at 10 a.ra. (See atory not describe the hours of empti­ sit up for two hours a day. High Schools in Denver. nnrserr, Ave Maria Clinic, and rammer camp*, affiliated with on page 4.) ness made livable by fingering the beads as he said his favor­ ite prayer. Even today Cliff AT BLESSED SACRAMENT HOME FROM CHAPLAIN DUTY Men's Eucharist Day manages to get in “ two or three Gifts Total $49 Rosaries a day.” , Lay Indifference With a precious confidence, In Colorado Springs he exclaims that he is now able Work on Convent Annex In Past Week to Rev. Robert A. Banigan Arckbi»hop Urban J. Vabr to attend Sunday Mass fo r the will offer a Pontifical Low Urst time in three years. Im­ Called Greatesf Mas* in St. Mary'* Church, agine the chore that is. He St. Jude Burse Colorado Spring*, Sunday, must be dressed and eQuipped To Be Started in May Named St. Leo's Pastor March 16, at 8 a.m. Men of with the respirator so that he (Sketch on Page 2) Evil in Church Ten gifts, totaling $49, were The Rev. Robert A. Banian, was named Catholic-chaplain to the Pike* Peak region will can descend from the sixth receiveded in the past week for Denver archdiocesan priest just the Veterans' Administration roceiyo Communion corpo­ floor o f the hospital to the Work on an annex doubling the present size of the the St. Jude Burse to bring its By Mary F iedler returned from chaplaincy serv­ Hospital in Denver. rately in the Mai*. chapel. There he will be the convent of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Denver, will get total to $3,220.10. The donors, ice in the U. S. Armed Forces, Breakfa«t for tho men will center o f attention as the under way in May. Preliminary sketches have been "Your children are mas­ with the amounts they gave, Father Banigan replaces in has been appointed by Arch- both posts the Rev. Leonard fellow at the Alamo Hotel, priest leaves the altar to bring terpieces God has given to follow: and tho Arcbbi*hop will be the Host to “ another o f the drawn up, and the final blueprints are now being pre­ N. N., Evanston, Wyo., in Gall, who was called to Provid­ pared. Bids will be let when the plans are complete. your charge to be molded ence, R. I., his home, by the emong the feetured tpeakert. faithful." into saintly boys and girls. thanksgiving, $5; G. S.B., Den­ Whereas the presentresent struc- ver, $5; T.A.O ’C., Denver, $5; death o f his younger sister ture houses 12 Sisters of Lo- Father (Col.) William J. H.A.R., for a favor received, $1: ■ some months ago. ^ n ce the retto, who staff the grad* deceased sister had been car­ Sister Fulfills Fourfold Mission Ctasby, inspector general for G. S. B., Denver, for a favor re-i school, the addition will have United Statei Air Force Chap­ ceived, $6; M .A .C ., Denver,.? ing for Father Gall’s widowed accommodations for 28 nuns, lains, told the 1,000 persons at $10; anonymous, Denver, in il mother, it was the priest's task who will arrive as various the 21st annual conference of thanksgiving, $5; T.J.A., Den-|^ to arrange continued care for ades are opened in the the Catholic Parent-Teacher Ter, fo r a favor received, $2; his mother. Such arrangements, SBchebeuf High School, now League of the Archdiocese of anonymous, Denver, $10; andU^ luB the priest's own illness, under construction. The con­ Denver. The conference was M., Denver, for a special jn -i" Save prevented, to date, Father vent annex is part o f the high held Wednesday, March 12, in tention, $1.
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