465 Saints Peter & Paul UOC 8410 West 131st St. Palos Park, IL 60464 V. Rev. Vasyl Sendeha — Rector www.sspeterandpauluoc.net [email protected] 708-361-5165 Nativity celebration Parish Council Blessed Nativity season to all of you! President Christ is Born! Sandra Hladky Sisterhood of St. What a beautiful celebration of the Nativity Anne of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ our parish Andrea Manson family had this past week. Church School Director On the Eve of the Nativity, we had our An- Pat Wolsko nual traditional Holy Supper at the church hall. Two long table for family style meal Ukrainian were set up as usually we do not get a very Saturday School large crowd for the evening. As people were Director arriving at the church hall, we had to keep PM Olenka adding table after table with chairs to ac- Church Choir commodate all of those who have come for Director the Holy Supper. What a beautiful way to George Cepynsky start the celebration of the Nativity. The ta- bles for the potluck Lenten dinner were Seraphim Group heavily laden. The Nativity Eve service was President extra special. It started with low lights and a Debbie Pierog joyful singing of “God is with us.” bBessing 50/50 Club of bread, wheat , wine and oil was a break- President ing point between the Vespers and Matins of Michael Gbur the Nativity Eve vigil. Towards the end of Jr. UOL the Service we had an opportunity to wel- President come into the Orthodox Faith Stanley Antony Sendeha Jakubczak, who received the sacrament of Holy Chrismation. As people were coming to venerate the Holy Cross at the end of the service, they were joyfully welcoming Stanley into the parish family. On the Feast of the Nativity, the Liturgy started as usual at 9:30 am with church about half filled. As the Liturgy continued on more and more people were coming into the Church. It was nice to see so many people. It would be even better if they would all come and enjoy the Liturgy from the very beginning. Following the Divine Liturgy, the Choir beautifully sung carols to the enjoyment of all the present in the Church. The celebration followed in the Church hall with a banquet catered by Tradicia Polish Fusion Cuisine. The delicious food, the fellowship and carols created an amazing festal environment. The Second day of the Nativity started with the Divine Liturgy sung by everyone present in the church. The Service was very well attended as for the week day and the second day of the Na- tivity. After the Liturgy everyone in attendance enjoyed Lunch- eon at the rectory. Of course caroling continued on. Sunday School teachers’ corner SUNDAY SCHOOL RECAP: The children finished the Nativity Lent readings from “Welcoming the Christ Child”. In all they read 40 stories. The final story which was about the birth of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ was read on Tuesday, January 7. Father Vasyl was given the honor of placing the final ornament on the Jesse Tree as well as the star! The children did an amazing job in following through with the readings and adding the corresponding orna- ments to the tree each week. A special thank you for the parents for helping your children with these weekly lessons. If you have- n’t done so already, please be sure to stop by the classroom to see what they have created Yours in Christ~ Ms. Debbie & Ms. Karen 2 465 30th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone five.. Fast-free. Sunday after the Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, holy an- cestors. Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, Holy Right- eous David the King, and James the Brother of the Lord. Virgin-martyr Anysia at Thessaloni- Today ca (298).Martyr Zoticus of Constantinople, feeder of orphans (4th c.).Apostle Timon the Deacon (1st c.).n Martyr Philoterus of Nicome- dia, and with him six soldiers and one count (311). Venerable Theodora, nun of Caesarea in Cappadocia (8th cen.). Venerable Theodora, nun, of Constantinople (940). Galatians 1:11-19 Matthew 2:13-23 Reader of the Hours - Jeremy Oryhon Reader of the Eng. Epist.– Jeremy Oryhon Reader of the Ukr. Epist.– Halyna Kashpar Tuesday Divine Liturgy at 9:30am for the Feast of January 14 Naming of the Lord. St. Basil. New Year Saturday Vespers with Great blessing of Waters January 18 at 5:00pm 31st Sunday after Pentecost. Tone six. The Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God, and Sunday Saviour Jesus Christ (Baptism of the Lord). Repose of St. Theophan the Recluse, bishop of January 19 Tambov (1894). Hieromartyr Romanus, monk of Lacedemonia, beheaded by the Turks (1695) (Greek). Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Matthew 3:13-17 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 Blessing of Waters, Mark 1:9-11 Blessing of Waters, Gospel Reader of the Hours - Sandra Hladky Reader of the Eng. Epist.– Sandra Hladky Reader of the Ukr. Epist.– Stefania Turiy 3 From the President’s Desk Dear Parish Family, Our General Meeting is approaching, if you would like to be nomi- nated for a position please see Brian Ciapinski, Lori Zvonak, or Rich Ganske. All Parish Organizations must have their reports (General and Fi- nancial) turned in to the Parish Council by February 2, 2020, so that the Audit committee can review. The next Parish Council Meeting is Sunday, January 12, 2020 fol- lowing the Divine Liturgy. Parishioners are invited to attend. May each and every one of you be blessed this Nativity Season. Sandra Hladky Parish Council president From the treasurer’s office Dear Parish Family, In an effort to go green and save on postage, 2019 individual dona- tion statements will be issued upon request. Requests can be made by email ([email protected]) OR cell phone (708.704.6401 call or text) OR by stopping in the back office in church. Thank you, John Grzymski In the mail In memory of our parents Stanley and Ollie Kuzanek, memory eternal by Dr. Rudy and Sharon Burger-Zellinger and Susan Mitchell — $200.00 Mrs. William & Mrs. Carol Bartlett in loving remembrance of the Orich and Husayko Families - $200.00 Joseph and Marlene Bubnich, in loving memory of our parents Michael & Pauline Demkowicz - $500.00 4 465 Parish Council Next Monthly Parish Council is TODAY. Representatives from parish organizations must be present. Meeting is open to the public. Seraphim Group Our next meeting will be Tuesday January 14, 2020 after Divine Liturgy at 9:30am Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Blessings, Debbie Pierog, President. Any questions please contact me: [email protected] or 708- 710-6009 text or call. Nativity of Jesus Christ Celebration Thank you to all of the volunteers who have helped organized Nativity Dinner, as well as those who helped during and after the Nativ- ity dinner. We had a great celebration of Christ’s Nativity Jr. UOL Chapter Our next monthly meetings will be TODAY during coffee hour after Sunday School. Children are asked to practice their parts for the Nativity play on Sunday January 19, 2020. We will perform during the Luncheon after the Divine Lit- urgy in the Church hall. Antony Sendeha Snow Duty IF UNABLE TO MAKE YOUR SCHEDULED WEEK, PLEASE FIND A REPLACEMENT FOR YOURSELF. WEEK OF 01/12 THRU 01/18 -- Brian Ciapinski WEEK OF 01/19 THRU 01/25 --Pat Beck WEEK OF 01/26 THRU 02/01 --Elias Gordan WEEK OF 02/02 THRU 02/08 -- Father Vasyl WEEK OF 02/09 THRU 02/15 -- Father Vasyl WEEK OF 02/16 THRU 02/22 -- Theodore Larson 5 Eternal Light Eternal light in loving remembrance of the Orich and Husayko Families. By Mrs. William & Mrs. Carol Bartlett Seven Day Vigil Candles For the health of my Father Pavlo in Ukraine by Hal- yna Kashpar For the health of Halyna & Volodimer by Kashpar Fmaily For the health of my daughter Iryna with fmaily by Halyna Kashpar For the health of my mama Halyna by Maria Thomsen For the health on mt birthday and Angel’s day, Thank you Lord for every day and thanks Angel for keeping me safe! By S. Turiy For the health of Kathy Grzymski by Alla Grzymski For the health of Katerina, Milana, Andria, Halyna, Ivan, Svitlana, Vasyl, Oksana, Pavlo, Beata, Voitik, Olena, Oleksandra, Ivanin, Serhiy, Mikola, Igor, Dmitro, Taras, Dmitro, Roman, Maria, Maria For Milana, Maryana, Andriy, Olena, Kateryna, Olexandr, Ivanka, Serhiy by Andriy Kachala For the health and God’s blessing of Family members by Alvine & Mike Gbur For the health & welfare of the Hubert Family by John Gbur For the health and successful surgery of Tina Palasti by Fr. Vasyl —————————————————————–——— In memory of my Mother Polina. Memory Eternal by Halyna Kash- par. In memory of my dear parents Mykhaylo and Hanna by S. Turiy In memory of my papa Anatoly by Maria Thomsen Hanna, Anastasia, Anastasia, Luba, Volodimer, Ihor, Katerina, Fr. Maria, Mirona In memory Jo Hobert, my dear sisterby Janet Gard My dear husband Andrew Neswick by Noreen Neswick In memory of Grzymski & Meuch families by Alla Grzymski In loving memory of Mother Anne Todosichuk on the 27th Anniver- sary of Eternal Life In memory of Eugene newly departed brother-in-law by Cepynsky 6 465 In memory of my mother Nadezhola and father Mark by Ale- hander Piskoun In blessed memory of my father, Stephen Kuzemka, on the 30th anniversary his stepping into eternity. Memory Eternal for my paternal & maternal grandparents, Wasyl & Anna Kuzemka and Raymond and Anna Arendt. Second Collection Since the month of January is the month of Sanctity of life.
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