EDUCATION PRODUCING MORAL ILLITERATES The Register Has the International News Service (Wire and Maiit. the N. C. W. C. News Service (Including Radios and Cables), KLAN RECORD Its Own Special Service, Lumen Service of China. International Illustrated News, and N. C. W. C. Picture Service NEGLECT CITED Local Local The Register, Tennessee Edition Edition Edition, for the Nashville IN SURVEY BY diocese, and The Register, OF BLACK IS Intermountain Catholic Edi­ THE tion, for the Salt Lake dio­ cese, make their first appear­ FULLY AIRED SECULAR GROUP ance this week. The Cath­ olic Telegraph Register for the Cincinnati archdiocese Prediction of Senator That Press Would Secularization of Schools Robs ChiMren of had its initial number last Unearth Information of Affiliation REGISTER(Name Registered m the U. S. Patent Office) Preparation for Life to Which week (continuing The Cath­ Has Come They Have Right olic Telegraph, the oldest rue VOL. XIII. No. 39 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, SEPT. 26, 1937 TWO CENTS Catholic paper in the United States). The expose of the new Supifeme Court Justice Hugo Bloomington, Ind.— Secularization of the schools and L. Black as a member of the Hu Klux Klan has been the neglect of religious training have produced in America Catholics Honor Constitution at a great open-air service in the Municipal sta­ The Salt Lake edition pre­ devastatingly complete. Senator Millard E. Tydings of dium in Philadelphia, with more than 50,000 gath­ a generation of spiritual and moral illiterates in which the serves the name of The In­ Maryland predicted in the Senate that if Black were nomi­ ering to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the signing of that document. Pictured helow is Dennis “ glaring moral aberration which is known today as the termountain Catholic, which nated to the Supreme Bench without sufficient information Cardinal Dougherty, Archbishop of Philadelphia (miter on head) af the Solemn Pontifical Mass of which ‘crime wave’ ’’ cannot be surprising, says a bulletin issued began its career in 1899, was being available about his Klan record, affidavits and state­ he was celebrant. The Cardinal returned thanks for the “ Divine protection which He has vouchsafed to by Indiana university following a nation-wide study. “ The suspended in 1919, and re­ ments might be printed in the press after the Senate had this nation during the 150 years that have elapsed since the adoption of the Constitution.” great majority of the children and youth of the United vived in 1926, now being acted. His prophecy has come true. News-Week thus States are today receiving only a modicum of that moral merged with The Register. sums up the charges: and religious preparation for living to which every child Bishop-elect Duane F. Hunt “ In a copyrighted series of stories and photostatic has a right,” says the study. of Salt Lake, who will be copies of documents obtained in The national survey on “ Char­ cpnsecrated in the Cathedral Alabama, the Pittsburgh Post- acter Development Through Reli­ Gazette and the North American gious and Moral Education in the of the Madeleine in the Utah \ Newspaper Alliance reported: Public Schools of the United capital city Oct. 28, edited B oard s Work in “ That on Sept. 11, 1923, Mr. Chicago Fuehrer States” was made by Henry L. the revived paper for a Black joined Robert E. Lee Klan Smith, Robert S. McElhinney, and long period and the Rev. No. 1, Knights of the Ku Klux George R. Steele. Mr. Smith is Robert J. Dwyer, who con­ Klan, Birmingham, where he was director of the bureau of co-oper­ a practicing attorney. Solicits Priests ative research of Indiana univer­ Mediating Strikes tinues as editor of the new “ That on July 9, 1925, at the sity’s school of education. publication, succeeded him. start of his first race for United “ Perhaps the most disconcert­ Between 1919 and 1926, The States Senator, he resigned from ing result of the study of character Monitor of San Francisco the Klan. To Mahe Living development work in the public Told by Prelate schools is to find that, although carried the title of The In­ “ That th e Klan apparently teachers and administrators of termountain Catholic to­ never acted upon the resignation. schools readily admit an interest “ That on Sept. 2, 1926, at a Chicago.— While Chicago’s lit­ Toronto.— Workings o f the Wis­ tle Fuehrer solicits a cassock-mak­ in character training and evidence gether with its name, but it state meeting of the Klan in Bir­ consin Labor Relations board, of ing business among priests, his a sincere concern over the moral never had much circulation mingham, Senator-nominee Black which he is a member, w’ere dis­ Amcrikadeutscher Volksbund apes welfare of our youth, they never­ in Utah. accepted a "ife membership’ in cussed before the annual conven­ the Fatherland’s leaders in making theless are hesitant to inaugurate tion of the International Associa­ The Register System of I the Klan. vicious attacks on Church and or to carry out any definite teach­ “ That Alabama Klan records in­ ing on the subject,” the report tion of Government Labor Officials Newspapers now counts 18 Churchmen. Leader of the bund by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J. spected by reporters contain no says. diocesan 'organs in its mem­ here is Peter Bissibl, a tailor. Haas, famed strike mediator who indication that he subsequei^tly “ Speakers at bund meetings,” “ Yet another cause for concern bership. Seven of these dio­ resigned or repudiated the mem­ has been named dean of the new writes a Daily Times reporter who (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 7) school of social science at the Cath­ ceses are east of the Missis­ bership. joined the Nazi group to gather sippi river. These seven edi­ olic University of America. Mon­ “ That his political ally. Bibb information, “ are cheered when Faculty Additions signor Haas said that, since its tions have considerably more Graves (then Governor-nominee, they shout vulgar denunciations establishment in April, the Wiscon­ than half of the total circu­ now Governor of Alabama) ap­ of the Church, some of them un­ sin board has acted as mediator in peared with Mr. Black at the printable. Some speakers link the Made at Negroes’ 81 strikes involving between 16,- lation of all the diocesan edi­ Catholic Church with Jews and tions. rally and also accepted an inde­ 000 and 17,000 workers. Of the terminate membership. Communists, always good for a Catholic College 81, the board has settled 75. jeer from bund members.” Harold Denny, writing in “ That a Birmingham Klansman, Five states have followed the Winston Williams, a bricklayer, New Orleans.— (Special)— An­ national government by passing The New York Times, de­ attested by affidavit that he ivit- ticipating an enrollment of more ‘.‘little Wagner” laws, said Monsig­ clares that the blood purge nessed Mr. Black’s first induc­ Propaganda Wave i than 1,200, Xavier university, nor Haas. They are Massachusetts, in the Soviet Union, which tion into the Klan. first U. S. Catholic college for New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, “ That the Post-Gazette’s photo­ In U. S. Schools Is Negroes, added seven members to and Wisconsin. His talk dealt began with the slaying of static accounts of the second in­ hundreds of leaders in the No Truce in Struggle, *Osservatoref Sags its faculty. Outstanding among mainly w'ith the Wisconsin law and duction were reproduced from Seen by Magazine the new professors is Dr. Celestin the ways in which it differs from army and officialdom, has official and hitherto secret Klan Pierre Cambiaire, an officer of the National Labor Relations act. now descended to the hum­ records. Chicago. — A prediction and the French academy and president “ While the federal law is framed bler strata of society. Three “ That the original stenographic warning that “ during the coming POPE WARNS QERMANS of the Beta Pi Theta fraternity, on the assumption that the national notes were taken down by A. B. year the schools will be subjected who will teach Romance lan­ board shall be almost entirely a months ago, the greatest Hale, then official Klan reporter law enforcement agency, proceed­ generals in the Red army to the mounting pressure from guages. Xavier university is con­ and member of the firm of foreigm propaganda that will oper­ ducted by the Sisters of the ing against those found guilty of (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 1) AQAINST ‘NEW PROPHET unfair labor practices,” he said, ate similarly to that of 1914,” ap­ Blessed Sacrament. pear editorially in the current is­ Other new faculty members are ‘*the Wisconsin act expressly places sue of the Nation’s Schools, pub­ Vatican City. — (INS) — Ad­ draft of a proposed pastoral letter waiv “ Whoever knows the Span­ Dr. Philip Hornung, formerly of at least three distinct functions Observance Is Set for Oct. 24 the Catholic University •'^of Amer­ Tipon ’ its 'board: 1. Procneedlrrg lished here. dressing a group of German pil­ Condemning''the closing o f Cath­ ish anti-clerical press before 1936 Written by the editor, Arthur olic schools in the Reich. ica, who will work in the science against violators of the law. 2. Con­ grims who came to the Vatican sees today, and with terrible clar­ B. Moehlman, professor of school after the close of the great Nazi department; Dr. Alvin Sugan, ciliation. 3. Voluntary arbitra­ Mission Sunday Is administration at the University congress at Nuremberg, Pope Pius Vatican City.— In spite of the ity, what sanguinary fruits it has mathematics; Mary A. Dunn, tion.” of Michigan and widely known as warned against a “ new prophet,” moderation shown in anti-religious produced.
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