Library, Public Special Features Each Week Written for “The Advertiser Vol. XXIII.— Whole No. 1894 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1915. Single Copy Three Cents AN UNUSUAL INDUSTRY IMPORTANT REAL ESTATE DEAL Hallowe'en Time S. A. Hall Conducts Barrel Shop and FOLK WHOM WE TOOCU IN PASSINGWhitfield Estate Sold to Dr. H. R. Belmar Board of Supplies Fishermen With His Pro­ Applegate Through Agency of Trade Has Meeting Merrily Celebrated duct. Postmaster Cyrus B. Honce, One of Belmar’s Representative Men Who Garrabrandt & Conover. BELMAR YOUNG PEOPLE CELE­ In a barn on Eighth avenue is an Dr. Harold R. Applegate, eye spec­ CAPTAIN KIDD PRESIDES AT BRATE THE OCCASION industry of considerable importance is Wide Awake to the Best Interests of the Borough. ialist with offices in the Borden SESSION IN BOROUGH HALL. of the existence of which most Bel- Building, Asbury Park, has pur­ Church Socials and Private Parties marites are unaware. The business chased the well-known Whitfield Not Much Business is Transacted Attended by Many Who Appear in is conducted by S. A. Hall and con­ Estate at Belmar. But Evidence is Shown That Costume and Masked. Young sists of making and repairing bar­ This handsome property com­ Organization is Alive to the Needs rels. The business has been con­ prises more than an acre of ground, of Belmar. America Out in Force. ducted for the past two years and upon which was erected several sometimes a half dozen or more years ago a costly dwelling for the Whether or not Hallowe’en festiv­ hands have been employed. About late Charles II. Whitfield, Sr. No There was a meeting of the Bel­ ities are becoming more popular 15,000 barrels are turned out annual­ other houses have since been built mar Board of Trade in the borough than in former years, the season this ly and sold chiefly to fishermen upon the grounds. council chamber Monday night and year seemed to be observed in Bel­ j along the coast. Dr. Applegate states that, after although not much business was mar with an unusually large number The barrels are made from mater­ looking over Belmar with his agents transacted there was evidence that of socials and house parties all of ials which are manufactured at New and carefully studying conditions the organization is alive to the in­ which were of an enjoyable nature. York for barrel construction and and values here, he is convinced that terests of Belmar and has an eye Young America, who look upon second-hand barrels are also bought he has made a good purchase, and out for any good thing which may Hallowe’en as a time when the “lid from storekeepers and merchants in believes, without a doubt, that the increase the prosperity of the bor­ is off” and he can have a good time, this vicinity. Most of the barrels Whitfield Estate is located in the ough financially, socially or mental­ was out in numbers Monday night. are disposed of in the summer. most desirable residential section of ly. The police force had been augment­ The first process in barrel making the borough. The tract lies between Captain Kidd, president of the ed in order that peace might be is that of fitting the staves in a cir- B and C streets, overlooking Silver Board, presided and in the regular maintained. In the borough either I eular groove. The staves are then Lake and running through from order of business called for reports the presence of the guardians of the fastened together with hoops and North Lake Drive to Fifth avenue. of committees. Among these given law or an indisposition on the part stays. During the summer months In an interview a few days ago, was the final report of the E’ourth of of the youths resulted in the young­ I when fish are running good along the the doctor said that his plans for July celebration committee. Al­ sters keeping within the bonds of | shore it is not unusual for twenty improving the property had not yet though rather belated it was the innocent fun. At West Belmar, to thirty wTagon loads of barrels to taken definite shape, but in further first time that it has been possible to lire, which burned a cottage it is al­ leave Mr. Hall’s place in one day. discussing the purchase, he spoke of have a final report. The figures leged was started by a gang of row­ The past season, however, was one the growing demand in Belmar for showed that the receipts were $411.- dies who seemed to think Hallow­ of the poorest the fishermen have moderate priced bungalows; and it , 79 and the expenses of the celebra- e’en gave them a license to destroy ever experienced and as a conse­ is rumored that he intends to have ' tion §411.36. The money for this property. The dwelling burned quence fewer barrels wrere sold than the present dwelling razed, and sev­ celebration was entirely contributed was the property of John Crottelo of during the previous year. Recently eral modern bungalows erected on by the business men and permanent West Belmar and was located on residents of Belmar, it being decided the plant was shut down entirely for the tract. to refrain from asking summer res­ Third avenue at Hellerstown meet­ a week, but last week there was a The sale was made through the ing place and had been unoccupied big run of fish and men are at work agency of Garrabrandt & Conover. idents for contributions. for some time. The Wall township again, but if conditions do not con­ The sidewalk condition was dis­ fire company responded quickly to cussed and mention made of several tinue good the plant may be discon­ If you will subscribe to The Adver­ places in the borough where new the alarm which was sounded short­ tinued as it is said material used in tiser or renew your subscription, we ly before 8 o’clock but the fire had will include four standard maga­ walks are needed or the old ones re­ gained such headway the firemen making barrels is high in price and zines, all one year, for only 18 cents paired and it was voted to send a were helpless in coping with it. The competition strong. extra. WRITE OR PHONE. letter to the council requesting it to stream from the chemical engine Another of the representative men was appointed Postmaster April 1, take some action toward the im­ was used in preventing the spread of of Belmar is its genial postmaster, 19j4, succeeding W. M. Bergen, as provement of conditions. the flames to adjourning property. Summer Resident Dead the appointee of President Wilson. Rev. W. E. Ledden suggested that Cyrus It. Honce. He was born at During his encumbency a number Geran and Van Note Elected The Hallowe’en spirit asserted it­ Wickatunk, Monmouth county, New j it would be an excellent thing for self as early as Thursday of last Joseph B. Richardson for Thirty- of changes have taken place in the Democratic Candidates Win in As­ Belmar to have an entertainment week and on that evening there were five Years a Summer Resident of Jersey, on Washington’s birthday conduct of the office to the advan­ sembly Fight on Local Option—• course this winter and it was voted 1868, and is the son of John D. Honce tage of the partons. that the Board of Trade give its a number of parties including one Belmar Passes Away in Philadel­ who was for many years the Collect­ Daly and Wyckoff are Elected to under the auspices of the Young phia. Mr. Honce is a member of the Bel­ sanction to the project and co-op­ or of Taxes for Marlboro Township mar Presbyterian church, and of the Board of Freeholders. erate with any organization in ar­ People’s Society of Christian En­ and the Clerk of the Monmouth deavor of the Presbyterian church, Joseph Barrow Richardson, sev­ Masonic, Knights of Pythias and Bed ranging for such a course. Mr. Led­ county Board of Chosen Freehold­ Men lodges of Belmar, also of the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney den was designated as a committee an account of which was printed in enty-eight years old, of Trenton, and ers. lie also represented this coun­ Elmer IT. Geran of Matawan and last Friday’s Advertiser. for thirty-five years a summer resi­ Board of Trade. of one to discuss the project with ty in the lower branch of the Legis­ By the people of Belmar, Mr. Assemblyman Harry G. VanNote of Belmar people and organizations, About 200 persons attended a Hal­ dent of Belmar where he was well- lature for four terms. Young Honce Oakhurst, Democrats, were elected lowe’en social Friday night in the known, died last Saturday evening Honce is looked upon as one of the and see if there is sufficient senti­ vacant store room on F street, given attended the district school at Pleas­ foremost citizens of the borough. Tuesday to represent Monmouth ment to warrant such a course. at 9.30 o’clock at the home of his son, ant Valley and the Freehold graded Upright, honest and just with every­ county in the New Jersey legisla­ under five direction of the Sunday B. F. Richardson, 3810 Walnut street, school, afterward assisting his father ture. Their Republican opponents It is doubtful if the people of Bel­ -school of the First Methodist church. Philadelphia. News of his death one he is held in the highest esteem mar are aware of the number of pro­ Cornstalks were in the front win­ for six winters in the district school by business associates and all who were John Thomson of Avon and jects and improvements which orig­ greatly shocked his Belmar and at Bradevelt, N.
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