Wilmington Public pibrary Mrs Clara P Chipman, librarian, 206 Andover Street, RPD north Wilmington, Maas. Crusader PRICE 10 998ft ^iriHia^^MASSACHUSETrS - WEDNESDAY, AUUUai *>, »" VOL. 17 NO. 34 —— W1LMWCTOH, WiiMi-^^ " '_ _ - Townspeople Honor Departing Supt. CLIMORD GOOD DRINK A-BANANA BUILDING AND SURMISEDpKmu»-~ •*.»%^r.. ,$ INTRODOCII RIAL ESTATE ACTIVITY TO IS INTRODUCED CONTINUE ON PAR About »0 friends of Clifford W|TH SUCCESS WITH LAST YEAR «*»"•" »s«-<wrra ^fiJS^SS^SS] u you've ever heard the e, Wilmington's real estate boom Warren Willis Chairman of shows no sign of any recession the Wilmington School Commit- according to the last survey by WILMINGTON POST 13* tee has written a letter of reslg eVf"LnrS SSUuMrtTln 253. tat that someone was n f the Suffolk First Federal Sav- AMERICAN LEGION nation from that committee, ef banquet » fn f£THU» School twing to give you the brush 3 ings and Loan Association of AT DEDICATION OF fecttve September flrst. Mr- SeJeria Goodtold lE Wend, 3 £ get rid of you for some Boston, issued yesterday. NEW BRIDGE IN BOSTON Willis, who has been transterrea In the first seven months of to Springfield by the comp^J 1983, Wilmington had had a» Wilmington Post 136, Ameri- for which he works submitted JSB natTe £d been«** -AW, GO DRINK A BANANA. real estate transfers, and per- can Legion, commanded by Ar- his resignation to Uj« Town to make any engagements f£ you can oblige him by going mits for 106 new dwellings. The thur B. Harper, had a fine re- Clerk, Mrs. Mary GilUgan, and over to Ray Ashworth's Sunny- figures for the first seven presentative color guard at tne another letter to Arthur & hurst Ice Cream stand at 144 months of this year are 3131 real dedication of the Andrew F. Mc- Lynch, Secretary of the School Lowell street in Wilmington. estate transfers, and permfcs Ardle Bridge, in Boston, on Committee on Monday. The let- This drink was launched bacK for 102 new dwellings. August 22nd. The color guard ter to Mrs. Gilligan read: in 1945 by a couple in the soft was commanded by Commander drink business at Ft. Lauder Wilmington stands in sixth Town Clerk, "Sf "party. "tagi beg." at place, for towns of 10.000 popu- Harper, and others present from Town of Wilmington, Mass. dale, Florida. This cpuple be- lation and under, in the subur- Wilmington included Vice Dear Madam: came quite popular down that ban Boston district, being led mander Nicholas De Felice, Post This is to notify you that ef- way with this drink. There was by Hull, Holbrook, Hamilton, Adjutant. Post Adjutant Harold lecuvefective oei«eini«!»September *—•1st, :—-_i only one holdback. The whole Topsfield and Sharon. Follow- P. Lennerton, Stg. at Arms, am resigning as »" elected mem- banana that was put into this ing were Norwell, Avon. Man- Jack Crawford and Commander ber of the School Committee of SM§9§ drink, had to be mashed in i .. [Louie Elfman and Alexander the Town of Wilmington. ThJa chester and Wayland. Wilmlng cup with a kitchen fork, and *S?w3£m*• — was_»— 7.56.n KB and theTtVt Moore. The Legion Auxiliary advance notification Is to en- that slowed up the service Hay- median for 37 smaller towns was wa? represented by_ Mrs - able the proper authorities, u ing come a long way with tw» 5.86. Of nearby towns. Burling ander " Moore, presidentelect, they deem it necessary, toap- method, they discovered a Httle and Mrs. Nicholas De Felice, point -W* o«e »• AM my ua** "NeilsonT Miss Irene Sharp, machine called, The Waring ton had 7.01; Billerlca, 559; Na dent of the Teachers Clutt, Reading 4.30. Reading 3J4 and vice president edect. pired n.4gfc . 4 jEv. Father Croke of_St Blender. This machine mixed up Director of Ceremonies was the entire drink in 20 seconds. Woburn 3.80. Gabriel T. W». J*ft»y?2* With this, the couple iMtt Vice Commander, and the prin- me Rev. Father H back to their home state, («■■••' iMMiI;.*t K^W.T3o«d cipal adderss was by Hto Bx- and are now distributing their eeUency, Christian A. Herter, drink out on franchise. Week-day Masses at 8 sjn_ Governor of Massachusetts. ' anfc'oTTW »w»5« "£r DRINK A-BANANA comes In Confessions: Thursday at 7.30 oany is a native of Wilmington. the a full !• ounce cup, and is a de- ST. DOROTHY'S MBWt Was educated in the Wilmington flclous bit to be quaffed. Itls P Masses at Silver Lake .Better schools, and was first elected also tintittstldj to see this drift First Friday Masses 6:00 and 8:00 a.m. i ment Hall at *0o and" 11:00. to the School Committee in lsox was mad* before W>ur eyes with \Me Holy Communion: 7:30 a.m. Masses »t St Marys at 7:00, jnf iXfcT**** dextrous technique of lovely Holy Communion: .7 Shirley -Sutton, an employee pf 7:45 'Son&Bf-t Silver Lake" HIGH SCHOC*L FOOTBALL Sunnyhurst. Ray Ashworth te P Saturday at 2:30 p.m.,. at St. PHYSICALS MONDAY proud to say, that he has had 12 'Our Lady of Fatlma Devotions at 7:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 7:45 Mary's 4:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. All candidates for, the 1984 successful years in business tn p.m. on Saturdays. Saturdays. .. Wilmington. Ray is also opening Miraculous Medal N o v e n a souad of Wilmington , High up a retail candy store next to Oh Sunday afternoon a caval- School, for their physical ex cade of one bus and eight pri- every Monday evening at 7:43 amlnation. next Monday, morn- his place on Lowell street The vate cars journeyed to Our Lady at St. Mary's. cahdy is- delicious. ■ wTiy£j- ing at 9. Practice is expected to of La Saletter Shrine, »J Jns- Baptisms every Sunday at i start about the first of Septem- Because of its home-made good- wich. At the shrine they joined p.m. at the St. Thomas Rectory. d ness. Events for September will ber. & Witaington . Schools, and with the Lawrence area in an r.. i estimated ten thousand group of take place on the 9th, 16th and :'now ^ should take some of the BOUTWELL STREET the 23rd: sponsors to be given •$wn that he was leaving. , pilgrims. Accompanying t h e VISITING PARENTS APPEAL DISAPPROVED pastor, Father Croker were Mrs. next week; dates are subject to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward arW The Wilmington Board of Mary Biggar, and Messrs Ed- changes. „ ., son, Edward, spent the week- Appeals has disapproved an ap- ward Shelley and Al McMullin, Mrs. John Baldwin of Faulk end with their parents Mr. and peal from Alton Pierce, over .a who were in charge of arrange- ner avenue and committee are Mrs. Edward Ward and Mr. and lot of land on Boutwell street. eNpecting many friends and pa- Mrs. Chelsea Davis, of Silver 'SS^S-wS Rhe'cilrgymen Pierce wants to build on a ments. , rishioners to attend the card C we educators have much in The parish, this week, was Lake. A cook-out was held for common'with the genUome^i of three acre plot of land, which the beneficiary of two sets of party at the Silver Lake Better- the couple Saturday evenvvg. ha only 74 feet frontage on vestments, gifts of the Sunday ment Hall this Friday night in with many of their friends m Boutwell street. The appeal was School. They were presented by aid of the building fund. attendance. heard on August 11th. Mrs. Wilfred Babine and Mrs. Plans for the Bazaar which is Accompanying the couple to John Hartnett. One set is white, to be held October 8 and 9 at Wilmington were Mr. and Mrs. ALUMNI GAME SEPT. 19th the Silver Lake Betterment • fh» Rfltarv Club of Wilming- with a beautiful Eucharistic pat- Bates. Mr. Bates is a shipmates ron^nd^ I found that Yj. The annual Alumni-Varsity tern on the back of the chasuble, hall is keeping many of the Of Mr. Ward's, in the US Navy, game of Wilmington High and the second set. made es- ladies of the parish busy shop with both men being stationed rraC-ia^vro? £e VooleS School has been scheduled for peciallv for Lent, is purple. ping and making articles for at Indian Head, Maryland. September 19th, at the Wilming- Thev are the handiworkhandiworK of01 theme saie.sale. nev.Rev. JUKF"Joseph ««Leahy■» »is »*-"gen- Sisters of Notre Dame at Em- eral-_—1 chairman.L«I_UM with,. ;ih aQ largeloroo corn-nnm- mittee of workers from South Tnd ? «ound that the children - manuef„._. „r >>„ii—College ini« Boston.Rn<i»nn mittee of workers from South of Wilmington were very well MISS MARY WOODCOCK A monthly Mass for the bene^ Tewksbury and Wilmington very Miss Mary Woodcock, a sister factors was celebrated at 8:00 anxious to help. behaved, well dressed and then of Mrs. George Hathaway of Due to unforseen circum- fknew that the people of Wil- a.m., Monday. Salem street, died last Saturday The parishioners are asked to stances the "family field day" (C—U—** — »— 4> at the Hathaway home, after a remember the Archbishop on which was to take place over brief illness. She had been mak his brithday, August 24th, with Labor Day week-end has been ing her home in Belleville, On- prayers and messages. postponed for this year. ALTMAN'S, Inc. tario, but was a frequent visitor The choir and alter boys of Dial OL.
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