0 " B (C!% (C!% C *&!(*.3456 RNI Regn. No. MPENG/2004/13703, Regd. No. L-2/BPLON/41/2006-2008 52 )2 /6** +' 5 -%% %,-. / )%&*# + $ %&' ( "22- 41 4< "2" - 48"=/>"<- "4 8"9 N14;4< "" 9" - 3<24#- 9- ")-2@ -A<) 4?2 24122@ !" 7 899: 4;6/('. $ %'( $) --23" Saturday spoke to many Chief Ministers to accommodate the he panicky march of the migrant labours in the States ! "#$% Tthousands of migrant itself by providing food and N( O workers is turning out to be shelter, rather than transport- * ( ( major stumbling block for the ing them to their home States. + Centre in its effort to enforce Shah said the Government is , * ! ! Q social distancing to curb the committed to offer all support . ( * spread of coronavirus. With to migrant workers during the ( experts warning that such lockdown period and suggest- unruly assembly could help the ed that schools and colleges can ( (( ( contagion to explode — two be used for sheltering the / /0. migrant workers from migrant workers. 1 % 2 ( Rajasthan tested positive on The Home Ministry N3 O ( Saturday — the Home changed the guidelines of State Q Ministry has come out with a Disaster Relief Fund (SDRF) to 2 ( measures to deal with the grave allow States to use the fund for 4 situation. the purpose of rehabilitation of (( ( 2 5 The measures include rais- the migrant workers. 2N( O ing tents along the highway to “With the intent of Modi ( accommodate these workers Government to provide all " and provide them food and possible support to migrant ( medical assistance. The march workers, the Union Home 5 ! of the migrants has alarmed Secretary has again written to ( health experts, who feel that it States requesting them to ( 7 (( ( will defeat the very purpose of immediately set up relief camps 8 5 the lockdown. Bihar Chief for migrant workers/pilgrims, ! "# $ 9 ( Minister Nitish Kumar has etc, who are returning to their % &$( 57": also expressed unhappiness domicile States or trying to do ! over the move by States so during this lockdown peri- toll operators to consider pro- ( 5 Governments to arrange buses od. States have been advised to viding food, water or any kind ; < L for migrant workers who want give wide publicity and aware- of support to migrant work- > Q 2 to return to Bihar. ness, using public address sys- ers/citizens who are trying to ( “The entire purpose of tems, technology and by util- reach to their respective native < lockdown will be defeated if ising the services of volunteers places. At this time of crisis we ( L ( thousands of migrants are sent and NGOs,” said the Home have to be compassionate for L to Bihar by buses. My Ministry in a statement. our fellow citizens,” he said. 2 Government has already asked The Ministry also asked Commerce and Railways ( the Bihar Resident States to set up tented accom- Minister Piyush Goyal has Saturday said his Government Commissioner in New Delhi to modation to ensure that these appealed to Industries and has arranged for buses to trans- L coordinate with different State persons will stay in the relief trade bodies to take care of port migrant workers who L ! Governments and reimburse camps till the lockdown orders their workers and not allow were already walking back via P the cost involved in providing are in place. The shelters are to them to go to home States in roads to their respective home 5( food and shelter to migrants be organised, keeping in view the time of crisis. States. P who are on their way to Bihar. various precautions including In a video conference, --23" Also, the CM appealed to ( We have already announced social distancing, with ade- Goyal said, “Don’t let your migrant workers leaving Delhi 100 crore package for them,” quate medical check up drives workers go away” to the indus- eft without any source of to stay back. Kejriwal in his ! said Nitish on Saturday. to identify and separate cases trialists across the country. Lincome, thousands of Press briefing on Friday Nitish was right in his requiring quarantine or hospi- Talking to representatives from migrants mostly from Uttar announced that food will now ( apprehension. At least two talisation. various manufacturing, indus- Pradesh and Bihar on Saturday ! be served in 325 Government ( migrant workers, who travelled Meanwhile, Road try and trading associations, He hit the streets and highways $ , schools after which the ( from Indore to Rajasthan amid Transport Minister Nitin said they are not only their connecting Delhi-NCR in ( % (+ Government will officially have ! ( coronavirus lockdown in the Gakari asked NHAI chairman assets and resources, but also hope to get support from the the capacity to feed 4 lakh peo- (( ; country, have now been found and toll operators to provide all could become potential carri- Government to reach their was crowded with people try- ple across 500 centres. ( 7: positive for COVID-19. help to migrant workers by er of COVID-19, if they are homes. ing to get into buses to head for Delhi Minister Rajendra < Against the backdrop of providing food and water. “I allowed to migrate to leave en- Their exodus choked Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Pal Gautam went to Anand ( these developments, Home have advised chairman NHAI masse during this Delhi-UP border at Ghazipur Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Vihar to meet 8 ,2 Minister Amit Shah on and Highway Concessioners/ pandemic. and Anand Vihar bus terminal Minister Arvind Kejriwal on migrants. 5( ; ( ! ( < ( 8 1 $ " # ? ! ( % > 7 ( ferent monitoring sites, the (@< total number of positive cases 2 * 0 Q stood at 944 on Saturday A evening. However, the Health --23" ! A2< Q ( Ministry’s Saturday morning ""# ( ! " count showed 877 positive mid clamour over lack of ! % > ( cases in the country. The tally Acoronavirus testing facili- ! 57 # # was not revised till late in the ty in India, the Government &'% % !# < evening. The pandemic has has been able to procure five !!() ! Q (( --23" claimed 20 lives in the country. lakh additional testing kits )*&+,# ! ( ; 2 With cases on the rise, the from the US. !# - < he count of confirmed Centre has asked the State ) R Gangakhedkar, the Head &./+ ! ! ( ( TCOVID-19 cases raced Governments to set up health * % (+ of ICMR, said on Saturday the 0 ! ( ; < towards 1,000 on Saturday, but check-up camps and tents for country has now 111 (; 7: the Centre maintained that migrant labourers who are being trained on management Q' R Government testing labs and # !( < 7 India is yet to witness com- travelling back to their native of Covid-19 patients with the only 30 per cent of facilities are 8 munity transmission of the places to prevent them from help of AIIMS in Delhi while ) put to use so far. ! viral infection and it is focus- spreading the disease, if rigorous contact-tracing is He said 44 private labora- 3.?!%57 3 ing on management and pre- any. underway. Many States are in Theni: A young man under tories have been given approval !""!#$# - % ( vention of the disease by ramp- Giving details of the steps the process of setting up ded- home quarantine for coron- for testing and 400 people have ! *-,# ing up Covid-19 hospitals, being taken to combat coron- icated Covid-19 hospitals. avirus after return from Sri been tested in private #! ! /2 ( ( sample testing, contact-tracing avirus which has killed over They have also been asked Lanka suddenly ran out of his sector. &..! ( besides intensifying social dis- 28,000 people across coun- to ramp up their capacity to house nude and fatally bit a 80- Gangakhedkar added that #1 > tancing measures. tries, Health Ministry Joint manage an increasing number year old woman in his neigh- the country is now fully ! ( According to Statewise Secretary Lav Aggarwal said of cases. At least 17 States have bourhood in a village near equipped to deal with the sit- ! confirmed case tallied by dif- that doctors from the States are started work on it. here, police said on Saturday. uation. %! ( ! / / B ( ( ((Q R " ! * ( @ ! ( ( 1342 for vehicles from Saturday. %!&%'(#)"$)*& Saturday also issued orders for ! ! # After two-three days of ,!**!*#*%&)--% releasing prisoners from all ; Q @ 8 hile Madhya Pradesh is absolute lockdown, we could !.!#!.*%,.%0 the jails for 45 days. The relax- ( Wfighting it hard to ward offer relaxation, said the com- &).!."#)'%.)#!%. ation would be available to 5 --23" Raina” said Prime Minister to off COVID-19, the numbers of missioner. 11!% those whose jail term in less ! Raina’s tweet. positive cases are on a constant Meanwhile, on Saturday than five years. Cases of those onations started pouring Ratan Tata declared that rise and amid unrestrained
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