ATcns* Daily Net Press Ron Tks Wsstkir For tlw Week BaM rerecMt ef D. WMlhie Jane 4thi ISM Oleer oed mUiereeel h 13,125 olfkt. Low hi SSe. VMI^ llMBber eit the AoSlt eod a Httle wewtter. Blsh1 ■arm et Oliealatlea MancheMter^A City of VUlago Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO. 2S6 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1960 (Ohweifled AdrertWag ea Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTt 1/ Giant Rally Sunday State News 12 Hurdles Sugar I^Q un^up / Hartford, July 7 {IF)—Con­ necticut probably will get some $200,000 less in federal UACTalk Castro funds for hospital construc­ tion in the current fiscal year, which began July 1. HartforeJ, July 7 Re­ This was estimated yesterday ports of substantial progress Havsns, July 7 (ff*) •ThMHavona to demonatrdte "the Cu­ at a meeting in the office of State on most basic issues buoyed ban peoples’ unity in the face of Health Commissioner Dr. Franklin hopes today for an end to the U.S..eut in imports of Cuban Ywak'n aggression.” Caatep is ex­ M. FoOte to. discuss allocation of sugar sent Fidd Castro into a pected to use this mass meeting to such federai Hill-Burton Act month-old United Aircraf^ boiling rage today, but the dramatize his announcement of money'for the year, a chore han Corp. strike. wild-eyed prime minister did how he intends to strike back at died by the state.- But two new .roadblocks In- California the United States with his new Dr. Foote said about f 1,125,(KM) negotiations between union and not disclose immediately what power to seize any American prop­ was allocated under t)ie program company officials representing American property he intends erty in the "national interest,” in the fiscal year just ended, and seven strikebound UAC plants to seize next in retaliation. Castro appeared at a post-mid­ estimated only about $900,000 threaten'led to drag the walkout on. Unit Split Fuming’with anger, Castro ap­ night closing session of the Metal­ would be available for Connecticut Spokesmen for both sides said pealed to ether Xditln-American na: lurgical Workers CJongress only a this year, substantial progress has been made tions to rally behind hia "fight few hours after Eisenhower had in the 'direction of an agreement, aMlhat American oligarchy.” He slashed 700,000 tons off Cuba’s - Even this amount is in question, on su^hasic issue.? as arbitration, told a workere’ meeting the- cut­ sugar quota. as it is based on the recent $148 senjjonty and grievances^ ----- On Adlai back! ordered by President Eisen­ Thundering a reply in a hoarse million appropriation by the if.S. xThe new hurdles revolve around House for the aid to hospital con­ hower would not halt his left-lesm- voice, Castro declared; the rehiring of the strikers and. the' By THE ASSOCIATEO PRESS Ing revolution and charged Gksen- "Cuba will show the rest of the struction nationally. discharge of strikers who com­ hower acted -In a ‘‘moment of hate, exploited ' Latin-Amerlcan people The Senate^ has passed am ap­ mitted acts of violence during the An oiien drive for Aillai degradation, insanity and stupid­ that Cuba can march alone—that propriation- calling for, $J2Z1 mil- strike, they said. Stevenson within Califpmis’s ity.” in s possible to TnarchTthead-With- lion-for-the-same-purpos^i- but the ““The' Interhatlonar Association of fiplit delegation contributed A giant labor rally has been out you (the United States)." committee supposed to iron out Machinists, which met yesterday new pressure on Gov. Edmund called for Simday In the vast plaza the disparity between the- ap­ with the company, was to resume before the Presidential Palace in (Continued on Page Seven) propriations is in conflict, end I the meeting today; Thg lAM rep­ G. Brown today to speak up Cdng'ress is4n recess. resents workers at Pratt & Whit­ in the Democratic presidential As a .matter of fact, according ney Aircraft plants in -East Hart­ battle. to meeting participant Alston J. ford and Manchester, and Harnil- .Kennedy supporters' pulled at ‘Like a Sagging Banana’ eshaft of the U.S. Public ton\Standard plants in Winds'or come out for Sen. Jdhn « Seryipe, Congress went Locks and Broad Brook. F. Kennedy. Backera of Stevenaon, into recess without setting any ap­ Talks between the company and Sen.. Lyndon Johnson and Sen, propriation for the whole depart­ the United Auto Workers, rep­ Stuart Symington urged him to 17 Crewmen ment of health, education and wel­ resenting employes at Sikorsky hold back! fare. Aircraft in Bridgeport and Strat­ "I don’t know what I’m going Money for the PHS, and the ford and P&U^ in North Haven, to do,” the Governor told newa- were at a standstill. men In Sacramento. In Navy BUmp ^rash Program, came from the depart- UAW anji company officlaLs met The state’s 162 delegates with 81 Tuesday, but no new date was votes, are pledged- to Brown on at m ^ t appropriation. least the first ballot at Los An-. "The department is running on set for resumption of those talks. Union and company spokesmen geles. He can release them at any Ladeehurst, N. J., July T Wi S>fabriQ of the balloon and got into credit- at the . moment,” Shake- time, however. -The Navy began grtoppling opera­ the” water.'” shaft. .. gave this deiscriplion of the new About 10 other cre-wmen were r _____- . negotiatiqn hurdles yesterday: Lt. Gov. Glenn M. Anderson put tions today in an effort to raise * Brown on the spot by announcing also asleep, he said. (jne is th e . insistence by the he would support Stevenson onca giant blimp that buckled in the air Also rescued were A.C.W.3 Don­ ' Contract Accepted .unions that when the strike ends Three prominent Democrats get together .Informally at the Start of yesterday s heanng in IjOs An­ toe strikers be entitled to return' geles by the Democratic National Convention Platform Committee. Left to right; Philip B. Perl­ the Governor relcasea his dele­ and crashed into the sea .off the ald L. Shaumier, Flint, Mich., and Hartford, July 7 (P)--^Employes gates. A.B.jJ. 3 Antonio Contreras, Ger- of the Underwood Co'rp. have vot­ to their jobs without loss of man of Baltimore, co-chairman of the committee: Rep. Cheater Bowies of Connecticut, chairman, and New Jersey coast. - California National Committeeman Paul Ziffren. Ziffren told the conimiiiee a lew mmutes later Brown has been Ught-Upped on onimo, Texas. ed to accept a new 2-year contract seniority. Employes who crossed just when that would be. At the same time Navy and A fourth man, A.C.3 Edward B. providing Wage increases and picket lines and newly hired work­ that the convention should require all delegates to support the alms and purposes expressed in the Coast Guard vessels continued a platform. (AP Phototax). Anderson said it’s apparent toa Turner, Joppa, Md.. and 518 IVil- other. )>enefits to about 2,500 ers hold some of these jobs. delegation will be freed from its search for 17, missing crew mem­ low St., X ^ehurst. was fished workers. ' U nit^ Aircraft contended that / ■ ■ ________ «-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -— bers feared entombed in the gon­ the Taft-HajUey Act allows the favorite son commitment “at a dola of the wrecked airship. from the water and transferred The. contract was accepted-yes­ very early stage of the conven­ to the aircraft carrier Elssex and terday by an 834 to 53 count after company to replace strikers with tion.” There was no commeiit from One crewman was killed and thence by air to shore where he leaders of the Intemationai Assoc­ permanent employes. The law re­ Fire Chiefs Hit three others rescued,. The blimp quires the company to give- the Brown. * had 21 men aboard when she crash­ iation of Machinists recommended Democrats Ponder Anderson, who rarely diffaifl (Contiiuied on Page Eight) acceptance of the contract at a strikers back their old jobs after ed yesterday "like a sagging the strike, providing the job is, Warning Plans with Brown,. Mid ho favored Ken­ banana.” , mass meeting at the Bushnell nedy for vice president. Memorial. The vote was by secret still available. The lieutenant governor gava > (No Coinhectlcut men are on'the ballot. Another issue is the company's list of men reported missing.) insistence that it ^wants to fire New Rights Plank On State’s CD out word he intends to clrciuarixa A naval board of inquiry was President Ehie Joseph V. Cronin, lAM. business strikers who committed acts of all California delegatea with a plea named to Investigate the mysteri­ representative, said the contract violence during the walkout. The to' line up behind Stevenson at provide* e 3H pe'r cent Wage in­ Hartford, July. 7 (P) —Critlrtsip their pre-convention caucus Sun­ ous collapse of the 403-foot ship— Los Angeles, July- 7 liD - Ad-fand by a tootofira Negro leader, longer than a football field. In Newport for crease, retroactive to June 13 of (Continued on Page Seven) of certain features of toe n tJ m day. thia year and a 3 per cent pay vocates of a bolder federal ap- the Rev. Martin Luther King. new Civil Defense- attack warn­ The survivors were picked up by proaols-to civil rights proposed to­ The leadership conference de­ several fishing boats mt the calm increase Juhe 13 of next year. ing system was voiced today by (Gonttnaed on Page Ten) ocean under sunny skies. G olf Vacation He said this will amount to day a plank certain to draw bit­ clared these etrlkes—which it said The ship -w^ under the com-.
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