Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-03-16 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 763. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/763 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CI Issue 24 March 16, 2016 6HOPDOHDYHVVWXGHQWVGLVFRXUDJHG BY HENRY EDEN WKH\·UH ULJKW 3ULYLOHJH FRPHV LQ LQ Staff Writer the way that you think that you have Xavier’s alternative break (AB) it best and end up disregarding oth- trip to Selma, Ala., was planned HUSHRSOHDQGWKHLUFXOWXUHV7KDW·V with the goal of allowing students why some of the outside agitators to examine many different kinds of ZHUHQ·W DV SURGXFWLYHµ 6WXGHQW privilege in their own lives. Students’ leader Jeremiah Pennebaker said. UHÁHFWLRQRQHYHU\WKLQJIURPJHQ- 7KH VWXGHQWV DOVR H[SHULHQFHG GHUSULYLOHJHWRUDFLDOSULYLOHJHZDV VHJUHJDWLRQ ÀUVWKDQG ZKHQ WKH\ VXSSRVHG WR EH D FRUQHUVWRQH LQ learned of one Selma establishment helping students to understand WKDWFRQWLQXHVWRHPSOR\UXOHVURRW- KRZSULYLOHJHDIIHFWVWKHLUOLYHVEDFN HGLQWKHFLW\·VSDVW home. ´7KHUH LV D FRXQWU\ FOXE WKDW What they found during their KDVFRPHRXWDQGVWDWHGWKDWWKH\ WLPHLQWKHFLW\IDPRXVIRUWKHYRW- ZRXOG QRW DOORZ D EODFN PHPEHU ing rights movement in 1965 lent a EXW WKH\ ZLOO KDYH EODFN ZRUNHUV whole new meaning to the word. 3HRSOHZKRFRRNIRUWKHPFDQEH ;8$% 6HOPD VWXGHQW SDUWLFL- EODFN DQG SHRSOH ZKR PRZ WKH pants Aubrey Bourgeois, Garrison ODZQFDQEHEODFNDQGWKHVHSHRSOH Mays, Jeremiah Pennebaker, KDYHWRHQWHUWKURXJKWKHEDFNHQ- 0DGLVRQ 6WHHOH DQG 0LFKDHO WUDQFHµ%RUJHRLVVDLG 0F*UDWK DOO IRXQG WKH HQYLURQ- ´:HFRQVLGHUHGJRLQJLQEXWZH ment in Selma to be unlike anything ÀJXUHGWKDWZRXOGVKRZWKHODFNRI they had seen before. privilege for us, that everyone else in ´%DVLFDOO\ \RX VWLOO KDYH DOPRVW RXUJURXSZRXOGKDYHµ0D\VVDLG SHUFHQWVHJUHJDWLRQµ%RXUJHRLV Mays and Pennebaker are two of said. WKH$IULFDQ$PHULFDQVWXGHQWVZKR “Right now the population is 20 Photo courtesy of facebook.com SDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH6HOPDWULS SHUFHQWZKLWHDQGSHUFHQWEODFN Students travelled to Selma, Ala., on an AB trip. Some said their partner organization’s approach proved troubling. The students left Selma feeling DQGWKHUH·VQRWUHDOO\PXFKLQWHJUD- FRPLQJWRWKHFRPPXQLW\DQGWU\- VLGHUVDQGUHVLVWDQWWRFKDQJH´,W·V VRFLDOFKDQJHZHUHXQDZDUHRI WKHLU unsettled and frustrated with how WLRQ RFFXUULQJ EHWZHHQ WKRVH WZR LQJWRFUHDWHVRFLDOFKDQJHDQGXQ- DOPRVWOLNHLW·VVWXFNLQWLPHDQGWKH\ SULYLOHJHPDNLQJLWPXFKPRUHGLI- FRPSODFHQWWKHFLW\VHHPHGWREH FRPPXQLWLHVµ 0F*UDWK DGGHG fortunately not doing a very good haven’t moved on from the original ÀFXOW WR FUHDWH SURJUHVV LQFOXGLQJ ´6HOPD ZDV YHU\ VWXFN LQ WKH “And unfortunately there is not a MRERI WKDWµ FXOPLQDWLRQ RI WKH YRWLQJ ULJKWV the group that XUAB: Selma part- SDVWµ 3HQQHEDNHU VDLG ´7KHUH DUH lot of integration going on between The group of students found PRYHPHQWµ%RXUJHRLVVDLG nered with on their trip. WKLQJVSHRSOHZHUHÀJKWLQJDQGG\- WKRVH WZR FRPPXQLWLHV DQG WKLV WKDW GHVSLWH LWV ULFK KLVWRU\ LQ FLYLO The students said that many ´3HRSOHFRPHLQWRFKDQJHWKH ing for that still haven’t happened means there are a lot of groups ULJKWV6HOPDLVXQZHOFRPLQJWRRXW- JURXSVFRPLQJLQWR6HOPDWRFUHDWH FRPPXQLW\ EHFDXVH WKH\ WKLQN WKHUHµ Departments clash over parking BY EMILY LINGENFELTER VLWH SURMHFWV VR WKH\ IUHTXHQW- Staff Writer ly transport large amounts of The Xavier Television Center HTXLSPHQWLQWKHVDPHVSDFH DQGWKH3DUNLQJ&RPPLWWHHFRQ- :KHQ WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ EHFDPH WLQXDOO\ ORFN KRUQV DERXW WKH an issue for the Television Center OLPLWHG VSDFH DURXQG %URFNPDQ LQWKHSDVWWKHSDUNLQJFRPPLW- &LUFOH7KHRUJDQL]DWLRQVDUHGL- WHH DGGUHVVHG LW E\ SODFLQJ WZR vided by the Center’s need for an SDUNLQJ VSRWV EHKLQG %URFNPDQ HTXLSPHQWORDGLQJGRFNDQGWKH Hall. Committee’s desire for general 1LFN /DUU\ D VHQLRU 'LJLWDO SXEOLFVDIHW\ ,QQRYDWLRQ )LOP DQG 7HOHYLVLRQ $FFRUGLQJ WR 'HQLWD ',)7 PDMRUDQGWHDFKLQJDVVLV- Singel, manager of Support tant, said they are grateful for this 6HUYLFHV $XGLW DQG 5LVN DGGLWLRQ EXW LWV ORFDWLRQ SRVHV Management at the Xavier DQRWKHUFKDOOHQJHLQWKHVWXGLR 8QLYHUVLW\ 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW “This is the key part to ;83' WKH WZR SULPDU\ FRQ- our problem — they are down FHUQVIRUVDIHW\DUHWKHKHDY\SH- WZRÁLJKWVRI VWDLUVµ/DUU\VDLG GHVWULDQ DFWLYLW\ DQG HPHUJHQF\ “We use gear that requires four ODQHDFFHVVLQWKHUHVLGHQWLDODUHD WRÀYHWULSVSHUYLGHRVKRRW<HV Photo courtesy of xavier.edu ´,KDYHEHHQKHUHIRU LWZRXOGEHDQLQFRQYHQLHQFHWR DIFT students want to park in Brockman Circle to unload their large cameras and other heavy equipment. years, and there have been med- walk further, but some of the W\XWLOL]HWKH%URFNPDQ&LUFOHDV 7KH ;83' DQG WKH 3DUNLQJ lations, and this holds true in this LFDOHPHUJHQF\LQFLGHQFHVZKHUH equipment – like our Arri light DQXQRIÀFLDOORDGLQJ]RQH &RPPLWWHH FRPPHQWHG WKDW QR FDVHWRRµ-RVHSK0LOHNGLUHFWRU DVHYHQIRRWÀUHWUXFNFRXOGQRW NLW²FDQZHLJKXSWRSRXQGV “We never really had an agree- FKDQJHV ZHUH PDGH WR WKH V\V- RI 3XEOLF 6DIHW\ DQG &KLHI RI JHWLQWRWKHQDUURZFLUFOHµ6LQJHO 7KLV LQ LWVHOI EHFRPHV D VDIH- PHQW ZLWK WKH SROLFH WR SDUN WHP EXW SDUNLQJ WLFNHWV KDYH 3ROLFHVDLG´,EHOLHYHZHVKRXOG VDLG´,WLVYHU\IUXVWUDWLQJZKHQ W\ FRQFHUQ DQG D KXJH FRVW IRU there, but it didn’t seem to be VLJQLÀFDQWO\LQFUHDVHGDFURVVWKH DOOEHKHOGWRWKHVDPHVWDQGDUGµ HYHU\WKLQJ LV KHOG EDFN E\ RQH GDPDJHµ DQ LVVXH XQWLO UHFHQWO\µ &RUH\ FDPSXVLQFRPSDULVRQWRSUHYL- 0LOHN DGGHG WKDW WKH ;83' XQDWWHQGHGFDUµ ,QDGGLWLRQRWKHUYHKL- 5HLVFK D MXQLRU ',)7 PDMRU ous years. and the Parking Committee are )URP DQRWKHU SHUVSHFWLYH FOHVVRPHWLPHVRFFXS\WKHGHVLJ- said. “Approximately two weeks ´0RVW RI RXU FRPPXQLW\ DOZD\V DYDLODEOH IRU DVVLVWDQFH VWXGHQWV DQG IDFXOW\ RI WKH QDWHGSDUNLQJVSDFHV:LWKVXFK ago, we started getting very ex- abides by the parking rules, but a DQG ZHOFRPH VXJJHVWLRQV RU UH- 7HOHYLVLRQ&HQWHURIWHQÀOPRII REVWDFOHVWKHVWXGHQWVDQGIDFXO- SHQVLYHWLFNHWVµ few offenders have multiple vio- peal requests. 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Raymond Humienny March 16, 2016 Campus News [email protected] Results New exercise science major from to be implemented this fall the BY ABRENA ROWE Staff Writer Professions students can ex- ence major, Xavier is also add- plore with additional graduate ing an athletic training master’s BY JESSICA GRIGGS primary For all Xavier students who school include athletic training, program. Campus News Editor are interested in the study of exercise physiology, occupation- This addition arose from exercise, a new undergradu- al therapy and sport nutrition- the accreditation issues set in ate exercise science program is ist. place by the National Athletic launching in the fall of 2016. The introduction of the exer- Training Association (NATA), The Democrats This major will allow stu- cise science program means the Commission on Accreditation 2,382 delegates are needed to secure the Democratic nomination dents to learn about the anat- of Athletic Training (CAATE) omy, physiology, biochemistry DQGWKH%RDUGRI &HUWLÀFDWLRQ and biophysics of human (BOC). movement. Students will In 2013 NATA, also learn how to CAATE and BOC instruct patients joined together 38 (42.8%) through therapeu- and decided that tic rehabilitation, by the year 2022 physical activ- all Athletic Bernie Sanders ity and exercise Trainers must through cours- have at least es offered dur- a master’s ing a four-year in athletic period. training in 75 (56.4%) This major order to sit is similar to the for the BOC current four- exam to be Hillary Clinton year undergrad FHUWLÀHG athletic training “Xavier program Xavier of- is just getting fers, but with less of ahead of the The Republicans an emphasis on injury curve before ac- and rehabilitation. creditation be- 1,237 delegates are needed to secure the Republican nomination From the courses comes a prob- offered in this ma- lem,” Jutte said. jor, the students Those who are gain a more com- majoring in ath- prehensive under- dismantling of the current four- letic training, occu- 66 (46.4%) standing of exercise science. year undergrad athletic training pational therapy, natural sciences “Instead of an emphasis on re- program. and Nursing now have another habilitation of orthopedic popu- Xavier has decided to blend option if their interests also lay John Kasich lations, there is an emphasis on the program into a five year un- within the exercise science aspect. the affect of exercise on general dergrad and graduate program, Professions that fall under- After Tuesday’s pri- populations,” Lisa Jutte, an associ- so students interested specifi- neath the exercise science um- maries in Ohio, Missouri, ate professor of sports studies at cally in athletic training would be brella are projected to grow by 0 North Carolina, Illinois Xavier said. able to obtain a master’s in ath- ZLWKLQ WKH QH[W ÀYH and Florida, Hillary Most of the classes students letic training in five years instead years, which makes it an ap- (36.2%) Clinton and Donald within the major would be re- of six. pealing addition to Xavier’s Trump advanced their TXLUHG WR WDNH DUH VSHFLÀFDOO\ Along with the exercise sci- programs.
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