Uuiversity Librnry THE ANN ARBOR DEMOCRAT. VOLUME xxix. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 25, 1896. NUMBER 22. JUDGE < OOI.KVS OPINION. Cl.EAKY COMMENCEMENT. MAMMOTH CAVE MOXUM KNS. HOBART GUILD. Upholds Secrtary Olney—President Must PINGREE. A Class of Forty-Kight Members Receive A HUMMER. state-.. Cities, Countries. Secret Societies Take the Initiative—Congress to Pro- Diplomas. and Churches Represented. BRIEF SKETCH OF Till: SOCIETY vide for I'inal Intercourse. GOVERNOK-KLECT HASSOJIK [PEAS The annual commencement exercises MAYOR WALKER SENDS A RED HOI- Miss Emma E. Bower tells many AND ITS WORK. The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune ABOIT THE UNIVERSITY. at Cleary college were held on Tuesday LETTER TO THE COUN< 1 I.. interesting things of her recent visit to telegraphed Judge Thomas M. Cooley They are Good Ones Too—University Must afternoon of this week. Owing to the Says hi- Has Made Some Mistakes—Desires Mammoth Cave. Among the features Investment of About $84,000—A Pleasant of this city, that it held that Secretary inclement weather the audience was not Serve the State—Must be In Touch with to Correct Them,Wants Council to do the of the cave are the monuments erected Heine at Harris Hall—The Objects of Olney was mistaken and wrong in his, large'. The stage was handsomely de- by members of different organizations, Hie Gull<l—Fine Lectureships-Oppor- statement before the committee on the People—Prize to Law Students $:"i Same—Wants Transient Traders' Ordi- for Pointers tor use in his Message. corated in the class colors, purple and as they visit the cave. It is the custom tunity for Physical, Social and Intellec- foreign relations, that congress had not white, and with palms, while American n race Repealed—Something for Bicyclers for visitors to pick up a stone from the .Mayor and Gov.-elect Pingree has At the council meeting Monday even- tual Development. the power to recognize the indepen- Hags were draped over the doors. The lloor of the cave and place it upon the The '-Ilobart Guild of the University dence of Cuba. The telegram asked been giving the press some of his ideas ing, Mayor Walker sent a long and about the University. He does not class motto, "Advancement," was con interesting letter to the council. He pile representing the organizations in of Michigan" is the oldest of the church Judge Cooley for his opinion. Satur- spicuously hung, and accords well with which they are interested. Some of institutions established in Ann Arbor day night he telegraphed the following profess to have given the subject a calls attention to a perversion of the great deal of study so far, but he has the motto of Cleary college, "Keeping Hawkers' and Peddlers' ordinance by these have been growing for years. for the benefit of our student commu- reply: everlastingly at it brings success." The The differnt states are all represented, nity. It was founded in 1885, largely "The power to recognize belligerency certainly got one good idea into his which he says a monopoly in meat is head. He feels that the department of opening prayer was made by Rev. Rob- fostered by the butchers of the city, to and some of the piles representing fra- through the efforts of the late Bishop and the lawfulness of action in defense ert K. Wharton, and the .address by ternal organizations have grown to Harris. As a result of his endeavors economics should be of more assistance the detriment of the poor. of a government alleged to be de facto, to the legislature. They make a special Prof. F. A. Barbour took the form of a great size, the W. C. T. U. monument and inspiration a fund of some S84,000 must devolve upon the executive power The Transient Traders' ordinance study of many of the questions upon practical talk, emphasizing the im-lately passed he says is a mistake, andbeing one of the largest. A search for has been raised for the erection and en- of the country, which can recognize no portance of the four points, health, the one representing the Lady Macca- dowment of what was first called which legislation is necessary, and their acknowledges his error in signing it. belligerent government until the fact is advice should be at the service of thehonesty, sense of humor and cheerful- bees, was in vain, so Miss Bower,to- Hobart Hall, named like the guild for clearly made known to it that there is He is anxious to rectify that error, and the first bishop of the Protestant Epis- state. ness, as essential to a successful busi- wants the council to do their part by gether with Mrs. Frances E. Burns of in existence a government maintaining ness life. Said Prof. Harbour, " If you St. Louis. Mich., Great Lady Com- copal Church who officiated in what is itself, and enforcing its authority In order to get some assistance repealing it. He scores some un-named now the State of Michigan. This hall, quickly Gov. Pingree has offered a want to make a success in Jife be sure local parties for supporting the ordi-mander, and Miss Bina M. West of against any other. you have a sound mind and body. If nance while doing nothing for the city Port Huron, Supreme Record Keeper the name of which was changed to "But the president's power is notprize to the students of the law depart- Harris Hall after the death of Bishop ment, which is explained in the follow you care to succeed you must make np themselves. laid the first stones for their monument complete and final. The sovereign your mind first of all to be a good ani- Harris,is admirably lilted for the many ing letter, written to Prof. Johnson. He also calls attention to the Nov. 19, 1896. Miss Bower has had a uses for which it was intended. On legislative power must provide for final mal, for in the stress and strain of a handsome sign painted and will send it intercourse, and pass laws for the pur "My Dear Sir: I have notified Presi- creased use of the bicycle, and the the second lloor is an office, and a well- dent Angell that, I would write you business life, the fittest alone shall sur- down to mark the spot, and it will lie pose; laws which the president would necessity of some side-walk privileges proportioned auditorium, seating about offering a prize of $25, to be paid to the vive." Following the presentation of for the riders when the streets are ininteresting to watch its growth. lour hundred people and used for lec- be irapeachable if he should not join in diplomas, Prof. Cleary made a short ad- student of the law department who bad condition. sol THERN WASHTICNAW FARMER. tures and receptions. On the first floor executing. What he does in recogpiz- would point out the greatest number dress in which he said he hoped to ex- ing a new nation is clearly in part The letter is given in full on page are cheerful parlors and a reading- of inoperative or dead-letter laws on tend the time and broaden the course seven, and is interesting reading. Tim- Pood, I'nre Clothing —Some Good room supplied with prominent dailies, legislative, and the action taken, if the statute books of the state of of study, especially in the English Ideas on Legislation. the local papers, and some lifteen of taken by the president alone, would be Michigan, these reports to be made in branches, during the coming year. Ex- New Officers. The Club met at the home of Col. the principal magazines. To a well so far defective as to be impossible of writing and should be as brief as possi- cellent music was furnished by the Goethe Commandery, No. 28, United Fenn of Bridgewater, Dec. 17. Presi- selected theological library the rapidly execution without being perfected now ble. My object is to have the attention "Sigma Gamma Kappa" quartette,con- Friendsof Michigan, has chosen officers dent English called the meeting to accumulating volumes of bound maga- or in the future by the sovereign legis- called to the laws that have never been sisting of Misses Ellis. Drury, Deubel for the year as follows: Commander, I order with a good attendance. The zines make an interesting adjunct. A lative power." enforced, or laws without any penalty and Wiard. Duets by Mr. Frank Smith, Dr. J. A. Wessinger; Vice-Commander, j platform adopted at the state associa- dining-room and kitchen on the same THEV MEAN BUSINESS. attached which cannot be enforced. 1 violinist, and Prof. Oscar Gareissen, .T. p. Baur; Financial Secretary, Charles | tion meeting in Lansing was discussed floor are available for socials and prove have requested Hon. Robert E. Frazer, pianist, were greatly enjoyed by all.Binder, jr.; Recording Secretary, An- j and adopted. The Club favors a law very useful. The gymnasium, with the The Anti-Saloon-I,eague Have Not Organ- Wayne county circuit judge, and James The orchestra was on hand in full force ton Scheffold; Treasurer, L. Gruner; similar to the "Pure Food Law," to ap- ised Simply for liflect. bowling alley and bath rooms, finds a Pound, Esq., of the Detroit bar, to actat the reception which followed in theChaplain, Ferdinand Hochrein; Mar- ply to clothing fabrics. The wool place in the basement, and before the Nearly 150 persons attended the as judges. evening, and at which light refresh- shal, Joseph Hertchen; Warden, Win. grower must put no foreigh substance construction of the University Gym meeting of the Anti-Saloon League in ments were served by the ladies of theBinder; Guard, Win.
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