jcrMy Solon S«*i P«JHIc«f •Trick" fit Y*uHi Draft till (Your Mm t* W*$hing»onl Read th# Herald tfeft i) For Local News 59th ft", N*. 14 T, SEPUMIEA II, 1947 Buerki Favors Close Check Buyers Bat at Soaring Meat, Parmley Apartments Offered On Doctors'Qualifications Butchers Report To Tenants on Co-op Basis Dr. Robin C. Buerki, in his report on Overlook Hos- Crowing: &>a»umtr resistance to pital, makes the recommendation that as soon as possible the ever-mounting food' prices. the Board of Trustees limit work in special fields to particularly wa* reported Owners fo Sell K Units of Price physicians who are members of the American College of this week by SoesJ butt bent The Physicians, the American College of Surgeons, or Diplo-J R of $1,500 to $1,800 Per Room The trend for co-operative mates of their respective specialty boards. one Ntcttcr reported. In this installment, which pertains to the hospital's Htrdd to Celt 8 Ctitts apartment ownership, which re- Every butcher shop questioned cently has swept New York C:ty medical staff, the survey also suggests that specialists ttated that housewives, in ever- Ptr Copy After Oct. 1 and parts of northern X*w Jer- hmit their practice to the fields in which they are qualified increasing numbers, are meeting Beginning VWdurkda), Octo- »fy, hit Summit last We«k when and that the hospital facilities be made available to all the heavy cost* of meat products ber I, the newsstand price of the owners of the Farnriey Court either by passing up choice cuts' Thr Suinmt Herald 'Will be It apartment* on Sumnnt avenue othicaJ[ physicians of the community, -The report, in detail, entirely or cutting down on their continues: cents a rop). Mail subscription* announced in letter* to their teul needs. Although local merchants will be Increased to M.00 per ants that the building will be con- A- has been mentioned earlier. seemed to» agree that the 20 per verted to « co-pperative basis h i.« generally recognized that it cent slump was an accurate fig- It i» with sincere reluctance with the present tenants gettin* j, unwise to have acstive members ure, a few claimed that their that the Herald makes this an- first opportunity to purchase the (if * medical staff s.erve also as tales had fallen off by 35 per nouncement but steadily rising apartments they now occupy nitmbera of a governing board. cent. costs |n all departments have Fated with the situation a fr'afiiil) Order* Cut However, there U need for an in- made the Increase necessary. group 0( tenants alarmed over the "People »l»o u**d to give u* terchange of Ideas between the two AM »ub»cri|>tioii renewal* plan, formed a fact-finding com- three orders a yeek have cut down made before October 1 Will be mittee headed by Edvmrd A But- groups (governing board and medi- to Pne or two." one store owner ,; -taff). Moat hospitals have a at the. present rate. l*r, a .tenant end local real estate laid. operator, and Arthur T Dailey ,,.rft committee whinch may be "A short time ago 17 sales were •ho a tenant. Representing th» iohiposea* of the executive comatlt- plentiful and represented a lot of foup, Mr; ButJer and JMr. Dailey Iros of both of these groups. While meat. Mow a child can lug home Enrollments Up aald they would submit a liat or i,, hospital administrator should $7 worth of meat.** another stated. questions a.king fnr mcitie de_ n, the liaison between the board "Maybe it is because many of our As 2,398 Students tails from Robert H. Steele. 8gent ,f,l medical staff, he ahduld also customers are «ti!l on vacation, |or the owner. The owner is tHe hr A member of the joint commit- but last week WAS our worse in Btapleton Holding Co. of Chicago. DRIVE LJEADERS MapP—Coinnrittee heads for the forthcoming YMCA memberahip driv« meet with >.«.. The joint committee should months." Return to School HaW of I nit. Already Sold Chairman Edward C. Holmes at the T' to check details for the campaign to obtain 300 additional But if the, butchers bad their The school ben| sounded Mon- Meanwhile Mr, stecle told the ;o (I monthly meetings. members for the organisation. Th« drive Harts next Tuesday. Seated left to right are Allan R woes, to did the consumer. For day breaking thei/long cummer Herald that already more than The new by-laws jnake provision Devenney, Eugene Stilts, Chairman Holmes, William A. Horr and Ernest L. Fleming. Standing 'or such a Joint committee which within the week came notice from silence a* 2,39$*(it Summit'* young- half of the 52 units in the more State Sfilk Control Director Ar- left t* right, are Ervin S. Baughtr, Jr., Thomas W. Johnston, Frank V. Carlough and Matthew «:!! solve many of the problems er generation responded by trek- than 25.y«.ar-old walk-up building thur F, Foran that minimum re- Zeigner. , (Photo by Jay) Ing back to the clawrootns to be- have been purchased by tenant! !hat still confront Overlook. tail prices of milk would be boost- Curie ton W. Firnson gin a new academic year In the One of the tenants, rho did not Medical Staff ed by one and one-half cents a public schools. Unlike last year wish to have his name revealed Tt m obvious that me quality, quart in this area, effective a week Jane Cowl Opens Star-Studded Adult School when 29 of their older brothers, expressed this opinion. "When proficiency and teamwork of the from tomorrow. who, back from winning the war, there arc no available living quar- .!. MK al staff arc the prime factors Pierson Named A survey Saturday morning In Athenaeum Anniversary Season Plans Course in were anxious to complete their ters in Summit, it »«cm* unfair !n dcterming the effectiveness of Summit by the Herald brought high school education, only one to force people t0 purchase some- In celebration of its fortieth f speakers In 1942. returns in De- q hospital In Its community. There unanimous predictions from Sum- veteran returned to high school thing they don't want; particu- anniversary, the Summit Atbertae- j ecmber to speak on the issues .1:1 be no question that without mit food dealers that butter will on Monday larly at a very exorbitant rate. Director of urn it announcing some H the j thai confront mir human society Sharing Books doctors there would be no hospital. soar soon to $1 a pound and that The boys outnumbered >t4ie girls Furthermore," he added, "I can't On the other hand, doctors could egga will follow close behind, outstanding speakers who -will ; those critical days. Sharing Books with Boys and imagine the city being wining to address members this season. 1,252 to 1.146 for the f)r$| day's not practice modern medicine First National Some already n re asking 98 cent* The program chairman, X Hoss Girls is the subject of a gem* of displace so ni iy families who Heading the list will be the afjjfd Tntt'c. will have other top-rank- enrollment of 2,398. Thlsj repre- without a modern hospital. The for. butter and 92 cents a dozen ttn lectures to be offered by the have lived here for years, «nd At a recent meeting of the Board American actre*», Jane Cowl, who sents a'total Increase of 65 over modern hospital as a health center for eggs, about the highest prices ing speakers to announce later. perhaps have the apartments sold of* The First National Bank and will give a leoture-recitar at Adult Education program for th« first day last year. Tits first >». a community responsibility. It they recalled since the aftermath S.otnc , memberships are . Still as to less desirable people." Trust Co. of Summit. Carleton W. the high school audf 'witfrn many const;? '"«'i» .TiwJay fi day'* enrollment in the elementary should not only offer the most up- of World War I. R'*ilable. B«»v. David K. B»rn-i Room* at ai.MO Each Pierson was elected a director to Thursday evening, November ft, totalled' 1,248 to-date facilities to qualified physi- WlMfctMrie Costs t> well D.D., president of the] tungs U iinhin', Of'Nfeer 7. Th "1 e purcha*inir Oil fbA nnexpire>A ttrru of the late Other speakers to follow Slur* s Ath.nift«»»tR, announced this week.: speaker for tht^ rin»T«r»ght Tue»i •* tU-3 tor the ujiin, Mr. St«e!c S'lnsf*^, storekeepers are paying ins; the six-month season will in- 36 more to come yet, 35 In Lincoln fTederic Vf. Wilkrd. "Although we have a waiting gave the Herald the following fhc public, should deny the use as much su 89 cents a pound for clude Boeley Ciowther, Him edi- days will be Miss Mary Gould Da- School and 11 in Franklin School. Mr. Plerson'i local interests in- list from last year," he said, "we data: First floor rooms are val- n' these same facilities to doctors top grade. »? for store whipped tor of The New York Times vis, who comes "highly recom- Senior High School enrollment for clude directorships in the Summit anticipate that it will be possible ued at 11,800 each; second floor *r.o are not qualified. butter, and fa cent* a dozen for whose subject will be "What You the first day was 606 compared to YMCA and the Hill City Savings to receive a few other members.
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