FIREMEN AND VISITORS EXPECTED HERE FOR STREET PARADE TODAY P A TRONIZI: THE NE.lK POST FIR T ~l' ---4> Newark Regarded As Fastest NEW IDEAS LEGION TO Growing Center In Delaware Fifty-Three Companies ~~------------ --------- INTEREST CONVENE Building Permits TOWN LEADER BREEDERS THIS WEEI( In Eight Months. Register At Convention Total $127,715 150 Poultrymen Dinner Session ----------------.----------------------------~~ "The Town ot- Newark, which is Visit Leading Is Planned For Handled Firemen's Convention Plans assisting the Aetna Hose, Hook and GOVERNOR Ladder Company to act as host tor Plants In State Tomorrow Night the eighteenth annual convention of the Delaware Stale Volunteer New ideas for poultrymen fi ew F ormer Representative Royal C. AND STATE Firemen's Associa tion, is the fast- thick and fast in Delaware last week J ohnson, of South Dakota, will be est growing. center in Delaware at when approximately 150 egg produc· the guest speaker at the banquet to- the present time." ers, farm fiock owners, and broiler- morrow night which has been ar- LEADERS That opinion, voiced by a promi- men toured more than 135 miles, ranged as part of the program of the nent state official attending the con- visiting top-hotch poultry establish- annual convention of the American vention today, is b orne out by local ments in various parts of the state Legion and Auxiliaries at Rehoboth IN STANDS building figures of the last two years under the leadership of H. i.. Rich- Beach; The two-day session being Cor Newark itsel! and the area im- ardson, extension poultryman at the held ~o intly this year, is the twen- mediately jOining the town. University of Delaware. tieth yearly meeting of the Legion Capt. Waters Is Tuesday night. During 1937, for instance, new Starting Tuesday morning at the and the seventeenth annual session presided at buildings were erected within the H. S. P almer farm, near Glasgow, the of U1E1 Auxiliary. Grand Marshall; was attended by town limits at a total value of $153,- group first saw 1,500 New Hamp- J . Allison O'Daniel P ost No. 10 Chnrles C. Hubert, 205. Thirty-three permits were shire Reds producing cross-bred will be represented by F . Allyn Dance To Close Ramsey. C. Emerson issued during the year. hatching eggs. Mr. P almer, former Cooch, Walter R. P owell, J . Harvey F. FerguSoq. and Willi 29 permits issued in the first Delawa re extension poultryman, Dickey and Wayne C. B~ewe r . The Two-Day Affair Councilman eight months of the current year at conducted the group through his latter is replacing Arthur E. Tom- was abscnt. Sec- a total valuation of $127,715, build- establishment a nd pointed out in- have, who is unable to attend. Although ofTicial last-minute re- Steele and Engi- ing here is expected to exceed the novations while answering questions Auxiliary Delegates ports call for fair and cooler weath- C. price were also 1937 volume both in value and in l\fayor Frank Collins raised by the visitors. The local Auxiliary will send: er, a constant threat of rain in the the number of homes and otner Modern Egg Cellar Mrs. Paul D. Lovett and Mrs. Con- form of dense low-hanging clouds concerning vacant sll'uctures erected. From the P almer farm, the group rad K. D. Lewis, with Mrs. W. F. driited perilously over Newark this introduced at the In addition to the general expan- rock asphalt at a cost of $6,781.74 . went to the Leonard Fagerlund Lindell and Mrs. Leon Case as al- morning as members of the Aetna stipulates: "That sion that is taking place within the Other street Improvements, m a ll1 - Breeder-Hatcher y u'1d CommerCi al ternates. Delegates-at-Iarge Wi ll be Hose, Hoo,k and Ladder Company agent or tenant Of. m.,y limits of Newark, sections immedi- tenance and repai rs, cleanmg, II ght- White Leghorn far'll, near Newark. Mrs. J ohn R F ader, Mrs J . Harvey jcomPletect arra ngements for (he fire- wtlhin the Town h~lts ately joining the town, especially mg, a nd hand grading cost $11,- w here 6,000 layers were on a pro- Dickey, Mrs. Orville Little, Mrs. men's parade. "_'~ ___ ."'. --'allow weeds or rubbish those to llie east and northwest, a re 426.92 for the year. Improved streets duetion basis. Thel'<! lliey inspected Harry S. Gabriel, Mrs. F . Allyn The procession, which is the high- and shall refuse spending something in excess of within the town total 10.18 miles. a modern egg cellar with special Cooch, Mrs. A. E. Tomhave and Mrs. light of a two-day convention of the wtrl;;I~1. lOren~ove the same wlth- $75,000 tor new homes in 1938. Extensions to the storm and cooling apparatus qnd the ranges for Harold Sheaffer. D laware State Volunteer Firemen's receiving wdtten Tax Exempt Real Estate sanitary sewer systems, additional young stock. ExCongressman J ohnson enlisted Association, is scheduled to start at ~aid CounCil of According to the Council of Ne w - water mains, and llie in sta ll ~tion of AC.te r a basket lunch at the U~i- as a private in the 313th Infantry (our o'clock, D. S. T. More than : agen t 0 1' ten- ar k's annual r eport for the fi scal 302 new water meters, m akmg the ver s l ~y of ~ e l awa r ~ and a s l ~o r t I.n- in lhe World War and served in 5,000 pat'Ucipants and spectators are to a penalty of year ending February 28, assessable town .99.5 per cent metered, were speclIon trtp through the umversl ty France. expected (or the an·ai r. ~uch re(usal or real estate a nd other pro ert other Im,provements of 1937. poultry plant, t~e tour par ty pro- While there, wi thout his kno~v l e d ge, Forty-five companjes from Dela- P additional pe?alty amounted to $5,440,993. Taxes cor.. , c~eded to the RIchardson and R o ~- he W?S ~'e-e l ected to C~ngre ss Crom ware. five from Maryland. and three for each d~~ the lected for the year a mounted to J. Peat'ce Cann AppOInted bms Ca nnery, DonI', where. approxl- hiS dIStl'lCt, servmg until 1932 when ~1~O~~,t~~I~~~~~~~ ~~,~d~~:~~~~ ~~ tOn~ (~~~2 ~~~ $25.0 13.94 fro.m a rate of 40 cents on To Delawat·c Commi sion :~,~~~~ !~~~~ ~~~nd S of chicken are h eI: e:~~~~i~nt~oe~~~n~or~va6~ ;~~~or participants in the parade prior to ~~~ ~.~~~~ \~~I~e i:wO~~.:O f the lowest J . P earce Cann, Winslow and 01'- fl:e last stop Tuetday was a t the Rich;rd C. McMullen, U. S. Senators noon. Other companies from adjoi n- Tax exempt real estate within the chard Roads. was apP01l1ted . a .mem- Wilitam H aas. brOiler tarm, east of John G. Townsend, J r . ~ a,n d J ames ~~~v~~,~;IO~~~ °efx~:~~~~t~~ ;~~~ i~ ;:~~ town has a tota.l valuation of $4 _ bel' of tbe D.elaware Co":,mlsslon to Dovel'. Al thiS farm the gr?up saw H. Hu.ghes, and Rep ..WI ·lltam F. Al- 04185996 p. t d b <h plan dedlcalion ceremonies for the three brood1l1g houses which had len Will be guests With department for the procession. Unive;sit~ o~o~~I :W~~:neh ea d~ fl': Ch e~a p eake a nd Delaware Canal, ac- a tota! capacity of. 36,000 bird.s and offi ~ers .Iro,m Maryland: Pennsyl- 1 C"plain Wa ters Marshall list at a value of $3 157366.96. cord1l1g to the announcement made Cattcn1l1g ~ens wl.O a capacity of vama, Dlstl'l ct of C o l umbl~ and New Captain T. L . Waters, U. S. Army h e r have Oth ' t d " t . Tuesday afternoon by Gov. Richard 34 ,000 brOilers. The bus1l1ess session of the attached to the military unit at the I e summ . ' nto er ex emp e . pr~per y m- C. McMullen Pheasant·Quail Raising department w ill be held Saturday C1mrles M. Elssner University of Delaware, wi ll act as water to dram ~h cludes: COll.ege fraterm.ty. houses, The date f ~r llie dedication is un- Wednesd ay morning, the tour morning at 9 o'clock when ofTicers Charles Tasker grand matshall. A unit of State Grocery Stor.e. t .e $78,000; publIc ~C h oo l buildmgs a nd certain, although it is considered party assembled at the Harold Shor t will be elected and resolutions intro- AIded by Chief Elmer J Ellison, the quartet pictured above handled Police Wi ll head the parade ot the pro)ec IS lands, $500,000, churches, $84,000 ; certain that it cannot be held until Commercial White Egg Establish- duced and passed. all arrangements for the eighteenth annual convention of the Delaware The Continental-Diamond Fibre . church r esidences, $29,500 ; fire sometime next spring because of the ment near Milford, where they in- Oandldate For Commander State Volunteer Firemen's Association which ends here tod ay. S;mkes- Company's band will be the flrst gutters at t~~m : h ~.~se , ~:O , OOO ;. armory, $1~ , 000 ; po ~t - persistent slides in the ca nal which spected the egg room and cooling Vice-Commander Samuel E. Burr. peare, who was chairman of the committee, j sf.<"qr.. d assi ~ta nt. chief of musical organization in the line ot · a~ d _ .
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