THE The basis for an effective MILITANT fall antiwar demonstration Published in the interests of the Working People -see page 3- Vol. 33- No. 27 Friday, July 4, 1969 Price 15c First-hand report from Chicago THE SPLIT I SDS -Story pages 6-7 l ' hut11 h~ · lloJ\ ' Id l· l'lliPII I,...., Bernadine Dohrn reads caucus statement declaring Progressive Labor expelled from SDS Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, July 4, 1969 Why Columbia blacks scored PL THE MILITANT rely on his Army to smash pro­ Editor: HARRY RING Business Manager: BEVERLY SCOTT gressive forces at home or abroad, Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, A correction we will be on the verge of a N.Y. 10003. Phone 533-6414. Second·dass postage paid at New York, N:Y. basic transformation. Subscription: domestic, $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By first class mall: domestic Conrad Lynn and Canada $10.50; all other countries, $15.00. Air printed matter: domestic of a critic and Canada, $15.00; Latin America, $24.00; Europe, $28.00; Africa, Australia, [Conrad Lynn is a veteran Asia (including USSR), $33.00. Write for sealed air postage rates. Signed articles civil rights attorney and opponent by contributors do not necessarily represent The Militant's views. These are ex­ New York, N.Y. of the status quo.] pressed In editorials. In reference to Hal Levin's let­ ter in the June 20 Militant de­ Vol. 33- No. 27 Friday, July 4, 1969 crying "inaccuracies" in Paula PL sympathizer Reimers' two articles on Columbia SDS, I believe there are some This column is an open forum won over in Atlanta The closing news date for this issue was June 27. errors in Mr. Levin's own think­ for all viewpoints on subjects of ing which need to be pointed out. general interest to our readers. Nashville, Tenn. He claims that the Students Afro­ Please keep your letters brief. Where Thank you for sending me the that is aimed at expelling the oners had been invited to attend American Society (SAS) is anti­ necessary they will be abridged. 1 Q-week introductory subscrip­ Arabs from their homes. Such a conference on crime and cor­ Marxist and hence deserves no Writers' initials will be used, names tion to The Militant. injustice must shock the conscience rection sponsored by theNational support, on the basis of a SAS being withheld unless authorization I attended the first Southwide of every living human being. College of State Trial Judges. At­ speech which he claims denounced is given for use. Young Socialist Conference in At­ In life, as in physics, every ac­ tending the conference along with the revolutionary role ofthe work­ lanta and really enjoyed hearing tion produces a reaction, and the the prisoners were magistrates, ing class. Mr. Levin is apparently and meeting George Novack and reaction to these Zionist atroci­ penologists, wardens and police referring to a speech by Melvin officers. Held in Maryland, the olutionaries offer or withhold sup­ Evelyn Reed. ties is the emerging liberation Tumin at an SAS rally at whicl:l conference drew 21 prisoners from port. The struggle for black self­ The Atlanta group was most movement of the Arab people led I was present. magnanimous and hospitable; by the uprooted Palestinians. The 3 state institutions. Actually what that speech did determination is breaking out all While watching a playlet about over this country, and the campus they invited me to spend the night struggle of the commando organ­ was to denounce PL and the SDS prison conditions and homosex­ struggles are just one manifesta· in one of their homes. Also, I izations to liberate their homeland Expansion Committee for their uality, the audience of prisoners tion of this explosion. No group talked with Mary-Alice Waters that and establish a democratic state refusal to support the black stu­ reacted vocally and militantly can call itself revolutionary with· weekend, and she gave me the where the Arabs and Jews can live dents' demands for a black studies against the phony dialogue and out giving unconditional support rundown on Pt. together stands in stark contrast program at Columbia. The SAS situation. In a scene between a to the demands for self-determina­ I've been dlsiliusioned with PL with the racist struggle of the speaker pointed outthatthemajor new prisoner and a prison officer, tion of the third-world student for aeveral months but still get Zionists to impose themselves on radicalization at this time is on the prisoner pleads for and is community. their magazine, P L, and the peoples of that area. The the campuses, not in the working promised a safer place in the Cindy Jaquith Challenge. PL's position on black Palestinian liberation struggle class- and that student struggles nationalism ils wrong, and they must be supported wholeheart­ prison to avoid sexual assault. around third-world demands are are losing me as a supporter. edly. At this point, several prisoners a way of reaching the working A rights attorney's Enclosed is a check for subscrip­ The social forces that are being in the audience sprang up, shout­ class. tions to The Militant and the activated in this struggle are cap· ing that there was no such thing PL and the Expansion Commit­ view of the repression Young Socialist. able of not only liberating Pales­ as a haven from assault in any tee have consistently denounced D.Q. tine, but also overthrowing the jail. "It's a jungle," cried a lifer. the SAS demands as "ruling class" New York, N.Y. imperialists and their local agents Another prisoner said he was demands, designed to "share Elizabeth Barnes is to be con­ and all the exploiting classes in disgusted with the whole confer­ power" with the Columbia trustees. gratulated on her trenchant ar­ the Middle East. The events in­ ence. "When I was first approached I cannot imagine how a black ticle in the June 13, 1969 issue On Arab II beration dicate the direction of these forces; to come out here I was skeptical," studies program completely under of The Militant demonstrating that these are the forces of the social­ he said. "Let's get one thing the administration of black stu­ the strengths of the antiwar and, ist revolution that will realize the straight," he continued, turning dents and faculty could conceiv­ potentially, anticapitalist forces in New York, N.Y. United Socialist Republics of the to the criminal-justice officials, ably share anything with the this country today are such that Hana Niel in her letter to the Middle East. "It's people like you who present ruling class. Such a program is repressive reaction can be beaten June 20 Mtlttant, states, "The Jew­ It is in the context of these con­ a false front. It's you who per­ explicitly a rejection of the racist back. ish criminals who massacred the crete revolutionary struggles and petrate the same damn system distortion of education by the cap­ Everywhere I hear these fears Arab vlllage of Deir Yassin must their transitional formations that over and over again." A judge italist class. that America is on the verge of get extreme punishment." But she proletarian internationalism be­ shook his head. "Look, baby," Furthermore, it is not true that fascism. Particularly are such sen­ does not say who these "Jewish comes meaningful and world the prisoner said, "I can tell when student struggles of this type have timents rife among the "old left'' criminals" were and who is going socialism attainable. you're leveling with me. But when to administer this "extreme pun­ no relation to the working class. people. It is almost as if they M.S., you present a false front you're ishment." She declares that "Israel The third-world demands at SF fear that the young today may Astudentfrom the Middle Eut not fooling anybody." The prison­ State received broad and active succeed where they failed. is here to stay" and that "Palestin­ er said that he had heard a lot support from both black and May I add that your paper's ilm Arabs must have their own of talk about "rehabilitation" at white workers. coverage of the struggle against state." She does not try to explain Turned on to Militant the conference but that he had Admittedly, SAS is not a Marx­ the war in the Army is of great the contradiction that exists in not seen any in the jail. All he ist-Leninist organization, but that benefit! When Nixon comes to these two statements; having dis­ and Camejo speech (I) had been taught, he said, was how is not the criterion by whi-eh rev- the belated realization that he can't carded the Palestine commando to make license plates, and this organi:l!ations as •terrorists" she Ann Arbor, Mich. would do him no good "outside." does not say how else the Palestin­ The speech by Camejo in the "I came in as a laborer," he said, ians are to attain their own state. May 30 Militant was an admir­ "and you're gonna get a laborer Hana Niel does not seem to able presentation of clear social back, baby." A psychiatrist asked be cognizant of the realities of analysis, all too rare in an age if the prisoner would be willing the situationj she seems to be of self-conscious, pretentious ver­ to protect a young inmate if he talking of a different problem and biage. I am grateful to The were promised an early parole. a different world. Consequently, Militant for publishing the full "Yeah, I'd let nobody bother him," the proletarian internationalism texts of presentations of this kind the prisoner said.
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