CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIETY E V , N O, Stephen C. Perks A Colin Wright C R EDITORIAL Matthew Wright C Christianity & Society P S ................ FEATURES C D’ Y B “I O Stephen C. Perks is the Director of A”? H Y S B Y W Y? The Kuyper Foundation. by Theodore P. Letis ................................................................................. Theodore Letis is the Director of the Institute for Renaissance and Reforma- C R P tion Biblical Studies. by Bruce Dayman ..................................................................................... Bruce Dayman has pastored, taught theology, administered a Christian school D H and currently lives in British Columbia. by Stephen C. Perks................................................................................... Colin Wright is a software engineer and a former mathematics teacher. David Estrada is Emeritus Professor E E T T T of Aesthetics and Philosophy at the Uni- by Colin Wright........................................................................................ versity of Barcelona in Spain. Ruben Alvarado is a US citizen R M M’C: T S L S working as a translator in Holland. by David Estrada ..................................................................................... Derek Carlsen is pastor of the Church of Christian Liberty, Arlington T C S V F J S Heights, Illinois, USA. by Ruben Alvarado (translation by Ruben Alvarado)....................................... Stephen Hayhow works in mobile communications. He was ordained in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in the R F USA. by Derek Carlsen....................................................................................... John Peck is a retired Baptist minister and College teacher. T M C P—T C S Crawford Gribben is a lecturer in Press releases from CLAAS-UK .................................................................. Renaissance literature and culture at the University of Manchester. BOOK REVIEWS AND NOTICES ................................................ Doug Baker is a freelance writer liv- ing in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. Letters to the Editor................................................................................... Articles and reviews published in Christianity & Society represent the views Editorial office: Christianity & Society, P. O. Box , of the individual authors and should not be taken as an official position Taunton, Somerset, , England. endorsed by Christianity & Society or its editors. Readers are invited to Tel. () Fax. () submit previously unpublished articles for publication. A style-sheet can www.kuyper.org/Email: [email protected] be obtained from the Editorial office. It is requested that authors supply Subscriptions: two consecutive issues a brief biographical sketch or c.v. for the contributors panel above. Manuscripts will not be returned unless they are accompanied by a UK:£ Europe:£. (airmail). stamped addressed envelope. Letters and comments are invited, as well . as suitable anecdotes, questions, news items and feedback on any issues All other subscriptions:£ (airmail). raised. Advertisements are accepted at the discretion of the editors. All Payment by cheque: cheques should be in ster- ffi manuscripts should be sent to the editorial o ce in England. Corre- ling only drawn on a bank in the UK, made payable ffi spondence should be sent to the editorial o ce in England or by e-mail to “The Kuyper Foundation” and sent to: P. O. to: [email protected]. Christianity & Society is published bianually by The Box , Taunton, Somerset, , England. Kuyper Foundation, a registered charity in England. 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With rising costs, however, we need increasing income to keep our service at its present level. Going to two issues per year at pages instead of four C Christianity & Society at pages will enable us to make some savings on the costs P S of producing the journal without reducing the amount of material we publish. T issue of Christianity & Society is a double issue incorporat- Second, and more positively, however, going to pages ing Vol. , No (October ) and what would have been per issue will provide us with the opportunity to deal in one Vol. , No ( January ). The current issue is thus twice issue with a wider variety of subject matter, from a wider the size ( pages) of previous issues ( pages). There will be variety of perspectives, and in more detail. Hopefully this will no January issue. The next issue will be published in help to extend the scope of the journal as a forum for debate April , and from then on the journal will be published and discussion of issues relating to the application of the twice yearly at twice the previous size ( pages per issue). Christian faith to contemporary society, which is the main The journal will be renumbered as follows. The April purpose of the journal. issue will be Volume , No. (Summer); the October If your subscription falls due in January you will issue will be Volume , No. (Winter), and likewise with receive a renewal notice with this issue (which incorporates subsequent volumes. Readers will receive exactly the same what would have been the January issue on the previ- amount of material as they have always had before. The only ous schedule). If your subscription falls due in July , you difference will be that instead of receiving this material will receive your renewal notice with the Summer issue quarterly in four issues it will be received biannually (sum- published in April (which will incorporate what would have mer and winter) in two issues of twice the previous size. been the July issue on the previous schedule). Why have we made this change? There are two main Please continue to subscribe to C&S and help us to reasons. The first ultimately boils down to costs. Christianity secure the journal’s future. Please also help if you are able by & Society is heavily subsidised. Income brought in from recommending the journal to others and by supporting the subscriptions does not enable the journal to break even. It is Kuyper Foundation regularly with your donations, tithes subsidised heavily by the donations received from those who and offerings (see the notice on the inside back cover for believe in the cause for which we are working. We also send information on how to give money to the Kuyper Founda- out a significant number of free subscriptions to people in the tion). The growth of our work is only possible if we receive Third World and to ministries in the Third and First World increased funding. The limits of our work are set by those who cannot afford to pay Western subscription rates. The who support the ministry of the Foundation. Thank you for Kuyper Foundation is a charitable trust and does not exist to subscribing to Christianity & Society—SCP C&S IMPORTANT NOTICE! New Sole Distributor for Kuyper Foundation books and books by Stephen C. Perks The Kuyper Foundation has changed its books distributor. All books by Stephen C. Perks and all books published by the Kuyper Foundation are now distributed by: H F D L H F, U C B P C R, D, , E, UK T: () ⁄International: + F: () ⁄International: + W W W: harvestfieldsuk.co.uk E: harvestfi[email protected] Harvest Field is now the sole distributor for these books. All trade orders should be sent to Harvest Field. Harvest Field also retails these books on line at www.harvestfieldsuk.co.uk. V. , No. , O Christianity & Society— D’ Y B “I O A”? H Y S B Y W Y? by Theodore P. Letis S questions are, by their very nature, what logicians call questions, beginning with the most foundational of all: () “loaded” questions. They are structured in such a way as to where did it come from? () who created it? () what do its elicit pre-determined responses. Sometimes they can also be constituent parts mean, i.e. the words “inerrancy” and petito principii, or what is called “begging the question,” that “autographs?” is, assuming in the statement or question what really has yet We know that the statement cannot be found before the to be proven. “Don’t you believe in the ‘inerrancy’ of the nineteenth century because that is when the Oxford English original autographs?” is such a question. It is a loaded Dictionary informs us that the word “inerrancy” was first question as well as a question-begging question. It can only employed for theological purposes. Prior to that it had been be answered, really, yes or no; and it assumes the correctness a word used within scientific writing, namely, astronomy. It of the language of the phrase prior to establishing whether was a term used to describe the
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