French Army Before Troyes under Macdonald 2 March 1814 II Corps: Général de division Gérard1 5th Young Guard Division: Général de division Rottembourg 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Charrieze Staff/5th Voltigeur Regiment (6/13) 1/5th Voltigeur Regiment (7/157) 2/5th Voltigeur Regiment (7/149) Staff/6th Voltigeur Regiment (5/6) 1/6th Voltigeur Regiment (10/154) 2/6th Voltigeur Regiment (9/159) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Baudiun Staff/7th th Voltigeur Regiment (10/7) 1/7th Voltigeur Regiment (11/186) 2/7th Voltigeur Regiment (9/195) 3/7th Voltigeur Regiment (10/381) Staff/8th Voltigeur Regiment (10/13) 1/8th Voltigeur Regiment (13/219) 2/8th Voltigeur Regiment (8/279) 3/8th Voltigeur Regiment (12/451) Artillery: 11th Young Guard Artillery Company (6-6pdrs & 2 how)(4/71) 9th Guard Train Company (1/53) 7th Division: Général de division Baron Leval 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Pinoteau Staff/10th Légère Regiment (7/7) 1/10th Légère Regiment (12/282) 2/10th Légère Regiment (5/214) 3/10th Légère Regiment (6/225) Staff/3rd Line Regiment (6/12) 1/3rd Line Regiment (13/395) Staff/15th Line Regiment (5/13) 1/15th Line Regiment (12/346) 1/130th Line Regiment (9/199) 4/130th Line Regiment (11/217) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Montefort Staff/17th Légère Regiment (4/3) 1/17th Légère Regiment (15/410) Staff/101st Line Regiment (5/4) 1/101st Line Regiment (13/407) Staff/105th Line Regiment (9/21) 1/105th Line Regiment (10/330) 2/105th Line Regiment (9/279) Staff/118th Line Regiment (3/15) 6/118th Line Regiment (15/473) Artillery: 19/1st Foot Artillery (2/103) 2/4th Principal Train Battalion (2/50) 1 Strength figures as of 1 March 1814. 1 5/12th (bis) Train Battalion (1/91) 9th Division: 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Chassé 16th Légère Regiment (16/337) 8th Line Regiment (16/373) 1/28th Line Regiment (22/262) 2/28th Line Regiment (9/259) 3/28th Line Regiment (15/378) 54th Line Regiment (12/516) Artillery: 23/5th Foot Artillery (2/68) l0/8th Foot Artillery (1/68) (8-6pdrs & 4 howitzers) 2/4th Principal Train Battalion (0/28) 2/9th (bis) Train Battalion (2/96) Reserve: 19/1st Foot Regiment (5 4pdrs, 2 8pdrs & l howitzer) 12th (bis) Train Battalion Train 2nd (bis) Train Battalion 8/3rd Horse Artillery (4 6pdrs & 2 howitzers) Train National Guard Division: Général de division Pacthod2 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Rost 1st Regiment of Sarthe (25/990) 3rd Regiment of Indre et Loire (29/662) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Bonté 2nd Regiment of Loire et Cher (44/984) 5th Regiment of Seine et Marne (8/263) 3rd Brigade: Général de brigade Konzinsky 4th Regiment Maine et Loire (33/989) Artillery: 26/6th Foot Artillery (2 8pdrs & 4 4pdrs)(2/68) Det/2nd (bis) Train Batalion (0/22) Det/4th Principal Train Battalin (2/83) Reserve: 24/6th Foot Artillery (4 12pdrs & 2 how)(3/63) 12/8th Foot Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 how)(3/63) (8-6pdrs & 4 howitzers) 12th (bis) Train Battalion Train (1/110) 8/3rd Horse Artillery (4 6pdrs & 2 howitzers) (4/57) VII Corps: Maréchal Oudinot, Duc de Reggio3 5th Young Guard Division: Général de division Rottembourg 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Charrieze 1/,2/5th Voltigeur Regiment (13/161) 1/,2/6th Voltigeur Regiment (14/112) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Baudiun 1/,2/,3/7th Voltigeur Regiment (31/340) 2 Strength returns are as of 5 March 1814. 3 Strength returns are as of 5 March 1814. 1/,2/3/8th Voltigeur Regiment (7/87) Artillery: 11th Young Guard Artillery Company (5-6pdrs & 2 how)(2/71) 9th Guard Train Company (1/53) 7th Division: Général de division Baron Leval 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Pinoteau 1/,6/10th Légère Regiment (26/682) 1/3rd Line Regiment (18/380) 1/15th Line Regiment (17/341) 1/,2/130th Line Regiment (25/455) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Montefort 1/17th Légère Regiment (18/359) 1/101st Line Regiment (18/370) 1/,2/105th Line Regiment (28/594) 6/118th Line Regiment (16/520) 3rd Brigade:Général de brigade Chassé 1/16th Légère Regiment (11/315) 1/8th Line Regiment (12/347) 1/,3/,6/28th Line Regiment (42/958) 1/54th Line Regiment (8/445) Artillery: 19/1st Foot Artillery (8-6pdrs & 4 How)(2/108) 2/4th Principal Train Battalion (2/50) 5/12th (bis) Train Battalion (1/91) 9th Division: Artillery: 22/5th Foot Artillery (8-6pdrs & 4 how)(2/68) 2/4th Principal Train Battalion (0/28) XI Corps: Général de division Molitor4 Division: Général de division Albert 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Schaeffer Staff/139th Line Regiment (6/8) 3/139th Line Regiment (12/308) Staff/1st Regiment de Brest (8/1) 1/1st Regiment de Brest (35/824) 2/1st Regiment de Brest (26/717) 2nd Brigade: Staff/140th Line Regiment (6/9) 1/140th Line Regiment (18/533) Staff/Regiment de Rochefort (8/4) 1/Regiment de Rochefort (18/467) 2/Regiment de Rochefort (15/334) Artillery:(strength as of 3/15/14) 15/4th Foot Artillery (44) 18/6th Foot Artillery (36) 2/5th Horse Artillery (60) 2/9th Principal Train Battalion (16) 3/6th Principal Train Battalion (64) 2/11th Principal Train Battalion (101) 4 Strength figures as of 1 March 1814. 3 Division: Général de division Amey 2nd Brigade: Staff/149th Line Regiment (5/4) 1/149th Line Regiment (11/118) 2/149th Line Regiment (11/107) ler Bataillon de Calvados (16/176) ler Bataillon de la Manche (14/310) Artillery: (strength as of 3/15/14) 6/4th Horse Artillery (4-8pdrs & l how)(31) 1/5th Principal Train Battalion (39) Division: Général de division Brayer 1st Brigade: Staff/19th Légère Regiment (10/31) 2/19th Légère Regiment (6/380) 6/19th Légère Regiment (14/351) 3/5th Line Regiment (14/121) 3/11th Line Regiment (7/397) 2nd Brigade: ?/107th Line Regiment (31/391) 1/Gardes Nationale du Nord (14/175) 2/Gardes Nationale du Nord (12/180) Artillery: (strength as of 3/15/14) 6/1st Foot Artillery (25) 19/2nd Foot Artillery (52) 20/5th Foot Artillery (52) 1/8th Principal Train Battalion (79) 2/5th Principal Train Battalion (56) Corps Cavalry: Staff/13th Hussar Regiment (7/3) 1/13th Hussar Regiment (9/141) 2/13th Hussar Regiment (7/134) Corps Artillery Equipment: Foot Artillery Strength (19/398) Horse Artillery Strength (8/135) Sappers (7/88) Artillery Train (15/730) Equipage Militaire (2/94) 10th Hospital Company (2/92) 15 12pdrs 4 8pdrs 17 6pdrs 12 24pdr howitzers 36 12pdr caissons 5 8pdr caissons 35 6pdr caissons 25 Howitzer caissons 32 Infantry caissons Reserve Artillery: (as of 3/15/14) 22/1st Foot Artillery (20) 18/4th Foot Artillery (11) 27/1st Foot Artillery (1) Artillery Artisians (1) 4/1st (bis) Train Battalion (2) 1/11th Principal Train Battalion (19) 1/13th Principal Train Battalion (23) 3/14th Principal Train Battalion 4/14th Principal Train Battalion (47) 6/3rd (bis) Train Battalion (33) 3/5th Principal Train Battalion (24) 1/11th Principal Train Battalion Flanqueur Corps: Général Alix (1,450 men) Fusilier Chasseur Regiment Fusilier Grenadier Regiment Flanqueur-Chasseur Regiment Flanqueur-Grenadier Regiment II Cavalry Corps:5 2nd Light Cavarly Division: Général de division Maurin 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Dommanget 5th Hussar Regiment (5/54) 9th Hussar Regiment (4/38) 1/,2/11th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (18/137) 1/,2/12th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (20/154) 2nd Chevauléger-lancier Regiment (15/75) 4th Chevauléger-lancier Regiment (2/84) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Jamin 6th Chevauléger-lancier Regiment (3/33) 7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (14/86) 20th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (13/58) 23rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (5/63) 24th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (9/192) 10th Hussar Regiment (detached) Artillery: Det/5th Horse Artillery (3-6pdrs & l how)(2/51) 280 ball & 53 cannister Det/1st (bis) Train Battalion (1/34) Det/2nd Principal Train Battalion (1/17) 2nd Cuirassier Division: Général de division Delort 1st Brigade: Général de brigade Blancard 1st Carabinier Regiment (13/85) 2nd Carabinier Regiment (11/83) 1st Cuirassier Regiment (9/76) 2nd Brigade: Général de brigade Soppranzy 5th Cuirassier Regiment (8/94) 8th Cuirassier Regiment (12/95) 10th Cuirassier Regiment (10/94) 13th Cuirassier Regiment (4/1l0) Artillery: Det/6th Horse Artillery (4-6pdrs & 2 how)(2/76) 560 ball & 40 cannister Det/10th Principal Train Battalion (1/64) V Cavalry Corps: Général de division Milhaud6 (strength as of 2 March 1814 - 3rd Light Cavalry Division: Général de division 5 Strengths as of 10 March 1814. 6 Regimental strength figures are as 20 February 1814. 5 Pire (strength as of 2 March 1814 - 1,421 men) 5th Brigade: Général de brigade Subrevie 3rd Hussar Regiment (12/133) 26th Chasseur Cheval Regiment (22/274) 6th Brigade: 14th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (6/112) 27th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (12/125) 3rd Heavy Cavalry Division: Général de division Briche (strength as of 2 March 1814 - 1,700 men) 5th Brigade: Général de brigade Montelegier 2nd Dragoon Regiment (25/281) 6th Dragoon Regiment (21/276) 11th Dragoon Regiment (26/383) 6th Brigade: Général de brigade Ludot 13th Dragoon Regiment (15/119) 15th Dragoon Regiment (20/210) 4th Heavy Cavalry Division: Général de division L'Heriter (strength as of 2 March 1814 - 1,269) 7th Brigade: Général de brigade Lamothe 18th Dragoon Regiment (14/194) 19th Dragoon Regiment (19/158) 20th Dragoon Regiment (12/97) 8th Brigade: Général de brigade Collaert 22nd Dragoon Regiment (17/236) 25th Dragoon Regiment (2/361) Artillery: 4/2nd Horse Artillery (2/48) 2/3rd Horse Artillery (2/42) 8/6th Horse Artillery (2/41) 1/8th Principal Train Battalion (1/44) 1/12th Principal Train Battalion (1/56) 2/14th Principal Train Battalion (0/26) 4 - 6pdrs 6 - 4pdrs 4 - 24pdr howitzers VI Cavalry Corps:7 5th Heavy Cavalry Division: Général de division Treillard 9th Brigade: Général de brigade Ismert 1/4th Dragoon Regiment (16/114) 2/4th Dragoon Regiment (8/79) 3/4th Dragoon Regiment (4/84) 4/4th Dragoon Regiment (6/84) 1/14th Dragoon Regiment (18/174) 2/14th Dragoon Regiment (12/155) 1/16th Dragoon Regiment (12/152) 2/16th Dragoon Regiment (7/123) 10th Brigade: Général de brigade Ormancy 1/17th Dragoon Regiment (15/183) 2/17th Dragoon Regiment (9/134) 3/17th Dragoon Regiment (5/32) 7 Strengths as of 7 March 1814.
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