College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1996 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 1) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 7, Issue 1)" (1996). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 382. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/382 Copyright c 1996 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers Muldoon for Congress, page 3 ~micug (!Curiae MARSHALL-WYTHE ScHooL oF LAw .!lmeriea$ First Law Sehool VOLUME VII, ISSUE ONE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1996 TWENTY PAGES H urricane Fran Hits Virginia; Morning Classes Cancelled ------ By Alison Rosenstengal was stiU packing dangerous lightning, ------ With wicked arcs of lightning, gale heavy rain and powerful sustained winds force winds, and torrential rains, Hurri­ between 40 and 65 mph. Williamsburg cane Fran came ashore around 9p.m. washeaviesthit in the early-morning hours Thursday night near Cape Fear, North of Friday. By daylight, dozens of trees Carolina. The considerable storm surge had been felled by lightning and wind and caused heavy damage to bridges, piers, the majority of the residences and busi­ and buildings along the barrier islands nesses across the peninsula and most of and along the entirety of the storm's path Virginia were suffering from a prolonged across North Carolina and Virginia. Even interruption in utility service. Bell Atlan­ though Fran was downgraded to a tropical · tic reported that phones in the Richmond storm by the time she impacted the Ra­ area were running on backup battery power leigh-Durham area, the National Hurri­ and urged customers to limit calls. Some cane Center still reported winds in excess Continental Cable customers suffered an of65 mph. Atleasttwelvedeaths in North outage lasting over twelve hours. Vir­ -sta.ffphmo Carolina have been attributed to the hur- ginia Power was the hardest hit, with Virginia power rushes to restore power to Hurricane torn Williamsburg. ricane. 377 000 customers across Virginia with- When Fran arrived in the out electrical service- 138,000 in east- Williamsburg/Hampton Roads area she See HURRICANE on 7 Law Review Committee Issues Report: Students Debate Merits By Sutton Snook Review was sufficient reward for journal the Law Review advocated maintaining Professor Meese argued that by grant­ After the Faculty Law Review Review work. The proposal to award credit for the status quo, the Committee recom­ ing credit to members of any law review, Committee issued its fmdings, and both writing a note passed overwhelmingly, mended maintaining 5 credits per year for not only do those students lose in the Professor Alan Meese and the Law Re­ but the Committee's recommendation to the top two editors, and a reduction from academic experience, but other students view weighed in with their own memos, reduce credit for the Executive Board was 5 to 3 credits yearly for the remaining Jose from not having the input from fel­ the faculty meeting last Thursday, August tabled by a motion by Professor Glenn members of the Executive Board. The low classmates, with scholarly interchange 29, erupted into fierce debate. While both Coven. Committee, however, did not specify suffering. He argued that "membership the Law Review and the Law Review Although the Law Review and the which positions occupy the place of top on the Law Review is an honor, a privi­ Review Committee agreed that credit Committee agreed that credit is meritori­ two editors. The Committee had corre­ lege, and a valuable learning experience, should be granted, Professor Meese ar­ ous, they disagreed on the specific num­ sponding recommendations for the other in return for which a student should be gued that the prestige of a position on Law ber ofcredits that should be granted. While journals. See REVIEW on 11 Nightmare ln Financial Aid: No money for You actually finding a human with whom to the update on that. If you need informa­ By Dana Loftis Service (who markets this program) de­ speak. It took me ten minutes and six tion now, you might want to go to Blow If your financial aid situations in any­ cided to upgrade to Windows. Unfortu­ phone calls to fmally get anything but Hall in person. It's a lot easier to fmd a thing like dozens of Marshall-Wythe stu­ nately, the 1996- 1997 school year came voice mail menu options and busy sig­ person to talk to that way. Just don t tell dents, you've made it through a month or around before CSS could work the glitches anyone that you work for a newspaper. so oflaw school this year and have not yet nals. out of the program, so (of course) they When I eventually got a human on the After I had struggled through my own paid one red cent in tuition. You're keep­ went ahead and sent it out anyway. There­ line, I was transferred four times. When loan situation, I decided, as a public ser­ ing your mouth shut, thinking that no­ fore, each loan takes much longer to pro­ I got to the end of the human relay, all I vice, to fmd out what the story is in the cess than ever before. I think an abacus body will find out about this isolated could find out was that my loan hadn't Financial Aid office. Surely, there' s a would be quicker at this stage. glitch. You' ve probably been calling been processed yet, that they didn t know reason for all of us to be running around Because of the bugs in the program, your friends at other law schools every where it is, and that nobody could predict without financial aid. So I asked Mr. Ed the Financial Aid office is running four to day to gloat about going to law school for how long it would be until I fmally get my Irish, Director of Financial Aid and the six weeks behind on processing the finan­ free. loan money. The woman I talked to did only person in Financial Aid who is will­ cial aid forms that carne in on time. If you Well, there's good news and there's ing to talk to "the press," a few questions. See FINANCIAL AID on 12 bad news. First, you aren't going to be give me an 800 number to call for infor­ mation, but it turns out that the number First I wanted to know what's taking so arrested by the law school fmance police. was for a group other than my Joan com­ damn long. Mr. Irish told me that it was Of course, you are going to have to pay Inside pany, so naturally they had no informa­ the computer system that they use to cal­ your tuition eventually. The bad news is, Smolla to Appeal 3 tion on my Joan. culate and keep track of the financial aid it may be a while before you get the Legal F r aternities 5 Since I am smart enough to realize that applications. money to pay your tuition and other living Student Organizations 8 I got my loan from someone else, I called Apparently, the .Financial Aid office expenses. Dole's Tax Cut 10 up my Joan company, who promised that has been using the same program for ten So what's going on in that Financial The Cottage 11 my loan check would be at W&M by the , ears without too many hitches. How­ Aid office? It can be pretty hard to find Cynical Guy 12 end of the week. Stay tuned next time for ever, this year the College Scholarship out anything because of the difficulty of 2 Monday, September 9, 1996 THE AMicus CURIAE Frotn the Editor's Desk • • • Law Review. The coveted a joint degree in alcohoL Marshall-Wythe would fall . compelling argument which can­ do not receive credit. True. This publication of the law schooL Membership in the Law Re­ While the Law Review adds a not be ignored, and in fact, is does not mean, however, that we The shine in the jewel that is the view, as with any organization, great deal to the reputation of the sufficient alone to grant credit must remove credits from Law law school in the Crown that is is voluntary. Dean Krattenmaker school, the reputation of this Academic credit should be Review. Instead, we should ex­ William and Mary. Dean does not stand over pusillani­ school rests on more shoulders granted to academic work. There pand credit, as the Committee Krattenmaker totes the Law Re­ mous I Ls with a whip and a than the editors of the Review. can be no debate over the amount proposed, to the other journals, view as one of the best educa­ bullhorn commanding them to In fact, many organizations add of work required to publish the provided they meet academic tional experiences this school has write. The acceptance letter does a great deal to the reputation of Law Review. In the course of requirements. to offer. Yet the recent report of not arrive in the form ofa ransom M-W. this work, a member must ab­ Having just endorsed credit the Faculty Law Review Review letter demanding you write a note Law Students in the Commu­ sorb at least a working knowl­ for all journals because of their Committee proposes to abolish on tax law effects of the First nity work endlessly with a great edge of the subject, even ifhis or academic nature, a whole credit for most members of the Amendment, all while two po­ deal of volunteer organizations her only involvement is sub­ Pandora' s Box is opened.
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