IIIHIIIHIIIHIIII USOO5195118A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,195,118 Nudelman et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 16, 1993 54 X-RAY AND GAMMA RAY ELECTRON (56) References Cited BEAM MAGING TUBE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,704,635 11/1987 Nudelman ........................... 313/66 (75) Inventors: Sol Nudelman, Avon; Donald R. Primary Examiner-Craig E. Church Ouimette, Plantsville, both of Conn. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Chilton, Alix & Van Kirk (73) Assignee: The University of Connecticut, 57 ABSTRACT Farmington, Conn. A large area video camera is suitable for high energy imaging applications. The sensor-target of the camera tube is composed of TlBr or a two layer structure com 21 Appl. No.: 728,652 prising CsI and a photoconductive layer of materials such as amorphous silicon, amorphous selenium, cad mium sulphide, antimony trisulfide or antimony sul 22 Filed: Jul. 11, 1991 phide oxysulphide. A disclosed tube incorporates vari ous modifications for dealing with problems associated 51 int. Cli............................................... H05G 1/64. with stray capacitance. (52) U.S. C. ............. ............... 378/99; 358/111 58 Field of Search ........................... 378/99; 358/111 23 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 1993 Sheet 1 of 4 5,195,118 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 1993 Sheet 2 of 4 5,195,118 U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 1993 Sheet 3 of 4 5,195,118 FIG. 4 48C 48A U.S. Patent Mar. 16, 1993 Sheet 4 of 4 5,195,118 FIG. 5 l,OOO 9 OO 8OO 7OO 6OO 5OO 4OO 3OO 3O : O 9 5, 195,118 1. 2 ploy a uniform layer of antimony trisulphide as the X-RAY AND GAMMA RAY ELECTRON BEAM sensor-target material in a device known as the Vidi MAGING TUBE conTM tube. L. Heijne U.S. Pat. No. 2,890,359 dis closes a tube which employs a lead oxide sensor-target BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 and which became a prominent television tube mar This invention relates generally to scanning image keted under the Plumbicon TM mark. The tube dis tubes employed in video cameras. More particularly, closed in the Heijne patent incorporates a p-i-njunction the present invention relates to devices which have a which exhibits less lag than the previous conventional photoconductive sensor-target with a relatively large tubes. area and capacity suitable for applications such as X-ray O There have been a number of systems advanced imaging. which employ video tubes in connection with X-ray Video camera tubes to which the present invention imaging. Mackay U.S. Pat. No. 4,852,137 discloses a relates employ a low velocity electron beam (LV beam) method and an apparatus wherein X-rays and high en and a very high resistivity photoconductive sensor-tar ergy photons are transmitted through a specimen and get. As used in this application, low velocity electron 15 visible light emitted by the secondary source is detected beams generally refer to electron beams which strike. by a cooled slow readout CCD. While there have been the sensor-targets with sufficiently low velocities that successful small diameter tubes, e.g., on the order of a secondary emissions are not produced. few inches in diameter, attempts to transform small The photoconductive type sensor-target employed in diameter tube technology to large diameter tube config video camera tubes has two functions. First, the sensor 20 urations have encountered significant technical prob target detects irradiating photons. Second, the sensor lems including difficulties in employing sensor-target target functions as a target having a sufficient storage layer compositions such as lead oxide on a large diame capability to hold electrons deposited on its inner target ter scale, unacceptable stray capacitance and associated surface by the electron beam as the LV beam scans out a raster. In low velocity no gain tubes to which the 25 unacceptable noise characteristics. Partial solutions to invention relates, an electron beam scans the inside some of the technical problems have been advanced in surface of the sensor-target in a raster scanning fashion. the conventional small diameter tube context. Van de The electrons strike the sensor-target surface with low Polder et al U.S. Pat. No. 4,059,840, discloses the use of energy and the electrons are uniformly deposited across a signal electrode comprised of vertical, multiple strips the surface of the sensor-target to drive the potential 30 to deal with the problem of stray capacitance in televi across the surface to approximately the potential of the sion tubes. Heretofore scaling conventional small diam electron gun cathode which is conventionally, but not eter tubes to large diameter tube configurations which necessarily, at ground. Modification of the charge on are more suitable for high energy imaging such as X-ray the sensor-target resulting from projection of a optical and gamma ray imaging has presented formidable tech image onto the input sensor surface of the image tube 35 nical obstacles. In summary, large area ionizing radia generates a time varying video signal as the LV beam tion sensitive LV-type tubes have not found widespread scans through the raster. The image is obtained on a success due to an absence of a suitable electronics de successive pixel basis as electrons lost at the target sur signs and an absence of suitable sensor-target materials. face through image formation are replaced by the scan A number of earlier video tube designs were dis ning electron beam. closed by the co-inventor of the present invention in The sensor function of the sensor-target is accom Nudelman U.S. Pat. No. 4,794,635. The latter patent plished by an insulating, photoconductive material re discloses a number of devices and features directed to sponsive to the incident radiation to be imaged which overcome the deleterious effects of high capacitance in has a resistivity on the order of 1012 ohms per centime large area raster scanner imaging tubes employed in ter. The high resistivity is required in order to maintain 45 video cameras. The use of CsI as one component of a sufficient electron charge storage and electron immobil sensor-target is also disclosed. Among the novel fea ity on the inner scanner surface of the sensor-target tures disclosed in the patent are the use of a plurality of during the raster scanning. On exposure of the sensor selectively oriented signal electrode strips and a multi target to incident radiation from an image of an object ple layer, solid state structure which provides a dis or specimen, such as, for example, a chest X-ray, a 50 placed electron layer sensor-target (DELST) for imag resulting charge flow through the sensor-target medium ing with and without photoconductive gain and with results in electrons being lost from the scan surface. The and without intensifier gain. In the DELST structure, changing radiation intensity which comprises the inci various features are selected and combined to provide a dent image results in a proportional electron loss on the scanner suitable for various applications and which target surface. The electronic image is thus read out by 55 satisfy various specifications such as speed, spatial reso the scanning electron beam. lution, dynamic gain, and sensor-target characteristics Various photoconductive targets suitable for use in as well as cost. conjunction with low velocity electron beams have Conventional LV-type tubes which are scaled to been identified. Miller in Proc. Phys. Soc., Vol 50,374 larger areas exhibit excessive lag due to the the high (1938) disclosed photoconductive targets which em beam resistance and the large charge storage capacity. ployed selenium, zinc sulphide, cadmium sulphide, thal Excessive storage capacity ordinarily result from in lium sulphide, antimony sulphide, zinc selenide, cad creasing the size of the target, increasing the dielectric mium selenide and zinc telluride. H. G. Lubszynski U.S. constant of the sensor-target medium and/or decreasing Pat. No. 2,555,091, P. Weimer U.S. Pat. No. 2,654,853, the thickness of the sensor-target medium. P. Weimer U.S. Pat. No. 2,687,484 and R. Goodrich . 65 As an additional design consideration, a high DQE U.S. Pat. No. 2,654,852 disclose devices which employ which approaches 100% is a desired feature for an opti a photoconductive sensor-target tube. The noted Wei mal scanner tube. A DQE of 100% represents a sensor mer and Goodrich patents disclose devices which em having quantum efficiency wherein the output noise is 5, 195,118 3. 4. only limited by the photon noise at the input where the upon the X-ray or gamma ray energy requirement of image is initially projected. In practice, photon noise the application. should dominate all other electronic sources of noise, In another embodiment of the invention, the sensor and the nodulation transfer function (MTF) of the tube target comprises a layer substantially composed of and its dynamic range must match the imaging require T1Br, TI or a mixture of TlBrand TII. The TIBr and ments for an application. Tll layers function as an X-ray or gamma ray sensitivity The large area imaging required in diagnostic radiol photoconductor. The latter layers do not require a scin ogy, nuclear medicine, non-destructive testing and tillator such as CsI to sense the high energy radiation. other technologies can be successfully accomplished by The TlBr or TI layer has a thickness matched to the a detailed reconsideration of the underlying rationales 10 X-ray energy needed for an application and can be used for the materials, structures and functions of conven in tubes of small and large diameters. tional video tube designs.
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