ammrntatllr Official (lndergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College .\'OL. XC YESHIVA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1979 222 No. 3 :Former Yeshi-va Dean YU-Middle States SeH-Stlllly -Committee· Meets: As ·R,aetreiitation Visit Is PostponedTo F,II 1910 ; Returns.From Cairo NOVEMBER 9 .;_ The YU-Middle States Self-Study Committee met today to hear . · Bj \7IT'lHAK TWERSKY _ final report from its subcommittees and to form preliminary plans for the visit of. the · . THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1979 - Dr. Daniel Kurtzer, Middle States Association. Dr. David Mirsky, Special Assistant to President Lamm for the former.dean of YeshivaCollege, spoke to a large segment of Middle States Evaluation, opened the student bodytoday during Club Hour. Dr. Kurtzer, who the meeting by announcing that given. to the need for such uni­ generally effective. Some-divi11ions works fot· the State Department, the M.S.A. on-site visit was post­ formity. Neverthele11s, she cited had problems with their MJ,ec­ ;s stationed at the U.S. embassy poned by Middle States to the many positive aspects of the re­ tive governing structure, and he organization and its uniformity, called for more facultf input :in in Cairo. Dr. Kurtser related the · fall 1980 semester. He further re­ J1atu1·e of his work and threw the stated the goals of the university such as its impetus on the crea­ major decision11 on this level. tion of new courses and program11, floor open to· questions. self-study, a requirement for NevertheleiiR, he blamed the ma­ M.S.A. reaccreditation._"The goal m01·e faculty internction, and jor complaints of the divisional Polities of the self-study, and the review grants proposal coordination. structure on in11ufflcient inter­ Of the . 200 Americans working of the visiting team of the What Means Uniformity me11hing of the two ( divi�ioiml at the embasay, Dr. Kurtzer is · M.S.A.," Dr. Mirsky explained, and collegiate) leveh1; one of fifty that are in the Po­ Her committee recommended "will be tq help YU assess the further study of the concept of Furst Power litical Section. Basically, the _Poli­ impact of its organizational and such uniformity within the re­ More power should· he allotted tical Section monitors and in­ programatic restructuring of the forms the U.S. govemment with organization. There has to be a to the collegiate deans, who University's stated mission and synthesi� of the old departmen­ what goes on inside Egypt. Being should have more responsibilitil•s educational goals, objectives, and tal chairman stru,�ture and the att:,ched to the U.S. govemment for rout·11e development. Dr. Ro;;­ programs." new divisional dean structure. has also somewhat involved Dr. enfeld further called for more stu­ Reaction and Blueprint Difl'erences between schools are Km1zer in autonomy negotiations dent services, 1mch as 11tudent and Turning the 11elf-study into a inevitable, and in sum, she con­ for the. "occupied territo1·ies" on career advisement and guidance blueprint for action, the com­ cluded, there should be two equal, the ISl'aeli Weat Bank. He also by faculty members, as well as . mittee decided to spur action on, but not necessarily identical col­ faculty eft'orts to stem the att1i­ reports • on the National Demo­ · and implementation of, the pro­ leges. tion rate. c1·atic · Party which holds 380 out posals presented at today's meet­ Dr. Norman Rosenfeld, chair­ of 382 seats in the a:overnment. · Dr. Moshe Sokolow reported on ing. In this way, it is hoped, the. man of the committee analyzing the relationshipsbetween the un­ The former deanexplained that visiting team's report will focus the divisional dean reorganiza- Former YC Dean: Dr. Daniel dergraduate schools and the grad­ there were both intemal and ex- on the progress of the reaction to -tion from an administrative stand­ uate and profe88ional schools of Kurtzer. tem.-1 f�--·(11 t11,•cmirall j,ic- and impl�entaticin of the self- point,. found,. tbe. new structure . .. -. .(ContinUfCI· • ..,..,,, I, Cor l) • ture of f;ri,tlan· polities; Intern- etudy's p�posale. .. ally, ��eai�e ��• .have taken th�. Effi>tian-laraeli peace•reaty • "'-me· . • c, - .. ,� i■la' Ama:r Sadat an.. ,.--� · tr·•,a.· ..... �· -:- · c . sJ;r���i�::\����;�-:._. .. ■ s�den�··�,._-:��-:� : •=i;f�·: i!;'i�H�tiTicuril:i;-· INllilll�-'-::Lall���-,lecaic a. policy of liberali��s ·the econ- replied that Sadat waa definitely omy, thus enlergltag the• private committed to ·it, but .that Egyp- · E:SS:�":�� 'JtWai'iiaj" lal'CIDJ ·trill 11ettnr. The problem with this la tiah� enviaion peace meaning not first report. Claiming that some th�t Egyptians who have trouble fighting, while the· Israelis en­ aspects of the unive1·sity were OCTOBER 22 - Mr. Steve Ramos, a lab technician ut purchasing ballfc necea11ities find Yision normalization which in­ more divided than unified, Dr. Yeshiva University, was arrested today on charges of grand their funds limited, and most of volves a much cloaer relationship Schram cited two reasons for such larceny. the Egyptian population is in such: as cultural exchanges. Dr. an analysis: first, geographical, According to the director of se­ Colonel M11rn1orstcin traced that position. Two thirds of the Ku11zer atated that while most and second, the fact that a uni­ curity, Colonel Robert Mal'lno1·­ this tt•lephone number to a pay Egyptians e.arn leBB than thirty Egyptians favor peace, they do formity was imposed on the fac­ stein, Yeshiva Unive1·sity receiv­ phone on the eighth floor of Stern pounds (forty dollars) a month. not favor normalization which ulty, without its being defined ed a phone call in April of 1979 College. Following the pattern of Extemally, of course, there is (Co11tinued cm Page 7, Col. 4) and without consideration being from Radio Shack claiming that Friday phone calls, the Colonel the school owed them $5,000 fo1· went down to Stern one F1·iday electrical supplies. Upon check­ to inte1·cept such a phone call. President L·amm Meets Student Leaders; ing his files, Ml'. Lou GersteJ, the The phone did not ring that Fl'i­ purchasing office1· of laboratory day. Retirement. And SU Building Discussed supplies, found no record of this License Plate Identification trnnsaction. By E. GOLDOFSKY In August Colonel Marmor­ NOVEMBER 8 - President I.amni met with student leaders today- for a question Forged Forms stein received a phone call from and answe1· forum on a variety of issues. Yeshiva Unive1·sity had receiv­ the Tuckahoe Police department. Joel Yaff�, president of JSSSC, inquired as to whether a committee would be formed ed othel' such calls from various A victimized vendor in the Tucka­ to review the statue of teachers of veniters with similar claims. Each hoe area had taken the license retirement age in order to de­ and Shmuel Charlop questioned . bate ensued but Dr. Lamm moved vendor informed Yeshiva that a plate number of the van driven termine if· they should be forced the legitimacy of the niandatory on to another subjec\, despite ·the man had entel'ed their stores on by the purchaser. The Tuckahoe to leave. Dr� Lamm replied that · attendance imposed on EMC and eft'orts of several student leaders several Fridays spanning .. May police traced the licenire numbN' as of 1981 the retirementage will JSS students in view of the fact to pursue the discussion. and June to make a purchase fol' to a rental company and found .be moved up to 70 and therefot-e that no such rule exists in YC; Keeping Warm the college. The man had in his that the vehicle had been rented the committee "111 not a..p�essing D1·. Lamm stated that he pe1·son­ Marc Schneier, YCSC Presi­ possession Yeshiva .Unive1·sity to a Mt·. Steve Ramos, a lab . item on the agenda." •.\.·: . ally believed that Torah learning dent, mentioned that ·11tudents me supply forms with specific in­ technician at YU. Jay Dolitaky, EMC President, should be enforced, A heated de- structions on them stating that The Tuckahoe Police pursued · trying to revitalize the Studi•nt given Union Building. He asked Presi- the goods should be to the thu mattc1· and called Yeshiva to holdel' of the foa·m, rather than • Will'· . derit· Lamm if his· administration as:iist them in obtaining a would · help by providing basic the normal delivery procednl'e, rant for Mr. Ramos' anest. necessities · such as ceilings and Also written on the forms was Colonel Marmorstein pi·odu<"ed heating. Dr. Lamm explained a number that each vendor was pictua·es of Mr. Ramos, and after that donors are giving money told he could call to confirm the a series of identifications it war­ for the only to specific interests, but that purchase. The vendors were never runt was procul'ed arrest. these items would be considered able to reach anyone at this num­ It was later found that Hr. if costs wouldn't be too high. bet·, but having had previous Ramos had allegedly stolen close Other issues discussed were the dealings with Yeshiva, they did to $40,000 worth of supplielt. At · absence of a guidance program at not hm1itate to pass on the sup­ pa·e�nt he has mnde the $10,000 Stern, and the poHi.ibility of plies. bail anti is awaiting hill trial. early decii.don notification for YC 11tudentsaccepted to YU gmduate schools. Dr. Lamm closed the meeting Inside This Issue · by saying that he wm1 y,t.;1umd wilh the "healthy attitude" of th•J 11tudents. Interview With Dr. David Fleisher . D1·. Miller, who presided over Page S the meeting, concluded by saying "in all ·my years of experience, Behind Dorm Doors .
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