”^*'*The~Glen^ri7 News, Alexsmdila, l)nt., Friday, May IS, VOL. XLII—No. 21. $2.00 A TBAB Eighth Annual Meeting Two Home Games Start J. D. Villeneuve, Ulaxville Alexandria Junior Glen Nevis C. W. L Alexandria Curling Club Ontario Votes On Local Lacrosse Season Conservalive Choice Farmers To Organize Fled Officers ^ Annual Meeting Glengarry Freshyterial Jone 1310 Glengarry’s many rabid lafCrosse J. Domina Villeneuve, of Max'ille, Following up his campaign to bring The annual meeting of the Glen Ne- On Tuesday evening of this week the Toronto, May-16;—The Ontario gen- The eighth annual meeting of Glen- was the choice of th© Conservative con- into existence here in Glengarry the ws .Catholic omen’s League was held Alexandria Curling Club held its annual garry Presbyterilal was held in Chal- fans are to have the opportunity of. ei-n] elections will be .held June 19. co-operative benefit now being en- on Tuesday evening, April 24th. meeting at the Masonic Rooms, Elgin St., mers United . Chuireh, Finch, Ont., m seeing their first game of the seasoo^ vention which took place lEerc last Official announcement of" the date was on Saturday night, 19th May, when. Friday evening, as the party’s candl- joyed in No-va Scotia through the Study Election of officers for th© following here. The report of the Treasurer show- the afternoon and evening of Thursday, made tonight. \ diaitè in this riding in the approaching Clubs orgianize4 there during the past jear resulted as follows: President. ed that the season of 1933-34 had been M^y lOhh and, morning and :afternoon, Angus George and his Cornwall Island team-mates come t® town' to provide provincial contest. Th© meeting, which few yeairs, Rev. Ewen J;\Macdonald. Mrs. J. A. Macdon^l; 1st- Vice Pres., one of the'Thost successful for years with Official nominations w^l be held of Friday, May 11th. the .curtain-raiser for 1934 lacrosse in packed Alexander fiall to the doors Rector of St. Finnan’s Cathedral, ca^P 3V^s. Donat Major; 2nd Vice: Pres. Mrs. an increased membership and dues paid June 12- and advance poHfe on Jun© Peeeiption and re^stration of dele- gave Mr. Villeneuve a vote of 162 and ed a niectinig in Alexander Hall, Mon- I'. Campbell; 3^d Vice ‘ Pres., M-rs. up to date with very few exceptions. The gate/ and ijieeting of executive com- this locality. Cornwall Island—Alex 16 and 18. landria games have always rf>een of thf> Mr. Joseph St. Denis, -M.P-P. for Pres- day evening, of the young farmers of Peter MacLeod; Secretary, Mrs. financial statement was most encouraging mittee took place at 1 p.m., Mrs. Ro- Preomer George S. Henry announced cot, a vote of 25. A third nominee, Mr the Alextamdria- district. Between CO Arch. J.., Macdonald; Treasurer, Mr.^. under the circumstances. bert MhieXay, MaxviUe, presideint of highest calibre—fast, hard-fought and the dates and also dissolution of On- A. A. Macdonell, of St. Raphaels, de and 70 of our young agriculturists ac- Bernadette Chenier; Councillors, Mrs. Presbyterial, con,ducted the eessions exciting miatches which have kept thi The Match Committee Chairman, Dr. tario’s Legislature^ '• fans on thedn feet right up to the eliiied to allow his name to stand. cepted his invitation to be present and D. J^ MacDonell, Mrs. D. C. MaeRae, H. L. Cheney, reported that the Chal- with Mrs. J. Oasselman -at the piano. Premier Henry made his brief announ- final bell—and this o|ie should ^ ‘ es- Mr, Won. McCallum,'* Apple Hill, was were rewarded with interesting talks Miss Violet ' Macintosh, Miss C. Mc- lenge Cup had been won and subsequently At 2 p.m. a service of intejrcession was cement from the' open window of hi^ pecially good as both te«ams will bo the genial chairman of the Convention. on various angles of 'the farhi problem. Gillis and Mrs. R. Rozon. defended successfully by the rink of conducted by Gravel Hall and Monk- lautomoble as he l^t Government striving to “off on the right foot Among those assisting him in regster- After sketching briefly his ambition The Secretary’s report for tho year Donald A. Macdonald, that the Founder’s and Auxiliary, the messagè being House he had been conferring for 20 Tlie Indians, not satisfied with a ing the delegatesi and taking the votes to start the young farmers studying ending April, 1934, was submitted as based on Luke ll'th chapter—-The com-' Trophy had been won by the rink skipped were Messes. Geo. Simon, W. R. Hall, the problems which confronted theni minutes with Lieutenant-Governor Her- piassion of Jesus who knows all our team which went through the league follows: by Dr. H. L. Cheney himself, that the with a view of (bettering their con- bert A. Bruce. heartaches and wl?ich is so different season last year undefeated and then John Oharlebois, Da\ie Lalonde, Allan ' ‘ .T uriug the year, ^ix reg'alar meet- Irish team had defeated the Scotch in the Van Every. Arnold Weir, and Dtr. M dition, Father Mlacdonald, expressed from- 'humjan pity >v4iich gives way copped piro^'inciai lionors, hav^ ings and t-^o special meeting» were annual St. Patridc’s Day feature and that Miarkson. his pleasure in having Messrs. F. 0. the Glengarry doubles and the Duvall when it should stand, the strain. At strengthened their roster considerably held. Our actiririjs consisted of s--ven McRae, Agricultural Representative, 7.30 p.m. the" Wohelo, C.G.I.T, Moulin with the addition of Louis Sunday anj Both prospective candidates addrcssej euchre parties,, a shower for Nazareth trophy had been won by Messrs. G> N. Onder Llie Flood Lights Frank Jocko both,of them weli known J. W. MacRae and John A. Macdonell. Edwards and D. D. McIntosh. The ette, had charge of the Worship Ser- th© meeting in Fren.cli and English. Orphanage and a sale of roses on Mo- to- local fans for I their skillful work. President a;nd Secretary of .he Lochi d President’s prizes were won by Dr. H. L. vice which consisted of Bible readings The chairman expressed surp-rise that ther’s Day. cheque for forty dollars By “Eddie” MacGillivray Their line-up will include all the Junior Farmers Club aoid leaders bf Cheney, Rev. D. M. Macleod, William by Mrs. Dawes, scripture texts repeat- no Gaelic had. oeen spoken and delight- was given for Regio.i Diocesan tAssist- HELLO EVERYBODY! This is names which have become familiar to tjie Glengarry young farmers move- Peacock.and R. H. Cowan. Taking al^ .ed and ehoriis by the girls. This was ed the croW(j with a few impromptu anc© Fund. Diocesan and National per station E. O. L. A. The most celebrate<i Chiaholni Park crowds including ment to start- the local Club on its presented in such an excellent manner bars of a Gaelic song. capita and nation.il budget wer© pnid in all the meeting was a most enthusiastic performers in lacrosse will entertain you George, Thomas, Hopps, White, Buck- way strengthened by their experieLCO' for the next four months. We hope as to reflect much credit on those who While the vote was (being taken also a donation to Lister-?, of Service one and our local curlers have reason to shot, Lafranco, Lakes, P<’ters, Cook, and advice. He *then introduced the | congratulate themselves upon the success- YpU like THEM. ARE YOU LISTEN- 'took part. Messrs. A. Dc. Cameron, Williamstown and National Scholarship. Foote, and Munro and it will take a first speaker, Mr. F. O. McRae. ful season just terminated. Mr. Donald ING .? ? Rev. Mr. Dawes covered the distance and W. R. Hall, of Vankleek Hill, act- During the year we raised $264.57 strong team to j hold them Saturday After -referring briefly to his ex- A. Macdonald, K.C., was re-elected as The sensational story on the transfer of between Moulinette and Finch ■ six and disbursed $259.60 on local needs. ed ns .scrutineers. periences during the past twenty-two President, Dr. R. J. McCallum as Vice- the three star players from Montreal— times in order that the sixteen girls night- An invitation is , extended t-o all With Bergeron signed up and all set As the crowd waited expectantly, years as a representative of the I/s- President and Mr. G. N. Edwards as Secre- Wheatley, Martel and Murray—to the mig*ht be present. He also brought to members to attend the ÏMocesan Con- to guard the Alexandria nets to-mor Mr. Charles Seguin, K.C., M.P.P., Rus- partment and sketching the good work tary-Treasurer. The same directors and vention, at Glen Nevis, August 22nd, ALEXANDRIA CLUB—which was pub- our notice, very- enthusiastically, that row night the lecvals cao' sell, made a vigorous speech urging done by the Ontairio Agricultural Col. auditors were re-appointed for another lished in the Montreal Star, last Thurs- ari&igeménts ar^ being made to hold 1934. ' boast about the strongest defence every one to turn out and vote on lege during its sixty years of activity year and it was decided to hold an Arm- day, threw a bombsell into the- local a boys’ Camp on Sheik’s Island in in the league. Should Wheatley, Mur- election^' day and to look over the can- toward improving the quaUty We must not let the year close with- oury Dance on Friday, June 29th. camp, the repercussions of which were July. Hjo asked for the support of all ray, •’Maurice Pilon and Jim W^ir play didates as, eVitically as if they were of field - products and live out thanking our pastor.
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