Priceless Take One Vol. 20 Number 48 An Award Winning Weekly Newspaper Thursday, May 10, 2012 City Debt: $160 Million In Four Years NBAF Funding In Appropriations Bill Wednesday, the House Appropria- sion of the Congress and the Federal tions Subcommittee on Homeland Government. I am pleased that the Security released its version of the House Appropriations Committee has FY2013 Homeland Security once again recognized the dire need for Appropriations bill. The subcommit- NBAF in our efforts to fulfill this tee approved language includes $75 responsibility to the American people. million for the construction of the The Department of Homeland Nation Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Security, under both the Bush and (NBAF) in Manhattan, Kansas, and Obama administrations, and the House directs the Department of Homeland Appropriations Committee, under both Security to complete a funding plan for Democrat and Republican leadership, the completion of the NBAF. have made it quite clear, time and Congress has previously appropriated again, that our Country needs the $40 million in FY2011 for the con- NBAF and the best place for the NBAF struction of the Central Utility Plant at is Manhattan, Kansas. While I was the NBAF and the $50 million in disappointed that President Obama’s FY2012 for the construction of the budget included no funding for con- facility as a whole. All told, these funds struction of this facility of tremendous will bring the total House commitment significance to our national security, I to construction on NBAF to $165 mil- appreciate the diligent work of my col- lion. leagues on the Homeland Security Congresswoman Jenkins released Subcommittee to ensure funds for the the following statement after the NBAF are included in their appropria- Homeland Security Appropriations tions bill. I look forward to working Subcommittee released their version of closely with them, the full the legislation: Appropriations Committee, and the “The protection of our Nation’s citi- whole House to ensure these funds are zens and food supply is a critical mis- included in the final legislation.” Nauerth Named Woodrow Wilson School Principal Deb Nauerth has been named the principal of Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. Mrs. Nauerth has a Masters in Special Education and a Bachelors in Elementary Education from Kansas State University. She is also a Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum & Instruction with an emphasis in Mathematics and Educational Leadership at Kansas State University. She has been a teacher for USD 383 since 1997. She currently is the assistant principal and the Kansas State University Clinical Instructor at Amanda Arnold Elementary School. “Being selected as the principal of Woodrow Wilson is both an honor and a full circle for me,” states Mrs. Nauerth. “After attending the school for 3rd – 6th grade, completing my stu- Deb Nauerth dent teaching, and my Master’s field placement, the doors kept calling me ing to think of the potential that resides back. in each child. We all play an important Those red doors call once more and role in building hopes and dreams, I couldn’t be more thrilled! Not many beyond what students believe they are administrators get to say they are the capable of achieving. I am the happiest principal of the school they once new ‘Wolf’ in the Wolf Pack. attended as a child. Woodrow Wilson Accepting this position is a heartfelt also has deep family ties for me. My homecoming.” mother worked in the kitchen while I “I am delighted that Deb has accept- was a student, my husband, brother, ed the position of principal at and sister-in-law all attended W.W. as Woodrow Wilson,” states Superin-ten- well. dent Bob Shannon. “Together with her As the new principal, I am privi- staff and parents, I am looking forward leged to support the amazing faculty, to her leadership beginning this staff, and parents as we continue to August.” carry out the legacy of excellence in education provided to all students who Nauerth replaces Eric Koppes who pass through the doors of Woodrow is moving on the Rock Creek School Wilson. I never could have imagined I District. Nauerth will begin her new would return as the principal. It’s excit- role in August, 2012. MATC Leader In State Rates As each semester nears its end at bachelors or associates degrees take Manhattan’s growing two-year col- the same examination to qualify for lege,MATC nursing students can be RN licensure.Only surpassed by found bent over reference books, hud- Newman University’s 96% rating, dled in the library drilling each other MATC along with Garden City CC and on medication and treatment questions, North Central Kansas TC were tied as and generally looking nervous about the State’s highest out of 34 nursing their upcoming finals. programs in Kansas, according to NCS A lot hangs on the student’s ability Pearson and the National Council of to get through the highly rigorous cur- State Boards of Nursing. riculum to graduate. Soon after gradu- ation these students will be taking their “We are fortunate to have such high National Council Licensure quality faculty members and students.” Examination (NCLEX) to become according to Program Division Chair Practical and Registered Nurses. Becky Claus. “Each one of us is a “I often smile to myself as I see potential recipient of health care, and these clusters of students worry about we need the best nurses possible.” whether they are prepared or not.” comments President Rob Edleston. The College’s Practical Nursing “The reason for my amusement is pass rate for 2011 was 100% joining because these students are so prepared seven of 25 Kansas PN programs with to take their licensure exams that our a perfect pass rate. MATC places graduate’s first time pass rates are nursing graduates in hundreds of care ranked as some of the highest in giver positions throughout the region Kansas and the United States among and country at all types of care facili- Editorial And what are the chances of that? Debt. Between 2010 and 2011 they two- and four-year private and public ties and doctor’s offices. By Jon A. Brake Slim, none or you know a lot more is only added $16 million. And colleges.” The City of Manhattan only owes going to be added over the next three to between 2011 and 2012 it was A recent report published by the (For further information contact $13.3 million on it’s Debt. That’s four years. You know it. another $40 million. Kansas State Board of Nursing identi- Rebecca Claus, Division Chair of $13.3 million per year. That’s 13.3 In 2009 the City Debt was Even with the new Commission- Nursing and Allied Health. 785-587- million for the next 20-years. That’s $107,977,056 and we thought that was ers they will not stop. It is time for fied the technical college’s Associate 2800 ext 4129.) if the City of Manhattan doesn’t put a larger than life amount. But in one change but we do not what Hope Degree in Nursing (RN) students with more charges on their Credit Card. year the City added $103 million to the and Change. That doesn’t work. a 95% first time pass rate in 2011. The RN candidates who achieve either See State Charts page 5 NewsNews MANHATTAN FREE PRESS - Thursday, May 10, 2012 22AA Christian School Creates Scholarship Car Clinic, Inc. “We care about you and your car” Flint Hills Christian School achievement test; a favorable application for admission to of recommendation) will need • Tune ups, electrical repairs announces the creation of The letter of recommendation from Flint Hills Christian School to be received at the same time. • Heater & A/C service Cindy Blanchard Academic a pastor, educator, or youth needs to be completed and A committee consisting of a • Computer engine analysis Scholarship. This scholarship leader attesting to the student’s turned in with the registration teacher, a school board mem- • Transmission service will be offered to a new student fee. Then the student will need ber, and an Administrator will work/study ethic; and a will- • Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am to 5:30 pm applying to FHCS entering ingness to tutor a younger stu- to complete and submit the review all scholarship applica- grades 4 through 12 who meet scholarship application form tions and award two students dent for at least 10 hours per 209 Sarber Ln 539-1040 the following requirements: a year. available from FHCS or online scholarships after June 1, 2012. grade point average of 3.50 or There are two first year at www.flinthillschristian- Students who receive a higher in their previous two scholarships of $750 each school.org. Supporting docu- scholarship during their first RODS • SHADES • DRAPERIES • BLINDS semesters; total battery scores mentation (grade reports, tran- year at Flint Hills and success- FABRIC BY THE YARD available for the 2012-2013 IN HOME CLEANING OF FABRIC WINDOW COVERINGS of 90%ile or above on a recent school year. To apply, first an scripts, test scores, and a letter fully complete the year will be Drapery World and Blinds Tom Deaver “We measure and install” and “Brighten insides” Obituaries Phone (785) 537-4260 317 Poyntz Toll Free - 1-800-515-9478 Manhattan, Kansas 66502 Joyce Chalkley Joyce Chalkley, age 79, of County Courthouse. dren: Mark Chalkley and his left for the family through the Manhattan, Kansas, died She was an avid quilter and wife Gloria of Omaha, funeral home website located at Thursday, May 3, 2012, at her was a member of the Konza Nebraska, Kathleen Chalkley www.ymlfuneralhome.com.
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