Bringing history into accord with the facts in the tradition of Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes The Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY VOLUME XI NUMBER 6 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 www.barnesreview.org ContributionsContributions ofof thethe GermansGermans toto AmericanAmerican Culture,Culture, HistoryHistory FDR’s Pearl Harbor Trap Snares Tojo Ancient Roots of the Secret Empire Exposed Also in this issue: John Rarick: • Otto the Great • Jefferson Davis • Harry Elmer Barnes • Gen. Leon Degrelle • Michael Collins Piper on FDR Freedom Fighter • The First Christmas Tree • Hitler & Israel • Much More Bringing History Into Accord With the Facts in the Tradition of Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 O VOLUME XI O NUMBER 6 14 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE GERMAN CONTRIBUTION GOADING THE JAPANESE 4 JOHN NUGENT 57 JOAQUIN BOCHACA 42 Most Americans do not realize how numerous a segment of FDR wanted war with Japan and nothing less. Here is how he the population are the Americans of German extraction. needled the proud Japanese into the trap of firing the first Nor are we sufficiently aware of the vast contributions both shot, giving FDR a pretext for war with Japan and hence with our native Germans and those who live outside the United Germany. States have made to Western civilization. IRONIC ORIGINS OF SANTA CLAUS OTTO THE GREAT’S GREATNESS 67 JOHN TIFFANY 14 TROY SOUTHGATE On Christmas Eve 1822, New Yorker Clement Clarke Moore One of the most successful of the Holy Roman Empire’s unintentionally shaped our modern image of Santa Claus. rulers, Otto I laid the foundations for a renaissance of his He wrote down and read to his children a series of verses. own. He was one of the few monarchs ever to successfully His poem was published a year later as “An Account of a Visit manipulate the pope, and he turned back the invasion from St. Nicholas.” Moore gave St. Nick eight reindeer, nam- attempt by the then-still-pagan Hungarians. Read about ing them all, and he devised the now-familiar entrance via these and many other achievements of this mighty sovereign chimney. of the “empire of the caesars.” . RESISTING THE ‘SMOTHEROUT’ SECRET EMPIRE’S ANCIENT ROOTS 68 DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES 20 CUSHMAN CUNNINGHAM Worse than any German war crimes, real or alleged, were The author says the master conspiracy that he calls the the actual crimes of the Allies. But these black pages of his- Secret Empire has roots going back from today to prehisto- tory have been smothered out by the establishment. TBR’s ry. This is our third extract from The Secret Empire. namesake set a difficult goal of bringing history into accord with the facts, but the great Barnes nailed it all, from the FREEDOM FIGHTER JOHN RARICK Holocaust to the internment of Japanese Americans. 30 PETER B. GEMMA WHEN DEMOCRACY FAILED He served in the U.S. Army during World War II, was cap- tured and escaped from a German prison camp and was 77 GEN. LEON DEGRELLE awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. A lengthy pro- Why was fascism, in its various different forms, so popular in file of the patriotic ex-congressman and former presidential Europe in the 1920s and ’30s? The author, as an eyewitness candidate with the American Independent Party. to history, gives an insider’s account of the failure of democ- racy, of communism and of the promise of—and attack on— fascism. This is chapter two of Gen. Degrelle’s book My JEFFERSON DAVIS TAKES OFFICE Revolu tionary Life, translated by John Nugent and available 42 PRESIDENT JEFFERSON DAVIS exclusively from THE BARNES REVIEW. In this “forgotten speech” rescued from the dustbin of polit- ically correct historiography, the greatest president the FOUNDING FATHER OF ISRAEL? Confederate States of America ever had preaches to the PROF. GUIDO RAIMOND choir, and to posterity, on the causes that impelled the 86 The unknown founding father of the state of Israel is none Southern states to separate from their Northern brethren other than Adolf Hitler. Under a pact called the Haavara and mentions that the Northern states were welcome to join Agreement (haavara meaning “moving one’s household”), 77 the Confederacy and thereby protect their states’ rights. the top Nazis collaborated with the Zionists in a plan to resettle Jewish people from the German lands to Palestine, FIRST LIGHTED CHRISTMAS TREE where they would ultimately form the nucleus of modern 48 FRANK SCHMIDT Israel. So in fact, the “Final Solution” was not a plan to exter- You may have heard the legend that Hessian mercenaries minate the Jews in Germany, but to resettle them peacefully Features: had a candlelit evergreen tree in 1776 in Trenton, New in a new locale. Personal from the Editor: 2. Jersey. however, that appears to be only an “urban legend.” Rather, the first documented use of a Christmas tree in MEN IN BLACK TBR Editorial—Food for Thought: 3. North America dates from 1781, in Canada. 95 JOHN TIFFANY History You May Have Missed: 47. According to one author, those black-robed assassins on the Christmas Lore—Santa who? 67. FDR: JOE STALIN’S BEST FRIEND Supreme Court are murdering America with every decision 52 MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER they make. Have they no respect for the Constitution? When Leon Degrelle Memoirs: 77. If Franklin D. Roosevelt was not a Communist, he was the did this dangerous trend of judicial activism begin? This bit- best “fellow traveler” any Red could have asked for. Thanks ing book looks to take a chunk out of the not-so-Supreme Letters to the Editor: 90-92. to this monster in the White House, such fiends as Stalin Court just as a new Supreme Court chief justice has been 2005 Subject & Author Index: 93-94. and Mao—the worst mass murderers in history—were approved and a new associate justice is slated to come before enabled to slaughter 85 million to 100 million people. a judiciary panel for interviews. A TBR book review. TBR Book Review: 95. Personal from the Editor hile Thanksgiving and the joyous Christmas season quickly descend upon us, TBR thought now might be a good time to give THE BARNES REVIEW thanks—thanks to those loyal readers who have stuck with us through thick and thin and shown their true colors this year 2005. Editor & Publisher: W. A. CARTO W Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY As a reward, we have added 16 information-packed pages to our Associate Editor: JOHN NUGENT already big issue, making a total of 96 pages of exclusive information that we guarantee Art Director: PAUL ANGEL you will find almost impossible to locate anywhere else. Advertising Director: SHARON ELLSWORTH Take a gander at our table of contents and you will see articles on a wide array of Contributing Editors: subjects, from an article by John Nugent on the accomplishments and contributions of RICK ADAMS VERNE E. FUERST, PH.D. VINCE RYAN German Americans to the Western world to a piece by Troy Southgate on the many his- Providence, Rhode Island Farmington, Connecticut Washington, D.C. tory-making feats of Otto the Great. You’ll also read the third and final installment of CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN JUERGEN GRAF GERMAR RUDOLF Cushman Cunningham’s blockbuster The Secret Empire. In this chapter Cunningham Berlin, Germany Basel, Switzerland Chicago, Illinois takes us back to the roots of “the Secret Empire,” tracing its history all the way to the ROBERT CLARKSON, J.D. A.B. KOPANSKI, PH.D. HANS SCHMIDT Peoples of the Sea and beyond. What a series this has been, and you have shown your Anderson, South Carolina Klang Lama, Malaysia Pensacola, Florida support for his work by snapping up his books by the hundreds. TREVOR J. CONSTABLE RICHARD LANDWEHR EDGAR STEELE Longtime patriot activist Peter B. Gemma also gives us a rare look at an almost for- San Diego, California Brookings, Oregon Sandpoint, Idaho gotten freedom fighter: Senator John Rarick. Rarick was a favorite target of the Anti- HARRY COOPER EUSTACE MULLINS JAMES TUCKER Defamation League during his tenure in Congress due to his outspoken stance against Hernando, Florida Staunton, Virginia Washington, D.C. Zionism and Com mu nism. He was branded a “hater,” but TBR readers are smart DALE CROWLEY JR. MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER TOM VALENTINE Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Naples, Florida enough to see that there is no hate in John Rarick; quite the contrary. He is a man who loves God, freedom, truth, honor and his country. When contacted for photos, Rarick, SAM G. DICKSON, J.D. HARRELL RHOME, PH.D. UDO WALENDY Atlanta, Georgia Corpus Christi, Texas Vlotho, Germany who is still active, said he thought no one remembered him. Well we do, John, and we praise you for your years of service to this nation. This is our way of saying “thanks.” THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by TBR Co., 645 We also offer you a rare piece from Harry Elmer Barnes on what he called “the his- Penn sylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Peri od ical rate post - torical smotherout”—the attempt of the mainstream to suppress the truth and destroy age paid at Wash ington, D.C. For credit card orders including subscriptions, call Revisionism in its infancy. Even in the ’40s, the thought police realized that Revisionism 1-877-773-9077 toll free to use Visa or Master Card. Other inquiries cannot be han- was the antidote to the poisonous brew of lies by which they still try to brainwash the dled through the toll free number.
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