Aqenda Item No: Lee Valley Regional Park Authority 4 LEE VALLEY REGIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Report No: LOWER LEE VALLEY REGENERATION AND PLANNING COMMITTEE LLV/101/12 26 JANUARY 2012 AT 15:00 CONSULTATION FROM LONDON BOROUGH OF WALTHAM FOREST TEMPORARY GAMES TIME TRAINING AREA, LEYTON MARSH, LEA BRIDGE ROAD. E10 7QL Presentation by Head of Planning and Strategic Partnerships SUMMARY The application is for a Games Time Training Venue (GTTV) for basketball on land at Leyton Marsh to the rear of the Lee Valley Ice Centre. The scheme includes new temporary structures, a tented receptior\,facility, access road, drop off areas, car park and perimeter fencing. There has been considerable local opposition including objections from the Lammas Lands Defence Committee to this proposal concerned over the impact on habitats, additional traffic generation and the adverse visual impact of the proposal. It is recommended that the Authority does not object to this proposal but requires that in the event of the application being granted conditions are attached requiring consultation with the Authority on a scheme for the restoration of the site, details of the impact of lighting and a traffic management plan. RECOMMENDATION Members Approve: (1) that the Authority do not object to the application. In the event that planning permission is granted it is requested that conditions are attached requiring consultation with the Authority on a scheme for the restoration of the site, details of lighting and a traffic management plan. The restoration of the site should be completed within 3 months of the removal of all buildings and structures unless otherwise agreed by the Authority. BACKGROUND 1 The Olympic and Paralympic Games require 4 basketball training courts of a size that meets international standards within a thirty minute drive of the Athletes Village. Two have been found at local colleges in Hackney and Barking 1 Paper LLV/101/12 and the site of the current application is of a sufficient size to accommodate 2 no. courts the venue which includes provision for additional space for the 'run - off for Paralympians. 2 Executive Committee agreed a report ont5th December 2011 (Paper E/11/168) on a proposed licence to the ODA for this site. The Committee agreed that if planning permission is granted for this scheme, £65,000 of the rental income would be directly invested in a series of improvements to land adjacent to the site. These will include: • Access improvements at the site entrance and along Sandy Lane for pedestrians and cyclists; • Management of the existing habitats around the Oxbow lake including additional tree and shrub planting; • An extension to the existing boardwalk to improve access across Walthamstow Marshes; and • Replacement of the existing benches and provision of additional benches, provision of an otter holt and nesting boxes for birds and bats. 3 The whole of Leyton Marshes is Metropolitan Open Land (MoL) where there is a presumption against development unless it is ancillary to recreational activities. Land to the north of the site, Walthamstow Marshes is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The Authority's adopted Park Development Framework thematic proposals (2011) identify the importance of landscape as defining the Parks sense of place and recognises its contribution to its ecology and its importance for recreation, sporting and cultural activities. The adopted area proposals (2011) for Leyton Marsh identify it as requiring further investment in infrastructure to establish it as an events space whilst protecting its biodiversity, landscape and recreational potential. SITE DESCRIPTION 4 The application site comprises 1.5ha of flat grassed land which lies just north of the Lee Valley Ice Centre. Access from Lea Bridge Road is through the Lee Valley Ice Centre car park and along Sandy Lane; an existing route which runs parallel to the Navigation and is used for cyclists and pedestrians with limited vehicular use allowing to the Springfield marina. DETAILS OF THE CURRENT SCHEME 5 The scheme is for a temporary basketball training venue for the period 1 March - 15 October 2012. The proposed buildings comprise modular steel framed structures covered in either polyurethane and PVC that do not require foundation works. The scheme will use an existing access from Lea Bridge Road through the Lee Valley Ice Centre car park and along Sandy Lane, an existing route which runs parallel to the Navigation. 6 The temporary venue will comprise 3 structures, 2 basketball courts and 1 for ancillary facilities. In addition the scheme includes floodlights, plant, new fencing and surface water drainage, refuse facilities and a drop off area and car park for 4 coaches and 25 cars. The scheme includes the re-surfacing of the site involving removal of a topsoil of 15cm depth to level the site. The application includes details of the site reinstatement involving the land being reseeded and grassed. The main court structures will be 11m in height and the adjacent 2 Paper LLV/101/12 facilities building 6.7m. 7 The 2 main structures will each comprise a basketball court. The whole site will be surrounded by a 2.7m high heras fence from which CCTV cameras will be situated. The scheme includes details of surface water drainage which will involve discharge of surface run off into the Navigation via a lagoon. 8 During the Games the site will be occupied by approximately 30 members of staff and 2 basketball teams for 90 minute training sessions. There will be physiotherapy, medical facilities and a kitchen. The whole site will be operated from 9.00am-9.00pm with an hour for close with security staff on site overnight. The transport assessment estimates that there will be 149 traffic movements each day. This level of activity will occur for 27 days during the period the structure is complete, PLANNING APPRAISAL 9 This appraisal is made under headings covering: • the principle of the development given the broad policy context which applies to Leyton Marsh; and • detailed matters covering access, biodiversity and traffic. 10 Policy Context The application proposes a temporary development of this site involving the use of only 1.5ha of Leyton Marsh, this represents only around 16% of the total area of the Marsh. Although the land is designated as Metropolitan Open Land where there is a presumption against new development, the loss of this space would only be for a temporary period and would not prejudice the character of the Marshes in the long term. 11 Although the Park Development Framework's (PDF) thematic proposals identify the value of landscape as integral to the Regional Park it recognises that this can be used as a backcloth to support other activities. The adopted area proposals for this site which recognise the use of the site for events are consistent with this strategic aim. The adopted proposals of the PDF recognise the site's potential for events. 12 Detailed Matters The site has little value for biodiversity and protected and important species are not considered to use or be found on the site. Recent surveys have identified that the site has not been used for nesting skylarks for the past seven years. It is known that bats use the river (Navigation) corridor and these could be affected by the proposed floodlighting. It is suggested that a condition requiring lumen contours is requested in the event that planning permission is granted to allow a detailed assessment of their impact by the Authority's biodiversity team. 13 The proposed scheme will allow over 80% of the existing marsh area to be fully publicly accessible. The use of Sandy Lane as the only vehicular access to the site could result in pedestrian/vehicle conflict. Although marshals will be employed by the applicant to control access some controls will be required to ensure that there is no conflict between vehicles to the site and the visitors to the Marsh. A planning condition is requested covering this aspect in the event 3 Paper LLV/101/12 that planning permission is granted. 14 Although the application includes information on the restoration of the site it is considered that given the importance of this matter to the future of the site a detailed scheme is required and that this should form the basis of a planning condition in the event that permission is granted. Restoration should be completed within 3 months of the removal of these facilities unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Authority. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS 15 The environmental implications are addressed in the body of this report. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 16 Planning applications referred to this Authority are submitted under the consultative arrangements of Section 14 (4-7) of the Lee Valley Regional Park Act 1966 (The Act). The Act requires a local planning authority to consult with the Authority on any planning application for development, whether within the designated area of the Park or not which might affect any part of the Park. 17 The Park Act enables the Authority to make representations to the local planning authority which they shall take into account when determining the planning application. Author: Stephen Wilkinson, 01992 709 828, [email protected] BACKGROUND REPORTS Application detail 11.246 December 2011 PREVIOUS COMMITTEE REPORTS Executive E/11/168 GTTV-Licence 15 December 2011 Fee APPENDIX ATTACHED Appendix A Site Map LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PDF Park Development Framework GTTV Games Time Training Venue ODA Olympic Delivery Authority MoL Metropolitan Open Land SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest 4 Appendix A to Paper LLV/101/12 — Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Produced by: Corporate GIS (SA) Pcw-cepwwina a*™s™>.vanaoe 17.01.12 File: CornmtteeVKM 2 Maps\Leyton Marsh Projecls\Loyton Marsh Prp|ecU-(SA)-AP M-t7D12011 .pdf .
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