NEWARK POST VOL UME Xl NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL. , SEPTEMBER 8, 1920 NUMBER ,10 PUBLIC O'Daniel Post Holds DEDICATE 3 NEW Interesting Meeting RURAL COLORED UNUSUAL INTEREST IN C' ARNIVAL RECEIPT.'C' SCHOOLS REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES .Ii ..J The Lieut. J . Ani,son O'Da'niel SCHOOLS Pos t, No. 475, Veterans of Foreign BEAT RECORD OPEN Official List Not Yet Announced Wa r, 'he ld a meetin,g las t n i'ght Dedicate Three New Rural w ith a ve ry la l'ge attendan,ce at Colored Schools More tha n usual inter est Is center- LAF?CE. T ENROLLMENT IN their r oom at Ce nte-r Halt ed in the Republican )Jrrmaries to be MOST POPULA R E VENT OF THE COUNTY PROVES HISTOR Y A s pecia l invitation was extend- Cer emon,ie a t tenda nt' upon the held next Sa turday owing to t he A FlNNA CIAL SUCCESS . ed to a ll veterans of the G. A. R. ded ica t ion of the three new I la rge number of contests. Sever al STRO.·C FACULTY IN 0 as bo pla,ce t heir name up0n sc hool bu.i!ot fOI' Neg r o c h.ild ren contestants who fil ed their names F oll'ow ing the sl,o'gan a dopt ed EX IJ enditurcs. CHARGE t he honora ry me mber sh.i.p 1'011. fr om t he $500,000 f und gi,ven, by have since wi t hdrawn, but the offi cial yeal's ago, t he F i,r emen's Carniva l Ha n:ity_and H!lnity, Big Show M r. Up,ton, Coun elor fo r t he P . S. duPo nt es pecia lly tor eclu ca- li st of candidates has not yet been makes its repo'r t thi yeal' wit h 95.00 Lural , 1 ,o is opened ye terday Se rvice Me n, of D elawa re Co lleg e, tion of t h,e N egro peo ple of t he a nnounced by the Co unty Committee. t he la r gest r ecepit of its h i'sto,ry. E. J. E ll iso n, Mu sli n . .... 7.00 \\' h a ',',d el\tl'o llme nt o f 552 m ade a sti r rin.g a dd r ess in, w h ic h State were held ye g.t e rday a fter- There are said to be a bcl.1 t. twenty F ire Chie f Wi ls'on, origin ator of E mily Midd leto n Co., Boys' which, -b! la rge. t in the history he ou t lined' a f e w. t hin'g t hat t he noo n at Christiana, Ho'cke'ssln a nd co ntests in clud ing both th e county t he idea, is sWI in comman,d. He Show . .. .. .. .... .. 11 0.00 by ,his e ne r gy and t he fi'r emen 'a nd tf the ,chool:. Thi number wiJ.! organ ization, c'O ul d do d u ring t he Ma,l· s ha llt ollo. These schoo'ls a r e and Icgislative tickets, but so me of 1I 0m e Talcnt Vaudeville . 4.00 no dr'lIh .) increa ed to ome ex n'ex t f e w m o nths . models ?f a rc h itectura l, a lTan'ge thcse may be eli minated by wi thdraw- c itizens by t hei r coope ratio'n have Fadel' Mo tol' Co., Auto ... ~ 11,000.00 rept hy ; .~ end of' the week but Th er e wer e fifteen membe r s to men.t a nd equipmen,t and for m ob- a ls before Saturday. ma de t he ewark Ca rn ival almo t rerr fe'.\ :11o re can be admitted j o in t he P os t, a mong t he m being ject Ie son, . o f what can be ac- There i · a co ntcst I'or Repr esenlta - a tate eve nt . Robert Mc Clell an, pri nting sig n 6.00 .)w :·!1g'; the c ro wded cond.itiOll S-. T homas M ull in, a G. A . R . veter a n, c.omphs hed In t he way of educa livc in the L~g i s l flt ur c from Whi te T he r eceipts f l-om t he ,"a r io,us Globe T ickct Co ., t ick ts. .. 29.00 The pl'imary and high schools a r e whose Il /llme was pl aced on t he bon.a l . ad v ~ n , c e m e~ , t a long moder n I lay ree k Hundred b"tween Willia m booths a n'd events a r e tabul ated P.enn ovelty Co., Bcer Ma n . 43.65 €.pcc';a: rowded to ca pacity. h onor a ry 1' 01<1'. sC len·tI fi c l~n e. : D. Dea n, the present incumbcnt, a nd below, amo'uruting to $15,063.89. R. D. Wil on Co., s upplies. _ 47.05 .r. n. lll\t:ns. t he noe w . u per in- Among t he ma ny t hi ngs intend- The ded,l,catlOn pa'r ty joul nyed harles L. Medill. Th m'e Is also a The expenses t otal. $6,197.93, O. Widdoes, express . ... 5.63 tonel l'l \\ ho .;; ucceed · P h in eas ed fo r t he n.ex t few m on t hs w,ill be from school to sc.hool In m otor contest [ 0 1' the Levy Court in t hr leaving a n,et pro'fi t 'of $8,865.93, Mrs. Ernest F razer, sugar . 53 .00 JI OITi.-. re:'igned, pent a busy min t r el s how , ,socials a,nd da nc ca rs a n,d he'ld brie f exel'cise at F ifth district betwecn Thomas R. t h e la r,ges t amount yet r ece ived, 1". L. Ha ll , expressage . ... .67 dar mee :ll,g his teache r s and get- ings, the d a n,ces t o be held e ve ry eac'h . Am{) ng t hose in t he pa rty . Clar ingbold, of Newark, and George b eing about $2,000 above laJst O. W. Widdoes, expt.essage ... .93 'I;g th e \I'(H'k fo r t he yea r o rga n- w eek with a n in tl' uc tor i n at- wer e Mr. du P ont , who, be i,des L. Batten of Red Lion Hundred. In yea r. Robt. T. McC lell and . .. ... 5. 00 izerl. Jlr. Owens IVa pricinpa'l of ten-da nce. ?ei n.g donor . of t he bU'i'ldings, t he Sixth senatorial district ther e is Wm . H. Und erheucher, tcnt . t h ~ 6.00 he JI Rne de Gra,ce, Md., h igh Th ro u'g h t he kindn,ess of the IS a l 0 vlce-preslde n,t of th e S tate aJ. 0 a contest bctween Itepl'esentative Receipts. /' C. W. Co l ma ry .. .... .. ~ . 3.99 !chool :l:,d co mes to N eW!l rk high Min ne'h a ha Ba nd mu . .ic wa,s f ur- of E d'ucation ; Geor ge B. William C. Brooks and William H. Big Show. C. W. Col mar y . ... B~a rd 3.00 I)' rec ommended. n,i ,hed wh ich will. also f u,r nis h. t he MI ll e r, pres id e n't. of the S tate Eva ns, both of Pencadel' Hundred. A. L. Beals ...... , ... .. $425.37 MI·s. Leli a Richardson, pl aying The C'l'c \\'ded co ndition on ehe mus ic f o r a ll occa si,on connected B ~a rd; A. R. Spa id.' State CO ~l- Among the .candidates who a re sa id Cake, _ piano . ... .. .. 10.00 openin!! (tlY i. a noth e r illll t r a- w·it h t h is or ganizatiton. ml SS lO'ne l' of Education,; Mrs. WIl to have fi led for th e different offi ces Mrs. L. E. Hill . .. .. .. 307.5 2 J a mes MOlTow & Son . .... 1,026.65 ~ion of :,he urgent !Leed o f a It i earnes t ly r eque ted t h at ham K . du P on t, lVIT. a nd Mrs. are the fo ll owing : Balloo n. Paul Steele, music . .. .. 35.75 d I I h 11 h ' ld r el'atives of t he Ia.te Comrade L t. H e nry P . Scott, Dr. J o e ph H. F CI k I' U I' Mi ss Fader . .. .. ... .. .. 198.92 C. W. Colm al'y ,. ... 13.92 m~ en; , c 100 t IV e~~e ~ , c I r~1l J. Alli on O'Daniel commu n,icate ' Odell, d kector of t he Service J h ' ~r W c: hale eace. Co nfetti Herma n Cohen, music . .. ... 35.00 ;~o~er~/ I; 'ere d 0 f o~' el~ h e c~~UIJ~ wit h the offi cel's of t h i Post as ~ i . ~ze ~ S ~n dl 1f ~ h e D elaware 0 ~or ' Co ~ ~tyt . Comptroller. ... .. .... .. 24 5 74 J ohn J ones, mu sic .
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