Nazi Collection Research Resources in the Archives and Special Collections Introduction This bibliography includes the materials that make up the Nazi Collection in the Archives and Special Collections. The collection documents the era of the Third Reich in German history, primarily through German language publications printed during the 1930s and early 1940s. It includes numerous ideological treatises and propaganda items; mostly books, some pamphlets and ephemera. It also includes manuscript collections and photograph collections. See also the guide to World War II Resources for additional information on available resources. The books in the Nazi Collection were donated by Richard Wire and more information about the collection can be found in his publication entitled, Modern Germany: The Research Collections of Ball State University. All materials are located in Archives and Special Collections, Bracken Library 210, and do not circulate. The titles can be found in CardCat. See Archives and Special Collections staff for assistance in locating materials. This bibliography was compiled by Amanda Morrison and edited by Maren Read, Archivist for Manuscript Collections, in 2006. The guide was updated in May 2015 by Brandon Pieczko. 1 Books, Pamphlets and Ephemera Abshagen, Karl Heinz. Canaris: Patriot und Weltbürger. [Canaris: Patriot and Citizen of the World.] Paris: Editions Météore, 1935. Socialist exile writes about conditions in Germany in the first months of Hitler’s rule. DD247 .C35 A6 Agence interalliée des réparations. Rapports du Secrétaire Général pour les annees 1946, 1947, 1948 et 1949. [Reports of the Secretary General for the years 1946, 1947, 1948 and 1949.] D818 .A35 Alexan, Friedrich. Mit uns die Sintflut, Fibel der Zeit. [With Us the Flood: Booklet of Time.] Paris: Edition Météore, 1935. A socialist exile writes about conditions in Germany in the first months of Hitler’s rule. HN15 .A44 Alexander, Edgar. Der Mythus Hitler. [The Myth of Hitler.] DD247.H5 A8 Alexandrov, Victor. Reise durch das Chaos: die verlorene Generation. [Journey Through Chaos: The Lost Generation.] DK268.A45 A315 Altheìm, Franz. Kimbern und Runen: Untersuchungen zur Ursprungsfrage der Runen. [Cimbri Tribe and Runes: The Question of Origin for Runes.] Berlin: Ahnenerbe-Stiftung Verlag, 1941. Examination and explanation of ancient German times from Nazi viewpoint—part of “Germanien”: Monatshefte für Germanen Kunde. PD2014 .A55 Amann, Bruno. Das Weltbild des Judentums; Grundlagen des völkischen Antisemitismus. [The World’s View of the Jews; Basis of the People’s Antisemitism.] Vienna: Verlag Karl Kühne, 1939. Propaganda piece on anti-Semitism. DS141 .A48 Ameln, Heinz. Werkleute singen: Lieder der NS-Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude. [Working People Sing: Songs of the Nazi Community Strength through Joy.] M1734 .W47 1936 Anderle, Alfred. Juni 1941; Beiträge zur Geschichte des hitlerfaschistischen Überfalls auf die Sowjetunion. [June 1941: Contributions to History of the Hitler/Facism case of the Soviet Union.] East Berlin: Rütten & Loening, 1961. Essays from the East German state on the Nazi-Soviet war—some by participants in wartime events. D764 .A52 Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth. Der Schattenmann: Tagebuchaufzeichnungen: 1938-1945. [The Shadowy Man: Diary Excerpts: 1938-1945.] Berlin, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1947. Diary excerpts from the war years. DD256 .A59 Anrich, Ernst. Deutsche Geschichte, 1918-1939; die Geschichte einer Zeitenwende. [German History, 1918-1939: The History of the Turn of an Era.] Leipzig: Verlag B. G. Teubner, 1940. History published during the Nazi period by a professor at Hamburg University. DD237 .A7 1940 Armstrong, Anne. Bedingungslose Kapitulation: die teuerste Fehlentscheidung der Neuzeit. [Unconditional Surrender: The Most Expensive Wrong Decision of the Modern Times.] D815 .A715 Arndt, Robert. The women in Hitler's life. DD247 .H5 A87 2 Arnold, Emil. Trusts--eine Landesgefahr, die goldene Internationale der Chemie-Industrie. [Trusts— A National Danger and the Golden International of the Chemical Industry.] HD9650.6 .A83 Aschenauer, Rudolf. Macht gegen Recht: unbekanntes Material aus der amerikanischen und britischen Kriegsverbrecher-Praxis. [Power against Right: Unknown Material from the American and British War Crimes Proceedings.] Munich: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Recht und Wirtschaft, 1952. Criticism by a German of the American and British trials of war criminals. K .A83 Attinger, Albert. Kampf in der Wüste: Roman. [Battle in the Desert: A Novel.] PT2601 .T88 K3 1945 Aubin, Hermann. Von Raum und Grenzen des deutschen Volkes; Studien zur Volksgeschichte. [Areas, Borders, and the German People: Studies of our People’s History.] Breslauer historische Forschungen, No. 6. Breslau: Verlag Priebatsch, 1938. Scholarly essays justifying history of German expansion eastward and westward. DD5 .A8 Bade, Wilfrid. Deutschland erwacht; Werden, Kampf und Sieg der NSDAP. [Germany Awakens: Formation, Fight, and Rise of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party.] Altona-Bahrenfeld: Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, 1933. Picture book portraying the growth and success of the Nazi Party. DD253.25 .B25 Bade, Wilfrid. Das heldische Jahr; Front und Heimat Berichten den Krieg, 97 Kriegsfeuilletons. [The Heroic Years: Front and Homeland Reports of the War, 97 War Feuilletons.] D739 .B3 1941 Baecker, Paul. Der Weg zur Reichseinheit. [The Path to a Unified Reich.] Berlin: Verlagsanstalt Otto Stolberg, 1937. A history of the various German empires leading to the Third Reich. DD89 .B16 Baerg, Gerhard. Deutschland, Kulturlesebuch mit übungen. [Germany, A Cultural Reader with Exercises.] PF3127 .H5 B3 1938 Baeumler, Alfred. Politik und Erziehung: Reden und Aufsätze. [Politics and Education: Speeches and Essays.] Berlin: Junker und Dünnhaupt Verlag, 1939. Selections from essays and speeches dealing with contributions to Nazi education and thought. H35 .B48 Baeumler, Alfred. Alfred Rosenberg und Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts. [Alfred Rosenberg and the Myth of the 20th Century.] Munich: Hoheneichen-Verlag, 1943. Work defending and praising the Rosenberg racial theme. CB425 .R74 B3 Bainville, Jacques. Geschichte zweier Völker: Frankreichs Kampf gegen die deutsche Einheit. [A History of Two Peoples: France’s Fight against German Unity.] Introduction by Friedrich Grimm. Hamburg: Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, 1940. German translation of a French historian’s book— published to show how France opposed German unification. DC59.8 .G3 B42 1940 Bang, Paul. Die farbige Gefahr. [The Color of Danger.] Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1938. Depiction of the danger posed by nonwhite peoples to the Western world. HT1581 .B3 Banse, Ewald. Geographie und Wehrwille: gesammelte Studien zu den Problemen Landschaft und Mensch, Raum und Volk, Krieg und Wehr. [Geography and Military Will: Collected Studies on the Problems of Landscape and Humans, Area and People, War and Resistance.] Breslau: Verlag Wilh. Gottl. Korn, 1934. Studies in Nazi geopolitics. G59 .B35 1934 3 Barnes, Harry Elmer. Blasting the historical blackout: Professor A. J. P. Taylor's the origins of the Second World War: its nature, reliability, shortcomings and implications. D741 .T342 1976 Barthel, Karl. Die Welt ohne Erbarmen; Bilder und Skizzen aus dem K.Z. [The World without Pity: Pictures and Sketches from the K.Z.] Rudolstadt: Greifenverlag, 1946. Experiences of a political prisoner in Buchenwald. D805 .G3 B34 Bartlett, Vernon. Nazi Germany Explained. DD253 .B35 1933 Bauer, Elvira. Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid und keinem Jud bei seinem Eid!: Ein Bilderbuch für Gross und Klein. [Trust No Fox on the Green Heath and No Jew on his Oath: A Picture Book for Big and Little.] DS145 .B35 1936 Bauer, Fritz. Die Wurzeln faschistischen und nationalsozialistischen Handelns. DD253 .B3522 1965 Bauer, Helmut. Ein Vielvölkerstaat zerbricht; Werden und Vergehen Jugoslawiens. [A Large People’s State Breaks: The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia.] Leipzig: Lühe-Verlag, 1941. Attempt to show why Yugoslavia could not survive as a single state. DR366 .B34 1941 Bauer, Robert. Zellwolle siegt. [Rayon Triumphs.] Leipzig: Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, 1941. Work showing importance of producing rayon—interesting aspect of economic conditions during wartime. TS1635 .B3 Baumann, Gerhard. Jüdische und völkische Literaturwissenschaft; ein Vergleich zwischen Eduard Engel und Adolf Bertels. [Jewish and Aryan Literary Science: A Comparison between Eduard Engel and Adolf Bertels.] Munich: Franz Eher Nachf., 1936. Work comparing and contrasting writing by Aryans and non-Aryans. PT85 .E63 B3 Bechert, Rudolf. Rechtsgeschichte der Neuzeit. [Historical Jurisprudence of Modern Times.] Volume XXIII, Part 2, of Schaeffers Grundriss des Rechts und der Wirtschaft. Leipzig: Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1939. Development of the law from the Middle Ages to the Nazi era. K .B427 1939 Beck, Friedrich Alfred. Deutsche Vollendung; Idee und Wirklichkeit des nationalsozialistischen Reiches. [German Achievement: Ideas and Reality of the National Socialist Reich.] Posen: Verlag Carl Feldmüller, 1944. Attempt to show Nazi educational and intellectual ideals in practice. DD61 .B38 1944 Beer, Max. Die auswärtige Politik des dritten Reiches Dritte Auflage. [The Foreign Policy of the Third Reich, 3rd ed.] DD240 .B33 1935 Behne, Adolf. In Stein und Erz; Meisterwerke deutscher Plastik von Theoderich bis Maximilian. [In Stone and Ore: Masterpieces of German Plastics from Theoderich to Maximilan.] NB563 .B43 Beherendt, Gustav. Wir wandern und singen!: Liederbuch der NS-Gemeinschaft
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