'A THE WEATHEBf Pereeast by V. 8. Weather Bnreae. NBT PRBSS RUN ' Wew Hnvea AVBRAdB DAOiY CIRCULATION for the month of February, 1028 ii ----- ,(^oiin. State Library Cloudy tonifi^it and Sunihy; 5 , 1 0 8 possibly showers; warmer tonight. JUeaiher ot the A adit BnrMV ot ClrcnlatioBa {TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1928. Classified Advertising on Pag® VOL. XLII-, NO. 149. TROUBLES MULTIPLY t POUCE CHIEF GERMANY IS UNABLE HUITMAN AND FOR A JOHN SMITH “REDS” AGAIN Scotland Yafd Probes Indianopo\is, March 24— John Smith, Negro, was on trial In IN MIAMI AS H A I B W I N 2 Criminal Court for burglary. TELL HOW TO Gun Running By Irish TO MEET PAYMENTS “ Have you ever been arrested | before,” boomed the judge. | N E ^ ^ K U L E R “ Nosuh, judge,” came the res-1 OUTUWWAR Londpu> March. 24— Gpaded on^ dieted. The prisoners are Joseph DISPUYCDPS ponse. I by several ominous warnings which Nolan, charged with illegal posses­ UNDER DAWES’ PLAN The prosecutor called for j sion of arms, and the steward of the file on “ John Smith." The i threatened personal injury, Scot­ a vessel plying between this city Indicted With Four Others record showed a total of 129 | Submit New Universal Dis­ land Yard chiefs today intpn'sified and Antwerp. The latter was taken Judges Make Decisions Aft­ charges, includiiiig fishing on ; their investigation of the alleged into custody by detectives who Sunday and murder. The 19- For Death of a Prisoner Bankers to Play Important armament Plan to League; plot of Irish Republicans to smug­ found a number of automatic pistols NAB BIG SWINDLER er Long Session; Keith’s year-old youth’s eyes bulged, j gle arms and munitions into the and a quantity of ammunition in Then he was permitted to see Free State by way of London. baggage taken from the vessel. Two Years Ago— Arrest Part In New Schmne to the folder. “ Judge, yer hon­ What Soviet Russia Sug­ The numerous Scotland Yard de­ At Stockwell, a suburb of Lon­ IN ST. LOUIS P. 0 . Win In Furniture, Dewey- or,” suddenly came from the tectives who participated in the don, a secret arsenal was found. prisoner, “ I wasn’t born when roundup of the supposed Irish gun­ The “ cache” contained a number of Causes Sensation. Help Her Meet Obliga­ some of these things was done.” gests. ^ men today received the following automatic pistols, riflfes and a quan­ Richman in Jewelry. It was the criminal record of tity of munitions. warning: tions— To Take Question all the John Smiths since the “ The fight is on. Interfere at It la believed that the warnings Caught After Long Chase; city was founded. came from one of several hundred Miami, Fla., March 24.— Police Geneva, March 24.— Soviet Rus­ your own peril.” After a long conference last Meanwhile two prisoners were young Irish Republicans in London Chief H. Leslie Quigg was held in Out of Politics. sia, although not a member of the who are classified by the police as Had Sold $1,000,000 night judges in the Window Dress­ being signed— “ A Gunman.” the count3r<stockade last night on League of Nations, again held the “gunmen” and who are said to ing Contest which was conducted Meanwhile two prisoners were indictment for the murder of H. center of the stage today in the being held as a result of the round- hold secret meetings for the discus- here in connection, with Spring 72 YEAR OLD BRIDE Kier, Negro bellboy, killed by po­ Worth of Fake Bonds. Paris, March 24.-j-The turbu­ conference of the preparatory dis­ up. and further arrests ’were pre- sion of smuggling plans. Opening events Thursday finally lice after his arrest on a minor lent German reparations question, armament commission as a result charge nearly two and a half years which has troubled the powers for reached an agreement on the win­ St. Louis, Mo., March 24.— Louis DRAWS A NEW WILL of the new universal disarmament ago. the past nine years, may be reopen- ning displays in ten different class­ Slater, aLas Dr. W. A. Miller, es. Two classes were eliminated plan deposited with the League sec­ TWO BADLY HURT SENATE TO CALL Technically Chief Quigg is charg­ next year, it was learned today. In­ charged with being the head of a since no attempt was made by any retariate last night. This was the ed with being an accessory before ternational bankers will play an of tho stores to win in those parti­ third set of proposals for general the fact of the murder, for which nation-wide bond forging syndicate, important part in any conference But Family Does Not Know COAL MEN AGAIN Lieut. M. A. Tibbits, Detective John cular sections. disarmament by land, sea and air IN AUTO WRECK was ’ 'ing held here today pending which is held'for the purpose of re­ The big winners in the contest Caudell and former Detective Tom aoTeement of authorities on plans moving the question from the presented to the commission by the Nazworth have been indicted, but realms of politics. It had been were the J. W. Hale Company and How She Will Dispose of for prosecution. Arthur L. Hultman. Both of these Soviet government in the past five the penalty. State Attorney N. 'Ver­ hoped that the Dawes Plan would non Hawthorne explained, is the Slater, whose band is accused of achieve this end, but Germany is stores won two cups, the Hale Com­ months. Picked Up Unconscious So To Ask Schwab and Rocke­ pany capturing the prize in the Her $5;000,000. same as for first degree murder manufacturing and selling spurious complaining that she will be unable Women’s Wear class and also in The new Soviet program divides and no bail is permitted. bonds to the amount of $1,250,000, to meet future payments under the Hie Textiles class; Hultman’s won the world into four groups of states No Details of Accident feller, Jr., to Suggest How Detective Indicted is already under indictment for Dawes Plan and the issue continues cups in Men’s Wear and in shoes. New York, March 24.— Since she for disarmament purposes: These Detective R. L. Wood of the fraud in Detroit and Louisville, and to be a “ football” of international The Winners startled society by eloping with groups classify the various divi­ Automobile Theft Bureau was in­ is wanted by authorities in Grand politics. The complete list of winners by her butler March 5, Mrs. J. Pierre- sions as follows: Are As Yet Available. To Better Conditions. dicted at the same time for mur­ Rapids, Mich., Dayton, Ohio, and There have been no decisive classes as announced late last night pont Edwards. Westchester county Pirst— Powers with standing i der in the second degree in the, kill- several other cities where his steps taken so far toward reopen­ was as follows; great-grandmother of 72 summers, armies of 200,000 or more men] 1 ing of Victor W. Parnell, Nov. 28, organization is said to have un­ ing the question, nor will European Women’s Wear and Accessories drew a fresh will disposing of her with 10,000 officers. Washington, March 24— John D. 11926. With these arrests seven loaded forged securities. statesmen admit an internation­ $5,000,000 fortune, it was said to­ Milford. Conn., March 24.— Two members of the Police Department — The J. W. Hale Company. Second— Nations having standing iRockefeller, J^., and Charles M. His Captor al conference will be held, but the Children’s Wear— Marlow’s’ De­ day. armies of from 40,000 to 200,000 more automobile victims are in are held in the county stockade on J. M. Nye, an official of the belief is growing stronger in num­ partment Store. The farthest hey daughter, Mrs. men with at least 2,000 officers. Milford hospital today, supposedly Schwab may be called again before indictments for murder. Nelson E. Guaranty Trust Co., of New York erous quarters that a concerte.d ef­ Men’s Wear and Furnishings-^- Robert J. Turnbull, would go to­ Third— States having standing as the result of speeding, and may Ihe Senate coal committee at a pro­ Ward and R. L. Glisson, Miami po­ and a former secret service opera­ fort will be made in 1929 to “ settle ward verification of the report liceman, were indicted last Tuesday Arthur L. Hultman. armies of 10,000 to 40,000 men die. They are Charles F. Robinson, posed joint conference of operators tive, is the man who trailed Slater the German reparations issue once Shoes, Men’s and Women's— Ar- was: for first degree murder in the with a comparative quota of per­ and miners to draft regulartory half-way across the continent to and for all.” tliur L. Hultman. “ Of course, mother’s marriage 43, of 576 Campbell avenue, West death of John Mabry, Negro, killed manent officers. Haven, and Louis Hofmeister, 29, lead him into a police trap here. Tentative Program. Textiles— The J. W. Hale Com­ will affect the old will.” Fourth— nations that were dis­ legislation for the coal industry. Jan. 15, 1928. It is suggested in unofficial Before she became the bride of of 390 Beach street. Chief Quigg was arrested by W. Nye bagged his quarry at the pany. armed after the great war, such as Robinson has a fractured skull Committee members indicated to­ post office late yesterday when circles that a conference will ’oe Drugs and Candy— Packard s the 43-year-old butler, John Bur­ day that the aid of the two indus­ E.
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