A LESBIAN REVIEW THE LADDER Adults Only .50 OCTOBER, 1966 5 ogramV — ^ôrnosexuaT mternatif , Jatrist I being/' said the Rey. iams whicÇ , MlierUt Cromey o< St. Aldan’i Group Fights tpiscopal Cauircb. ‘Tbe Lurches have been hkUzig ^üyeutioi fom horoo8exualit7.'' com* ilaiDed Canon Cromeye an Ban at Fair 4^etlc father of three girls. jThey won’t even admit 1 A San Francisco group con- IqS.F. here is a problem." Aerned w ith homosexuahtj "Do you think homosexual* Isaid last night that it wdl ^ ' ^ P r o U , , Hy is wrong?" he was asked. Iflght an order banning its nselviVi-. * a/M / ’ a /"That is the issue." replied |•■¡nto^roation■■ ^ n d 4 Itbe clergyman. "I don’t think t ’I ,Qo«ewoa* «. ... * 0, nitudi■es Lit is. Human beings do not !llorthcoming Calilornia State f'‘bn<î^‘^ Per. ft choose to become bomosexu* ¡ ¿ - ..y j, J^?oas f S. F.^Greets 'Daughters' \n unlortunaie httle spat he statement of apology (or cause of the nature of the or­ selves to the over-all theme of the convention: "San between the Daughters of Bii this oversight." ganization. Too many of CUST03IS I’^rancisco and Its Homophile . itis and the San Fianci&co these groups have already Community—A Merging So­ Walter P o tts, convention met here for that to be the ('onventiun L Visitors Bureau manager, said it was just cial Conscience" Tlie con- has ended happUy amiiuoderstanding reason. x entiOD is open to the public. HISTOR> The Daughters, a le&Liian He thought it waa only a one- >UGAZ1NE organiution which is holding day coQventioD and the Bur* He added: ‘‘It's a legiti­ mate group, it seems to have The Daughters of Bihtis eau nonnally doesn't list s was a lesbian in its fourth annual convention convention unless it is ai a history and it’s a bona fide at the Jack Tar Hotel begin convention.’' lYench literature is open to least three days long. any woman 21 years or older. mng Friday, were slighted The Daughters will, hou- Considering that only about *JOO p e o p le —both men and The group publishes a mooth- u hen its convention was not ever, meet from Friday ly magazine, *‘1be Ladder." Ibsted in last weeks list of through Sunday women are expected to regis­ ter, the coDventioD has also ) members, t t in [ conventio n ^ l i ^ up a rather impressive „»wmiMim»«*® list of speakers: Supervisor loh Dorothy VonBenddiagen, Municpal Judge G. Kennedy andJ* Ellis D^ §M ^ n d de* ] otioe hei ^ POU^L ^*1 tn Ì-. ^*Ve a and court MV* no laws“ 1 IDIn éïBï<«e' . handling the agi omia which outlaw the bo- h RuBvIdoal lem were casllgi sexual per se. Our laws oty efBda d e r of the directed at specific con- tngrtdd*! lunity,” and duct, whether that conduct is 2 " for equal trea engag^ in by homosexuals "If noBtl Fort, ^i^ieipmoieriiiii UD^ heterosexuals. i ' |adivta motaxuals need ear 9 ,aa*/rffl,wiai.iiJ^hat Considered soci^ ^ f< Frandsco. lent offld^ d p^gj^nce and unequal treat- office pub «.eans stems rom cropping up last weekweex ^ kj talk to 1 p r a ^ aberra ^f thei^ ----- IVm " t P e Æ ï * " 'w T lr f r Bilitis. wt^ver, iP:* . tion—the banning < Judge Jo- Francisco B^jgrniation” boo acfdi Kennedy told a seeaioa itis.' forthcoming Califoi that bomophilea aboold be iSHE was. Saib. I at aU dtt- prodlvttl^^iHfor na^iceV lot a Crime, Says Panel eommtmlty. We have in California which he homosexual per laws are directed at^ A Defense of Homosexuality conduct, whet ;»n «fSeYtó »>•* lit»* ttoïï^tìte I »«M, \ W>4 ,vior«ï fluf'fV A '-eclnd ^ October 1966 Volume 11, Number 1 i M d d ê l i purpose off the Published monthly by the Daughters of B llltls, Inc. a non­ profit corporation, .3470 Mission Street, San Francisco California 94110. b il it is NATIONAL OFFICERS, DAUGHTERS OF BILITIS, INC. i PRESIDENT - S h irle y W ilier A WOMES’S organization FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING VICE-PRESIDENT - Lois W illiams THE INTEGRATION OF THE HOMOSEXUAL INTO SOCIETY BY; RECORDING SECRETARY - M eredith Grey CORRESPONDING SECRETARY - Sten R u ssell .............. PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR - P h y llis Lyon TREASURER - Del M artin ............ THE LADDER STAFF *•••* ............. ............ ACTING EDITOR - Del M artin Education of the variant, with particular emphasis on the psych­ PRODUCTION MANAGER - Donna Manns O ACTING CIRCULATION MANAGER - Donna Manns ological, physiological and sociological aspects, to enable her to understand herself and make her adjustment to society in all its social, civic and economic implications— this to be accomp­ THE LADDER ii rtgardad ai a sounding board for various points of view on the homopbila and related subjects and lished by establishing and maintaining as complete a library as does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the organiiation. possible of both fiction and non-fiction literature on the sex de­ viant theme; by sponsoring public discussions on pertinent sub­ jects to be conducted by leading members of the legal, psychiat­ CONTENTS ric, religious and other professions; by advocating a mode of be­ havior and dress acceptable to society. ©Education of the public at large through acceptance first of the S. F. G reets 'D aughti^rs"..............................................................................4 San Francisco on the>Spot; Setting the Scene................................... 5 individual, leading to an eventual breakdown of erroneous taboos L e tte rs to the Mayor by P h y llis Lyon........................................! ! ! ! ! ! [ 5 and prejudices; through public discussion meetings aforemen­ History of S.P. Homophlle Organizations by Del Martin..................7 tioned; through dissemination of educational literature on the A Challenge to San Francisco by Wm. E. Beardemphl........................ l4 homosexual theme. Goodbye Again - a s to ry by Jeremy Drake..............................................16 Every Tenth Person Is a Homosexual!.......................................................2I Cross -C u rre n ts......................................................... ...................................... '. '.23 © Participation in research projects by duly authorized and respon­ L esblana by Gene Damon.................................................................................. 25 sible psychologists, sociologists and other such experts directed ( towards further knowledge of the homosexual. I Cover by Helen Sanders, ' O Investigation of the penal code as it pertains to the homosexual, I proposal of changes to provide an equitable handling of cases involving this minority group, and promotion of these changes through due process of law in the state legislatures. C opyright 1966 by Daughters of B llltls, Inc., San Francisco. C a lifo rn ia San Francisco on the Spot S. F. Greets SETTING THE SCENE Lois Williams, president of the host chapter in San Francisco, officially opened the proceedings of the Fourth National Con-’ ventlon of the Daughters of B llitls, Inc., on August 20, 1966 'Daughters' at the Jack Tar Hotel. She bid some 200 convention registrants welcome at an early morning hour and gave a light and witty talk designed "to wake you up. Jolly you along and get you In the proper frame of mind for the program that Is to follow" - an as­ signment Miss Williams may have considered difficult, but which she handled admirably. The next three speakers devoted their efforts to an explanation As reported In the San Francisco Chronicle on August 17 under of the homophlle movement In the city of San Francisco - Its the above headline, "an unfortunate little spat between the origins, history, goals, programs and position. These papers Daughters of B llitls and the San Francisco Convention and Visi­ are presented In this Issue, and reports on other speakers and tors Bureau has ended happily," the wind-up panel discussion will appear in subsequent Issues of THE LADDER. DOB was slighted in the week's listing of conventions In the Sunday edition of the paper. Phyllis Lyon, public relations director, followed this up with a letter charging "discrimina­ tion" and demanding "a public statement of apology for this oversight." She sent copies to the two San Francisco newspa­ Letters to the Mayor.. pers and the major TV and radio networks. ...Over the years public officials and churchmen have not been She got her wish - and then some. On the hour news spots were notable for their response to the homophlle organizations. This broadcast on radio stations KE'.ffi and KSPO. KEWB recorded two Is shown clearly in the following letter DOB sent to Mayor John Interviews with DOB members - one with Miss Lyon about the con­ P. Shelley In January of I 965 following the famous (or Infamous) vention and one with Del Martin and Bobbl Demlng about prob­ police harassment of the New Year's Ball. (Del Martin will give lems encountered by Lesbians In our society. Miss Lyon also you more specifics about that Incident.) I quote from DOS's appeared before the television cameras In a pre-convention news conference. letter to the mayor: "If you recall, back In 1959 the subject of homosexuality In this On August 20, the day of the public sessions of the convention city made sensational headlines during the regime of your prede­ program, a bevy of reporters were In the sound booth of the cessor, Mayor George Christopher, At that time we wrote to Mr. Q Hotel taping the speeches and discussion. Mr. Larry Christopher and offered our services In any constructive program bchlller, who Is working on a documentary for Capitol Records, he might undertake to bring enlightenment to the community about and George Pettlngell, of KEAR-FM, who Is likewise preparing this minority group. Mr. Christopher did not reply. a doc^entary for radio, recorded the entire day's proceedings. Reporters for KEWB Metromedia News taped some of the highlights, "In the spring of 196O gay bar payoffs made the headlines.
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