22009009 LLibertyiberty Games No. 1-4 - Feb. 20-22, 2009 FFlameslames BaseballBaseball QQuickuick FFactsacts LIBERTY (0-0, 0-0 Big South) GGeneraleneral IInformationnformation NNameame ooff SSchoolchool ...................... LLibertyiberty UUniversityniversity at CCity/Zipity/Zip .................................. LLynchburg,ynchburg, Va.Va. 2245024502 FFoundedounded ....................................................................................11971971 Coca-Cola Classic EEnrollmentnrollment ........................................................................ 111,3111,311 NNicknameickname.......................................................................... FFlameslames vs. No. 12 Ole Miss (0-0, 0-0 SEC), Feb. 20 - 2 p.m MMascotascot ........................................................................................EEagleagle SSchoolchool ColorsColors ..........................RRed,ed, WWhitehite & BBluelue vs. South Alabama (0-0, 0-0 Sun Belt, Feb. 21 - Noon AAfffi lliationiation ..................................................NNCAACAA DDivisionivision I vs. South Alabama (0-0, 0-0 Sun Belt), Feb. 21 - 7 p.m. CConferenceonference ............................................................ BBigig SSouthouth vs. Mercer (0-0, 0-0 A-Sun), Feb. 22 - 11 a.m. FFounderounder .................................................. DDr.r. JJerryerry FFalwellalwell CChancellorhancellor ..........................................JJerryerry FFalwell,alwell, Jr.Jr. VViceice CChancellorhancellor ..................DDr.r. RRonaldonald GGodwinodwin Mobile, Ala. - Stanky Field DDirectorirector ooff AAthleticsthletics................................ JJeffeff BBarberarber AAthleticsthletics DDept.ept. PPhonehone .......... ((434)434) 5582-210082-2100 The Games The Liberty Flames (0-0, 0-0 Big South) travel to Mobile, Ala., to start their 2009 cam- BBaseballaseball IInformationnformation HHeadead CCoachoach........................................................JJimim TTomanoman paign and the program’s 36th year at the Coca-Cola Classic, Feb. 20-22 at Stanky Field. AAlmalma MMaterater .......................... NN.C..C. SStatetate ((‘85,‘85, ‘‘95)95) Liberty will open its season, Friday, against the No. 12 Ole Miss Rebels (0-0, 0-0 SEC) at RRecordecord aatt SSchoolchool ..................335-26-1/One5-26-1/One YYearear 2 p.m. The following day, the Flames will play two contests, at noon and 7 p.m., against CCareerareer RRecordecord ................................................................SSameame AAssistantssistant CCoachesoaches ...................................................................... the tournament host South Alabama Jaguars (0-0,0-0 Sun Belt). Liberty will conclude the .................... NNickick SSchnabelchnabel (East(East Carolina,Carolina, ‘00)‘00) weekend tournament by facing the Mercer Bears (0-0, 0-0 A-Sun) at 11 a.m. Sunday. ............................................ GGarrettarrett QQuinnuinn ((MaineMaine , ‘‘98)98) ................................................................................ JJeremiaheremiah BolesBoles DDirectorirector ooff BBaseballaseball OperationsOperations.............................. What to Watch ..................................................BBillyilly DDanielsaniels (Liberty,(Liberty, ‘06)‘06) After posting a 35-26-1 mark in 2008, Liberty will attempt to get out to a fast start AAssociatessociate AthleticAthletic TTrainerrainer ................................................ in 2009 with seven new faces in the starting line-up. The Flames’ starting nine returns ............................................................................ SScottcott LLawrensonawrenson catcher Errol Hollinger, infi elder Cody Brown and outfi elder Jeff Jefferson from last year’s HHistoryistory line-up. Hollinger, who will start behind the plate for the fourth consecutive season, has FFirstirst SSeasoneason ooff BBaseballaseball....................................11974974 been named to the 2009 Brooks Wallace Player of the Year Watch list. Liberty’s Friday AAll-Timell-Time RRecordecord ........................ 9946-756-846-756-8 (.556)(.556) NNCAACAA TTournamentournament AppearancesAppearances ......................3 starter, Dustin Umberger, led the Big South Conference in strikeouts and was second in LLastast NNCAACAA AAppearanceppearance ......................................22000000 wins in 2008. The senior right-hander was voted by conference coaches as one of the top 22008008 OverallOverall RecordRecord........................................335-26-15-26-1 pitchers in the Big South (College Baseball Insider) entering 2009. 22008008 ConferenceConference Record/FinishRecord/Finish ............................ ..........................................................................................114-7/Second4-7/Second Friday’s opponent Ole Miss is ranked No. 12 in the nation and comes off its sixth SStarterstarters RReturning/Losteturning/Lost..............................................33/6/6 straight NCAA Regional appearance in 2008. The Rebels posted a 39-26 record in 2008 PPitchersitchers RReturning/Losteturning/Lost ............................................88/6/6 and advanced to the championship game of the SEC Tournament for the second time in LLetterwinnersetterwinners Returning/LostReturning/Lost........................ 111/91/9 NNewcomersewcomers....................................................................................1199 three seasons. Returning for Ole Miss is a bevy of players, highlighted by right-handed pitcher Scott Bittle, catcher Brett Basham and outfi elder Logan Power. Bittle is a pre- SStadiumtadium season All-America selection and candidate for the Brooks Wallace Award, while Basham HHomeome FFieldield ........................ WWorthingtonorthington StadiumStadium CCapacityapacity ..................................................................................11,000,000 was the top defensive catcher in the SEC last season and Power is the top returning hitter FFieldield DDimensionsimensions .......... 332525 ((LF),LF), 337575 ((LC),LC), for the Rebels. .................................. 339090 ((CF),CF), 337575 ((RC),RC), 332525 ((RF)RF) Host South Alabama returns fi ve starters from last season’s 32-26 team. Like Liberty, AAthleticsthletics CCommunicationsommunications IInfo.nfo. the Jaguars are led by a catcher. Senior David Doss has been named to the Sun Belt Con- AAsst.sst. AADD - CCommunicationsommunications .......................................... ference’s preseason all-conference team. The catcher, along with returning fi rst baseman ....................................................................................TToddodd WWetmoreetmore Ryan Bohanan, each hit over .325 in 2008. SSIDID OOfffi ccee PPhonehone ........................ ((434)434) 5582-229282-2292 CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-897441-8974 Mercer returns fi ve starters from 2008’s 24-33 team. Among the Bears’ returners are EEmailmail AAddressddress.............. [email protected]@liberty.edu outfi elder Joe Winkler, who was an A-Sun all-conference selection and Mercer’s leading AAssoc.ssoc. DDirectorirector ..........................RRyanyan BBombergeromberger hitter last season, and senior pitcher Dan April, who had a 2.70 ERA and 55 strikeouts in CCellell PPhonehone .......................................... ((434)434) 2221-557621-5576 EEmailmail AAddressddress...... [email protected]@liberty.edu 70 innings pitched in 2008. AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ......................................VVincentincent BBriedisriedis Liberty’s Probable Starters CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 8841-083941-0839 EEmailmail [email protected]@liberty.edu No. Name Cl. Hgt. Wgt. BAvg. Other Stats AAsst.sst. DDirectorirector ........................................ PPaulaul CCarmanyarmany 29 Errol Hollinger (C) Sr. 6-4 210 .319 60 Runs, 47 RBIs, 8 HRs, 19 2Bs CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((434)434) 2221-557521-5575 4 Cody Brown (1B) Sr. 6-2 215 .341 46 Runs, 52 RBIs, 9 HRs EEmailmail AAddressddress.......... [email protected]@liberty.edu GGrad.rad. AAssistantssistant ............................JJenniferennifer SheltonShelton 19 P.J. Jimenez (2B) Jr. 6-0 170 -- -- CCellell PPhonehone ............................................ ((828)828) 6638-387638-3876 1 Matt Williams (SS) Fr. 6-0 160 -- -- EEmailmail [email protected]@liberty.edu 5 Tyler Bream (3B) Fr. 6-0 205 -- -- 9 Jeff Jefferson (LF) So. 6-1 210 .286 18 Runs, 16 RBIs, 6 2Bs BBaseballaseball ContactContact ....................RRyanyan BBombergeromberger 6 Curran Redal (CF) Jr. 5-10 170 -- -- AAth.th. CComm.omm. FFaxax............................ ((434)434) 5582-207682-2076 11 Casey Brown (RF) Jr. 5-10 185 -- -- WWebsiteebsite ............................................LLibertyFlames.comibertyFlames.com 14 Doug Bream (DH) So. 6-3 210 .329 12 Runs, 18 RBIs, 4 2Bs, 2 HRs Liberty University Head Coach Jim Toman 2009 Baseball Schedule Record at Liberty: 35-26-1 (One Year) Career Record: Same Record: 0-0 Big South: 0-0 After a solid campaign in his fi rst year as Liberty’s head coach, Jim Toman enters his Feb. 20 vs. Ole Miss # 2 p.m. second season at the helm of the program. Feb. 21 at South Alabama # 12 p.m. Last season, the Flames fashioned a 13-3-1 record in the month of May to fi nish
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