Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-19-1968 The B-G News April 19, 1968 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 19, 1968" (1968). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2201. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2201 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Vietnam Activities To Begin Sunday Ten days of activities focusing on Vietnam are on tap here April 21-30. year. Me will discuss nis impressions of the war Planned to provide Information on the pros and situation at 7 p.m. In the Alumil Room, Thursday. co.ns of America's Involvement In Vietnam, the series Slated fo- next Friday, is Fred Ashley, adminis- of events will open with a documentary film, "Inside trative aid to Assistant Secretary of Slate McGeorge North Vietnam," to be shown at 2 and 4 p.m. In 105 Bundy. A 1957 graduate of the University Mr. Ashley Manna Mall, Sunday. served as a U.S. Foreign Sevice Officer in Vietnam A slate of seven speakers has also been arranged. for 30 months and received the Distinguished Service WGjm The first will be William Meroa, a conscientious Madll of South Vietnam. His talk will be at 3 p.m in objector who recently returned from Vietnam after Room 122 of the new 'library. two years of relief work with the Vietnam Christian Past national president of Students for a Democratic Service. His talk will be at 8 p.m. Monday, In the Society, Thomas Hayden will be the final speaker. Alumni Room. Mr. Hyden, who will speak at 7:30 p.m. Monday War hawk Father Daniel Lyons, a Jesuit priest April 29 In the White DDgwUOa Room played a role who has campaigned nationally against Communism, In the release of three American pilots lmorlsoned will debate reasons for continuing the war with Bowling in North Vietnam last year. Green professors on Tuesday at 7 p.m. In Rodgers An additional part of the Vietnam series will be Quadrangle ani 9 p.m in Conklin. a film entitled "War Games" to be shown April * i • •!*• iui*,,.*flMai On Wednesday, Carol McEldowney, afield secretary 27-30 In the United Christian Fellowship Building for the Ohio Peace Action Council, and Walter Hart, on Thurstin Street. Five other short films also will Ohio's Amerlcanslsm chairman of the American be shown on Tuesday, April 30, at the U.C.F HalL Legion will give their views on the war and its beginning at 1 p.m. ' YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE - But you can't eat it. This effects at 7 and 9 p.m. In Founders QiiJrangle and All programs will be free to the public except crepe paper creation decorates the Union lobby. Several events Chapman Hall. "War Games," which will cost $1 for admission. have been planned to celebrate the anniversary of the Union. The fifth speaker will be Don Wolfe, managing editor The series Is being sponsored by the University of the Toledo Blade, who toured South Vietnam last student government and the cam...us chapter of S.D.S. (Photo by Roger Holliday) r ' Highwaymen Present T* V% Q g _ £^> New Sound, Name By DOUGLASSCHLEGEL lng two new members, anew sound, Staff Writer and a new name. Their new name Is the Family The Highwaymen, scheduled to Album. Their new sound is a new appear Sunday evening for a Cel- News folk rock. And, the new mem- ebrity Series concert, WILL be bers are M.chael Scott, guitarist, Serving a Growing University Since 1920 here. With them they are brlng- ani Tedd Baron, drummer. The original three members, Friday, April 19, 1968 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Volume 52, No. 91 Mose Henry, Roy Connors and Renny Temple have the experience and a knowing way with an audi- ence. Together the five of them bring on i new musical freshness Mock GOP Convention that strictly belongs to the Family Album, W»iy the change? Opens Here Tomorrow The Highwaymen found that they as well as ihelr audiences, were By RALPH L. COLEMAN, JR. Special Writer votes as their real-life counter- Convention. tiring of Rock and Roll, and loud part. The chairman of ea:h state (Editor's Note: Ralph L. Cole- Tne Convention has been the folk rock, with its useless volume organization was encouraged to main concern of P'.iU Campbell, and unintelligible lyrics. They man Is delegations chairman for contact the state Republican head- the Republican Mock Convention.) President of the Young Republican looked for something that would quarters In that state to see how Club,who has devoted many hours catch the mood of the era, and This year's national political the delegates will vote In the to its organization. The Rules fo'Jid It In the Fam'ly Album. contest comes to the campus In Republican Convention next Aug- Committee, with the responsibility The new group presents a rock a big way tomorrow evening, as ust. For the sake of realism, each of establishing the rules which will show that Is comprised of "thought the Young Republican Club spon- state has adopted the mannerisms govern the Convention, is leaded songs" and comedy directed to- sors the University's first Mock and dress which are unique to that by John Thomas. The Delegations ward youthful audiences. The Republican Convention. Approxi- area. Committee, responsible for the Family Album combines versltillty mately fifteen hundred Bowling Each state will have an oppor- various state units and the com- and showmanshlD to blend miisical Green stuients will be partici- tunity to place names In nomin- pleted delegations lists, Is chaired talent, philosophical humor and pating In the Convention as Con- ation for the offices of President by Ralph L. Coleman. personality Into a creative pre- vention officials, floor workers, and Vice President, and will each The success of the Convention sentation. Delegates and Alternates. The announce the delegate votes of will be attributed to the co-op- Convention will be held In Ander- their respective unit. However, eration of many Individuals and The group now consists of four son Arena, beginning at 7 p.m. states which have favorite son organizations. The participants guitarists and one drummer. They The Honorable Charles F. Kur- candidates will be committed to are to be congratulated for a Job all sing and a couple are song fess, Speaker of the Ohio House that candidate on the first ballot. well-done—an achievement in writers. The three members of of Representatives, and a grad- For example, California (as re- which all of B.G.S.U. will share. the original group have learned uate of Bowling Green, will serve presented by Rodgers Quadrangle) the virtue of toning down, while as Chairman of the Convention. must cast Its 86 votes for Gover- keeping the numiier wild enough for Following the National Anthem, nor Ronald Reagan on the first Crowd Observes the college set. The two new played by the Army ROTC Band, ballot. After this, each delegate members add a freshness to '.his and the Pledge of Alleglence, Dr. will be entitled to vote for the Gentle Thursday, type of presentation. Jam;s Bond, Vice President of candidate of his choice. Student Affairs, will welcome the The candidates which receive the Temple, H-eary, and Connors pirtlclpants. mvjorlty of votes on each ballot Chalks And Talks rock along In both a subdued and will be elected as B.G.S.U.'s can- blatant manner. Scott and Baron, The highlight of the evening will be the Keynote Address. The didates for the August Convention. Yesterday a crowd of people both younger than the others, swing honorable James Cleveland, Re- After the Republican Convention,' stood around In small groups in with a youthful enthusiasm. T he publican Congressman from the the results of both conventions can the inner campus--some were current success of the Family Al- 2n 1 Ne.v Hampshire District, will be compared. talking, others were writing their bum and the bright future ahead, be the featured speaker. He will ■tallies for the three leading words of peace on the sidewalks, can be attributed to those tw-> fac- be Introduced by The Honorable contenders will be held today. Th» some Just watched. Everyone was tors ~ the experience In the Delbert L. Latta, Republican Con- "Youth for Nixon" organization there for a purpose. folk show tradition of the Highway- gressman from the 5th Ohio Dis- has scheduled a parade prior to Classes were over. It was time men and the youthful newness of trict. the Nixon Rally. Students who wish again for Gentle Thursday. The the Family Album. After a short recess at 8:15 to participate are encouraged to atmosphere was Informal, and They will also bring something pm., the convention will reconvene meet at the parking lot across everyone was welcome to offer new to the University. Instead and move Into the nomination of from 'he Administration Building encouragement or to scoff. of cancelling their concert they are candidates for the office of Presi- at 7:15 p.m. Tne parade will work M.'.chael Saba, sophomore In the bringing more than was bargained dent of the United States.
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