(856) 662-1954 Fax (856) 488-4713 DEVELOPMENTCORP. 2509 Riverton Road I Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Installers of Fine Millwork and Casework SAFETY MANUAL GALWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SAFETY MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section l ________________________Safety Policy Section 2 Hazard Communications Section 3 RespiratoryProtection Section 4 Hand and Power Tools Section 5 Fall Protection Section 6 ScaffoldSafety Section 7 Ladder Safety Section 8 Aerial LiftEquipment Section 9 ForkliftOperator Safety Section 10 Rigging& Material Handling Section 11 Fire Protection & Fire Prevention Section 12 Welding, Cutting & Brazing Section 13 Heat and Cold Stress Section 14 Control of Hazardous Energy Section 15 Chop Saws and Table Saws Section 16 Fall Protection Lesson Plan Section 17 Recording & Reporting Occupational Injuries & Illnesses Section 18 Exhibit A - OSHA 300 Log Section 19 Personal Protective Equipment Section 20 Housekeeping Safety Section 21 Drug and Alcohol Program Section 22 DisciplinaryAction Galway Development Corporation's SAFETY POLICY . SECTION 1 ... :·:(8'56}'�2-1954 Fax:'{t56f4�'8-4113 .GOJway. - .DEVELOP!"iENT CORP. - . 2509 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson New Jersey 08077 lnsrallers of fine .Millwork a.nd Casework SAFETY POLICY Th.e safety of employees a,:id of the general· public is of. vital concern to the management of. our. Company.· It is_ our .intent to conduct all -operations of the Company in a safe manner for the -protection of our _employees and of the general public. Each empl0yee.shall be assured of a safe and healthful working environment� It is, th�refore, the policy · of _the Company t_o follow operating p.ractices and - procedures which will result in safe and efficient.operations: The superintendent·and the foreman are-the competent persons in our safety effort.- They have the knowledge and experience to recognize unsafe conditions, and have tn.e authority to correct those conditions. These are the persons who are in constant touch with all employees and are aware of changing conditions. They are charged with conducting a safe._, efficient operation at all times. Sa_fety is an . opera-�iq.-g leadership responsibility and cannot be delegated to a �ubordinate or to a staff function_ Every individual who supervises, directs or controls the.· work or actions of other� is responsible for the safety of each person under his :;;supervision, direction or control. In addition; all such· individuals are responsible for the safety of equ,ipment and property withi:n the area of his responsibility. Each-. employee has a · responsibility to himself for his own safety and health and that of others with whom he comes in contact. In carrying out his assigned work, each employee must observe all safety and health standards related to his work. He will immediately report any -unsafe working conditions or practices to the attention of his foreman. All work will be conducted in a safe, efficient, workmanlike manner, and in accordance with the accepted safety standards of the trade and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. �LY};� Mark Sean McCloske£ President �' MANAGE:MENT'S MESSAGE ON SAFETY Galway Development Corporation believes that the prevention of accidents on the job is of primary importance to everyone connected with our Company. Accidents cause suffering and hardship to those immediately involved, and result in job delay and expense to contractors and our clients. A low accident rate is never the result of pure luck, but is always the direct result of a carefully planned program, conscientiously carried forward by management and supervision and communicated to each employee. Positive action will be taken to prevent accidents. OBJECTIVES: Our company firmly believes that a "O" accident rate is an attainable goal. It is the intent of Galway Development Corporation (GDC) to complete each contract with no OSHA recordable injuriesor illnesses. It is also the objective of GDC to work closely with a Client's Company personnel on any Project to ensure that we put safety first in all of our work-related activities. Since fall protection is the major safety concern on construction projects, we will comply 100% with a Client's Fall Protection and Fall Prevention Safety Procedures. In addition, GDC will comply with all of the other work-related procedures in this Safety Manual, as well as all of a Client's Safety Procedures and applicable OSHA Standards. On-site GDC management personnel will monitor the work activities of GDC personnel and a Client's employees to ensure that employees from both companies do not violate the safe work practices and policy procedures set forth by the applicable Client and Galway Development Corporation. Compliance with the Client's and GDC's established Safety Practices and Safety Policies shall be strictly enforcedby Galway Development Corporation. .. : : {856)"662-1954 -·qarcqay . · F� (856) �g:3-4713.· :. IJEVEl-OP!vIENf CORP. 2509 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson NJ 08077 ln.sraUers of Fine Millwork and �ork LOSS PREVENTI:ON PROGRAM This program is - des1.gned for the control . of losses arising £rom accidents involving employees, other contractors,· and the general public,. as well as those accidents invol v{ng properties· or- equipment. own·ed or leased by our CoIDI?any. While providing an·' excellent tool and guide, • it is not · a substitute for common sense and good judgment. -It will, however, be necessary for a1i members of management,· supervision and al·l employ�es to familiarize themselves with, and. abide by, -_the concepts_ of the· program. This will be appl:L·cable not only to the initial program, but to all amendments and addenda which may be made tn the future . The most effective measure of the viability of our loss control program is the worker's compensation experience modifier. Each member of management should be aware of the current modifier_ at all times. · A major company objective each year will be to decrease this modifier. Any increase in the experience modifier should serve as an i�ediate indicator that there. is a problem with the Company. The · experience modifier · can show a dramatic increase in one ye_ar based on both the number of accidents and the severity of accidents. After the increase,- it takes three to four years to return to the Company norm. Record--keep_ing is necessary to identify problem areas. · . The OSHA fonn }'300 · is a legal record which must be maintained. Therefore, . it · should be ·used as an indicator of accident trends. A periodic review will enable management to identify problem jobs, superintendents and individual· employees.· Safety attitudes on an individual job, while more difficult to measure, are an important indicator of overall safety effectiveness. 4 RESPONS.IBILITIES--=-MANAGEMENT Recognizing the economic waste of accidents· and their·mora1· and legal responsibility to protect employees, the general p�lic, property anct·equipment, management will: Accept the ultimate responsibility for.the safety_ of all op�rations. Assign a safety director, or U$e the.services of a safety consulting finn, to·ensure compliance .with safety and health standards on all work sites and operations, andtO coordinate ·safety and loss prevention activities. Delegate the responsibility for-safe· operations and OSHA compliance to each job-foreman. Ensure that the job foreman is held accountable for safe operations within.the scope of his responsibi- lities. Demand safe perfonnance from all employ��s, _and ex­ press this demand periodically and whenever the opportunity presents itself. ·· Obtain all necessary permits, licenses, etc. for all. work, as well as certificates of insurance from sub­ contractors. Insist that all subcontractors perform their work in accordan9e with our Company's Safety Policy and Loss Prevention Program, and in accordance with current OSHA stancta·rcts and regulations. Provide sufficient funds, time, personnel and equip­ ment for safe operations. Utilize, support.and participate in accident inves­ tigation activities. Insist that all accidents resulting in a loss of $500 or greater be thoroughly investigated and written reports submitted. Participate in, support and attend safety meetings in order to provide physical visibility of rnanagementr s concern for and interest in-safety. 5 -·- ·_. .MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Provide total-management support. Maintain, accident records on an individual job.basis. ·charge all safety and a.ccident charges to the .. individual j_ ob� Review accident records on a monthly basis.. Stress safety at each job meeting and document ·safety. items in the minutes of each job meeting. Review safety reports and ensure that corrective action is taken. Do not tolerate repeat items.· Establish realis_t1.c safety goals for each job_ Consider safety in pre-qualifying contractors'/sub­ contractors' bids. Establish· safetv- standards in the contract. Audit safety_ program with the safety manager or safety consultants on a periodic basisr not to exceed three months .. Use the attached evaluation fonn to measure effectiveness. SUPERINTENDENT RESPONSIBILITIES The superintendent is resp?nsible for.job safety. Correct unsafe conditions immediately. No repeats·. Conduct weekly.safety .meetings. Maintain accident records, including costs. Require-immediate reporting of all accidents . Maintain company safety standards. Be involved. in day-to-day safety activities. 13 SAFETY DIRECTOR/MANAGER·· · Audit accident records for each job. �onduct periodic safety inspections:of· each job. Frequency is to be. determined
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